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Fantasy The Order [Reboot]



RP Junkie
Upon the coastline of Cuba, rested a three story guild-house. The building seemed rather run-down, reflecting the status of the order within the Caribbean- generally ignored as it wasn't a pretty sight. Most colonies ran themselves, and pirates were abound. However, to those looking to join one of the prestigious 'Guilds', this was still an honor of sorts- even if it was the weakest link in the chain of all of the Twenty Seven. Nearby docks would host a single galleon, slowly tying itself to the docks with passengers- people who were willing to come to this Guild, and join it in the right to become something more- if that be a force for good or evil, popular among the masses, or even to gain power, this place was a good start, and it would look well to start out in other guilds.

There were a pair of commoners outside, recently hired with silver, as to get them to clean up the place, and so they were- ripping up weeds, cutting the grass with their scythes, and even trimming the bushes and trees to make the place look more professional. However, they could only do so much for now, as the place still looked horrible to the eyes.

At the docks for any approaching upon the boat, they would find themselves being woken up and called out to the top of the ship as to enable them to see the sight of their new home. The galleon was just pulling into the dock, and the crew was scrambling about- taking cargo from below decks to carry it to the island. There was shipments of meat, new nails for them, and various goods for the Guild Hall to restore itself to its former glory, if Ryder cared to do such.
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Today was going to be a good day for Gurak. Usually, the chef was grumpy and impatient, but today was definitely different. It wasn't the cool ocean wind rolling in, or the beautiful sunrise this morning, or even the possibility of fresh new recruits today - though those did help a bit. No, Gurak was happy because it was finally Meat Shipment Day - where the only galleon that the Order dealt with was scheduled to bring in a new shipment of meat. The orc's mouth watered at the idea, and he had to spit in the wastebin before any orc dribble reached the meat he was currently cutting. Usually, only preserved and salted meats made their way in by sea - but occasionally, a freshly-slaughtered pig or cow would make its way onto that galleon. He could practically taste it already - but again, Gurak restrained himself. Just a little bit longer. You can hold on just a little bit longer, Gurak...

Thankfully, the fact that meat shipment was happening today meant that Gurak could splurge on all the leftover meat from the last shipment. And due to his careful control of the amount of meat he cooked regularly, today's breakfast would be nothing short of a hearty feast - as long as you liked meat, that is. Finally finishing slicing the meat he'd been working on, Gurak skewered it and threw it over the fire before taking off another skewer and sliding the meat right off. Pulling off a string of his last sausages, the orc began creating his plates - each complete with a slab of beef, a link of sausage, and a pile of the chef's favorite "mystery meat", too, topped off with some leaf he'd grabbed from the tree outside. Snatching up all the plates and carrying them to the front of his little bar in a delicate balancing act, Gurak let out his signature bellow for the day to start. "Come and get it! Sausage, beef, and everything in between!" With that, Gurak stood proudly behind his meaty monstrosities of plates, bearing the widest grin as he waited for the guild members to come down. "Don't be shy! It'll get cold, you know!"

Anyone Anyone


As the galleon tied itself to The Order's docks, one figure stood right at the gangplank, almost as if she was begging to get off. Wind rolling over the seas brushed this strange woman's hair, yet she held the brim of her hat steady, letting only the twisted corners of her grimace peek through. Only the hilt of her carefully wrapped sword and a couple of exposed teeth showed any responding glimmer for the careful observer, keeping her as solemn as a statue - but as soon as the galleon became ready to dismount, the stranger sprang immediately into action. As she flared to life, the rest of this woman became more animated as well. The brim of her hat lifted to reveal two brown eyes bright with fiery intent, and the bright red bullfighters cloth tied to her wrist began billowing behind her like a cape as she strode down the gangplank. The scene was almost majestic - until this mysterious swordswoman quickly fell to her knees and threw up into the sea.

This sorry sight was Maria Guerra, swordswoman of the Americas, slayer of bulls, and glory-seeker extraordinaire - and as she soon learned from the volume of vomit she just hurled - having sea-legs was one thing she couldn't add to that resume. Ragged and exhausted from her journey by sea, Maria quickly swore never to take a boat - then swore multiple times, in the other sense, over horrible that ride was. Nonetheless, the swordswoman quickly straightened out, making sure not too many people saw that spectacle before locking eyes with the decrepit guild house before her. It had taken a lot to get here, from wild hints to old rumors, but now came the time for Maria to make her entrance. Telling herself that she wouldn't - no, couldn't - fail now, the swordswoman took one last deep breath and tipped the brim of her hat back down. "Let's do this."

