The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Make those chances thirty times slimmer, don't forget about me," chuckled Vex boldly, changing back to beast form and roaring as loud as he could, standing up on his hind two legs for a brief moment.
Darian was not impressed. He was no stranger to shape shifters because all sorts of unusual people frequented King Calaer's Court, shifters included. In his experience, he'd met much more impressive ones than this seemingly obnoxious individual. "And who might you be?" Darian asked briskly.
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Faye let out a sigh of happiness, placing her hands on her hips. "We'll see everything, including the ocean. We'll see all sorts of creatures from the outside world, as well. I just can't wait to leave.." she tells Ivy thoughtfully. 

[QUOTE="Page O'Hara]((Oh my word this is going so fast I can't keep up with it! What's going on?))

(Hahaha ohkay xD , well Juniper healed Faye's arm and Darian returned, carrying Ivy back with him to the bonfire because she sprained her ankle. Then Ivy ended up telling Darian the truth about leaving Fayland, but to their surprise Darian wanted to leave Fayland as well, so he'll be joining everyone. Then Faye got really excited and happy, while Juniper healed Ivy's ankle. And I believe that's all you missed xD )
Juniper shakes her head and regretted it right after when a headache started to form. She wished she could be more help. How could she be of any use on the journey if she couldn't fix a sprained ankle?
Nate didn't really want to showw his power just yet. He stood in the background listening to everyone talk and decide point's. It wasn't his place to discuss anything, just not yet anyways. Nate crossed his arms over his chest, before leaning up against the tree in the shadow's.

( Short post sorry. I won't be on most of the day. Gotta go for now! )
Vex roared one more time then shifted to human and strode over to Darian.

"Call me Vex. I'm one of the protectors of Fayland."
Valandil looked down at the invitation he had just barely opened. Before he walked to the tailor he shoved the scroll in his back pocket so he didn't realize that he was already late. "Well, I might meet some new people to challenge there", said Valindil as he turned around and started to walk in the direction of the general store. As he approached he could see a faint glow in the back.At least their there, he thought. As he walked around the back he saw a beast transforming back into the body of a man. "What's going on here?", said Valindil as he thought aloud.
"What's going on here?"

Faye turned around, seeing a boy with medium length black hair who looked about her age, standing in the entrance to the clearing. Had she sent out an invite to him? She knew she had seen him around the village before and said a few words to him, but she never found out his name.

Faye approached the boy, unsure of whether he'd be interested in leaving Fayland with the rest of them.

"Oh, hello," she said to him with a warm smile. "Did you get an invitation to a bonfire? I mean, don't get me wrong, if you didn't that's okay. Everyone's welcome! Not to sound rude or anything, but I don't think I know your name?"
As she asked him for his name Valandil had a quick second to think. She seemed nice enough. He wondered why her arm was in a sling as he said "Uh, my name is Valandil. I hope I'm not too late. I didn't open this up until recently. He then showed her the invitation. He then took a glance at the group around the bonfire. They all looked somewhat capable of handling themselves. He then directed his attention back to the girl in front of him.
Vex turned to Faye.

"So when are we leaving? I'm dying to get out there and see the world!"
(Oh yeah, Faye's arm isn't in a sling anymore because Juniper recently healed it xD hahah ^^)

"Valandil, that's a cool name," Faye complimented him. "You're..fashionably late," she said with a small laugh as she eyed the invitation in his grasp.

"So, what's your talent?" she asked him, tilting her head to the side curiously. 
Faye looked at Vex, who was now beside her.

"When everyone's ready, I guess. We'll need all the supplies and materials we can take to help us survive out there.." she said to him.
Juniper looks up toward the bonfire. She wondered if she had enough energy to stand up and sit back down on the log, but she wasn't going to press it.
(Hahaha my bad. I tried catching up to everyone, but I must have skipped that part sorry)

I'm trained in martial arts. I use my own self taught style and whatever else I could learn from the books in the orphanage library where I'm from.

