~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

I don't know if I'll be able to sneak onto the computer to post tonight in reply to yours, @WritingMan but that's probably for the best so everyone can get their reactions in. ^.^

I love hearing how everyone describes Belle. Lol.
Sorry dudes and dudettes, not had chance to reply yesterday eve or so far today, but will read through and catch up after I'm free in a couple hours
So the bartender/musician just chopped someone's arm and then head off with a violin and nobody is kind of afraid of that? Did I read that wrong? O-o
@WritingMan : I'm planning to get a plot post up right before I get to sleep, just to move us on from here, and give you guys more stuff to react to tomorrow seeing as Tuesday is the day where I'm unlike to be on very often. :) Again, it won't be anywhere near as major as the first plot post.
Possibly tag this who still need to post here? I can't dot it from taptalk

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