Thus, Maria Guerra, swordswoman extraordinaire, kicked open the doors of the Order's guild, giving the already battered doors an unnecessary beating. As soon as she stepped in, the guild had captured her attention. It was everything she expected - and a little more, too. The run down walls - the terrible condition of the hall in general - it didn't discourage her one bit. In fact, every scratch or loose floorboard couldn't help but capture Maria's imagination. What amazing fights could have happened here? What glorious quests could have started here? What infamous heroes could have began their lives of heroism in that hall? It was all fascinating - then again, Maria couldn't just stare and dawdle forever.

"Well hello there!" Maria's shout, along with her explosive entrance, rang soundly across the guild hall, but the swordswoman hardly waited for an answer. At this point, she could practically burst from all the excitement pent up over her journey. The guild, the hall, the people she was about to meet - it was all so... exhilirating. "What a crowd," she muttered, before remembering her primary goal. "But I'm not just here to marvel, am I? I'm here for glory!" Deciding to show off just a little bit, Maria bowed to a nonexistent audience, waving her red cloth in the air before whipping out her sword and carving a messy-looking "M" in the wood next to the door. "Hah! The swordswoman of your dreams and nightmares has arrived!" She shouted again to this imaginary audience. "However, fear not! I'm here for one purpose only. Glorious, glorious... glory. Dangerous hunts, glorious quests, honorable rewards - I seek them all, dear members of this wonderful guild! Where, and how may I start finding them?"

@LokiofSP ? (Just needed to post, will update when we talk again)



  • Tagging: Lotusy Lotusy



    The Guild Hall

Taking his time, Alister took in a deep breath as he wiped his forehead with a wet washcloth. There was a bucket of water beside his dresser, of which he dipped the cloth in every few moments, and wiped his face with, as to get rid of the sweat- today wasn't the hottest day, but still. He'd picked to lay in his winter blankets this time, and not just rest atop the bed. And so here he was, wiping his face as he wore his linen clothing. Moments later, he moved over to his boots, tugging them on- it was close to the time to go downstairs for the day, and go about chopping wood for Gurak to stoke the flames with, as to ensure he didn't run out. It wasn't long before he made his way downstairs, taking his grand old time to walk down the stairs.

Seemed to him like there wasn't anything currently there, except for Gurak- and he'd already cooked the majority of the meal. "Seems like I woke up too late..." He'd say to himself, watching the bulky Orc look overjoyed. He didn't blame him- he had given the captain some silver last time, asking him to get him a new case of bullets for his revolver. Now those were worth their weight in silver, and so was the meat- one could only eat salted meat so long without getting angry over it. Hopefully, they got a proper cow this time. It wouldn't be dreadfully long for the Orc called out to the whole guild, offering their daily ration of breakfast.

"Already time for breakfast?" He'd ask, moving over to take a plate, a faint grin on his face- more food than usual was a good thing, even if it was meat leftover from forever ago. "Remind me to go find a few more trees, and bring the firewood to you after this, will you? I think our stock is low."


When nobody came rushing down immediately after Guraks call, the orc merely shrugged and turned back to his fire. The guildies usually needed a couple of minutes to finish reeling from his hollering, anyways. Continuing the work of turning the meat while whistling, Gurak could help but peek out the window, almost letting out an un-orcly squeal of delight when he saw the galleon already docked at the port. "Oh, that's the stuff. Come to papa, please..." While he kept an eye on the window, the orc absentmindedly pawed at his almost-empty stack of firewood with a grubby green mitt. "Ah, that's a good shipment right there - but I need to finish cooking this stuff first! Can't let my meat see me haging out with some other me - oh my." Gurak stared with dismay at his dwindling "stack" of firewood - mere leftover twigs and only a couple of hearty branches sitting at the edges of the room. "Well that's not good."

In that regard, Alister's subsequent entrance was a stroke of good fortune. The swordsman's voice gave Gurak almost as much joy as the news of the meat shipment, and the orc quickly spun around with a toothy grin and a big thumbs-up. "You know it is, Alister! Soon as the sun comes up, you eat! Any later, and it'd be that abominations those kids nowadays are calling 'brunch'! That's ridiculous, isn't it?" With that, Gurak flashed three meaty fingers at Alister. "Three square meals is the way to go, my friend! And three square meals of pure protein with me - well, I hope you like being strong!" The orc was tempted to flex before remembering why he'd been so happy to see Alister in the first place. "But speaking of that strength, you're right. Could you fetch some firewood later today? I don't want to meet all this new meat with such a cold, ashy welcome!"

