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Fantasy The Order of Shadows

Nicholas de Levive

The Lord of Lies and Half-Truths
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History of the Order

We have existed since the first kingdoms rose from the ashes of the War of the Titans. We have governed and judged kings and emperors. If a decadent or tyranic king rules then we intervened. We incite revolts, destabilize the High-Lords, kill off supporters and lead rebellions. Nowadays we keep order in the realms as well as keep the peace between the several kingdoms and empires that exist on the Giant World of Nysteria. We are what you call an international police. We use technology and magic to our advantage in our war against the forces of Anarchy. They have been active as long as we have and we share a feud like no other. More and more organizations that support either side have sprouted since the fifth Rising of Thule(in our world that would be like 500 AD). Over time our numbers swelled and waned. So has our power and influence. However, now on the eve of the seventh Fall of Wender (autumn of 1478 in our years) the Anarchists have created a nation called Barthenia, which they themselves govern. This is as good as a declaration of war! Now the fate of the world of Nysteria lies in the capable(?) hands of our own recruits. Join me in the destruction of the Anarchists!

Traits: Kind, Charitable, Merciful, Trusting, Honest, Deceitful, Paranoid, Ruthless, Wroth, Prideful, Decadent, Charming, Book-Smart, Street-wise, Noble, High-Born, Low-Born.(more to come! (why don't you guys give some suggestions too))

Professions: Steam-worker(basically works in a factory), Soldier(includes rank( the ranks are the same as ours)), Thief, Mage, Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Pirate, Revolutionary, Guardsmen, Watcher, Artisan, High-Lord, Crime-Lord, Iron smith, Apprentice(basically abstaining :P ), a Dealer, Thug, Assassin, Paladin.(Or just about anything you can think of in a steampunky magical universe)


Rules: 3

Rule 1: If possible think up an easy to say name that does not look as if it is from our world

Rule 2: Choose your character traits from the description as well as profession.

Rule 3: Have fun!
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Nich: Welcome to the Order, Niva Sterling. It's quite rare for an elf such as yourself to join. Most of them don't give a damn.Well, let us start with the introductions first. I am Nicholai Faliero, a Captain for the mercenary crew called the Freelancers. I oversee the distribution of men and resources all over the continent of Gartoba. It is one of the peaceful ones out there but now it is the center if attention for all of the Order. You see, recently there has been a large scale coup-de-tats all over the southern regions and the new kingdoms that formed in the wake of the coups have joined together to create the First Empire of Chaos! Crazy right? They are led by a half-demon called High-Quaestor Dominic Lester who also just so happens to be the Grand Master of the Anarchists! And it is forbidden for a shadow organization to lead empires and kingdoms. This is basically a Declaration of War! *enter Conner*

Connie: Ah! A new recruit? And an Elf at that!

Nich: I know right? This is Conner, he will be the Hunter that will be overseeing you. He is a merchant that has connections everywhere. You will also be assigned a certain role in the Order. Who knows what you might become. You might become a Hunter like Conner here. Or maybe an Administator like me! There also other roles like the front-line combatants such as Knights and Mercs, spies and assassins, or maybe you can hunt someone throughout Nysteria! We'll judge based on what you can do. I'll stop talking and let you introduce yourself. If you are unsure where to begin just start by what you can do and what you want to accomplish.
Niva looked at the two men that just introduced herself after she wandered into their company. The elf clasped her hands before her, nodding as she listened. The pair gave her an influx of information and she was quiet for a moment as she processed through it all. She had heard of the Order before, and it had piqued her interest. She travelled for awhile to get here, and mulled over her thoughts for a moment. When Nicholai finished speaking, she bowed her head courteously.

"This is a lot of information," she began. "Thank you. Yes, my name is Niva. I've come here from my home forest. As for what I can do...I am skilled in close combat, though I was sort of an artisan in my prior home. Wherever you can put me, is where I would like to help. I fight for truth. For justice," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind a pointed ear.
After listening to her, Nich knew that this girl was what he needed. Not only was she and elf but a close combatant and an artisan at that! Exactly the person they needed.

Nich:"Hahahahaha! That is what i wanted to hear! Alright then, you will follow Conner's merchant caravan into the Elven city of Cinder for reconnaissance purposes. The Elves of Cinder do not take lightly to the other races but if it is another elf, things might go differently. You will leave on the 24th of the Second Setting of the seventh Fall of Wender. Until then do what you like here. If you need any directions just ask me or the Caretaker Cesmer, she's probably in the southern wing." 
The door on the side opens to reveal a scruffy middle aged man entering. This was the Grand Maester of the Order, Buldert Ogynwein. He was a kind and resourceful leader, so it was only natural that he was loved and respected by everyone in the Order. His entire body is covered by scars, scars he got from his days as a slave and from fighting the insane Anarchists all over Nysteria. From the frozen seas of the north to the sand seas of the east to the seas of grass in the west and even in the sky lands of Paradiso.

"Well, hello there child. Are you here to help us fight the Anarchists? If so i admire your courage, since many are afraid of the wrath of the Anarchists. Is Nicholai your overseer? Take good care of both yourself and her, Nich. I hope your time here is spent meaningfully." and with that the legend left the room.

Nich:" You can explore the compound if you wish, but just don't bother Janice or she'll cause quite the ruckus. And steer clear of the 4th level of the Eastern Wing, if possible." 
And with that you now have 4 choices.

1) Go to the East Wing

2) Go to the South Wing

3) Go to the North Wing

4) Go to the West Wing

Where do you go?
Niva adjusted the sword hanging at her hip, nodding at the man coming in with her head slightly bowed out of respect. "Yes, he is. Thank you very much, sir," she said as the man left. She then turned to look at Nich and listened to him. After thinking for a moment, she looked at him. "Well, I suppose I should start somewhere. I'll start with the North," she decided finally.
The North Wing houses the more people friendly areas of the island. On the 1st Level are the Library and Mailroom, on the 2nd Level are the Kitchens and Mess room, on the 3rd Level is the Barracks and on the final 4th Level is the Observatory.

