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Fantasy <The Order> *Rebooted* (Open)

Wicked Jester

Suit Gangs Infamous Jester

Opening your phone you see you have a new text message.

Opening the message a large banner appears across your phone.


Confused you promptly scroll down to find a message that reads as follows:

The Order
Greetings <Player> and welcome to <The Order>.
Now your probably thinking what the hell is this about and are about to delete this message, but we strongly recommend against that.
Though we have already addressed you as a <Player> in <The Order>; this is not the case. <The Order> is a game, we have created.
Who we are, you can find out later. Why we are doing this, well.... we just got bored... don't judge us.
Anyway, your probably once again about to delete this message as you now are too confused to care anymore, but please do keep reading.
As a <Player> in <The Order>, you shall be sent messages telling you to do different things.
In exchange for doing these tasks, you shall receive <Points>, and the <Players> with the most points, shall at random times receive <Prizes>.
Don't believe us you say? Well please check your bank account then, and you shall find that $500,000 have been deposited there.
Maybe now you shall take us a bit more seriously. If you have questions, then please feel free to seek out our ambassador, Everest D. Avalon and ask him
though he may not be able to disclose all, but if you merely have questions about how this game is to work; he may be able to help.
Please do not attempt to reply to this message, as it will not go through, and the $500,000 are yours to keep even if you choose not to play.
We look forward to seeing you in <The Order>. Sincerely, <The Six>

Sighing, you open up your banking app, just to see, thinking this is just a hoax, yet there truly has been $500,000 deposited within the last five minutes.

What will you do next?

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"...... I asked you... To cover me..... How... How in a million years........ Did you get those brownies...?" A white haired male asked in an airy tone as he laid lopsided on a spinning chair trying to keep a straight face. Another him laughed lightly as he laid on his stomach on the hard wood floor and did the breast stroke. "You see~ I totally was! Like seriously.... Buuuut there was this dude...in this alley...and he.... Plus some HUGE dudes were just lounging around.... And then I saw the brownies. And I was like. Helllllllllll yeah~ And with that I may or may not have used one of the smoke grenades to jack their sweets~"

Another male sighed as he softly petted a stuffed rabbit as if he were a James Bond villain. "You know they were filled with grass right~ Holy hell.... Rabbits.....are so soft dude..." "hehehe I know~ That's why they taste yummy in my tummy~ Hehe" "Did you really say yummy in my tummy? That....was really lame....." "Shhhhhhhhh I'm high as hell right now." "Isn't hell under the world... Like in the earths core or something." "Nah~ Member journey to the center of the earth? Just dinos, no demons.... Juuuuuust dinos." "Hell is at your mothers house~" "Hey...... Hehe That's pretty true though...." "Wait.... Who covered for me?" "Shhhh Orgin.... Just float~ No one cares about that dead lead job~"

"Don't you mean end not lead?" "Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah I meant lead...... Right?" "I don't think so...... It doesn't make sense...." "Yeah it does~ Lead is dead.... Just like his job!" "Duuuudes.... Stop talking about orgin's dumbbell job." "Yeah~ Let's focus on the snow clouds stuck to our heads~" "Whyyyy I like snow...." "Why did I make you guys again?" The original asked to which the other clones just shrugged at the same time. "Ryuu are high....... Logic isn't valid for a good while."