(Also I'll try to stay online as long as I can. I have have judo lessons soon. But I'll be on as long as everyone else is on when I get back.
(Hahaha no, its okay! I forgot to add that to the summary cause it happened after I wrote that xD Oops~ and okay! Sounds good ^^)

Faye looks at Valandil, her expression softening. "What happened to your parents?" Just as she asks it, her face turns red with embarrassment. "Oh, gosh--I'm sorry, that's kind of a personal question. Never mind.."

She shoves her hands into the pockets of her hoodie and looks at the ground.

"But martial arts? That's cool! I've always wanted to learn that skill, but hey," she pats her bow, "archery's my thing. I love it, though."
Ivy looked around at all the people she'd be off adventuring with soon. She felt a little shy considering she'd been gone most of the night and the only people she'd had some time to talk to was Faye of course, Darian, and Juniper. She shuffled her boots in the grass and looked at the ground. She ought to begin talking to people soon. She got up quite the nerve to say something directed at all the members. "I'm thinking we should spend tomorrow gathering items? Then, to avoid anyone seeing us leave Bellford, we could slip out real early the next morning...say 3 or 4am?"
Faye turns, hearing Ivy speak up. She smiles a little, happy that her shy friend is gaining the courage to pitch in an idea.

"I think that sounds like a good plan," Faye says with a nod of agreement. "But the thing is, there's guards in front of the path from Fayland. Not only there, but in multiple places around the border. I guess we'll have to find a way to get over the tall, brick walls surrounding the village..."
"Well, normally, we would have to pack light because we're traveling through places we haven't been before and we shouldn't weigh ourselves down so much, but since you've got me," Vex said, pointing to himself, "I can carry more materials and food than a normal person when I'm in beast form, so we could pack more stuff. You could make some sort of supply sled for me to pull, or I guess you could just strap the stuff directly on my back for me to carry. Whatever works."
Vex grinned when he heard the last part about getting over the walls.

"I can help with that, too. My beast form is tall enough to touch the top of the wall when I stand on my hind legs. You guys can just climb up my back and over the wall."
"Great minds think alike!" Ivy smiles. "I was just about to say that." Ivy looks at the boy for a minute and reaches her hand out, gesturing to shake his. "Hello, I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Ivy Alssiada. My talent is Music." she says briefly turning around to show him the golden hard on her back. She turns to face him once more. "I think everyone underestimates my talent, but I know some pretty powerful songs. It's kind of another form of magic, I suppose."
Faye laughs, looking at Vex. "Guess whoever's idea it was to put the brick walls around the village didn't keep shapeshifters in mind." She shakes her head, amused at the thought. "And everyone can pack what they need, like I can bring my quiver that holds 100 arrows. Then I've got my bow..other than that, we'll need food and and maybe some armor, just in case we come across any terribly dangerous enemies."
"I actually have another cautionary plan...Conversely we could actually just walk out the gates, guys. You see, I know a song that can knock the guards out cold." Ivy informs them. "It's called the Lullaby of Healing...which is ironic considering...but they will wake up feeling much stronger, so I guess we're not even harming them really. I'd play it for you know, but I suppose it'd put you all to sleep." she laughs. "If you guys aren't standing right up close, it wont affect you at all. So that's another plan. Whatever is easier." Ivy offers.
Vex smirked.

"Music is magic indeed. I look forward to hearing yours," he said, shaking her hand. "I'm Vex. I believe you saw my little introduction? Hah...But yes, I am a shapeshifter, obviously." 
He crossed his arms.

"No offense, but I think my plan is..well...better. Not to be rude, but there will be more guards than those just around the gates. If one of them on patrol hears the music, they won't be affected because of their distance, but they will hear all the same and they will be alerted of our presence. If we do it my way, we won't make noise as long as no one drops anything, and no one has to waste energy performing spells or incantations. How does that sound?"
"Hm, that's an idea," Faye says, considering the suggestion. "How about this!" she says, suddenly putting the puzzle pieces together in her mind. "Since there are guards all around the border, guarding the brick walls as well--because they know elves will try to get over the wall--we'll find a place where there are no villagers around to turn us in for putting the guards to sleep. It'll just be the guards and then you'll put them to sleep, then we'll climb over the wall. 'Cause if we were to just do that to the guards by the path, villagers would see and hear and turn us in, as well as other guards would."

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