The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Leaf screams,but not in terror in excitement,"it's so FLUFFY,"She yells running toward the strange beast thing.Her eyes full of pure wonder,as if she was staring at god himself,"Fluffffffffffyyyyy,"She says she ears turning red all her said memories forgotten.Leaf slowly reaches out her hands and pets Vex,giggle hysterically.Where did this big doggy come from.She thinks and hugs him. 
"Ah, tailoring?" Faye says, looking curious. She had always wondered what it was like being skilled in something like that. Her mother was also skilled in tailoring, but when she had tried to teach Faye how to sheer a sheep, well let's just say it was a disaster. "That's awesome," Faye tells Selina with a grin.

Faye turns back to Leaf and puts a caring hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, like Selina said, you'll be safe around us." She smiled warmly at Leaf, but her words were more hopeful than promising. "And Darian? Well...his uncle is King Calaer. Ya see, if Darian were to find out that we were planning to leave the village..well there's a chance he could turn us in..maybe even to the King. And do you know what that would lead to? Well, we'd be in some big trouble..maybe even locked up for the rest of our lives." Faye's insides froze, just imagining a life locked up. She shook her head..that wouldn't happen. "So, we can't tell Darian, okay?"
Vex was...a little perplexed, to say the least. He had expected at least one scream of terror, or for at least ONE person to run in fear. Oh well. At least he had a new friend, it seemed. He decided he liked this kid.

Vex grunted and licked the girls face. He decided to stay in beast form for awhile, just to see what they would do.

Stepping around the girl, he let out a small growl as he looked around at the his new friend's company.

"Oh, of course. Just wait, you'll probably be the the one who ends up protecting us all!" I smiled at Leaf. She was small, but she definitely had spirit.

I looked around at that moment to an incredible roar. I turned around to see a huge beast barreling towards us. Oh great, a shape shifter or something? Leaf squealed in excitement and I just stood back and rolled my eyes. I turned back towards my conversation with Faye.

"So we're in danger of being caught? Somehow I feel like that should be more worried about that." I grinned. It just added a whole new level of excitement and mischief to the experience!

I turned back to the beast as it growled at us.

"Oh, cut it out," I snapped. I had a cousin like this, so I was quite used to it. "Just change back into form and introduce yourself, why don't you?" The beast just growled again. I rolled my eyes again, repressing a smile.
Faye stumbled as the ground shook. Unfortunately, she's in an unconvenient location for a moment like this. Her arm falls into the fire, causing a terrible pain to shoot through her body.

She curses loudly, ripping her arm from the fire. Her deep brown eyes widen as she grasps her wrist in pain. She leans down against the log, looking up at the massive, roaring beast in which Leaf is running over to.


Faye forces herself onto two feet and backs away, still grasping onto her arm, which has an enormous burn as of now.

"Leaf..get away from that.." she says, but she's unable to yell because she's in so much pain.
Vex cursed internally. How could she have known?!?

Grudgingly, he slowly changed back into his human form and crossed his arms.

"You're no fun, you know that?"
The invitation had writting over it. The words about the bond fire made Nate curious about what it was about. Other's were probably arriving too. To many people could Nate ffeel unwelcomed. He didn't like to be at the center of the attention, and being late wouldn't hve made it any better. Natte walked to where the fire crackled in the distance. Nate stepped forward quietly, his matted light blonde hair fell infront of his eye's. Nate stepped towards the sounds of voices, glancing at each person before stepping back. He remained quiet however.

( Thanks )

"...get away from that thing," I hear Faye gasp from behind me.

At that moment I realize that Faye had fallen into the fire.

"Faye!" I hurry to her side, "Are you okay?"

I glared back at the beast, any hint of a smile gone now. "Okay, no more fun and games, you hurt somebody. What's your problem, huh?" but the "beast" had changed back into his human form.

"You're no fun, you know that?" he said.
Leaf disappointedly looks at Vex,"Oh,doggy is a person,"She frowns walking up to him and poking him in the stomach,"Hi I'm Leaf,"She says circling him,"Awww you don't have a tail still."
Faye closed her eyes in both pain and stupidity as she watched the beast form into a (very..very attractive) boy with silky white hair. How could she be so dumb? Of course it was just a shapeshifter. I guess it just happened so fast, not to mention, her entire arm was burnt and stinging from falling in the damn fire pit.

"Ugh..." Faye moaned, dropping to the ground and sitting there in agony. "Damn it!"
Faye looked up at Selina and managed a thankful grin. "Ah, thanks.." she said, trying not to allow any tears to escape her eyes. "But I'll be fine...I arm's a little burnt, that's all."
Vex raised an eyebrow at the girl who had been oggling over him.

"You're an eccentric one, aren't you?"

He turned from her and walked over by the one who had been burnt.

"Eh...sorry about that...didn't think anyone was gonna trip and fall into the fire or anything like that..." Vex said, rubbing the back of his head in an embarrassed manner.
((WOOOOAAAHHH. I`ve missed out on so much. Lolz, Nook`s hair is blue. Foggy, mind helping me get back in? Just interact with my character.))

"Well, let me make a sling for you," I said, reaching into my bag. It was my main sewing bag, thankfully, so I had all the supplies and fabric I needed. I grabbed a couple strips and started tying them up with the remains of Faye's sleeve. I stood back when I was done, proud of my work. Tailoring wasn't all pretty clothes and old women sitting around sewing, after all.

I glared up at the white-haired shape shifter again, "So, who are you and what was that all about?" I ask.
((lol nice nepeta GIF. Like my avatar? Anyhoo, I don't know who your character is, nor do I know the circumstances surrounding your presence in the plot))
Nate stood and watched the scene play out. "You know," He mumbled to Faye, "There are better ways to clean your skin, without fire." Nate leaned up against a tree, cowered in shadow's. Nobody had noticed him yet and maybe they wouldn't. Nate brushed his light colored hair out of his light blue eye's. E watched the kid shift back into normal.
Faye looks up to Leaf, who's now leaning over her as well with concern. "No, no.." Faye says, managing a cheery laugh. "Don't worry, guys. Aha..."
Leaf frowns,"Your not okay.Don't lie,"She harsher than she meant to,"I wish I could do Holy Arts,but no I get stuck with magic,"She whispers.
FroggieJay said:
((lol nice nepeta GIF. Like my avatar? Anyhoo, I don't know who your character is, nor do I know the circumstances surrounding your presence in the plot))
((Do the windy thing!!!! Hehe, thanks! It`s okay! i`ll have to figure out another way to join in))

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