The original Ryuu, who's leg were the only thing still on the chair chuckled and nodded. "Riiiiiiiiiight...... Oh look.... We really do have snow clouds on our heads.... Hahaha I wonder if they will melt....." "We should totally find out..."
Peaceswore said:
"...... I asked you... To cover me..... How... How in a million years........ Did you get those brownies...?" A white haired male asked in an airy tone as he laid lopsided on a spinning chair trying to keep a straight face. Another him laughed lightly as he laid on his stomach on the hard wood floor and did the breast stroke. "You see~ I totally was! Like seriously.... Buuuut there was this dude...in this alley...and he.... Plus some HUGE dudes were just lounging around.... And then I saw the brownies. And I was like. Helllllllllll yeah~ And with that I may or may not have used one of the smoke grenades to jack their sweets~"
Another male sighed as he softly petted a stuffed rabbit as if he were a James Bond villain. "You know they were filled with grass right~ Holy hell.... Rabbits.....are so soft dude..." "hehehe I know~ That's why they taste yummy in my tummy~ Hehe" "Did you really say yummy in my tummy? That....was really lame....." "Shhhhhhhhh I'm high as hell right now." "Isn't hell under the world... Like in the earths core or something." "Nah~ Member journey to the center of the earth? Just dinos, no demons.... Juuuuuust dinos." "Hell is at your mothers house~" "Hey...... Hehe That's pretty true though...." "Wait.... Who covered for me?" "Shhhh Orgin.... Just float~ No one cares about that dead lead job~"

"Don't you mean end not lead?" "Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah I meant lead...... Right?" "I don't think so...... It doesn't make sense...." "Yeah it does~ Lead is dead.... Just like his job!" "Duuuudes.... Stop talking about orgin's dumbbell job." "Yeah~ Let's focus on the snow clouds stuck to our heads~" "Whyyyy I like snow...." "Why did I make you guys again?" The original asked to which the other clones just shrugged at the same time. "Ryuu are high....... Logic isn't valid for a good while."

The original Ryuu, who's leg were the only thing still on the chair chuckled and nodded. "Riiiiiiiiiight...... Oh look.... We really do have snow clouds on our heads.... Hahaha I wonder if they will melt....." "We should totally find out..."
((I love how he's able to hold conversations like that with himself xD ))
"Please come again!" Vera called after their last customer of the night. The bell on the door chiming softly as it shut behind them. Despite her cheerful tone, she was exhausted and her wings were killing her. Walking over to the door after checking the time, she flipped the open sign to closed, though old fashioned it still did the trick. Turning back around, she made for the door that lead up to their apartment. "Aero, you comin'"? She called to her sister. No reply. 'Must already be up there...' Vera thought as she opened the door and climbed the solid, wooden steps. Her footsteps echoing in the small space. Entering their humble abode, Vera would then immediately take off her hoodie, the cramped leathery wings unfolding. Sighing with relief, Vera stretched them out quite far before letting them hang limp on her back. Walking over to the kitchen, the half shifter popped open the fridge. Grabbing a blood bag, she then closed it once more. Aero isn't very fond of spoiled meat. Puncturing the delicate pouch with her fangs, the bitter-sweet, metallic liquid washing over her toung, Vera wandered over to the small parlor where Areo was fixing a costume. "Did Jeff rip it again?" She asked out of the corner of her mouth in an exasperated tone. He showed almost every week with a new rip or tear. Aero would turn around with a soft smile "How...does one sew ...aluminum ?" Chuckling softly, Vera went back to the living room.

After finishing her meal, Vera got an idea. Grabbing for her plastic lightsaber, the old, beaten thing lighting up a pale green. Grinning, she stealthy made her way into the kitchen where Areo had been taking a break from her aluminum adventure for a quick snack. Leaping forward with a sharp cry, I mean, everyone would attack a sibling with a plastic toy only dressed in a bra and exercise shorts.

A bit later, the sisters were splayed on the ground, their wings unfolded and flapping gently against the floor while they still decided who won SAGC (Starwars-Arial-Gladatorial Combat) rolling onto her stomach, every inch of her body drenched in sweat Vera opened her mouth to comment on their battle when both their cell phones went off at the exact same time. Frowning, Vera sat up. This was odd. Not only did they go over in minutes this month, but their phones were shut down.
Keith was sitting at the edge of the pier wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt trying to look semi normal. He swung his feet over the edge playfully and held out his fishing pole trying to catch his snack

Soon three punk teens came by to mess with him. They ususally do at this time since they clearly have no life. "Hey shark bait whatcha doin??" One said and laughed

"Stop calling me that....."

"Quiet shark bait no asked you!!"

Keith started gritting his teeth annoyed

"Hey dont ignore us shark bait we're talking to you!!"

