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Fantasy The Packs


Boink Bean
WolfFang sat on the edge of dead claw's cliff, watching the river below bubble and rush far down stream, too far for him to see. He sighs heavily, the morning dew clung to his thick black fur. He flattens his ears, watching the river below as if searching for a sign.. something... anything.. a soft whine forces itself from his lungs, and he is suddenly taken back to that day...

She stares at Fang, her aqua colored eyes searching his, as she spoke about loving hin, wanting to spend the rest of her life with Fang.. He felt the same way... the two looked over the cliff, admiring the view as the sun rose over the trees. She had been leaning against him, her silky fur rubbing against his, then a bang, that seems to shake the forest. Birds flew up a distance away, Fang growled softly but she merely licked his ear, calming him with ease. She nuzzles him gently, "Come along, before those Hunters find us too." Fang agrees with her, he stands up, and begins to walk away. Yet when she stood, turning around she misplaced one of her hind paws, and the edge of the cliff crumbled. She yelped in fear, as she slipped over the edge. Fang did all he could, he ran to the edge, yet she was unsaveable. She plummeted toward the river below, Fang watched helplessly as his one love hit the river below with a sickening smack, and her body sank like a rock. He howled in mourning, she was gone.. her body was never found..

He snaps back to reality, leaving his memories dormant once again. He sighs heavily, dearly missing his former lover.

Willow's eyes fluttered open, she sighed heavily, guessing some pack members were already awake. She slowly stretched, licking her ruffled chest fur gently before standing up. The beautiful she-wolf slowly stepped out of her deb, the morning sun dancing over his tri-colored pelt. She glanced about, wondering if her alpha was awake yet, not that she was about to wake him, that's asking for it. She slowly makes her way to the kill pile, pulling out a fat rabbit, before sitting in the damp shade of a massive tree, and beginning to eat.
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Saigefeather was out on her morning walk when she heard a distant whine. Her golden ears perked up. It was quite early and she wondered who would be up at this time besides herself, for she always got up early. She tried to track the sound as best as she could. Saige swerved around trees and jumped over fallen logs. She looked around. In the forest mainly of green and other bright colours, she saw a faint black. "Hmmmm" she mused out loud as she walked toward the black mass of fur. She then realized it was her Alpha. "Fang?" she asked quietly.


Hawkstorm yawned. He was not one that liked to get up early at all. He walked out of his den and stood on the large rock overlooking the pack's territory and camp. He smiled slightly. He could tell some wolves were awake and the others were getting up. 'Good' he thought. Hawkstorm could see Willow, his beta, sitting under a tree alone. 'Hmmmm. Well, I'll just have to do something about that.' Hawk mused to himself. He walked down the inclined rock and over to the younger she-wolf "Hello Willow." he greeted, "May I sit?"
Fang's ears perked up, he cranes his neck to look back at Saige. His chest fur fluffes up nervously. He slowly gets to his paws, "good morning, Saige." He says softly.

Willow looks up at her alpha, her pale tan colored muzzle stained with rabbit blood. She licks his maw, and nods. "I don't mind, Hawkstorm." She said softly, her voice gentle, smooth, and sweet like honey.
Saigefeather padded over to WolfFang. "Are you okay?" the she-wolf asked, her eyes filled with worry.


The male alpha sits down. "Why were you sitting alone, Willow?" he asked "There are many other wolves in our pack." Hawkstorm said, nodding to the arising and eating wolves around them.
Fang nods his head carefully, "Yes, I am indeed alright." He says softly. Looking back at the cliff for a moment, "come, let's get to camp before others begin to worry."

Willow glances to the other wolves, shrugging lightly. "I felt like eating alone, until you came that is." Her tails thumps lightly, as she took another chunk out of her rabbit.
Saige was still worried about him and wanted to know what was wrong, but she knew she shouldn't pry. It might just upset him further and plus it was his life, not hers. Saigefeather mentally sighed. She looked at him, "Yes, it probably would be for the best." she said thoughtfully.


Hawk nudged her playfully, "But sitting alone is SO boring." he said, smiling slightly "I don't know what you would have done if I hadn't shown up."
Fang slowly walked back toward camp, a hopping over fallen trees, and climbing over large rocks. He looks to Saige, "care to hunt along the way?" the scent of newborn Elk made his mouth water, it was the beginning of spring, meaning the beginning of mating season.

Willow smirked lightly, "who knows." She tore another chunk out of her rabbit, the breeze carrying the scent of newborn elk, and deer. It was a sweet scent with a hint of milk. She licked her maw, new born Elk and deer meant mating season.
"I could eat." She nodded in approvement. Saige looked around and saw an Elk, "Look." she whispered and nudged Fang.


