The Path From Fayland - Official RP

[QUOTE="Little*Dreamer](summary please)

Okay! Basically, here's what's happened so far: Faye, Ivy, Juniper, Roslyn, Darian, Nook, Nook's younger sister Jeya, Leaf, Selina, Nate, andddd Vex are all at the bonfire. It turns out that Darian's uncle is King Calaer, the leader of all Light Elves. Faye wanted to tell everyone that she wanted to adventure outside of Fayland and see what's out there, but she needed all of them to go with her for a larger chance that they survive out there. However, since it's forbidden to leave Fayland and it could lead to being imprisoned if someone (especially the King) were to find out, Faye got Ivy to pull Darian away from the bonfire so that he didn't hear what she was about to ask everyone. They planned this because they were afraid that he would tell the King, which would lead to them being in big trouble (possibly imprisoned). Therefore, everyone but Darian and Ivy are around the fire. Faye told everyone that they were going to adventure outside of Fayland and just about everyone has agreed to going on the journey. Also, Vex shape shifted into his beast form and made an interesting entrance, which startled Faye, causing her to stumble into the fire and burn her entire arm, which is now in a sling~which means she needs someone who is skilled in Holy Arts to heal it for her *hint hint* xD ~
[QUOTE="Little*Dreamer](Oh I wonder who is skilled in the holy arts.. hmm...Okay, I'll think of a way to join in again. Thanks for the summary.)

(Hmm, I wonder too xD hahah, oke! No problem! ^^)
(and imma need someone who is skilled in holy arts to help me when Darian brings me back, because i kind of got hurt, but he stopped coming on for a while so i'm kind of stuck off-grid. when he comes back ill start playing again.)
Juniper took in everything silently trying to let the information seep in before she decided anything. Leaving was dangerous, very dangerous. Just having this conversation was dangerous. She looked into the fire thinking. She looked up watching the shapeshifter approach, she stood up startled when Faye stumbled into the fire. She watched the commotion not sure what to do. After the emotions died down and everything calmed out. She approached Faye.

"I can help with the uh" she gestures to her arm "the burns." she finishes. She wasn't an expert by any means. She had never healed anything big before, but she thought she could handle a few burn marks. 
(Juniper to the rescue! dun da da duh! She can't fight a fly, but she can save it's life.)
Faye looks up at Juniper, relief washing over her face.

"Really? You could do that for me? I'd really appreciate that! I honestly have no idea how I can shoot my bow with my arm all messed up like this." Faye frowns as she gives her arm another look, knowing it's bad considering it's in a sling.
Nate glanced at Faye and smile lightly at her be fumbled appearance. " Don't Worry I'm Not a Spy or Anythying." He assured her. Nate listened to her plan about leaving Fayland, and nodded. " Sound's like an Adventure!" He announced. Nate crossed his arm's over his chest. Listening to each question she had for him. "Oh, I'm Sorry. I'm Nathanial. But use my Alias, Nate."
Juniper nods her head "I think so" she replies and looks at her arm. She bites her lip on concentration taking hold of Faye's arm. Juniper watched as the burns slowly healed. She releases Faye's arm and sits back down down exhausted from using so much energy.
Okay! Basically, here's what's happened so far: Faye, Ivy, Juniper, Roslyn, Darian, Nook, Nook's younger sister Jeya, Leaf, Selina, Nate, andddd Vex are all at the bonfire. It turns out that Darian's uncle is King Calaer, the leader of all Light Elves. Faye wanted to tell everyone that she wanted to adventure outside of Fayland and see what's out there, but she needed all of them to go with her for a larger chance that they survive out there. However, since it's forbidden to leave Fayland and it could lead to being imprisoned if someone (especially the King) were to find out, Faye got Ivy to pull Darian away from the bonfire so that he didn't hear what she was about to ask everyone. They planned this because they were afraid that he would tell the King, which would lead to them being in big trouble (possibly imprisoned). Therefore, everyone but Darian and Ivy are around the fire. Faye told everyone that they were going to adventure outside of Fayland and just about everyone has agreed to going on the journey. Also, Vex shape shifted into his beast form and made an interesting entrance, which startled Faye, causing her to stumble into the fire and burn her entire arm, which is now in a sling
After removing the sling from her arm very carefully, she held her arm out to Juniper. While she did so, Faye turned to nod at Nate, adventure sparkling in her eyes. "Alright, Nate. I'm glad you're in! Just one more thing, what's your talent?"

