The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"He is NOT my 'secret crush'!" Ivy yells rather loudly, stomping her foot on the wooden flooring. She crosses her arms, her cheeks rosier than ever. "Just because we spent a while together today doesn't mean I have more than friendly feelings for him, Faye! Besides, nothing happened between us. It was solely business." She shakes her head, pointing her nose up in the air in confidence. "Yeah, so anyway...let's go trade this..." She says a little flustered.
Faye tries to hold back a smile, but fails, her lips twitching now.

"Sorrrrrry," she apologizes, putting her hands up in surrender. "But I'm just saying, if you do it's totally okay with me. I bet Da is a great guy." Faye shoots one last wink at Ivy before moving over to the door and stepping out into the hall. Off to the weapons shop!
Axel heard a noise and turned around to see his best friend Valandil standing 10 feet away from him. "Hey Valandil, where were you at."
A new elf appears from a bush. His name is Expedia, he is brand new and came to greet his fellow neighbors with some pi
Trying to move as swiftly as possible in such a large form without making very much noise, Vex followed the "Ivy and Faye" scent. It seemed to lead all the way to an old house. He stepped inside and immediately spotted the two people he was looking for.

"Hey, you guys! I found a whole storage unit stocked with all sorts of food we can use!" 
((forgot to put it in there, he shifted back into human form before entering the house obviously >.>))
"No, no, no! You get back in here!" Ivy whispers loudly pulling Faye back into the room and shutting the door once again. "What do you mean 'It's okay if I have a crush on him'? Do I need your permission?" Ivy asks. "Well it's fine Faye, I don't....I don't like Darian." A grin creeps onto Ivy's face. "At least I'm not the one who got starry eyed when Valandil walked in, huh?" Ivy winks. She finally opens the door of her room and steps out in the hall.
As Faye stepped into the hall, Vex came rushing over.

"A storage unit stocked with food?" Faye wondered, padding over to him in her brown moccasins. "Hm, where is it? Are you sure we'd be able to take some?" she asked him. 
(I'll fix this xD )

Just as Faye was about to walk over to Vex, Ivy pulled her back into the room and shut the door, apparently unaware that Vex was outside.
Vex walked down the hall of the Inn yelling. "Hush, Hush! People are trying to sleep here!" Ivy whispers, laughing a little. She runs up to him. "That's great! I'd feel bad about stealing...but...I'm not doing it, am I? Got it? Good." Ivy raises her eyebrows, turning her question into an order. "Faye and I are going to go get a sword If you'd like to join us." she smiles happily. She turns toward Faye. "Hey, Starry Eyes, come on!" She winks, giving Faye a new nickname.
(When me and a couple friends started rping back a couple years ago we ran into so many "I'll fix this" moments Lol.
Faye smirks at Ivy deviously. "Ah, so the mysterious Da is Darian afterall. Well, I'm just saying, as your best friend I approve of your choice." Faye chuckles, shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her hoodie with an approving shrug. She then focused her eyes on Ivy. "Wait--starry eyed--at Val? Where are you getting this idea from?" She can feel her face burning up. Faye quickly shakes her head. "I just met the guy. I'm an independent woman, either way." She smiles to herself, thinking that sounded a little funny.

"Well, Vex is waiting in the hall, so. Let's go." Faye pulls Ivy out into the hall where Vex is. 
"Hey, we're not stealing..just..borrowing," Faye informs them. After a moment she realizes something. "Well, actually.." Faye shakes her head, deciding to believe it's just borrowing.

She looks at Ivy, her eyes growing a shade darker. "Starry eyes, ah? Wonderful. I should just call you Da Lover then." A devilish grin creeps onto her face, wiggling her eyebrows at Ivy.
"Oh I was out.....doing stuff. Valindil tried to move his body sideways so that the sheath of the katana would be hard to see from Axel's direction.
Ivy slants her eyes on the onslaught of comment from Faye insinuating that she has some major crush on him. 'Well, I do wonder how Darian is. He's in a risky situation...' She thinks becoming a little worried about him. 'He'll be fine. He always is.' she convinces herself.
Nami said:
Faye smirks at Ivy deviously. "Ah, so the mysterious Da is Darian afterall. Well, I'm just saying, as your best friend I approve of your choice." Faye chuckles, shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her hoodie with an approving shrug. She then focused her eyes on Ivy. "Wait--starry eyed--at Val? Where are you getting this idea from?" She can feel her face burning up. Faye quickly shakes her head. "I just met the guy. I'm an independent woman, either way." She smiles to herself, thinking that sounded a little funny.
"Well, Vex is waiting in the hall, so. Let's go." Faye pulls Ivy out into the hall where Vex is. 
"Hey, we're not stealing..just..borrowing," Faye informs them. After a moment she realizes something. "Well, actually.." Faye shakes her head, deciding to believe it's just borrowing.