Keith sighed and simply flicked his wrist

"Shark bait we're fucking talking to-.........i dont feel so good..." Said the leader. Soon his body started to get chubby as he got fatter and fatter. He was soon like a balloon and keith just smiled "sucks being made of 60% water huh?"

Soon the teen exploded sending guts and bones everywhere. The remaining one looked in horror and soon ran off

Keith sighed as he looked in te water "where are all the damn fish....?"
Pein slowly climbed out of a hole in the ground he made a mile away from the asylum he lives at. The day he broke out he had used his shockwaves to make a tunnel behind one of the mattresses on his walls and would leave whenever he wanted. They knew he did but can never figure out how.

He pulled his mask over his face and walked to New York. He had received a text on a phone he 'acquired' and was actually looking forward to starting. He roamed the streets ignoring the few looks he got from people.

He walked behind a restaurant to simply hang out by himself. A cop saw a random stranger in mask and decided to investigate. He went behind the restaurant and looked at pein and put his hand on his gun "sir may I ask what you're doing?"

Pein slowly turned his head to look at the cop but said nothing. The officer continued to ask questions but when pein never answered the cop grabbed his arm to cuff him.

Suddenly a shockwave bursted off of pein sending the cop flying over several buildings and landed in the New York harbor

Pein rolled his shoulder and resumed leaning on the wall
Jeff Johnson Willams needed to die. Every day, he came into the shop, , with a new tear, rip, stain, gash or a piece missing. And every day, Aero would give him the same weary smile and accept the destroyed garment with the promise to fix it. That leads us to her sitting cross legged on the floor, examining the crumpled mess of aluminum, metal and cardboard that Jeff claimed to be a hat for a tin man costume. Why he needed one at this time of the month, she would never know. A thin needle dangled between Aero's retracted talons and a look of annoyance and pain smeared across her face.

A small sigh would escape as she heard Vera's voice behind her, already trying to control herself from raging about how Jeff accidentally ran over the hat with his scooter. In a strangled voice, she would say to her sister, "How...does one sew....aluminum". Vera simply chuckeld.

Aerowen munched aggressively on the slab of boneless meat, tearing it into burger patty sized chunks with her now exposed talons and swallowing them whole. A particularly large and bloodly chunk was making its way down her throat when a sharp cry-Vera's battle cry made her way to Aero's ears. Turning around swiftly, the fire eyed girl earned a light saber to the neck.

Aero swallowed the rest of meat and narrowed her eyes at Vera, her hand slowly drawing out her own battered, red lightsaber behind her. Making her voice unrealistically deep and angst filled, Aerowen looked up dramatically at her sister. "I see....HEEEYAH !". With that, Aero brought up her weapon and conked Vera on the head wearing nothing but a giant muscle tank and boyshorts.

The two went around the house, sometimes flying, sometimes gliding and most times, crashing into things. Dramatic screeches and odd battle screams echoed around the house as they engaged in a fierce game of SAGC. They ended with Vera pinned under Aero, a lightsaber under her chin and Aerowen flaring her nostrils righteously. "Are you prepared to die ?". Not one to die easily, Vera screamed, " LOOK ! OVER THERE, CARA DELIVENGE". "I know she's not there but I have to look !!!". When Aero turned, Vera bucked her off and the two resumed battling.

A bit later, the two were lying on the floor, debating and laughing when their phones went off. Raising a eyebrow, Vera grabbed her phone and scrolled through her phone. In a deadly serious voice, the dark haired girl said "Check you're phone, Aero. Now". Rolling onto her stomach, Aerowen grabbed her phone and saw the text, checking her bank account right after. The Lohman sisters came to the realization that together, they had a million dollars. They were excited to say the least.
Pein looked at his phone and sighed. "Ok then fish guy.......like in a costume or...?" He shrugged and figured he'd figure it out when he got there. He looked on the map and sighed "taxi it is then....."

He walked out to the street and called a taxi. An hour later one stopped for him and he showed the driver the coordinates and they set off

40 something minutes later they arrived at the docks "where my money??"

