The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(I'll help you out Berace)

Leaf turns away from Faye and walks over to Nook.She starts to mess with his bright blue hair,"Hi-Ya,"She says as she starts to braid the longer strands her fingers working quickly,giggling a bit as she did. 
(Nate will be brought in shortly mawahahahaha)
Faye heard a voice mumble "You know, there are better ways to clean your skin, without fire.." but she didn't know who it was.

She allowed her eyes to scan the clearing, but no one was in sight as far as she could tell. It gave her some slight chills, or at least she was sure it did, but she couldn't feel anything other than agony at this point.

Faye looked up at the shapeshifter who had startled her, noticing how embarrassed he looked. She laughed a little and shook her head. "Don't worry about it, it's not your fault," Faye told him, even though she thought otherwise. "I'm the one who fell into the fire, hah, clumsy me." Faye forced another smile, more pain shooting up her arm. "Ahg!" she gasped, gripping her wrist tighter while clenching her eyes shut to overcome the pain. Once she was able to open her eyes again, a moment later, she spoke further.

"And Selina's got her crafty sling goin' on here, so I'll be alright. Thanks so much for that," she says, looking up at Selina. "You will certainly come in handy on this journey." Faye chuckles softly.
((Cool guys! I got a solution.I`ll make a character profile for Jeya too))

Nook, his head sightly less dizzy, return with a cup of water to his stump only to find it occupied by a fairly attractive red head*No 0ne really* who was happily gushing at his little sister. He could barley see her through the girls that surrounded her. 'I knew my sister was cute, but this is too much.'

He went off to find and bring over another stump to sit on when he saw Leaf, another one of his friends, rush towards him before messing with his hair. "Hey Leaf, careful with the hair!" He joked unbraiding the hair she had done. He stood there talking with her asking about what was the bonfire was for and if she had brought or seen anyone else familiar taking sips of water once awhile.

Meanwhile, Jeya who had been left to face the horde of older girls somehow sneaked away by getting on her knees and crawling through the bodies. She was finally free and ran towards the table with sweets and drinks. She stayed far away from the wine while she tiredly poured herself another glass of honey water. It was very refreshing and energizing. She thought about how crazy those girls were, acting like that as she leaned on an old tree with a bagful of stolen sweets from the table. "They did a pretty good job though." She admitted. She munched on a blueberry muffin when she saw a head of white hair between the branches above her.

"Hey! Whatcha doing up there?"
Faye gave one last thankful smile to Selina before pulling herself up onto two feet again. She held her arm in the sling, realizing how much this is gonna suck since her talent is archery. Damn..well, maybe she can ask Juniper to heal her later.

Faye glanced down the path, wondering when Ivy and Darian would return. She should probably make sure everyone's aware of the plan before they did return.

"Uh, hey everyone!" Faye shouted just loud enough for the group to hear. "So, is everyone aware of the plan--to leave Fayland? I know it's a really big commitment to make, but come on, it'll be worth it!"
(Lol Berace you know that the only people at the bonfire are Faye, Leaf, Selena, Jupiter, Nate, Vex, Roslyn, Ivy, Darian, You and Jeya, right? They're the only people invited by Faye, because she had made an announcement for only them to hear because shes trying to keep said announcement as hush-hush as possible. Sorry for the confusion!)
Nate smiled lightly. He noticed the one girl, Faye's puzzled expression when he had called out to her. But, it appeared she hadn't noticed him. Nate must have been hidden well by the shadows. Only when she rose and announced about the plan to leave the place that he stepped forward. "Leave?" He mumbled quietly. " And your serious about it?" He questioned. Nate smiled lightly. " ano I haven't heard about the plan yet. Please enlighten me. "

Nami said:
(Lol wheres Darian? x'D Ivy's stuck in his arms hahahahah)
(Ivy's back hurts as she lays in Darian arms while he stands still in his place. It's been about an hour now. "Darain! Darian! Wake up!" she shouts to no avail. Ivy slumps back and makes herself comfortable. 'This might take a while,' she thinks.

Lol jk, guys, Nami and I dissapeared all yesterday because we were painting. Lysander is forgiven. xD )
Faye looked over at the quiet, mysterious boy who stepped out of the shadows. It sounded like the voice she had heard earlier.

"Hello?" she said, but it came out as more of a question. Who was he?

"Sorry!" Faye blurted quickly, not wanting to sound rude. "I just..I didn't know you were here..we were just..uhm.." Faye stammers, unsure if she should tell this mysterious boy the plan, slightly afraid that there's a chance he'll turn them in. It was basically too late to stop talking now, though. Faye had already announced it to everyone.

"Yes..we were planning on adventuring outside of Fayland. It's a dangerous idea, I'm aware. We're all aware. However, why bother staying here in Fayland? There's so much we don't know about the outside world and if no one can tell us..why don't we go find out ourselves?" She keeps looking at him, awaiting a response when she decides to ask him something.

"I'm sorry, but what's your name?" she asks softly. 

MandaMae338 said:
(Ivy's back hurts as she lays in Darian arms while he stands still in his place. It's been about an hour now. "Darain! Darian! Wake up!" she shouts to no avail. Ivy slumps back and makes herself comfortable. 'This might take a while,' she thinks.

Lol jk, guys, Nami and I dissapeared all yesterday because we were painting. Lysander is forgiven. xD )
(hahahahah, I just cracked up x'D lmao, true, true. ) 
(brb quick, dinner~ ^^) 
(Im back~)
((*you're serious about it))

"You guys are leaving? I'm coming too, then. Not much excitement in this place. Besides, you guys could use some protection."

After saying this, Vex shapeshifted back into beast form as let out one last roar before laying down on the ground and licking his paws.
Faye smiled at the large beast, now knowing it was really just a harmless boy.

"The more the merrier!" she exclaimed.
Vex the beast grinned widely, revealing stereotypical rows of razor sharp teeth. He stood up and lumbered over to Faye, grunting slightly and licking her face.
Faye chuckled happily as the enormous creature licked her face, causing her to stumble back a little. "You're lucky I'm not near the fire this time," she joked, a smirk appearing on her face.

Faye wasn't one to directly blame people, nor was she one to hold a grudge.
Walking over next to the fire, Vex spun around a few times and lay down like a dog. He lazily eyed the rest of the group around the fire.

After a bit, a mischievous smile played across the beast's face. He stood up and walked over to the girl who petted him earlier, and grabbed her gently with his teeth and flung her up onto his back and then took off running.
FroggieJay said:
(if ya know what I mean *suggestive eyebrow waggle*)
(Oh dear.. xD ) 

[QUOTE="Little*Dreamer](Hey I'm here, I'm trying to catch up)

(Hey there! Welcome back xD Do you need a summary of what happened or do you just wanna read everything? :o )

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