Viktor Rasputin


The beach wasn't going to be a good place for a vampire. The scorching sun bouncing off the ocean, and the sand, it was going to be a nightmare to deal with... Viktor hadn't slept last night per usual, instead spending his night scouring the bars of the island amongst the drunks to see if any knew of a vampire. No luck. He had thought the chance to join a guild would caiter to his father's liking. If there was no sign down here it would be a deadly risk of his life.​
Viktor sat within the shaded walls of a cantina, the distant sound of the waves lapping against the shore. He was sipping a warm glass of vodka, sadly the buzz couldn't hit him due to his regeneration. Downing the last of what was left of the bottle he bought in the early hours, then setting a few coins on the bar for the hispanic man to tend too. He stood up pushing in the barstool, and left to see that the sun was beginning to trickle over the edge of horizon. With a frown, Viktor made his way back to the local inn he was set up in.​

The sun was shining through the shutters at this point, and the sizzling from a crack that rested on his cheek woke him. Rubbing his silver eyes, Viktor sat up straight within the chair positioned at the corner of his room. He could never bring himself to sleeep in a bed after the fire... It was probably the middle of the morning by now, from the street noise he could hear. Pulling the leather canteen from atop dresser, he took a long sip of the lukewarm blood. An odd thing about blood, to a vampire human blood tasted like a fine wine, while animal blood took a more blander approach. Luckily Viktor had found a drunken human the night before, and easily drained him. His hunger was quenched for now, so he decided to set out. Holstering his gun and knife, he decided to make a short venture through The Order
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The guild owner stood proudly on top of the largest boulder that was situated directly to the right of the guild, gazing towards the docks with a proud and puffed out chest. It was mighty hot, but that was the normal temperature when living in Cuba, hence why he wore a simple unbutton beach shirt, exposing his somewhat tanned body to the glistening sun. He could smell all the things that made up a new import at the guild's doors. Strenuous work, new recruits, some fresh food, and most importantly: the women. Ah, the thought of it was exhilarating, giving Ryder a thrill that spread throughout his person. With both hands on his hips, he would let out a loud and hearty laugh. To newcomers, he looked similar to some random madman hanging around out of loneliness.

"Should I go and greet the new recruits?" he would ask himself, caressing the stubble on his chin. There were absolutely no ulterior motives in this. None at all. No, it was positively normal for the guild owner to go and greet his fellow members, right? Perhaps even share a drink with them, too. It wouldn't be suspicious in the slightest if he were to ignore all those pesky men and go straight to the prize, right? Right? Then, he watched as one particular woman threw up over the side of the galleon.

"You know what? I think I'll wait until everyone arrives," he would state, turning back to head inside, his head hanging low in despair.

The tiny sailboat dragged itself onto the shore near the galleon, the wind picking up as Celica stumbled forward from the sudden lurching of the ship. "We're here, little one," the sailor would state with a low grunt as he dragged in the sails. "I'm glad that we were able to catch up to the main ship, Again, thank you for taking the time to help us with the lighthouse situation, even if it meant missing your voyage. If you ever need the assistance of this old sailor, just ask."

Celica glanced back to the man, a shade of pink burning against her cheeks. "Pl-Please don't tell anyone about this. If anyone heard that I had to pretend to be a beacon for those few hours, I'd die of embarrassment," came her responsive squeak, holding her hands over her chest in an anxious fashion. She was finally here. Having gotten tips on Vance's possible location, it was a relief to learn that she had made it in one piece. She couldn't even explain how many times her heart jumped out of her chest when she saw the galleon leaving harbor without her, and even after trying to catch up in time (literally jumping into the water), learning on how the waters had become much more dangerous at night due to the lack of light produced by the lighthouse.

Letting out a belly laugh, the old sailor would gently push her onto shore, patting her head before turning to head back. "Then it's a secret between us and my boys. Good luck, dear, and do try to be safe, will ya?" With that final say, he'd head off back to the mainland, having a huge trip ahead of him. Celica, on the other hand, began the start of her adventure, picking up her things and heading for the guild doors just up ahead.

Ryan Silverthorne Ryan Silverthorne.jpg
Ryan had taken the galleon back to the guild after a quest to help authorities arrest some petty thief. It was boring, and Ryan was still irritated that the authorities couldn't catch the crook themselves. He didn't even try to hide or anything, the thief was just kicking back and relaxing at home. Unlike most trips however, he brought back a friend, one that he quite frankly didn't want roaming through his head. She had respected his request thus far, but the sooner he got her out of his head, the better. Looking over the guild, it was an absolute mess. Why do I even come back? Whatever the answer was, he knew one thing for sure... he needed to occupy himself.

