The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Ivy let out a huge sigh. "Well first, I'd like to point out that my harp was in the bush next to the one you looked in like I said," she smiles weakly, "bu-but I was the one who'd placed it there..." Ivy admits. "Look, Darian, I need to know that I can trust you! You have to promise me this or I won't say another word!" Ivy cries, worry spreading across her pretty face.
As Faye stood beside Nate and Vex, she noticed Ivy from the corner of her eye..hopping..over to Darian. Faye looked over Vex's shoulder, furrowing her eyebrows together in curiosity. She assumed Ivy was actually pretending to have hurt her ankle still, which makes sense. But what more did she have to say to Darian? For a moment she considered the thought that Ivy could possibly be going to tell him the truth. Would Ivy really risk getting them all thrown in prison for life? Faye shook the thought away, realizing it wouldn't make sense for Ivy to keep pretending her ankle was hurt if she was telling him the truth.

Kai laughed softly, eyeing the two from afar. "She just can't get enough of him, can she?" she said aloud to herself. She laughed, shaking her head at Vex.
Darian smiles at Ivy. "I knew that the harp was there all along. I simply told you I didn't find anything, and since I rushed you back so fast, you had no time to question what I'd said." Saying this, he pulled out a small instrument from his satchel where he'd stored it; it was Ivy's harp. "You didn't actually think you could pull one over me did you? I mean, gimme some credit, you kinda gave it away from the very beginning. I take it lying and tricking people isn't your forte?" he said with an amused laugh.

"Anyway, I would very much like to know the true nature of this announcement, as well as why I was specifically not supposed to hear it." His face turned serious for a moment, the steely, cold eyes once again piercing Ivy. "Know that you can trust me, on Uncle Calaer's name. I do not betray those who trust me." It was a true statement on his part; one of his core convictions was trustworthiness and loyalty. Keeping his intense gaze on her, he asked the question he desperately wanted the answer for. "What is the announcement?"
"Oh my god! Thank you, Darian!" Ivy smiles grabbing the golden harp from him. She looksat it for a moment before strapping it to her back again. "Without that, any cool magical things I can do are lost." She informs him. She pauses for a moment becoming intimidated by his ice cold gaze. "No...its really not. I like to think of myself as a very trustworthy person...but I betrayed yours, Darian...I'm sorry." She mutters. "My ankle really is sprained and it's all my fault...See, I'd promised Faye that I'd distract you because if you told your uncle about the announcement we'd all be rotting in prison. You can't tell him! You can't! We're leaving Bellford and Fayland and seeing the world for ourselves, but you shouldn't care about the suicidal things we could possibly be walking into!" She feels tears burning her eyes. This could be suicide. "Please, you can't tell him! Let us do what we's not hurting you. I just...I cant stay here anymore. I can't. I'm the constant source of ridicule around here because my father is human...I need to find him, Darian. Please don't turn us in..." She rambles, a stray tear escaping her ocean blue eyes.
Juniper looks at Nate a little offended by his comment. "No thank you, but thanks for the offer. It doesn't seem like we are going anywhere at the moment anyways." she brushes off the question. She looked around unable to follow most of the discussion going on around her. It was a little overwhelming.

(sorry I disappeared.)
Darian's cold gaze softens. Without meaning to, he reflexively reaches out and wipes the tear away. Realizing his action, he quickly recoils is hand. "Sorry... I just don't like seeing girls cry." he said in a gruff mumble. Clearing his throat, he continued, "I should turn you in to Uncle Calaer, I really should." He stares at her intensely again. Then, his eyes once again soften. "But, it just so happens I have been the object of much ridicule due to my father's heritage as well. I'm sure you know the rumors of my Dark Elf father, and I'd like to find out if they're true. So, the only way I'm letting you and your merry group of friends leave this town and venture out on your own is if I accompany you. What do you say to that, Ivy?" He raised his eyebrows, ready for her response.
Ivy's eyes grow wide as Darian reaches out and wipes the tear off her face it was...unexpected to her. "Re-Really? No, I haven't hear the rumors...I-I had no idea..." she stutters nervously. "It seems as if we have an awful lot in common." Ivy suddenly processes the last thing he'd said and she can't control her happiness. She smiles. "Yes! Please do! We can use all the help we can get...I don't know what to say...Thank you!" she beams, stretching her arms out. Instinct tells her to hug him becaquse she's by nature an over-the-top affection person to just about everyone, but she remembers how terribly awkward she is and stops, which was possibly even more awkward. "I'm sorry..." she apologizes. "I just can't thank you enough for worrying about me when i screwed up my ankle and now...not turning me in and agreeing to accompany us on our journey." she smiles. She pauses and laughs softly. "My first impression was wrong. You aren't a bad guy." She beams happily.
Nami said:
Faye silently gasps, seeing Darian reach out and wipe what she believes is a tear from Ivy's face. Tears...?
Faye can feel her heart pounding against her chest with panic. Ivy wouldn't...would she? But...why?

