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Fantasy <The Order> *Rebooted* (Open)

<Sorry, didn't get the notice =/>

Kai shook his head and swallowed his bite. "Not protective, more like selfish. Demons don't very much like to share...anything" He responded as he watched the explosives fall down, roll down the street and blow up. Taking chunks out of the buildings nearby. "I'm glad this isn't anywhere near my place. I'd be pretty pissed if my stuff got ruined, or my favorite food places for that matter." He said with a chuckle as he took another bite. "Besides, I haven't gotten the order to help, I don't fancy risk without reward." He added as he finished his soda and tossed the can off the roof, he heard a soft clink as it bounced off some nosy lady's head. H laughed a little when he heard her swearing and leaned over the side. She looked up and saw him, shook her fist then ducked back inside as he dropped a full can down on her.

Oni-"Your just lazy trash, that's why you don't go fight. And you're a freeloader...IN YOUR OWN BODY!!!!!" Oni raged on, his voice sounding audible to anyone nearby, although it seemed disembodied as he didn't have his own body to speak with.

@Jesters Court
Laughing Fenris blew out a smoke ring and said,

"Are you forgetting who I live with? Oni is a fucking charity compared to them. Also, speaking of and to Oni, aren't you the one that could be considered freeloading? Besides, I'm sure those idiots will find you something to do. Hell if nothing else, they'll probably send you to just go eat a fucking sandwich or something!"

Jesters Court](( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12743-andujarprime/ said:
@andujarprime[/URL] Your Notifs suck. ))
(( @StoneWolf18 If you need me to take over the skeletons i can... ))
Jesters Court](( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12743-andujarprime/ said:
@andujarprime[/URL] Your Notifs suck. ))
(( @StoneWolf18 If you need me to take over the skeletons i can... ))

((@StoneWolf18 is that a yes? ))
(yeah, just don't make it too easy ;3)
The hordes of skeletons continue to surge forth, now bearing simple swords and clubs. Soon a large swarm beings pouring out from N Moore St, attempting to bum rush you and overwhelm you with sheer numbers.

@Penance @Quiet Dragon

Seeing the van hurtling towards in, the colossus took a half step back before punting it, and sending it flying far over the roof tops, crushing many of the minions around it in the process. Straightening up, the colossus brushes the side of its arm, causing countless skeletons to fall to the ground, who then pick themselves up and begin to wordlessly surge towards you.

@RandomBomb @Peaceswore
Kai smiled at the thought. "Yeah, that'd be pretty cool." With a strange sound Oni interrupts the night again. "Mind your manners child, and your business. A wizard pays his debts, and this body is owed to me. Not my fault his fool father didn't complete the ritual. This body and soul belong to me, end of story." Oni sounded disgruntled, as if remembering an ill memory. Kai turned back to the undead army before them and smiled. Soon, very soon. If this continues to get out of hand I might have to intervene before they head uptown...

<So sorry I responded last night but I never hit enter =( >
Keith growled and snapped his fingers. Suddenly him and pein's body were both surrounded in one giant whirlpool suck some skeletons in

@Jesters Court @Quiet Dragon
Penance said:
Keith growled and snapped his fingers. Suddenly him and pein's body were both surrounded in one giant whirlpool suck some skeletons in
@Jesters Court @Quiet Dragon
Pein was quick to pick up on the strategy and while in the whirlpool he made several shockwaves burst sending the skeletons shooting out of it and into the ocean and nearby walls 'too easy...'

@Penance @Jesters Court
"I had forgotten how much of a pompous ass you are oni."

Taking another bite of his pizza, Fenris continued speaking,

"Anyway. The six sent me out here to see if we need to get Lance to clean up his own mess or not. So far I think the players should be able to handle it."


Seeing that they weren't going to reach them, the mob of skeletons slowly began to retreat back down N. Moore St. Throwing rocks and random objects at the two as it retreats down the street.

@Penance @Quiet Dragon

Keith stopped the whirlpool and smirked "wusses......" He flicked his wrist and a waved the size of an average house went towards them

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