Pein sighed and simply punched the driver so hard in his nose it knocked him out cold. "There...."

He got out and looked around. To his surprise he saw a actually shark man fishing on the side of the pier "I'll be damn....." He calmly walked up to the shark boy and back handed him full force "I was paid to...."
Keith growled as he looked at the random masked dude who had just slapped him "just because they paid you doesn't mean you have to ya jerk!!!" He said angrily

He clenched his fist and in a swift motion he whipped his tail around and slapped the man into the water "punk...." He grumbled before stomping off
After just about dying from the shock over the money, Vera's phone buzzed once more. Opening the text and quickly scanning the message read:

<The Order>
Hello, My names Amp. I'm one of <The Six>. I'm rather annoyed at another one of <The Six> named Lance currently. So I want you to go and drive his car into the Hudson for me. He has the car parked in the battery parking garage. I attached a map so you could find it either way. The cars that new Tesla Model S P90D, and you can find a spare key strapped under the rear passenger side wheel well. Soon as it hits the water, I'll give you 30pts.
Oh and don't worry about Lance. He might be a bit moody due to this, but he wont try to retaliate against you.
Aight, you got it. It'll be sleeping with the fishes in no time.

Turning to Areo, Vera grinned "I'm going to go drive a car in the Hutson. Where's my mask?" Aero looked slightly impressed then jerked her thumb towards the corner. "Daaaammmnnn, it's over there." Walking over, Vera grabbed the beautiful thing along with her bonesaws still in their sheaths and the large rubber gloves. Donning a pair of jeans and a black hoodie (this one with slits for her wings) she pulled her hair back. Putting on the mask, she then pulled her hood up. Opening the fridge she grabbed her flask of blood before giving a soft chittering as she left, Vera made her way up to the roof.

The door to was locked, but nothing a littl' muscle couldn't fix. As it swung open, she stretched out her wings as she made her way to the edge of the building. Checking the map once more, she then shoved her phone in her hoodie pocket. Looking in the direction she needed to go, Vera then ran and leaped off the building, her leathery wings beating slowly. Once she has climbed high enough, Vera began making her way to the parking garage.

Landing softly on top of the cement building, she took out her flask and drank a sip. Returning it back to her pocket, Vera made her way to the stairs that lead to the lower levels. Slowly walking, her footsteps echoing off the cramped space, she reached the first floor. Scanning the lot she found what she was looking for. Vera was just about to fly over when she heard footsteps. Frowning inside the large beak, Vera shrunk back into the shadow of the stairwell, folding her wings tightly. It was a woman by the looks of it, retrieving her car. She was just fine until the woman began to pull out, the vehicle's headlights shining right into her eyes. Emitting a low, startled hiss, her wings instinctively bound around her, shielding her eyes. The human screamed, it piercing her sensitive ears as she backed up and sped away. As she regained her senses, she sighed 'Well, so much for remaining inconspicuous'

Once she was sure it was clear, and she could see and hear properly, Vera flew over to the car, close enough to the asphalt her clothing brushed it. On the drivers side, she used her elbow to smash open the window GTA style. Unlocking the door, it swung open with ease. Now, she was weary. This car could be rigged with explosives, sharp pointy objects, meth, who knows?! Yet, she still entered the automobile. Finding the spare key, she grasped it carefully with a gloved hand. Sticking it into the ignition, Vera tried to think of how she was to do this since she had never driven before. 'Shouldn't be that hard, eh?' she thought as it roared to life.