Walking into the guild, he looked around at the filthy place. To anyone else, the place looked as clean as it would ever be, to Ryan however, it was a damn mess. He made a quick trip into the kitchen, stealing a rag, and left to clean whatever he could find. Starting in the mess hall, he started wiping down the tables. What a mess... can't even leave for one mission before they make this place a god damned war zone. Not that it would matter if he brought it up with anyone. They'd simply look at him and shrug it off, or ignore him. It was a common thing in the guild. Ryan was silent, and as such, nobody really talked to him. He didn't care if they talked to him or not. If they really cared for his opinion or help, they'd say something to him. My next payment is going to fixing this dump... It'll look brand new by the time I'm done with the place.
Anyone Anyone ((Bell is also with him in his mind))



  • Tagging: Lotusy Lotusy

    Gurak, Maria


    The Guild Hall

Alister took a moment, brushing a hand through his hair. "Well, you're right about the time part- can't understand why people don't get up with the sun most of the time...Unsurprisingly, Ryder is a perfect example of getting up early today." He'd glance over at where he suspected Ryder to be. There was a few....choice words that Alister had for their guild leader, however he wasn't one to complain about it- they gave him a roof over his head, solid work to do, and a whetstone to keep his blade sharp. He'd set down his plate on a somewhat clean table, taking a moment's thought.

"I have to admit though....I'm not as eager as you, but I'm certainly excited to get some fresh meat- or hopefully, a proper hunter who doesn't try to throw a massive acid orb into a deer. But don't worry- I'll get more wood for us."

Soon his attention was drawn to the entrance- and the over-dramatic woman. The well built man gave one last nod to his friend, before moving on to greet whoever this confident person was.

"Someone's a bit overzealous...welcome to this building." He'd cross his arms, looking over this person. "I'm Alister. And who might you be?" He'd pause, as if to say more, before shutting his mouth as to reign in his final words.

Isabel: Heat was an unexpected element to this voyage. Isabel rarely took any trips upon the mortal layer so knowing mortal countries and climates was impossible. It's not like heat bothered her, the distaste in surprises was the real issue behind the scenes. In a foreign land, the theme of a surprise will be an everyday occurrence. Isabel released a sigh that hinted slight agitation. The scent of sea, meat, and sweat was far too abundant for her sense of smell. Isabel would love nothing more than to bury her face in Julie, due to Julie's alarmingly good aroma. Then again, doing that at random would be weird. Once the ship finally docked and others began making their exit, Isabel turned to Julie, extending an open hand. "Come on Julie, a life of adventure await us, just as promised! Oh, Vance, I hope that's not too much to carry for you. I would hate for you to collapse on day one." Isabel had two large bags filled with clothes and miscellaneous items. Julie had three bags for clothes, games items, and random materials to build things with.

Julie: Julie wasn't having any of this, especially if Isabel was acting like this towards Vance. "Sister, I'm 17 years old already so I don't need you holding my hand!" Julie states this with a tone of defiance, moving towards Vance afterwards. "You can carry your own things so stop being so mean to Vance! He's super nice to us and you're just being a jerk to look cool right now." The girl grabs her own bags, intent on carrying them herself. "Vance, we will be depending on you to lead the way here. You'd be better off handling mortal interaction than we would. Isabel obviously left her kindness behind at the palace. Thank you in advance. Oh, I think I might have said a pun, sorry." Julie presents a small grin and stands slightly behind Vance.

Isabel: Isabella's cheeks grew hot, developing a slight blush from embarrassment. She had been completely called out by Julie. The worst part was Julie being correct. Isabel slowly approaches Vance, gingerly reaching for her bags. Once her hands gripped them Isabel began to carry them on her own. "Uh, yeah, uummm sorry dude. Julie is um." Admitting Julie was right, something her pride was trying to keep her from doing. Then again, this was her sister and her friend. "Julie is right. I guess I'm trying to seem in charge n' stuff. I'll carry my own weight, I guess." The last two words were for her own sake of coping with her shattered pride. "U-um...w-we'll be in your care, Vance. Y'know for the interaction." She lightly punches him in the arm, letting a smirk bleed through the embarrassed expression. After doing so, Isabel shifts over to Julie so she could voice a complaint. "How come Vance always gets to be mean but when I'm mean back it's a bad thing?" Isabel received the response, "It's because Vance is Vance. Vance does what Vance wants and he's just joking. He's never that mean." At the response Isabel began a small argument between the two. Complaining about the bias factor and lack of logic behind Julie's response, completely upset about the fact that she wasn't being doted on by Julie.

