~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

@cloudblueday : Ack, that was meant to say 'quiet room'. My apologies, I've edited it to clarify things.
Oh, no problemo! Thanks for clearin' that up.

Oh, hang on, one more question, awfully sorry. Isn't the quiet room missing a wall? How will that offer protection?
Well, policewoman wasn't to know, and neither do your characters. xD

Cloudy also asked me another question about whether the characters in the hall will get attacked or not. My answer was: They can get caught up in an attack or narrowly dodge something, but they aren't the targets so they won't get directly hit.

Hope you guys enjoyed the confusion, and all will be explained!
Yeah, I'm just gonna drop out. Probably as a temporary thing, like rejoin when things calm down enough I can actually get a post in. Right now though, it's too fast for me to even get in a single paragraph on one part of the plot before it moves on to the next part.
@UltreYuseke: Honestly, I understand your frustration but urge you to keep going for now. Things will almost certainly calm down in the coming week as school returns and then if you still can't keep up then you can drop out. Just it'll be very difficult for you to rejoin ATM because we're going to be changing location soon. I know it's fast paced, but you almost had a post up before the plot post and so there's no reason why you can't get one up now. Anyhow, nothing major's going to happen now until the majority of people have had time to react to the plot post so I urge you to stay for now.
Well, given that it's kinda awkward to even try posting what I was working on now that thing've shifted, and on top of that I'm clearly not anywhere aligned with the schedule everybody else has, I just can't keep goin'. Every time I'm off everybody posts like crazy, then when I get back on and try to catch up, too much more happens and I can't catch up.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that. However I still reckon you should stay until school starts up as things'll definitely get quieter. Your choice though, obviously. It'll be sad to see you go,
At this point, I'd have to say all I can do is stay and pop in on rare occasions when I get the chance. Also, when school stars back up, I'll be too busy with workin' jobs to be on all that much, which'd just make this even harder for me to stay up with. To top it off, can't stay up all night to be on while everybody else'll be postin' since I'll be tired as hell. I'll still stick around and see if I can find anywhere to hop back in.
I must say, I'm rather enjoying writing up all these plotposts and slowly drip-feeding you guys information. It's so much fun! I can't wait for us to get a little further into the lore-y stuff so that all will become clear to you guys :') If you're stuck make sure to keep watching the Updates thread, especially after each plot post, as it'll explain things a little!
Ooh, for the sake of plot, try not to stray too far from the quiet room :')

Also I have the next plot post written up and ready but am just waiting to give more people a chance to react to what's happened :')
I am in the road til this late evening (US time). It would be nice if people could refrain from posting too much reaction and hold off on the next plot post until I get a post in.
Ah ok. I was hoping to post the next plot post before sleeping tonight but I might hold off until morning now.
Well, we'll see. It's not as major as the last one but it does have some stuff to react to. Anyhow, people who haven't posted yet since the plot post should aim to post soon still and I'll see how many people have posted by the time I go to go to sleep.
Just wanna let you guys know: My winter break ends this Monday, so starting tommorow, I won't be able to get many posts in on weekdays.
@AikoMomone : I wouldn't worry too much as I think it's largely the same for everyone :) I go back on Tuesday, but I have a massive essay to write tomorrow so I'll still be working, though I'll also be posting in my breaks :)

Yep, so I'm going to hold off posting the next plot post until the morning to give other people a chance to react. However, I definitely will be posting it in the morning so make sure you've reacted to what's happened before then. G'night!

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