After a solid 5 minutes of stop and going, she finally got the hang of the gas petal. Slowly directing the car out of the lot, she then let her foot slam down upon the gas. Skidding out of the garage, she flew over 24 NY-9A and Hudson River Greenway to get onto 3 PI. People screamed and ran to escape her amazing driving skills as she then went through a park, avoiding various trees and people then only to fly off the edge and into the drink. As it sank, Vera pushed on the door. Wouldn't budge. Frowning as the car slowly filled with the vial liquid, she looked upwards. Unsheathing one of her saws, Vera proceeded to puncture a hole in the roof. Sawing away until the whole was big enough, water rushing in. Running out of oxygen, Vera squeezed out of the vehicle, her wings scraping the sides. Never learning how to swim, she used her wings to propel herself to the surface. Her wings being somewhat useless due to bats not flying quite well when wet, she had to haul herself out on her own. Laying back, and sheathing her saw, Vera's wings laid splayed out behind her, ignoring the looks she got. She was exhausted at fuck. Reaching for her flask, it now waterlogged, she groaned. Chucking the thing in the river, it now infested with various chemicals and bacteria. Vera needed blood, yet was to tired to go hunting. Slowly getting to her feet, water still streaming off of her sodden clothing, Vera headed for home. Her wings dragging behind her, she ignored the various people pointing and staring. One guy even came up and poke it, only to be greeted by a low hiss.

Slamming the door shut, Aero opened her mouth to speak before Vera interrupted "I'm going to wash myself in bleach, be back in a bit." Walking over to the bathroom she stripped off all her clothing, noting to burn it later.

"Thanks! Come again~"

Sparrow waved as the last customer of the night finally left the bar, meaning she could finally start cleaning up so the place could close. Second shift wasn't too bad aside from dinner rush, but it wasn't the worst. Enchanting the sink to automatically clean dishes made life a bit easier behind the scenes, so she could go home quicker. As much as she loved being on her feet, it was nice to go home at the end of the night. Tucking her hair behind her ears she began bringing the rest of the dishes to the back so the sink could wash them. When that was done all that was left was to wipe the tables and-


A text message brought her out of her lazer focus of closing the store, and she opened her phone, finding a message from the Order.

To: Sparrow

Re: The Order

Hello. The Six need you to enter and retrieve a folder of documents from an office of a warehouse out on the bay. Bring them to postal bin a block down from your place of residence and place them in there. That is all.

Sparrow yawned, looking at the time. the digital numbers in the corner changing from 11:32 to 11:33. Sighing she ran up to her coworker Ben, the bartender of the joint, to try and explain the situation.

"Heeeey, Ben! So... I just got a message from my other job... they want me to come in rig-"

"Just go." He responded, cutting her off, not looking up from cleaning off some of the bottles he had used this last shift. "The dishes will clean themselves, so I'll be fine here. Just be careful."

A smile laced her lips as she grabbed her totebag from the employee-only area and ran out the back door, leaving the doors swinging behind her. Ben worked the same shifts has her since she started working there, so it was only a matter of time before he noticed the small enchantments she used while working. He was confused but willing to accept it as it was, so when she got messages from the Order, he was understanding of her situation. As she ran, hopping over a concrete barrier she dug through her tote, pulling out her mask and slipping it on. With this get-up, with a mask that only covered her eyes, her Batman work-uniform-tank-top and otherwise black attire, she really felt like she was the Dark Knight. Giggling to herself she free-ran over to the only warehouse on the bay nearby, stopping about 50 yards away to slightly catch her breath. She moved her mask up off her face, resting it on the top of her head.

"What's even so special about this place? Looks pretty run down to me. Oh well~"

Slipping the mask back down Sparrow started making her way toward the giant door of the warehouse. She was right - it looked pretty worn and essentially abandoned, but she trusted the judgement of The Six, so she didn't think too much into it. Up close it was a lot bigger than she anticipated, but she wasn't too worried. The big door used for trucks seemed tightly shut without a way to get in, so she circled around to find a back door, which she eventually found, no thanks to it being covered in shadows. Sparrow reached out a hand, the metal of the door rusting and cold to the touch, and she fumbled around to try and find the door handle. She scoffed, reminding herself to enchant her mask yet again, this time with the ability to toggle night vision. A moment later and her hand found the handle and she jiggled it, unsurprised in the slightest that it was locked. No matter! She dug through her tote once more and brought out a small leather pouch containing her lockpicking set, and she kneeled down to better pick the shit out of this lock.