( GingerBread GingerBread )
Sneaking her head past the doors of the guild, Celica's onyx-black hair bobbed along with her bouncy frame. Unable to stay in one place due to the nervousness taking control of her, she would quickly glance around the innards of the guild hall, trying to find the one that she expected to be the leader of this rundown and ruined guild. Eyes locking onto a duo, one who was welcoming a much more energetic one, she expected that one of them HAD to be the leader. Why else would they be welcoming people into the guild, right? It wasn't like their leader was too preoccupied trying to find his binoculars in order to get a good look at women in their bikinis or anything. Nope, not at all.

Shuffling over to the two, Celica waited for the towering people to finish (or in this case start) their conversation. She might've seemed hardly noticeable, but at least she was getting somewhere within this guild. If they had eyes, they'd PROBABLY be able to see her. Probably. So, without further interjection, she'd simply wait for one of them to take note of the young girl staring at them with glossy eyes and a perplexed visage. Even though when you really thought about it, maybe it would've been better to stand away from the woman who threatens to knock over everything in their nearest proximity. Especially if they were clad in armor.

Lotusy Lotusy HTCOR HTCOR
Viktor Rasputin


Cuba's scorching sun beamed on Viktor's head, making his scalp sizzle in the sunlight. He'd grown used to the feeling, but it was always annoying. Plus he didn't like hats. Allowing his silver eyes to scan the crowds, watching as a mass of people, some looking oddly strange, were making their way the the Guild Hall. He decided to follow suit, out of curiosity. Rummaging through his coat, he quickly found his gold-framed spectacles, carefully sliding them on his face. He'd never needed glasses in his lifetime, and after being bitten it assured it, but the appearance helped blend in. He always hid his bit by a scarf, so afar he would look like the military officer he once was. Once they thought traced his mind, he stepped into the Guild Hall.

The aroma of the room was an odd mix of seared meat, and bodily odors. His nose cringed at the horrid scent. Most probably couldn't smell the second, thinking only of it being a kitchen. Viktor's eyes studied the inhabitants carefully. The chef, a brutish Orc, a man who appeared to be a pirate of sorts, and a few horned people. Quickly glancing at the few plates that were on the tables, seeing all cooked meat almost made his gag. Meat was never the same after the Army, especially after being bitten. Raw meat was better, but it never appetized him. Taking a seat at an empty table, he pulled out his journal, and began to log the early hours.
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Vance stared at Isabel as she asked him to grab all their bags. He was about to speak up and tell her that although he was her servant, he wasn't her pack mule. Though before he could Julie spoke up in his defense as she made her way behind him. When Isabel apologized to him Vance just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Yeah. Whatever. And you two always depend on me, what's new" As the two began bickering behind him, Vance sighed and moved to pick up his own bag, which contained a weapon or two, and a few changes of clothes. "Stop bickering you two. You can argue all you want later. But right now, I'd really rather we got off this boat. So let's go" Vance then started walking away to exit off of the boat. He wasn't really keen on joining doing any of this, especially after the boat journey. When he exited the boat with Isabel and Julie, he turned around to face them. "So, remind me again, why we're doing any of this?"

Light Light
Though it is true a large variety of eccentric individuals are known to inhabit The Guild, very few are as bizzare as the sole S-Class, Sede Siediti. After all, it is not every day you see a man burst into the mess hall in his boxers, bound to a chair no less.


Very few members of the original guild remained after the first master's untimely death, in fact only two did: Ryder Loegaire and Sede Siediti. Of the two, Ryder was the most capable leader, and consequently inherited the Guild's assets. But did this sit well with Sede? No. From the moment Ryder and Sede met, they had fought at every encounter, and the power Ryder gained over Sede due to his newfound role left Sede bitter to the core. And so, to this day, Sede will challenge the Guild Owner at every opportunity given. "It's due time for your defeat, you sunburnt bastard!" taunted Sede, who was slowly rolling his way towards Ryder in his antique chair. Although this initial movement was very awkward, any of those aware of Sede's ability would have likely begun to clear the hall as he stuck out a leg and simultaneously spin his chair. "I'm going to kill you this time for sure!"
Between the emotionally constipated Ryan and the brooding mystery man, Ryder would take his chances with the latter. Shuffling from his binocular vantage point, the guild owner moved behind the bar counter near where Gurak stood, leaning towards the man and trying to read over his shoulder. "What can I do for ya, friend?" Would come his melodic voice, smooth and inviting. "Are you here to have a look around or do you want to join this fine little guild of mine?" Placing a hand on the counter, his gaze turned into one of the more mischevious of intentions. "Or maybe you want to go sight-seeing with me?"

Naturally, his ill intentions were sniffed out by Sede faster than a dog finding a carcass. Turning his attention to the screaming ingrate, he would instinctively enhance his skin, becoming akin to a polished looking wall. "What do you want, Sede? I thought I told you to stay upstairs while the new recruits were coming in. Remember the last time you showed up? You scared them all with that creepy spinning style you do. Makes them wonder what kind of a leader I am."

