The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Vex nodded.

"That's a good plan. All right, we should start gathering all of the supplies we'll need now, that way we can be done faster and be ready to go."
Faye nods in return. "Yeah, I'm not even tired, so why not? I probably won't even be able to sleep since I'm still full of excitement." She clasps her hands together and smiles cheerfully.

"So where should we head off to first for supplies?" she asks, putting her hands on her hips.
"No, I wasn't around to see your introduction. I was out doing stupid things like, oh, i don't know, spraining my ankle." She ridicules herself sarcastically, still upset at herself for lying to Darian. "But I did hear the stories. I'm afraid of big be nice to me?" she asks, laughing a little. "I think if we work together like Faye suggested, we can get this to work flawlessly...I'll play it softly." she gives him a big toothy grin. Even though he didn't want to offend her, she felt like she needed to prove herself and her harp worthy of this adventure. 
"I think the question is, what do we need?" Ivy asked.
Faye scratches her head and laughs apologetically, "Yeeeah, sorry about all that, Ivy. I honestly didn't think Darian would be so fond of our plan to go against the number one rule his uncle has, which applies to every single citizen of Fayland." She smiles in a way that asks, forgive me?
Ivy looks at Faye a moment, cocking her head. A sudden smile breaks onto her face. "Faye, please!" Ivy insists putting her hands on Faye's shoulders. "Don't feel sorry, got it?" Ivy asks. She smiles warmly. "On the bright side, I got to meet Darian, whom I trust very much now and I got to go on my own adventure." 
"I'm sorry that I went against you and told him. You know, I figured he'd find out anyway...he's a smart guy. He even fooled me a couple times. Figured he'd find a way or even tell his uncle to watch us. Our choices were slim. Rot in prison or try and save ourselves. So, I naturally chose the only way. Now our chances of death are much slimmer. He's strong in his talent and everyone else is strong or learning. I'm learning. I plan to learn more powerful songs on our adventure. I can do this!" I laugh happily.
So should we each head out now and try to stock up on stuff for the group? I think one of the most important things we could have would be food.

(Sorry was afk for a bit)
Nice to meet you Ivy. I'm Valandil. I need to go back to my place any way to gather up a few things. Is there someway I could meet up with you guys later?
Ivy smiles and nods her head. "Whats your talent? Mines music." She asks, hoping to get to know everyone before leaving Bellford.
"Well, you don't have to pack any food for me, I hunt all of my meals. Good thing, too, because I eat a LOT."

Vex patted his stomach, which was actually the location of his impressive hot-guy abs. ( xD )

"Just tell me what you guys need, and I can find it for you. My beast form has an incredible sense of smell, and I know where all of the food and material storages are in the town. Besides, gonna need a large animal to carry all of the stuff for you, otherwise it's gonna take ages."
(Sorry was eating dinner and stuffs~)

Faye smiles at Ivy. "Thanks for forgiving me..I'm sorry about your ankle. But in my defense, I didn't know you were gonna go all out and sprain your ankle for the plan." She chuckles, crossing her arms while shaking her head. "And it's cool that you told Darian, I mean if you hadn't he wouldn't be coming along to help us."

"Hey," I piped up, an idea sparking in my mind, "There are quite a few of us here who can't fight. How do you people who can feel about teaching those who can't some basic defense?"

To tell you the truth, I was just a bit worried for my own sake, "It's supposedly pretty dangerous out there."
(Sorry for being gone for the day. I had an intense workout, and I felt like I couldn't really move for a few hours XP. Anyway, here's a longer post to make up for it.)

Darian stood aside from the conversation. He was listening, and the group had some great ideas. 'Well, well, well. It seems that this group might actually have the mental competence to complete its goal.'he thought. Sure, there'd been other groups he'd heard of who'd tried to leave the village. However, they were never heard from again. When such occurrences became more frequent, King Calaer decreed that no one was to venture out anymore on penalty of imprisonment.