The darkness didn't help her case. It was hard to see what tools she was grabbing and for a little while she wasn't even getting the tools in the lock. Poor girl didn't think to use her phone as a light. But after a while, by some freak stroke of luck the lock unlocked, and the door opened. She squealed in delight that she was successful, quickly hopping inside and closing the door behind her. The air was thick and musty, filled with dust, and the place smelled damp. Ragged blankets and cloths were draped over machinery, and upon inspection (and by inspection that meant Sparrow lifting up a blanket to see what was underneath) she found machines that seemed to be in new and working order. Of course the girl had no idea what the machines did, but she could definitely tell they weren't that old. Shrugging she peered around the area to find the office, which was stuck in the back corner away from all the doors. This one wasn't locked (who doesn't lock their office?) so she snuck right in without any issue.

"Hello~? Anyone in here~? Say something if you don't want me going through your drawers~ ...nothing? Okay~!"

She called out through the office in a mockingly sing-song voice, walking in circles toward the desk as she did. As the sentence ended so did her dance, and she sat down to rummage through the drawers of the fairly nice desk in the corner of the corner office. Her stroke of luck from earlier continued as the first drawer she opened contained a nice sized manila folder full of documents of some kind. Perhaps it had to do with the mystery machines out in the actual warehouse that she looked at? Perhaps, but it wasn't her job to find out. Sliding the drawer shut and subsequently the door to the office, she walked briskly over to the exit of the building, making sure to lock it behind her. With a quick salute she was out of there and headed back toward her own apartment, where the drop-off point was.

As she made her way back Sparrow flipped the edge of the envelope through her fingers, the edges of all the documents hidden inside swiping against the pads. Part of her wanted to find out what was inside, to satiate her curiousity of why The Six would want these, but she shook her head at the thought, stopping herself. It wasn't her job to know why they needed it, they just did. That's how it was. An hour or so later and she was home, and headed down the road toward the designated postbox. Everything was so quiet, almost eerily so, but a quick glance at her phone determined it was around 1-ish in the morning, explaining the lack of people. It was New York City though, so it was a little weird anyways. Soon the mailbox was in sight and she sprinted to make it there and drop it in the slot, closed end of the manila envelope first. She could hear some of the papers falling out, and grimaced, hoping that wouldn't affect her mission any. Yawning again she made her way up to her apartment, nearly forgetting to get her keys out of her tote, and immediately fell face first into her bed, exhausted from a successful day or work and a successfully completed order by The Six. Snores soon filled the bedroom, mixed with the sounds of the city coming from her open window.

((Sorry this was so long, I kinda rambled... posts won't normally be this long, I promise!))
Pein slowly climbed out of the harbor and flopped onto the deck. He took a deep breath and sighed. Looking over at the shark he snapped his fingers and a shockwave bursted from under its feet sending him flying into the bay "now we're even..." Pein mumbled

(Sorry for the late response got busy)
[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]Pein slowly climbed out of the harbor and flopped onto the deck. He took a deep breath and sighed. Looking over at the shark he snapped his fingers and a shockwave bursted from under its feet sending him flying into the bay "now we're even..." Pein mumbled
(Sorry for the late response got busy)

((You might want to start either tagging people or quoting them so they see you response...))
Keith growled and jumped out of the water and practically flew towards pein and landed onto him with a loud thud "NOW we're even!!" He then rolled off of him and walked away calmly like nothing happened

(It's ok I saw it I was just being lazy xD )
Aero was splayed on the floor, flailing and gasping like she was having a seizure. The two of them had never possessed nearly that much money in their lives and now, having five hundred K shoved at them each ? Aero was suprised her heart didn't stop.

The girls kept up their odd little celebration until Vera's phone buzzed again. The older sibling read her mission and Aerowen smirked and swore, pointing her way to the masks.

Soon after Vera left, the winged girl's phone buzzed and she eagerly grabbed it, reading the text slowly. Using her talons to click out a reply, Aerowen began getting ready.