Forgetting everything about the man in front of him, Ryder hopped over the counter, preparing himself into a blocking stature. "If you couldn't breach my defenses before, what makes ya think you'll be able to do it this time, huh? I'll make sure that damn chair of yours loses a wheel by the end of this, or so help me God!" Even without a weapon by his side, the guild owner was a dangerous one. Before long, those who were aware of what was considered 'rough-housing' by these two idiots would soon move to safety or just get caught up in the mess trying. "Do your worst, you spinning bastard!"

LokiPokie LokiPokie ReverseTex ReverseTex
Viktor Rasputin


The sound of a oddly inhuman voice drew him from his journal. Snapping the leather bindings shut, Viktor turned his silver eyes to the Pactborn who stood above him. "If you do not mind, I would prefer to be left alone." The heavy Russian accented man said in a stern tone. But by time the words left his left his lips, the Pactborn had gone off on some
other being. Rolling his eyes, Viktor reopened the journal, and began where he left off.

(Sorry this is short, I usually don't post short but there wasn't much going on.)
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Ryan Silverthorne Ryan Silverthorne.jpgGo figure... Sede is loose now. He might as well stop cleaning until that lunatic was put back in his cage, otherwise he'd get caught in the path of that damned chair and be sent back to the infirmary with MUCH more than a few cuts. Picking up the wash cloth and walking to the front door, he was about ready to clean something outside... maybe the windows could use a good wash. Screw it. Better to be safe and leave than sorry later with a Sede or Ryder flying in my direction from their bullshit. He placed the wash cloth on the windowsill and slipped outside in hopes to find something else to do. At least away from the soon to happen cataclysm known as the oldest members of The Order fighting... again. There was only one problem left... What the fuck am I gonna do?

Oh that's an easy one! You can play with me! Oh yea... he had forgotten she was there still. She had been so quiet for so long. So, who are Sede and Ryder? He really didn't want to have this conversation, but now it was too late. Ryder is our sorry excuse of a leader, and Sede... is a lunatic. There really wasn't any other way to describe the pair, and even if there wasn't... they'd probably all be dead at that point. So... what game should we play? That was easy... How about the shut your mouth game? I like that one.
Anyone Anyone



  • Tagging: N/A



    The Guild Hall

Alister took a moment for the wise, and decided to get out of the building before it collapsed underneath the strength of Sede. After all...he was aware of exactly what would happen if his kick deflected off Ryder into the building. It was why this place was ruined as badly as it was- and so he left quickly. "Anyone who doesn't want to accidently be sent to the infirmary...don't get near them, and preferably outside. I can greet newcomers, and try to assign rooms." Alister grumbled afterwards, a headache beginning to form. He wasn't in the mood for his superior's stupidity....bickering....grudge match. Whatever it might be called, it wouldn't involve him today, as he'd break bones or get his own shattered from a kick.

"Everyone, give the two space- those are Sede and Ryder, our eldest members...one quite literally hits harder the faster he spins so. Bad idea to be near when he spins in his chair. Other is our Guild Leader, Ryder. Both can be idiots, just like anyone else- including you all and even me. We have some members who hate everyone, some members who like people...and the rest are inbetween."

Isabel: "Before father makes me live the real life of an heiress I thought it would be nice to...y'know. Live the life of adventure...without him knowing." Isabella's gaze fixed itself on the floor once the last sentence came out. "Three cheers for being rebellious?" A nervous chuckle escapes her lips. Isabel didn't let another second pass before she began making her exit off of the ship. "Let's hurry before that guild closes up or something. I mean, if a guild even has a closing period."

Julie: Personally, Julie didn't mind running away for a small breather. She could see why Isabel wanted out of the situation, even if it's temporary. Being thrown between your parents while one ignores you. Only to have the parent that ignores you force you into a position, this position being the ultimate evil. Julie had her own reasons for wanting out as well. That would have to wait though. Before she decided to go on a mental field trip, Julie had to focus on convincing Vance if he didn't agree. "Vance, are you coming with us? It would mean a lot, we're kind of lost at the moment and if I'm honest, Isabel needs a breather." Not we need a breather, Isabel needs a breather. If she had said we it would have had less impact in her heart. Though if she specified Isabel and left her own issues out, the emphasis of Isabella's stress would heighten. Vance would or at least should be more interested in the situation after that. After all, Vance had a certain bond with Isabel, not even the mentioning the contract. Julie could tell, by the way he looks at Isabel compared to how he looks at her. It stung to utilize something she disliked but for now it had to be done. ( GingerBread GingerBread )

