~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

SkyGinge said:
@M4K3SH1FT : I've seen no change in post size since I issued my last warning. Please, write more detail into your posts. Aim for about the size of Allcure's last post. I feel like I've repeated myself enough now so next time I'll have to issue a formal caution.
Yeah sorry.. seriously. I'm gonna improve on it

I edited it a bit so it's a bit more longer. And seriously ill improve on my writing.
@tem502 : I do apologise, but apparently I've been spelling your character's name wrong everywhere I've written it. So sorry about that, I'll correct it all in the morning when I'm on a piece of more suitable hardware. :')
Haha no worries. (:

Just to confirm, its Aderyn.

Honestly, I think I might have spelt it wrong once when I was on my phone, so its probably my fault anyways : P
@Iallcsz : You did a Cammy, hey? xD

Also your description of the hall, whilst nice, was a little too grand in depiction for a place that's supposed to be a little bit grotty xD
Yeah, I think I feel asleep for like three hours xD .


I guess so, but everything is fancy to Marry so her discription could be exaggerated.
Right, its's stupidly late here now so I'll write up a post in the morning for @UltraYuseke. Please don't go too far whilst I'm asleep, just in case something crazy happens and I'm not there to moderate it! Thanks!
Don't worry, Camellia's probably just gonna fall asleep on top of you and not let you off the floor the whole time.
I've updated the Current Locations to fit what's happening currently, and also corrected my incorrect spelling of Aderyn's name in the database. As just a forewarning for today, I'm going out to a friend's birthday meal at about 6ish my time. I don't know how long I'll be out but it might be until fairly late. I'll post when I can but that won't be often, I'm afraid. Thus today, in RP, things are going to remain as they are with party interactions and things whilst I slowly introduce small plotty things in preparation for the fantasy stuff to start tomorrow! Woop woop!
@SkyGinge e_e

heart[/URL] on the center of his chest with tribal lines stretching out covering parts of his abdomen and shoulders too. It once had a deep meaning to him, but he kinda think the reason was stupid at this point, so he forgot about it. He still thinks it looks alright, however.
Of course, your post still works, since I did note "barely", but you know. I wanted to bring attention to it.
Yup, I did actually remember that and comteplated whether putting 'slight' in front of the accent or not, but never mind xD
I feel so left behind very time I go to sleep because every single person on this g'damn site's awake while I'm sleepin' xD
Oh geez. Well, I guess you're there then. Is there any specific thing I should respond to, or could my post still pass? (Is preoccupied with MORE WRITING)
I think you are probably okay, you might want to just add in something about reacting to Mark's arrival or acknowledge Mark.
@DamagedGlasses I don't wanna be that person, but if you look at my most recent post, Ambre isn't at the bar anymore, she's on the dance floor... I could edit some things to make it as if she's still there though. :) In fact, imma go ahead and do that, cause Ambre's in want of some reaction.
I'm terribly sorry. I had very limited time and wasn't able to make sure about where everyone was. I was going having to rely on character locations on the sign up tab. If I had had the chance, I would have changed it. @Pasha
@DamagedGlasses No, no, it's completely fine! I'm actually glad you did that, I didn't really like my post anyway, lol. But it's changed now, and I'm happy, and yeah, it all worked out!

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