Faye then looked back in Juniper's direction, noticing she was no longer holding onto her arm. She saw her sitting down on the log, now looking fairly exhausted. Faye's pupils fell upon her arm, unable to see the enormous bruise that was there just a minute ago.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed, observing her arm with wide eyes. "It--it looks like I never even burned it! That's incredible!" Faye looked back to Juniper and smiled immensely.

"Thank you so much! We're definitely going to need you on this journey!" she told her with utmost enthusiasm. 
(Well, as of now Faye's arm is all good xD But yep! That's the summary xD )
Roslyn pondered to herself. Leave Fayland? It's a death sentence. But.....what do you have to loose. She looks to Faye then takes her bow out holding it beside her. "Well, there isn't much for me here, and I am always up for a potientially deadly adventure, so you can count on me and my bow.".
Nate smiled at her, only to have it fade when she asked for his talent. The last shape shifter had freaked Faye out enough to make her fall into the fire. "Well... I...... Uh..." He stammered, stepping backwards. Nate glanced down quietly, stepping back into the shadow. "That's Not Important Right Now," He finally sputtered out. Nate glanced at her arm, before glancing at Juniper. She had healed Faye, that was an amazing skill that the kid had. "Anyway's, I Was wondering if you had planned anything out yet?" He asked, leaning up against the tree. "Like when we're leaving and so on...."
Faye smiled at Roslyn when she agreed to joining them on the adventure. She knew she really didn't need to worry about Roslyn not wanting to go. It seemed like she was a very confident and brave elf who would be interested in doing something like this.

"Awesome!" Faye exclaimed to her. "I'm glad you're going to be joining us, Roslyn. Although, I didn't doubt that you'd say yes. I think we'll really need you on this journey, also."

Faye grasped onto her bow that was strapped to her back and added, "We'll need a pair of skilled archers on such a journey." Faye smirked then gestured to the rest of the group, "Not to mention, we'll need everyone's skills on such a journey."

She then looked up to where Nate had slipped back into the shadows. Faye took a few steps forward towards where he had gone, until she could see his face through the darkness.

"Don't be shy, Nate." She chuckled a little before speaking further, "You can tell me your talent. And as for the journey, well, I'm planning on us all going as soon as possible...and when everyone's ready. We need to prepare ourselves to go."

Faye looked down the eerie path back to the village where her friend had left, along with Darian a long time ago. The night had grown old and dark and she wondered where they had gone off to.

She sighed a little, hoping they were okay.
Juniper lifts her head slightly, her arms resting on her knees. She shrugs not having the energy to do much else. She wasn't much use in fighting and that seemed pretty necessary, she could barely create a proper shield. With this many people, being the only one with holy arts was going to be a challenge and she wasn't sure she was the right person to take it on. If anything about the dark elves were true she could already see herself having too choose who to heal and who to shield. Hopefully that would get everyone to be nice to her rather then blame her for choosing wrong. She remained seated on the log thinking it all over weighing the pros and cons while listening to the conversation around her.
(Sorry, I had a basketball game, and I totally forgot to get Ivy out of Darian's arms before leaving. Please forgive me!)

Darian searched through the brush, but couldn't find the glint of silver that he'd seen before. 'I must have just been seeing things.' He turned back to Ivy and said, "One of the elves at the bonfire knew Holy Arts. I'm sure she'll help you out." With that, he lifted Ivy once again and bounded off to the fire, this time without stopping for anything. When he arrived, he immediately inquired, "Is anybody here skilled in the Holy Arts? Ivy here got into some trouble and needs a little healing. I'd do it myself, but combat's more my thing." He put Ivy down to rest on a log, and then he stood up. "By the way, did I miss the announcement?" he asked innocently, although he was almost sure he knew that they'd intentionally said it while he was away.
(btw Juniper and Gypsy, just so you know, Vex's beast form looks like this

(its about the size of a smallish elephant)
Juniper looks up hearing someone ask about the Holy Arts. She frowned already tired from having to use them only a moment before. She would need a moment before she had enough energy to use her skills if you could call them that. She answers the question anyways "I am." she states "But you'll have to wait a moment." she adds sitting up straight so she didn't seem rude although she wanted to rest her head in her lap.
Nate leaned against the tree, watching as Faye stepped forward, just to get a better view of him. That was one thing he was good at. Blending in with the shadow's wasn't a hard task for Nate himself. Nate crossed his arm's, listening to her plan's. "That sounds," he started, "Great in Plan form." Nate nodded at Faye. He wasn't being bashful, or maybe just a little bit. Nate glanced at her. "I'm a Shape-Shifter." He announced, smiling at her. "But, please. Don't fall in the fire again Faye.." Nate gleamed. "And I am pretty good at hiding in the shadows." Nate looked over to Juniper, "if you can't move, I can carry you" He announced over to her. She might not been able to even See Nate, but it was still a generious offer.
Vex, still in beast form, lumbered over to Nate and shapeshifted back to normal form.