"I doubt it has a closing time Isabel. It wouldn't exactly be a good guild if it did" Vance lightly shook his head as Isabel starting making her way off of the ship. He doubted that she was doing this whole 'adventure' thing, on anything more than a whim. He then turned his attention towards Julie, as she started making sure that he was going to stay with him. "Yeah.. It's not like I have much of a choice anyway. And god knows you two need me to look after you. But, while we're here, you guys are gonna have to listen to what I say. I know this whole layer better than you two" Vance hardly knew about the mortal layer, Since most of what he can remember he spent with Julie and Isabel and not in the mortal layer. Though he had some experience with it, more than Julie and Isabel at least. "Now come on, lets go. I'd rather not be around this boat all day. The faster we join this stupid guild, the better." Vance smiled at Julie. "I'm not sure about you and Isabel, but I'd really like some food. Proper food. Not like the crap they had on the boat" He then let all expression disappear from his face, as he began walking towards the guild.

Light Light
Having been completely ignored by Alister, the young girl followed as told. Glancing back to the two men who began to fight, she began to wonder what type of guild this truly was. Would she really be able to find Vance here? Maybe it was better for her to not dwindle on the thought, the idea of losing her brother heavy on her chest. Following after the well-dressed man, she would stay silent the entire way, not making a single sound as she trodded off with him. Then, in the corner of her, she would see the man who was writing away in his journal. The one that Ryder had talked to before starting his brawl. Perhaps they were part of this guild? Either way, she couldn't just let him sit there with the looming destruction in his general vicinity.

"S-Sir," she would begin to say, not finding social interactions to be her forte. "Everyone is going outside, and I think you should do the same, yeah?" Pulling at his sleeve, Celica wouldn't exactly take 'no' for an answer, pulling on him enough to get him to stand up. Noting the silver in his eyes, she found it strange that the man was wearing such heavy clothing, especially in this type of weather. Attempting to lead him outside to the others, she would try to start idle chit-chat with him on the way. "Why do you wear such heavy clothing in Cuba? Don't you get hot in those?"

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Don't mind the short post, Wells. Just post like you would regularly do. We aren't asking for an entire book or anything.)
Viktor Rasputin


This place was starting to get ridiculous. Two psychotic people fighting, putting the people who were actually paying attention in an akward feeling. He could sense the humans tensions. But there was Viktor, scrawling away in his journal. But once again, was interrupted by a tug on his coat, something he wasn't fond of. Viktor turned himself to face whoever was bothering, but just as he was about to let them have it, he saw it was a little girl...

She couldn't have been much older than his daughter, who was 12 when she had passed. Her jet black hair almost as long and she was tall. Viktor could sense her nervous energy, which made him nervous for some peculiar reason. But then she spoke, her frantic and scared tone snapping him back to reality. Then she yanked him up! A chuckle escaped him as he snatched his journal up, tucking it away in his coat. But like most children do, she began to question. He didn't want to sound rude to the child, but not kind either. Viktor didn't need this. He needed to make an excuse, and fast. Looking down at the girl as she lead him, he spoke. "I prefer wearing something i'm comfortable in, like most sensible people do. And it just so happens heavy clothes are comfortable for me. But to answer your question, yes I get warm sometimes."
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Seeing that the mess hall's occupants had left, Sede took the situation as being an opportune time for poor decision-making. With delicate care, the living beyblade lightly tapped his foot against the floor at an angle that caused his chair to spin violently like a twister. "Don't move now, Rydaaah!~" coaxed Sede, leering angrily at the waxed statue in front of him. "If you do, I might forget to hold back on you!" Then, with the force of a hurricane, Sede veered towards Ryder whilst swinging both a leg and elbow in tandem. If Ryder wasn't taking the brunt of this attack, it would most possibly wreak devastation on the recently cleaned mess hall.
The guild owner bided his time, allowing for the others to leave in an orderly fashion. He could already see that all-so-familiar look in Sede's eye. The same look that he held ever since they first joined this guild that Ryder had come to love with all of his heart. If he wasn't mistaken, this was also what happened when they had first met as rookies within the guild; however, this time they didn't have their mentor to stop them. It was up to Ryder to stop Sede's foolish behavior, putting himself at risk when facing the strongest kicks in the guild, if not the entire planet. Even with that in mind, Ryder wasn't any pushover. His confidence in his enhancements was more than enough to absorb a few blows, even if the enemy was his companion and former partner.

