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[The One Ring] The Rise of Dale - OOC

So, there's a few things we can start discussing while A Ayelech is busy over the holidays.

A Ayelech did you have a particular culture in mind for your character?

1. You need to decide on a name for your fellowship.
2. How, and when, did you guys come together?
3. What is each of you doing in Esgaroth for the the 1st Battle of the Five Armies celebration?
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I don't have a name at the moment but I'll try to think of something!

As far as the coming together of the fellowship, perhaps it could be at the celebration itself? I don't know what the celebration entails but I imagine it's a multi day affair? Vigdis would be at the celebration as a participant of the Battle and, especially if it's in Esgaroth, in memoriam of her father and the other people of Laketown that perished during the dragon attack. With that in mind she would be somewhat on the sidelines, and it seems like Calanhir would be someone she could find who also has respects to pay. As for jaydude jaydude and their character I'm not sure as I haven't seen the character sheet and background yet!
Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws

What is each of you doing in Esgaroth for the the 1st Battle of the Five Armies celebration?

How long has it been since the Battle of Five Armies? Also who is attending this celebration? Would Thranduil actually deem himself worthy to attend or even send representatives?

I think this would be Calanhir’s first stop in the region since it’s straight up the river, Calanhir would be seeking out his kin (Mirkwood elves) first. The Mirkwood Elves would recognize him as his fallen sister’s twin, some may have known him from centuries past.

Also Calanhir would be…observing the other races… as he has not been amongst anyone other than elves since the last major conflict (for centuries…)

Calanhir would stand out even from the Mirkwood elves, elves from Lorien have different attire and are a bit more “wealthy” than their Mirkwood kin. (In the game Elves of Lorien are Prosperous, Elves of Mirkwood are Martial in wealth)
It's been 5 years since the Battle of the Five Armies.
There will be representatives of 4 of the armies: Men of Dale and Esgaroth, Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain, Elves of Mirkwood, and Beornings. Other than that, there's a chance that Gandalf and/or Bilbo might show up.
Esgaroth isn't on the Anduin River, which is running near Lorien. It's on River Running, on the other side of Mirkwood, so it's likely Calanhir has been to Mirkwood, and Thranduil's hall first.
It's on River Running, on the other side of Mirkwood, so it's likely Calanhir has been to Mirkwood, and Thranduil's hall first.
Ah forgive me, I have not really looked at a Map of Middle Earth in some time, thank you for the clarification.

Calanhir then would be a part of and accompany the Mirkwood Elven Party to honor his sister's death.
Hello. I have a question. Is this still open for more players or no?
But I do have some questions.
How much are we deviating from lore?
Are we going based on books or movies? or both? (since they are slightly different)
But I do have some questions.
How much are we deviating from lore?
Are we going based on books or movies? or both? (since they are slightly different)

You may join, if you want.

Some details might be different than lore, if such lore exists. But you will not see Bilbo, Gimli, Legolas, or other characters from the Fellowship of the Ring die in the course of the campaign.
This is set in year 2946, so 5 years after the Battle of the Five Armies, and about 70 years before The War of the Ring.
As for how things will fare for Dale, Erebor, and other places? These can change from lore, according to what your actions will be, and the consequences to your actions. Dale might grow to become a much stronger Kingdom that it is portrayed in the books, or it might be only slightly more powerful, or the same, or maybe, if you really fail, it might fall again.
How are we looking in terms of ranged characters?
Are there spots or taken?

I'd rather create a melee character rather than having to switch.
How are we looking in terms of ranged characters?
Are there spots or taken?

I'd rather create a melee character rather than having to switch.

We currently have 2 melee and one ranged. If you make another ranged, only one of you can be ranged at one time, so you'd both need to invest in melee as well, or find two more melee characters.
We currently have 2 melee and one ranged. If you make another ranged, only one of you can be ranged at one time, so you'd both need to invest in melee as well, or find two more melee characters.

Yeah, need 4 melee to have 2 ranged, so that is out of the question
I will make a melee character :)
What kinds of magic are there then?

There's no overt magic like fireballs, or calling on storms, and such. Magic in Middle-Earth is subtle. Some Cultures have Virtues that work magic.

Bardings have Woeful Foresight
Beornings have Night-Goer
Woodsmen have Staunching Song
Dunledings have Ill Omen
Men from Harrowdale have Ominous Blessing
All Dwarves have Borken Spells
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains also have Deep Song
Elves of Mirkwood and Wayward Elves have Wood Elf Magic
Elves of Lorien have Favour of the Lady
Hobbits have Art of Disappearing
There's no overt magic like fireballs, or calling on storms, and such. Magic in Middle-Earth is subtle. Some Cultures have Virtues that work magic.

Bardings have Woeful Foresight
Beornings have Night-Goer
Woodsmen have Staunching Song
Dunledings have Ill Omen
Men from Harrowdale have Ominous Blessing
All Dwarves have Borken Spells
Dwarves of the Blue Mountains also have Deep Song
Elves of Mirkwood and Wayward Elves have Wood Elf Magic
Elves of Lorien have Favour of the Lady
Hobbits have Art of Disappearing
Night Goer. Is that the one where you transform into an animal?
Night Goer. Is that the one where you transform into an animal?

At night you can slip into a dream-like state, and leave your body in spirit form to swiftly travel along the tracks made by animals across the length and breadth of Wilderland. In this state, you can spend a point of Hope to explore an area within three days of travel, until sunrise wakes you.
Your spirit form takes the appearance of a full-grown bear. It is visible to onlookers, and leaves tracks on the ground.
While you are outside your body, any action you attempt is resolved using your Attributes and skills as usual, but any strenuous activity causing the loss of Endurance wakes you up.
Any harm suffered while travelling in spirit form is transferred to your body at the moment of awakening.
So yeah become bear basically. Yeah, il go with that. I'm sorta thinking ranger-type character. So like twin longswords and hand crossbow. Who is really adept at navigating the wilderness, trap-making, hunting, and that sort of thing.

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