~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~

My monster post is now up. I keep trying to keep the length down, but there's so much for Mark to think about and react to I don't want to just brush it all under the rug.

@Iallcsz I hope I gave you something sufficient to react to.
Right, you should all have something to react to! Sorry if the post isn't my best; I feel like I'm in another layer of reality today myself :P Anyhow, you should all have something to react to now. Over the last couple of days I've been pretty lax with the whole 'one post a day' thing seeing as I was also pretty bogged down and because of the way the plot was going, but I am expecting a reaction from everybody today. All of the section updates will come throughout the day tomorrow. Cheers!
So they all jumped through the portal to the 4th Layer and upon coming through all are laying on the ground? Are they all still in the same area?

EDIT: Missed the part where they all began surfacing around them.
Sorry, Ginge. I'm not caught up with the story, so it makes little to no sense to me. I joined this RP knowing I basically wouldn't have time for it, and at this point I'm going to have to give up some roleplays due to school starting again. I'm dropping out.

(SorryI'manassholeIknow;- ;)
Is there a way for Students to get on the "Black branches" without the help of Leon and Heidi, or do we need to give them room to post about pulling us up?
Alright, I posted. I am kind of wary of what I wrote because I didn't know if you wanted Leon and Heidi being the ones to bring everyone up and into the little Black Branch, @SkyGinge. Nonetheless, you have something to react to @CloudyBlueDay :D . Also, let me say that I am extremely happy you capitalized your name's multiple words. Awesome before, but even more awesome now.
I'd also like to take this moment to remind people that posts still don't have to be too long. If you're short of time and can only manage a few paragraphs that's perfectly fine as long as you're keeping up. Don't worry, posts from me will probably end up returning to sensible lengths when we finally have all the lore out in the clear :)
@CloudyBlueDay : Close-ish Cloudy, Close-ish!

@Iallcsz : There's no need to patronise me bud as if you read it your post does not grammar correctly. Anyhow, I've stated in numerous sections that the school thing wasn't really a big part of this story, and I've never once stated that there would be anything to do with classes. So Shura is right; whilst we will be returning to the real world at some point, life will never be the same for our characters, as we'll soon see.
Wasn't that the last day of school for most of us anyway? Wasn't that the whole point of the party? Or did I just read something incorrectly?
@DamagedGlasses : Nah, it was just a yearly party but the last year of school generally for all the older students and one of their last big social events.

And apologies to @Iallcsz as your question did kinda make sense, however without context it still was fairly reasonable for me to not quite understand it

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