<The Order>
Another <Player> of <The Order> is at 1345 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, eating some brownies. Go get one of those brownies using whatever means necessary. You get a brownie, you get 50pts. Simple right?
Oh, and out of courtesy, i suppose I should tell you my name, which is Grimm. Also there's a map attached to this message.
Brownies ? Fuck yeah

Lacing her work boots, Aero gave herself one more look in the mirror. She replaced her muscle tank with a chunky, rusty red, off the shoulder knit sweater and a pair of black jeans, the only visible tattoos were on her hands. Running her hands through her curls, Aerowen made her way out the fire escape and to the roof. Staring at the map for a minute, Aero shoved her phone in her pocket and jogged to the edge of the building, taking a dramatic bow before cannonballing the roof. Her massive fire'n'gold wings snapped out from the slits in her sweater and flapped upwards, propelling her towards the sky. Easily gliding above all the skyscrapers, Aerowen turned and coasted until she came to the destination. Circling around, she spotted the house, Aero landed quietly. Sending her unusually long tongue to glide over the metal rings on each side of her lips, she approached the house and rung the bell. Being the lady she was, Aero rapped her knuckles on the door incredibly hard.

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James sat down in his apartment after a long day at work, where some idiots couldn't firpgure out how to run a simple loop properly to count to 100 users and instead, the loop crashed their files and they constantly managed to screw it up again. He then, powering up his email account, looked at the emails he had received...

To: Askare

Re: A|\|0|\|Y|\/|0|_|S

You have been assigned to the company Likura who has recently let out a statement saying that they will outsource all jobs to India and China that can be. We have decided to retaliate. Your job is to infiltrate their website, and change the front cover to make it offensive. Then, do what you want."


(OOC: sorry for the leet speak and I am typing on a tablet so formatting is difficult)

James smiled in glee. Last time this had happened, he had been responsible for the crashing of the West Coast servers and the message "Justice for the Internet -Anon"

"Well, well, well... Look who's coming to dinner. The main course: fried servers."

He opened up Tor and began to access the code...

Some time passes...

The Amazon opening screen now played Nyan Cat and had pictures of obscene words and language on it.

Then, just for the hell of it, he put a picture of a yin and yang symbol with the sun and the moon instead of the black and white as the picture for any other thing they were to buy.
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Ryuu was laying on the ground only one foot rested on the spinning chair. "Dudes..... I just thought of something amazingly genius~" "What???" Asked another Ryuu who was hugging another Ryuu while running his hand through his hair. "We should...... We should steal a news van!" "Why?" "Nah man! I get it! That's freaking smart right there! If we steal a news van.... THEY CAN'T REPORT IT!!!!!" "DUDE!!!"

At that all the Ryuu's began to laugh but their laughter cut short when they heard a loud banging on the door. Hearing this their eyes widened and they looked at each other. "OH SHET IT'S THE PO PO!!!" They shouted at once before one of the Ryuu's shhhhed them. "Quiet! They might here us!" He yelled whisper something that could eaily be heard by the one on the other side of the door. Talking in a quieter tone he looked at the others. "Okay... I'll go see who it is you guys.... Hide the weed." He said before getting up and walking to the door. Only to trip on the couch and land on the floor face first. "Ow..." "Pfffff Hahahahaha! Idiot!" "Quiet! Hurry up and hide the biscuits and crumpets!" "What?" "Shut up and go."

With that the Ryuus shrugged and they each took an individual slice of the remaining brownies before leaving the room blundering into many things. When they left the other Ryuu got off the floor and stumbled to the door. After running into the wall and fumbling around with the door handle he finally opened it up. "Hellllo..... I'm guessing girl... The strip club is around the corner.... I think.... holy S...I don't remember where the strip club is! Hehehehe I got to go on an adventure later~" He said in an airy tone as he looked at the female. ".............. Hahaha..... When did you get here?"

