The Path From Fayland - Official RP


When Darian mentioned Armor, I perked up. This was something I could handle. As everyone was departing, I made my way over to where he was standing.

"Hey, I'm Selina, I don't think we've officially met," I smiled at him.

"When you were talking about breaking in to the Court's stores, you mentioned armor. Now my talent is Tailoring and I can tell what will fit people. I do have a bit of knowledge of armor specifically as well, and I think I know who here needs defensive versus offensive armor, and of course weapons to match stylishly," I laughed at myself a little here, I couldn't help being positive and funny.

"And of course, you're going to need someone to help you get all this stuff out, and everyone else is going home to get ready and say goodbyes."

I sighed, it was a little hard to admit this, "I, on the other hand, have no friends, and have everything I need in this bag, and it would be too hard to say goodbye to my family." Especially since they hate me for my possible Dark Elf heritage, but that could be left out for now.
"A sword sounds nice. I don't really have money, though." she sighs. "I do have an idea, Faye...Follow me!" she yells grabbing Faye's tiny wrist. She runs down the cobblestone paths. Little lanterns hang on the building walls. Ivy stoops short of a tall stone building. An embossed sign reads 'Bellford Inn'

"Follow my lead, faye"

(we'll continue when i get back, nami i gtg)
Faye raises her eyebrows, looking at Ivy with puzzlement. "Why are we standing in front of the Bellford Inn?" she asks carefully.

(Okey dokey xD ) 
(Good point, Page xD )
((Sorry for being so absent today. I took my daughter to the fair.))

Roslyn looked around at everyone absently. She took a seat by the fire away from the group and took out her arrows and a smooth stone. She began sharpening her arrow heads against the stone. Her thoughts drifted off to her family. Leaving Fayland was a dangerous, and possibly deadly task. She wondered if they would miss her. Her brothers looked at her like a burden most of their lives, and her father held resentment towards her after her mother died giving birth to her. She thought that it wouldn't matter to them weather she lives or died.
((Page, perhaps you could have your character use her epic tailoring skills to craft a harness for Vex's beast form to carry everything that the group is taking along? Also maybe you could make him some large beast-sized-yet-lightweight battle armor or something))

Vex stood at attention and mock-saluted Darian, then shifted to beast form and began making use of his uncannybrutal olfactory senses. Trudging slowly in the direction of the town with his large beast paws, he alternated scanning the air with his nose and planting it to the ground to smell. After about a minute of this, Vex's beast head jerked up from the ground, and he began running at a medium lope towards the town, roaring to indicate he had picked up a scent.
(I'm back now and should be online for a long time. Also can a martial artist use some sort of weapon, even if their clumsy with it?)
(Welcome back! ^^ And hahaha yusss xD Ivy's talent is music and she wants to use a sword so xD )
((But yeah, even if your talent isn't Close Combat, you could probably still wield a weapon. Same way that even though Vex is a shapeshifter, he could still play music if he wanted, albeit in the same manner that a toddler strikes its hands gleefully upon a xylophone toy, but what he gets for trying something he isn't good at xD ))
"Yes, it's late, so be quiet when we go in. You know how I rent a room out here? Well, I have something in my room I've been saving for a while's time to use it." Ivy nods determinedly. She motions Faye to follow her. She opens the door to the inn quietly. 'Good, no ones at the counter.' she thinks. She turns on her heels and heads up the staircase. Candlelight illuminates the two girls. Ivy slowly walks down the hall, turning at room 4. She pulls a small brass key out of her boot and unlocks the door. She puts the key back in her boot and steps in the door holding it open for Faye. She shuts the door behind her. "So, I don't really have much money, but I have this..." she whispers, pulling open a drawer of a wooden desk of some sort. She pulls out a blue amulet and a heavy silver music box. "My mother gave me these before she died. She told me that if I ever ran into trouble, they're worth a good amount of gold. I'm selling the music box. This amulet...I need to keep it." she says clasping it around her neck. "It's like having my mother with me." She smiles subtly. She picks up the music box. "This will get me a sword. Are you ready?" She smiles, adventure glowing in her eyes.
((lol listening to Born This Way while I type this pfffahaha singing along to it too. I'm not a bad singer if I do say so myself))

Vex lumbered swiftly through the camp, following the scent trail he had found. Soon, he found himself looming in front of what looked like a barn slightly bigger than he was. It was locked. That was soon to change.

After "opening" the door, Vex squeezed through the doors and looked around. The barn was indeed a food storage, stocked chock-full of all different sorts of food. Vex licked his lips, about to devour most of it, until he overcame his animal instincts and mentally slapped himself for almost losing control. He'd have to find the others and tell them what he found. After all, how was he supposed to carry all of this? He couldn't hold them in his mouth.
After hearing Darian's plan, Athral decided to go to the weapon shop down the road. As he walked into the shop he started eyeing the weapons. He had never trained himself to use swords and axes and such, but he figured he might need to have a weapon as extra backup. He then picked up a middle length sword."Way to heavy" he thought has he put it back. He then eyed a long slender blade and picked it up."Now that's more my style" he thought as he walked over to the shopkeeper. "I'd like to buy this one" he said. What the katana? Nice pick. He then payed for the sword and walked out of the store. He then remembered he had something back at the orphanage.

(Hahaha. Actually did some research and found out that Katanas are not that light compared to european swords. The average one weighs about 3 pounds would be heavy in the hands of a person not experienced with swords.
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"That's a beautiful necklace, Ivy.." she says, her eyes softening. Poor Ivy..both of her parents are gone..

Faye eyes the music box in Ivy's hands. "Are you sure you wanna sell it? I could always pitch in some money, if you need. I killed a Black Bear the other day and I sold the skins for 600 gold...but I mean, if you're willing to sell the much do you think it's worth? A Short Battle Sword should cost around 400 to 500 actual Battle Sword should cost somewhere from 700 to 800 gold." She notices Ivy staring at her and she adds, "What? They sell some nice weapons around here, so I check them out when I'm looking for new arrows."
"Well, what am I supposed to do with this? I can't take this with me and who would I give it to? The only people I like are you and...maybe Da-" she stops herself from finishing the sentence. "Um, never mind. Anyway, I have no one to give it to because the two of-" she stops again. "I mean, you are leaving with me." she corrects herself. "So I might as well sell it." I've looked into it a few times when I was tight on cash. "It costs about 600-700 gold. This thing is real silver and ancient. I've memorized the song on my harp already. I think the melody it supposed to make the listeners feel a little happier. It's a curious box, really." 
(Tell him to start!)
Faye smirks.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I know a Da?" she jokes, punching Ivy playfully on the arm. "Don't worry, your secret crush is safe with me." Faye smiles accusingly at her embarrassed friend.

"Well, if you've memorized the song on your harp, then I guess you might as well sell it...or you could give it to that friend, Da of yours." Faye starts laughing, knowing she's starting to go a little far with it. "Okay, my apologies," Faye says, shaking her head at Ivy with an amused eye roll.

"Well, we better head on down to the weapons shop before it closes then. I think I'm gonna re-stock up on arrows while we're there." 

Athral said:
(My brother made his character and posted it onto the sign up sheet. Can he start now or should he wait?
(He can start whenever! c: )
As Valandill walked into the orphanage he saw the last person he wanted to see. It wasn't that he hated this person, but he knew that if this person caught him walking after 10pm he would be barraged with questions that he did not want to answer. He started to walk slowly and almost reached his room when the floorboard creaked. " Oh no." said Valindil as he turned around.

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