"Smells good." he sighed. Hawk then smirked as he reached his head down and stole a bit of Willow's rabbit while she wasn't looking. He quickly stuffed it in his mouth.
Fang was careful to not make a sound, a bull Elk will kill wolves in attempts to protect his calf and cow. Fang licked his muzzle hungrily, crouched and carefully slipping through the grass As the small herd grazed.

Willow glanced to Hawk, and narrowed her gaze. She huffed, stand up, finished with her breakfast. "The season of birth is upon us." She mutters softly, "the pack will be able to eat plenty soon."
Saige watched him carefully, not making a sound. She had never been good at hunting and he was already sneaking up on them.


Hawkstorm laughed at her expression and flicked her with his tail. "It is good that the birth season is here, we will need more food as new pups are born." he said to Willow.
WildLily finished her meal and excused herself. She was keen on learning more about herbs and healing from Mistsong, the medic of the pack, but she couldn't see her anywhere. She wondered around, trying to find Mistsong and as she walked past her Leader and Co-Leader she lowered her head in respect then continued her search.
MistSong peeked her head out of her den and saw her apprentice. "Lily!" she called out, trying to get the she-wolf to notice her. Mist had just finished organizing her herbs.
WildLily stopped in her track then turned to her right to see Mist. She walked steadily towards the den, once she reach the den she asked MistSong excitedly, "what are we doing today? Oh! Are you going to teach me about herbs? There's are lots of herbs I don't know...yet"
Mist laughed at her excitement. "Yes, we are learning about herbs today. In fact, I just finished sorting them. Shall we start our lesson?"
Lily nodded her head, "yes!" She circled Mist and nudged the she-wolf a little before standing in front of Mist. "Where will the lesson take place today?" She asked, eager to get started.
Fang stalked forward, silent as a shadow. everytime the Elk stopped grazing, he'd stop, blending in with the grass in the shadows.

Fang sped forward, his massive body and paws working like a machine. The bull Elk grunted, rearing up, ready to impale Fang with his sharp antlers. Most wolves cower when a Elk rears up, but Fang feared nothing. He leaped up, dunking his fang's deep into the Bull's throat, with enough force to knock it onto it's back. He pinned the beast with ease, crushing it's windpipe.

Fang panted tiredly, having used a lot of energy on one kill.

Willow nodded briskly, watching one of the oldest Pups from awhile back slink past them toward the medical den For training. She sighed, watching one of the heavily pregnant she-wolves basking in the sun.
Golden lifted her head and sniffed the air. Her hackles rose when she smelled the scent of many wolves. She stood at the edge of their territory line, her claws digging into the dirt. She needed to pass through to get to the river. She had heard there were abundant herbs near the riverbed and even more herbs in the forests. Her senses told her to turn back and forget about it, but she shook her head and growled. It will be quick, She thought, in and out with a few herbs to study and that will be it. No problems. She exhaled and took a step into this unknown territory.
Fang licks his bloody maw, the massive bull Elk laying dead at his Paws. A gust of warm wind ruffled his fur, and brought the scent of a rouge near by. He growled loudly, "Saige." He called, "Take this back to camp And feed the pack, all of them. I'll be back soon." With that he began to gallop through the forest. He was a massive wolf that stalked with stealth, like an assassin. His black fur and amber eyes made for a fearful look, and his fangs longer than most, which gave him his name.
She took a few more steps until she paused, startled by a new and strong scent on the wind. The she-wolf growled in fear and her hackles rose, she looked around frantically for the source of the new and unfamiliar scent.
Fang hid within the forest, watching the Rouge Become frantic. He growled deeply, his amber eyes alluring abd holding a deathly glare. He growls louder, beginning to reveal himself as the massive bear like wolf approached the female rouge. His fur on end, massive fang's beared, and his chest rumbled with a horrific growl.
Her eyes opened wide as the large wolf approached, she knew immediately it was wolf of higher standing. Her ears flattened back against her skull and she crouched tensely and looked up at him, snarling in fear. She barked a few times and lowered to the ground.
Fang snarled angrily, he snaps the air near her face when she barks. His sharp fang's glisten in the sunlight, he makes a harsh growl bark. "Trespassing is a punishable by death, rouge." He growls harshly.
"I'm just p-passing through, i'll be no trouble to you or any other wolves. I just n-need to get to the river." She lowered closer to the ground, digging her face into the dirt in a non-threatening position. Her claws dug into the ground. She hated doing this, having to bow down and follow authority and higher ranks and all that.
Fang growled loudly, "why?" He snarled less now, yet he still stood over the female in a dominant manner. His scarred pelt was a clear presentation of him being a brutal wolf, especially the bite scar above his eye, in forms of long tears.
She narrowed her eyes at him, silently thinking, What business is it of yours? But she answered back, "I- I heard there were herbs by the riverbeds, ones I've never seen or heard of before. I'm very interested in medical properties, you see and w-well I wanted to grab a few samples to study." She wined softly, rolling over and exposing her stomach. God I hate this.. She thought.

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