~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

That's precisely why I don't know what to do xD I don't know who Camellia would even be able to be around other than Leon without something horrible or pointless happening xD
Could someone's character interact with mine? Mayumi's right now sitting in a chair at the edge of the room wasted and I don't know what else I can have her do xD
I've got this sort of picture in my head when I'm interacting with every character, but I keep forgetting yours @tem502 xP

Oh wait, that's because you don't have picture on your cs. That explains that. Add picture plz? (It will help my poor confused brain keep tracks)
Right, do not leave the building in RP. The policewoman is there for plot reasons but again for plot reasons make sure your character doesn't actually get out of the building. They can start to head off, or whatever, but yes, thank you.
Quick question @SkyGinge

Those of us who were on the way to the quiet room; do you want us to get to the room before the whole police thing, or to go outside and whatnot.

Okay, scratch that, your post came through as I posted : P

Prizzy . Sorry! Totally forgot I hadn't added one. Will do so pronto.
I felt like i shoulda just had my character say " It's the coppers! Cheese it!" But naw that would be a too short of a post. xD
I'll be popping in and out alot today but I'll be on my phone most of the time. I'll try to keep up

I don't want to mess with the plot you have so I was wondering if Belle would notice the difference in people, since quite a few are in the Quiet Room, and she would tell the police officer?
@cloudyblueday : Nah, that's absolutely fine if she were to do that, although don't control the policewoman in it :)
I'm sorry, but... I just can't keep up... I was in the middle of writing out a post, then before I can get it done, you post the next plot post... I just can't keep up with this RP at this point.
@UltraYuseke : I wouldn't worry too much about it at the moment as things will almost certainly slow down as school returns in the week. At any rate, you can still get the first bit of that post up before you react to the new stuff. Also, my warning here had been up for about ten minutes so you had ample time to tell me you were working on a post and kindly ask me to wait. I'd have been more than happy to comply.
I'm sorry, but when you go to bed for eleven hours, you don't always get to the last set of posts on an OOC when you rush to try and get a post out... The moment I came over here, there were three unread pages or somethin'.

In fat, lookin' at my unread watched threads, I've got a good bit of reading to do...

So, police officers are gettin' rekt. Wall to the quiet room just caved in. What're a bunch of absolutely normal [for the time being] teenagers going to do. Run, I presume. Where's the back room?

Ohhhh man Belle is going to freak *so* hard.

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