"Um, excuse me," Faye mumbles, stepping around Vex and heading in Darian and Ivy's direction.

She looks at Ivy, her big ocean blue eyes watery with tears. "What's--what's wrong?" Faye rushes to ask, glancing to Darian for a split second, her eyes wide with fright. She looks back to Ivy, giving her a questioning look. 
(WoooOOoops, lemme re-edit that xDD)
that would be helpful xD
Darian laughed. "Well, I try not to be a bad guy. Sometimes, however, my demeanor kind of gives me that air." Noticing Ivy's awkward mid-hugging motion, he says, "I'm assuming you were going for a hug, right? I won't leave you hanging." Darian gives her a quick hug. Then, he notices that Faye has approached. 'I wonder how she'll take the news?' he muses.
Faye silently gasps, seeing Darian reach out and wipe what she believes is a tear from Ivy's face. Tears...?

Faye can feel her heart pounding against her chest with panic. Ivy wouldn't...would she? But...why?

"Um, excuse me," Faye mumbles, stepping around Vex and heading in Darian and Ivy's direction. As she's heading in their direction, Ivy suddenly looks overwhelmed with joy, even wrapping her arms around him for an embrace.

Faye slows down, wondering what in the world they could possibly be discussing. It can't be what she thinks it is...right? It doesn't make any sense.

Maybe I shouldn't intervene in their conversation, she thinks to herself. She's considering stopping and not approaching them, but by that point she's already standing beside them.

She looks at Ivy, her big ocean blue eyes watery with joy. "So, guys..chattin' it up I see.." Faye slips her hands into the pockets of her oversized hoodie and bites her lower lip. She glances back and fourth between the two, ever so awkwardly.

I'm meddling, aren't I? I should learn to relax..wait, I had the right to be worried. I could've been thrown in prison, she thinks to herself.
Darian hugs Ivy and she smiles. 'He really is a nice guy.' she thinks happily. Once she pulls away, she realizes Darian looking the other way. She follows his gaze right to Faye. "Well, she's mad." Ivy gulps. "Its okay, Darian, I trust you...she'll understand." as Faye comes into earshot, Ivy yells "Hey, Faye, what up?" Being casual is also not Ivy's forte.
(I have to go to sleep for today, but Ivy and Faye can continue talking as if he was just listening... especially if they fight! Lol!)
Faye looks at Ivy and cocks her head to the side a little, flashing a curious smile at her. "Uh, gee Idunno, Ivy..why don't you tell me what's guys..?" 
(Okey dokey, goodnight xD )
Ivy slants her eyebrows for a moment knowing what Faye is insinuating. "Actually Faye, Darian here just agreed to leaving Fayland with us. You know what they say," Ivy beams, "Honestly is the best policy!" She says clasping her hands in front of her face. Amazingly enough, Ivy is able to keep balance on her one foot the whole time. 'Now this is talent.' Ivy thinks. 
(Goodnight, Little Dreamer! Hope to see you again tomorrow!)
Juniper stood up getting her energy back and walks over to Ivy. "What was it you needed healed?" she asks politely interrupting their conversation. She thought she would be able to manage a small injury. Ivy didn't seem to hurt.
(Could we continue this tomorrow? I have to get up at 7 am tomorrow. Better get to bed, I guess. It was fun, guys! I wont be back on until like 5:00 tomorrow, so i'll need someone to catch me up depending on how much happens.. Goodnight everyone! ^.^) 
(Wait ill finish this interaction now, little dreamer!) 
"Yes, I sprained my ankle being awfully stupid." Ivy nods stealing a quick glance at Darian. "I wouldnt mind some healing right about now." she giggles nervously.
Juniper looks at her ankle "I think I can manage that" she replies "Is it alright if I touch it?" she asked not sure if she wanted to sit down. It would be awkward for her just to squat down and grab her ankle, not that she minded that much.
Faye blinks, frozen with her head cocked to the side and that large, curious smile on her face. She stares at Ivy momentarily, still not believing what she just heard.