She looks at Ivy, her eyes growing a shade darker. "Starry eyes, ah? Wonderful. I should just call you Da Lover then." A devilish grin creeps onto her face, wiggling her eyebrows at Ivy.
(That had me laughing)
"What are you? Five years old, Faye? I think Starry Eyes was both poetic and clever. 'Da Lover'? I deserve a better name than that...that is if I was such a thing." She says walking away. She doesn''t have time for Faye's girl talk. A sword needs to be bought.
(hahahah xD )

"Well, let's get going to the weapons shop before it closes." Faye waves Ivy to hurry along with her.

"Vex, feel free to join us if you wish," she calls over to him as she pushes the door to the Inn back open, the cool breeze from outside blowing her soft blonde hair against her face. 
"Hey, well you are Da Lover," Faye says, chuckling as she holds the door open for Ivy. "You're lucky I'm not saying his fulllll name," Faye sing songs softly enough for Ivy to hear here.
"Oh this?" He then stopped himself. He had never lied to Axel who had always been there for him. "Wait a second" he thought, Axel is skilled in swordplay. Maybe we could use him." He then sat down and explained everything to Axel.
"The weapons shop is just down here." Ivy informs Faye as she picks up the pace. Ivy totally ignored Fayes last comment. 'Da childish.' She mentally rolls her eyes. The lights of the shop glow in the distance. "Come on!" Ivy yells, running even faster. Soon enough, she's pushing open the door. She holds the music box tightly in her dainty hands. An old man stands at the counter going through some scrolls. Ivy makes herself busy bargaining with the old fart.
As Faye starts rushing after Ivy, she decides it's not worth running. Faye laughs and rolls her eyes, slowing down as she approaches the shop. Ivy has already raced into the store as if there's some sort of massive sale.

Faye looks over, seeing Val there with another black haired boy that looks a lot like him. Faye smiles at him, panting a little from running. "Hey, Val. Who's your friend?" she asks.
After a little bargaining, the shop owner agrees to take the music box for a battle sword, probably so he can resell it for a higher price. Ivy pulls a light sword with an intricate handle design off the shelf and practices swinging it. "It's light enough." Ivy shrugs. She tugs at it matching sheath and puts it on her back, underneath her harp. She slides the sword into the sheath and smiles happily. "Thank god that's done." She sighs in relief. She turns back and leaves the shop. She heads up the street to where Faye is talking to Valindil and some other boy she hadn't met. She jogs over to them.
Vex joined them in their small outing to the weapons store, buying himself a nice spear to use, just in case he either didnt feel like fighting in beast form or in case it wasnt a good idea to do so. The store owner recognized him as one of the town's protectors, and so Vex got a nice discount. It was a rather nice spear, too. The spear's tip was not too hefty, but large and long enough that it could be used for slashing as well as stabbing. It was really more of a polearm than a spear, but whatever.

"Hey, guys, what's the holdup? Weren't you guys gonna help me gather the food I found?" he asked, catching up with the rest of his new friends.
Faye looks up at Vex, who has just arrived outside of the weapon shop right after Ivy.

"Oh, yeah. Ivy just needed to get a sword from the shop, so I was waiting out here with Val and his friend. I think I have enough arrows left at home for our journey," she says. "Well, lead us to wherever this food you found is, Vex." As she walks up beside Vex, she looks at Ivy and asks, "So, did you find something?"
"I had to get my sword before the shop closed. I'll go with you now." Ivy smiles. 
"Yes!" Ivy exclaims, unsheathing the pretty sword to show it off to Faye. "I hope someone can show me the basics of using this tomorrow."
Faye observes the sharp blade, shimmering beneath the moonlight. The handle has pretty, intricate designs.

"Wow, did you just give him the music box for that?" Faye wonders.

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