"You're a shapeshifter, too? What do you become? Show me."
(Oh, hahah it's okay! How'd your game go? c: )

A few minutes after she wondered where they went, Darian came striding on into the clearing, carrying Ivy bridal style. It was really hard for Faye to hold back an amused smirk, so she tried to hide it by looking away and casually scratching her head, but as usual she just looked awkward.

After taking a moment to process the sudden scene, she turned back to Darian as he just finished settling Ivy onto a log.

"Oh! No, you didn't miss anything! The announcement was just that, uh.." Faye hesitated, not knowing what to use as a cover up. "Actually, it was so unimportant that I forgot."

Faye scratches her head again and laughs awkwardly, moistening her lips as she looks away. Did I really just say that? Man, I need to get better at lying..she thought to herself, walking over to Ivy.

She took a seat beside her on the log and whispered beneath her breath, "Wow, not only did you trick him, but you got him to carry you back bridal style." Faye smirked playfully and punched her arm. "You don't really need any healing, do you?"
(Its okay, Lysander. Thank you for coming back xD Ivy was stuck in Darian's arms all day xD )

Ivy looks at Juniper who had told her to wait to be healed. "Yes, it's okay, Juniper. I'll wait. You look tired." Ivy smiles. Ivy looks at Faye who had just said something to her. Ivy rolls her big blue eyes. Darian asks about the announcement and Ivy feels a pang of guilt. She's also a little upset that she didn't get her harp back--it would seem her plan didn't work as...well, planned. "Darain?" She asked raising her voice so that he'd hear and pay attention to her. "I would like to speak to you for a moment alone. I remember something about the person who attacked me and stole my harp from me. This is extrememly important, I'd like to talk right now, but I don't want anyone else to hear." she mumbles softly. Ivy knew from the moment she'd taken the task from Faye she wouldn't be able to complete it without feeling guilt. Ivy wasn't one to lie. She got up and hopped as best as she could away from the fire. She couldn't support any weight on her ankle, but she could hop a little and the distance wasn't that far that she would like to stand. She did look a little silly hopping on one foot, but nonetheless, she turned back to Darian. "Are you coming?" she yelled. Now, out of earshot from the others, she could finally tell Darian the truth.
(Thanks. The game was a bore, to be honest. XP We went up 20 in the first quarter, the coach took the starters out, which includes me, and we never played again. Kinda a waste of time, but you gotta play the bad teams to play the good teams. It's whatever.)

Darian could tell from Faye's rather lame excuse that he'd missed something rather important, and that it had been done deliberately on Faye's part. 'No matter. I've spent years studying and training, so I'm pretty sure a simple girl with some sort of daydream won't be keeping me from the truth.'

Without letting any recognition of being duped on his face, he spoke to the gathering at large. "Well, I guess I'll leave Ivy here in your capable hands. I've really got to get going. You know, spells to learn for Master, errands to run for Uncle Calaer, court officials to bug for my entertainment, etc." he said with a humorous chuckle. "See ya." he exclaimed as he bounded away towards King Calaer's Court, and thus, his residence.

At that moment, he heard Ivy's request to talk in private. 'Hmm, perhaps I won't have to resort to any of my ideas after all. It seems that one of the perpetrators of the scheme has cracked.' He walked over to Ivy. "Yes, was there something you would like to tell me?" he asked inquisitively.
Faye then moved from the log and walked back over to Nate. "Oh, sorry, our conversation was interrupted, aha." She shrugged apologetically. "You're a shape shifter too?" An amused smile slipped onto her face as she laughed. "Don't worry, as long as you don't come racing into the forest and roaring loudly five feet away from me, I should be alright." She gave Vex, who was standing beside them, a knowing look, but couldn't help herself from smiling. It was pretty funny, no matter how bad it hurt to fall into the fire pit. I mean, her arm was all good now, so she might as well laugh about it. She then looked back to Nate and continued, "Plus, when I'm over here in the sketchy shadows with you I'm plenty of feet away from the fire pit. Phew.."

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