Once it seemed the group had decided on its plans, Darian decided it was his responsibility to let them in on some key information. ‘I don’t want them to end up like the other groups… especially not Ivy. Wait… Where did that come from?’ He shook the thought away and addressed the group at large.

“I know that you guys just made a plant, and it is quite a plan.” Darian paused, the continued. “But, there are a few things that I am privy to that you are not. The sort of information that comes to you when you have access to King Calaer himself, his Court, and his private library/archives.”

He starts pacing, as if giving a lecture. “Now, the first thing to do, as you all so astutely observed, is to get supplies. Vex’s offer is a very good one, and we should take him up on it. However, take it from someone who has been studying the outside, training to go outside, and knows first-hand from the few survivors who've made it back. You can never get enough supplies.” He stopped walking and stressed every word in the last line to make sure that the importance sunk in. “So, as Vex says, we should have him use is incredible olfactory sense to gather food. I can raid the Court’s stores myself and obtain medical supplies, armor, as well as military-grade weapons for those who are skilled in wielding them. Nook is an amazing warrior, and my years of experience means I'm not to shabby either. Plus, Vex looks to be in okay shape. We'll give those who have no combat experience some pointers."

Beginning to pace again, he continued. “Now, as for getting out… that’s a whole different story. You see, Uncle Calaer is having worries about the Dark Elves, so he’s upped the security considerably. For that very reason, I believe Ivy’s music will be invaluable. I propose we follow Faye’s summary of the plan, with a slight addition. Unfortunately, even Vex’s full beast form isn't tall enough for the securities that Uncle puts up at night. However, I think I have just the spell for the problem. I just need to break into my Master’s chambers, which is easier said than done, but I’ll manage.”

He turned to face the group after his long monologue. He didn't want to sound bossy, but everyone had been a bit indecisive, and he didn't want them to fail before they even started. “Well, that’s all the information I’ve got. Vex, you go use that nose of yours to get some food. I’ll raid the castle as I said I would. Everyone else… I suppose you should go scrounge up whatever you can.” He stood for a moment, and then spoke. “Well? What are you guys waiting for? Uncle Calaer is going to notice I’m gone by now. Plus, the guards are starting their patrols now. We’ll meet back here tomorrow in the early morning. For now, get out of here!” he said urgently as he rushes off to the castle stores.
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(Athral, okey dokey xD I'll be on like all the time probably so yeah hahahah xD )

(Page O'Hara, you drew that?! Wow, that's awesome! :D I wish I could draw x'D)

(FroggieJay, omg I just choked died of laughter "which was actually the location of his impressive hot-guy abs." xDD)

"Well, I can also hunt for food too. I already do it all the time. Except I'm just an archer, not a huge beast." Faye laughs. "But yes, you will come in handy for this journey," she says with a nod at Vex. "You can carry the heavy items."
(It's all good, Lysander! xD That post was awesome btw. Hoorah for Darian having so much knowledge! xD )

Faye turned to her friends and shrugged. "Well guys, Darian's pretty much said it all, aha. We better set off to wherever we need to to get our supplies. Later maybe Valandil can teach some of those who aren't skilled in defense how to fight, also. But for now, we should get everything gathered and ready. We should leave by tomorrow night, I think." 
Faye turns to Ivy and throws her arm over her shoulders, leading her towards the path back to the village. "Best buds don't make best buds go places alone," she says laughing with a roll of the eyes.
(Funny thing is, I'm actually gonna be gone for another few hours, probably three, since I have dinner with my girlfriend. But, I should have the rest of the night off, so I'll be online then.)
Faye comes to a halt as Ivy tells her to wait. She releases her arm from around her shoulders and looks at her in wonder. "Something wrong?" she asks.
"Well, look at me! How am I supposed to go on some dangerous adventure when all I can do is hit someone with my harp. And there is no way I'm doing that! I love my harp." she nods wide eyed. "I need a weapon."
Faye laughs at her friend. "Don't worry, as I said, later we'll have Val teach you some martial arts. We can also head over to the local Weapons Shop and find you a weapon. Maybe we can find you some brass knuckles or a nice sword."

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