~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

There you go. The big reveal. I hope the central idea lives up to the hype I've had for it. Obviously, there's far more to it then that, far more, but I don't want to swamp you too much. For those who haven't actually had their questions answered, Lukasz will pick up on them later. Cheers!
Sweet! Posted, its a tad shorter than usual, on the train (again) and cramped up but wanted to at least get a post in before stuff moves any further, next one'll have more detail.
I might not post until late today/tonight, since I'm currently juggling a few things in addition to working on getting my start up in a RP or two.
I won't be able to reply until late US time tonight. Traveling for eight hours today getting back to my university. Classes resume tomorrow for me.
That's alright, as I won't be doing anything else now except answering the characters questions until tomorrow evening :)
Me: "Camellia has a question for Leon! Go on Camellia, ask him!"

Camellia: "Leon, do you... remember me...?

Me: "Camellia, that's not the question you said you were going to ask xD C'mon, ask him out already!"

Camellia: "Ask him out? What's the point if he doesn't remember me? That'd be like asking a stranger out to dinner."

Me: "Wait, I just realized... You're not even yawning right now... Camellia, you're finally learning to stay awake again!"

Camellia: "Zzzzzz.... Huh...? Oh, uh... Yeah, I'm learning..."
Me: That person is having a conversation with their character.

Robin: So?

Me: What do you mean? It's generally regarded as unhealthy to speak with figments of your imagination.

Robin: You realize the irony in your statement, right?

Me: I don't get it.

Robin: Hypocrite.
Camellia: Yeah, such a Hypocrite. Robin, wanna go grab Leon and have some fun somewhere?

Me: Hey, don't forget me now.

Camellia: Forget you? I don't really know you, so how can I forget you...?

Me: You've forgotten me already...

Camellia: Forgotten you...? Nah, I never did know you. Anyway, Leon, let's go have some fun!

Me: She can remember somebody from eight years ago, but can't remember me from just fifteen minutes ago? That's a screwed up memory.
Robin & Me: Sorry, can't. We're actually shlooop

Mebin/Rome: The same person.

Anyway, I am writing a post Shura.

Just not for what you want me to.
There, should be all fixed now on the tenses. Nothin' a quick edit can't fix, 'sept maybe Camellia's inability to stay awake unless it's for Leon.
I'm actually done for the day now as I've had a rough night the last few nights and really need to catch up with sleep for both this and school things. I'll have a post up in the morning though! Cheers!

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