Where do you wish to go to first?
Since the compound was so high up in the air, you could see almost anywhere from the Observatory. Here you meet Daniel McAllen.

Danny:"Hello there! I'm Daniel but everyone calls me Danny. I'm one of the Watchers, people who keep an eye on the ground,sky and stars. From here we can keep tabs on any large event or large amounts of people moving on the ground. As for the sky, we keep watch to make sure the Winged races do not stir up trouble in their homelands. And for the stars, we keep track of the movements and shifts of the planets and stars. You might think "Why should we even bother looking up? We should just focus on the land and skies and that soul be enough!". Well, you see we make sure the calendars are right or we look for divine messages left for us by the Eternal Divines! So yes we are like an early warning system. But tell me, why are you here ?"
Hinso entered the building, where a group of men were standing, and made an effort to brush the dust from his clothes and look respectable. He had just seen the men welcome a female elf who had arrived before him, and assumed he had arrived at the right place. He was aware of looking rather scruffy compared to the order of his surroundings, though this was hardly an unfamiliar sensation. Wings folded at his sides, he waited for his turn to come forward, hoping he didn't look too suspicious.
Nich:"Ah! Hello there, fellow flier! My name is Nicholai Faliero, but call me Nich. I am the Administrator for the continent of Gartoba! So, are you here to join us? If so, you came at a great time! We need all the men we can get. I'll stop my ramblings and let you introduce yourself first. If you are unsure where to begin then just start by what you can do and what you wish to accomplish."
Hinso stepped forward; 'Pleased to meet you, sir, I'm Hinso Jedditch, I can't say I know much about your Order first hand but I've seen what you've accomplished so far and it all seems very fine, and I need a job so...I'd be more than willing to help if you need men, sir.' He dipped his head awkwardly in respect.
Nich:" A bit rough around the edges i suppose. But given time you could become a valuable soldier or maybe even infiltrator. Then you shall go with the Hunter, Conner and recruit Niva. Go join Niva in the Observatory if you will. But remember, you will leave on the 24th of the Second Setting of the seventh Fall of Wender, in 10 days. Until then, do what you wish."
'Alright, sir, thank you.' Hinso turned, and made his way for the passage where the elf had taken. A bit rough round the edges...well there was some truth in that, Hinso thought, eyeing the sword of the elf in front, some distance away. Still, he had experience. He had evaded and dodged many an aggressive type in the back alleys, and met them in conflict. Alright, so he hadn't always won, but even so...well, he would just have to prove himself. He carried on walking until he reached the Observatory.
Niva looked at the scientific, star-watching equipment around her slightly in awe. She listened peaceably to Daniel as he spoke, telling her all the functions of the Observatory. She nodded with a smile on her face as she looked at Daniel.

"Amazing. I was told I could look around by Nich. I figured I would come here. I do love the stars," she said, grinning.
Hinso arrived at the Observatory where Niva and Daniel were standing, and stared wide-eyed at his surroundings. Never before had he seen so much...stuff. All those lenses and miscellaneous bits of apparatus for looking at things in ways that Hinso would never have guessed...some of these things could be worth a fortune...suddenly noticing the others' voices for the first time, Hinso remembered the reason why he had arrived in the first place, and made his best effort to divert his interest away from the surroundings and instead to the two speakers.
Danny:" Ah! Another guest? Hello there, i am Daniel McAllen, the assigned Watcher of Gartoba. Call me Danny. Are you perhaps a new recruit?

If so, good on you! And i saw how you see these gadgets of mine! Are you interested in becoming a Watcher? Then both of you join me in looking through the tele-scopes. For now let's check up on the Anarchist City of Algarve."
Danny:"Tsk tsk. Algarve used to be such a nice city, until the Anarchists took it. Now just look at it! The great churches destroyed, houses burned and murder and thievery have become commonplace! Hmmm? Wait. What's that? Oh no. Oh no no no no NO! Quick, find the Grand Maester. An entire fleet of airships have just taken off from Algarve! And they are headed our way. We need to sound the alarm. Winged one, go sound the alarm! And Niva, go find Grand Maester Ogenweyn, warn him of the danger!"
Niva's eyes widened, her face becoming all business. She bowed low, nodding.

"Yes, of course. As you wish," she said quickly, as she turned and began to bolt out to find the Grand Maester, to warn him of the danger.
Danny:"On the other side of the hallway from which you entered. There should be a room labeled Alarm Room. And Niva, Ogenweyn should be in the Barracks on the 3rd level!"
'Ri-ight,' Hinso responded quickly, and half-ran, half-flew down the corridor from which he had came from to enter the Observatory, until he reached a group of doorways; sure enough, one of which was labelled 'Alarm Room', the door slightly ajar. Hinso pushed the door open and entered.
The fleet of airships would arrive in no less then 3 hours. This was the largest fleet the world had ever seen. Even bigger than the Winged Alliances' fleet, which boasts an impressive 2500 airships. The fleet was comprised of more than 1500 black Dreadnaught-class battleships( imagine Giant iron ships with almost 300 cannons on each side), 1000 Carrack-class battleships (giant wooden ships with 120 cannons on each side), and 2000 Flyte troop transports ships, each Flyte can carry over 650 full-plate armored soldiers.
Hinso scanned the room rapidly. On one of the worktops was a large button, with various wires connected to a metal bell above. Presuming this was the alarm he was supposed to be sounding, he slammed down the button with force, causing the bell to ring with deafening volume.

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