Readying himself, Ryder would raise his arms, tucking himself in as he braced for impact. Looking back at Sede with as much determination as to the man himself, he would crack a coy smile. "I can't leave you alone for one minute, can I? I was trying to welcome in some new recruits, but I always seem to find myself at ends with you at all corners. If I weren't careful, I'd say you have fallen for me, Sede. Unluckily for you, I have no interest in that kind of lifestyle. No matter how you look at it, women are the way to go. No worries, though, I haven't forgotten about you. Once I break those legs you're so proud of, I'll walk you all the way to the infirmary."

More was riding on this than he thought. Not only would the guild likely collapse if Sede were to make contact with anything other than himself, there was also a young girl hanging around the counter with the man Ryder was conversating with earlier. Standing his ground, he would cement his feet into the floorboards, smashing down into them until he was securely in front of Sede's path. He just had to defend one attack. That was all it took. So why was he shaking? It wasn't from fear, no. He had fought Sede much too long for that to be the case. It was excitement. Whether it be a breath of fresh air or not, the idea of having a guild to protect once more was a sore sight for Ryder. Only now when fighting his only S-Class did he realize that. "Come at me, Sede. I don't expect you to be holdin' back on me, anyway!"

LokiPokie LokiPokie
If it weren't for the situation, Celica might've even laughed at Viktor's comment. He was a strange one, that's for sure. She couldn't tell if he was being nice, or if he wanted her to simply bugger off. Either way, she was stuck with him until this whole fiasco was done and over with. Changing her hold from his sleeve to his hand, she would guide him to where Alister and the rest had taken refuge outside. If she wasn't mistaken, she could feel the guild master's stare before leaving, but she didn't question it. If he was looking to make sure not to catch her in the crossfire, he should've just stopped the fighting before it even started. Finally dragging Viktor out of the mess, she turned to him, her pink cheeks flushing in the sunlight.

"You must've traveled quite far to be accustomed to those kinds of clothing, then. My name's Celica Hendrickson. I'm here in search of my brother, wherever he is," she would explain, stopping herself next to Alister and the group. Facing towards Viktor, she would let go of his hand, letting her arms drop to her sides before continuing her introduction. "If you don't mind me asking, can I ask what your name is? It's better to be making friends, since we are going to be in the same guild and all, right?" With a cheeky expression, she would hold out her hand, this time in that of a greeting.

ReverseTex ReverseTex HTCOR HTCOR
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Viktor Rasputin


Cringing awefully when the girl moved her grip to his gloved hand, the touch reminded him of his daughter. Viktor desperately wanted to yank his hand away, but oddly he couldn't. To change the subject in his mind, he began to wonder if this little girl thought his accent was weird. Probably so.

Once outside, he couldn't let go fast enough, he didn't need this girl to get attached. Watching as her cheeked flushed red, she would more than likely notice soon that he could not. If he could, he knew he'd be beat red at this point. What amused him greatly was when she tried to act formal. Straighting herself, and sticking her hand out. Viktor almost smiled, instead replying in a Russian tone warmer than usual. "Viktor.." He paused, deciding if he wanted to reveal his last name. This girl looked of no harm. "Rasputin. Viktor Rasputin." Viktor shook the girl's hand gently, before continuing. "And you think i'm joining this guild? Ha! Sorry girl, but I am doing of no sorts."
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Ryan Silverthorne IMG_0890.png As Ryan finished his argument with Bell, he stared through the window to watch the havoc unfold. That was until he noticed two people not too far from him talking. At first glance it seemed to be a very pale man and a young girl. The sight was strange however, Ryan had seen much stranger things in his days. Assuming that the fight between the two Maniacs would end horribly anyway, Ryan figured he'd see what these two were up to. As he approached the pair a voice in his mind began to speak. Bell was at it again. Ryan didn't have time for the cat's nonsense, so instead he chose to ignore her. He'd figure out a solution for the cat later, for now his curiosity had to be sated. Finally approaching the pair he spoke, "To be fair, this guild isn't all that bad. Granted it has two lunatics and a bunch of nobodies, it's a better place to be then wandering through the forest aimlessly. The name is Ryan. How about you two?"

Frankly, Ryan didn't expect them to answer him let alone notice that he had shown up. However seeing as they were more than likely new recruits, he might as well get to know them before he was forced to later. With his luck there were many more coming their way, so he decided he would tackle the groups in small numbers rather than one large confrontation. To many people he was unapproachable, this was because he was cynical and highly irritable, another reason was that he looked as if he wasn't going to care anyway. In most cases this would be true however, Ryan did care about his fellow guild mates. The only issue was that they all acted like children, the two oldest guild members were prime examples of his thoughts.

TheImmortalDeity TheImmortalDeity ReverseTex ReverseTex

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