"Wow!" Faye says, dumbfounded. "This guy agreed to going with us? I mean, wow..that's..unexpected." She puts her hands on her hips, grinning once again. "Don't tell me I grin too much because boy, do I need to grin right now." Faye continues to smile for another half a minute in silence. "Alright, so Big Darian is joining us on our journey and not turning us in. That's perfect!" She turns to Darian, and no, no she is not done smiling. "I apologize sincerely," she tells him, falling to her knees and cupping his hand in hers. "I shouldn't have doubted you. I really shouldn't have. Man, I feel like a stupid faced jerk for going through all of that just to keep the announcement from you." Faye looks at the ground and sighs, then stands back up. She looks Darian in the eyes, her expression finally full of seriousness. She shakes his hand with every word she says next, "I promise, I will never doubt you again." After another few silent moments of staring at him, she starts beaming again and releases his hand. "You're the best, man!" She punches his arm playfully, then turns to Ivy and grabs her shoulders. "We're leaving Fayland, we're really gonna do it. I've been waiting for this day ever since I was born, I tell you." She smiles immensely at Ivy, shaking her shoulders now. "And now we even have someone who makes our chances of death ten times slimmer." She shakes her shoulders some more before pulling Juniper onto her feet, forcing her to dance around in a circle with her.
Juniper bends down on her knees taking hold of Ivy's ankle. Her nose crinkles in concentration as she focuses on using her holy abilities. It took her a moment longer then before. Finally, she felt the ankle begin to heal. When the ankle was fully recovered she released her hand and suddenly she felt drained. Like a force had pulled the rest of her energy from her body. Maybe she should have waited a little longer. She hunched over her hands on the ground to support herself. She felt her breathing become heavier.
MandaMae338 said:
(Could we continue this tomorrow? I have to get up at 7 am tomorrow. Better get to bed, I guess. It was fun, guys! I wont be back on until like 5:00 tomorrow, so i'll need someone to catch me up depending on how much happens.. Goodnight everyone! ^.^) 
(Wait ill finish this interaction now, little dreamer!) 
"Yes, I sprained my ankle being awfully stupid." Ivy nods stealing a quick glance at Darian. "I wouldnt mind some healing right about now." she giggles nervously.
(Oh, just saw this! Goodnight! ^^) 
(You can tell I'm tired after posting that crazy paragraph xD Goodnight to everyone!)
Ivy laughs sitting on the ground. She hasn't seen Faye this happy since...since...this is the first time actually. "I can't believe we're leaving!" Ivy giggles. "I'm sort of fragile, but I'm adventurous as all get out!"she smiles happily. "You know what Faye? One day...I wanna see the ocean. I really want to see it. Maybe I'll even find my father..." Ivy smiles. "Maybe..." 
"Oh! Juniper!" Ivy yells holding her by the shoulders. "Are you okay? I should of known that would take too much energy from you! I'm so stupid." Ivy shakes her head. Her ankle feels maybe even better than it ever has, but Juniper sure doesn't. Ivy pauses. "Thank you, Juniper. You're selfless. I respect that. Is there something I can do to help you?" Ivy asks, worried. 

Nami said:
(Oh, just saw this! Goodnight! ^^) 
(You can tell I'm tired after posting that crazy paragraph xD Goodnight to everyone!)
(Goodnight, Nami! I'm going to bed soon too. I have to go to DMV in the morning. -_- )

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