@Of the Red
Penance said:
Keith growled and jumped out of the water and practically flew towards pein and landed onto him with a loud thud "NOW we're even!!" He then rolled off of him and walked away calmly like nothing happened
(It's ok I saw it I was just being lazy xD )
Pein growled and sat up and slowly looked at Keith ".....pest...." He popped his neck and soon a shockwave bursted infront of Keith sending him flying into a wall. Pein then ran up and threw a punch to his face

Quiet Dragon]Pein growled and sat up and slowly looked at Keith ".....pest...." He popped his neck and soon a shockwave bursted infront of Keith sending him flying into a wall. Pein then ran up and threw a punch to his face [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12782-penance/ said:
With quick reaction Keith moved his head to the side causing the punch to go to the wall. He then kneed pein in the gut and kicked him away from him. Keith smirked and held up his fists ready to fight "you could've walked away now I'm ready to kick your ass!!"
James hasn't seen the text message yet, but he checks it once a day, and that's now. He opens up his phone, and seeing an unknown message, he opens it up...

"...five hundred thousand dollars..."

He is so shocked he can't even speak. Five minutes later, he is analysing what to do with the money.

"Well, there's the student loans and then some. Then, I could move out of the apartment or just buy it. I like the area, but maybe..."

He walks over to his computer and sends an email to his bank, saying that he has the money to pay off the loans. The bank responds with a bill for the rest of the money, and he sends the money over. A huge weight is lifted off his shoulders, and the rest he inserts into his banking account to collect interest.
Penance said:
With quick reaction Keith moved his head to the side causing the punch to go to the wall. He then kneed pein in the gut and kicked him away from him. Keith smirked and held up his fists ready to fight "you could've walked away now I'm ready to kick your ass!!"
Pein sighed and ran up to Keith and delivered a hard punch to his side and another to his jaw knocking him back. Pein backed up a bit saying nothing ready to fight
[QUOTE="Quiet Dragon]Pein sighed and ran up to Keith and delivered a hard punch to his side and another to his jaw knocking him back. Pein backed up a bit saying nothing ready to fight

Keith growled as he rubbed his jaw. He flicked his wrist and a water tentacle wrapped itself around pein and pulled him under water and tried to drown him "later bitch!"
Aero blinked. He was high. This kid was high. Chuckling softly, she muttered, " I know where the strip club is, hon. I'm a frequent visitor". Aero glanced around him trying to see into the house before snapping back into reality to answer him. " Oh, I just got here....I'd like to use your bathroom ...and my cell phone is dead....so are my parents".
Penance said:
Keith growled as he rubbed his jaw. He flicked his wrist and a water tentacle wrapped itself around pein and pulled him under water and tried to drown him "later bitch!"
Pein struggled against the water for a moment then let out a roar and a shockwave bursted from him pushing all the water away from him. He was now standing in a dry area with all the water being pushed back "humph...." He said unamused
Ryuu leaned against the door with a broad grin on his face as he tired not to fall over. 'I'm doing a good job... There is no way she knows I'm above a plane!!' He thought with a small snicker. Having zoned out for a moment he snapped back in when he heard the word strip club. "I... Heha I forgot how... How to get to the club strip... You should show me a time... C-Cause adventures!" He exclaimed before laughing lightly.

When she asked to use his bathroom his eyes narrowed a bit. "Why should I let you use my ballroom? What makes you think I have one?? Sorry! I live in this floating castle! There fore I don't have a bal-... Wait a minute.... I'M IN A FLOATING CASTLE!!!! AWESOME!!" He suddenly shouted before giggling and backing up. He waved his hand beckoning the girl to come in.

"You can use my ballroom~ Though... Just because your parent's are dead doesn't mean you should leave without charging your cellphone~ Hehehe Their are a bunch of weirdos here... I see one every time I look at the portal in the ballroom~" He said in an airy tone as he stumbled to his couch. Only to trip on a coffee table and face plant on the floor. "Awww The flur needs some loving~ Okay~ Hehehe" He giggled completely out of it.

The other Ryuus were scattered around, though a few of them had actually made it outside by jumping through a window.... Which... They forgot to open up... So yeah three Ryuu's smashed through un open windows....

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