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[The One Ring] The Rise of Dale - OOC

To succeed on rolls you might otherwise fail. And if your Hope is higher than your Shadow, you do not become Miserable. Once you're Miserable, you might succumb to a Bout of Madness, and then gain Permanent Shadow.
Now comes almost the last part.
You have 10 XP to improve your Skills.
A Common Skill costs 1 xp to increase from 0 to 1, 2 xp to increase from 1 to 2, 3 xp to increase from 2 to 3, and so on.
Weapon Skills cost twice as much as Common Skills to increase.
Body gives you more Endurance (so you can keep fighting a bit longer), and improves your damage if you roll well on the attack.
Heart gives you more Hope.
Wits gives you better Parry, so it's harder to hit you.

And when you roll your Skills, each Attribute has 6 Skills attached to it, that you can spend a point of Hope to add your Attribute (or, if the Skill is Favoured, your Favoured Attribute) to the result.
alright done
ah. Can I increase a weapon skill thats not listed on my character? Such as longbow?

You can, but as noted, you are, currently, 5 players, and you need four Melee fighters to be able to use a bow, since one of you is predominantly an archer.

So it can only be useful as a backup weapon.
You can, but as noted, you are, currently, 5 players, and you need four Melee fighters to be able to use a bow, since one of you is predominantly an archer.

So it can only be useful as a backup weapon.
ah ok. Also what does it mean by Great Spear?
It's getting late here, and I need to wake up early tomorrow, so am off to bed, and we'll finish this tomorrow, unless someone else steps up to help you put the finishing touches.
CommanderNecro CommanderNecro I think he went to bed. I am not near my copy of the rules at the moment but when I get back later this evening I will look it up and get back to you.
Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws can I duel wield axes or no? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions.
Dual wielding isn't a rule as written in the One Ring system. What you might be able to do is role play as being a dual wielding character but your second weapon would just do the same thing as a buckler or shield in providing a party bonus. The one Ring system doesn't have extra attacks or feats or anything like that similar to d&d.
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Dual wielding isn't a rule as written in the One Ring system. What you might be able to do is role play as being a dual wielding character but your second weapon would just do the same thing as a buckler or shield in providing a party bonus. The one Ring system doesn't have extra tracks or feats or anything like that similar to d&d.
ah so for flavor I can say Im duel wielding. But mechanically i can have it be a buckler or somin. Im just gonna so axe and buckler.
Dual wielding isn't a rule as written in the One Ring system. What you might be able to do is role play as being a dual wielding character but your second weapon would just do the same thing as a buckler or shield in providing a party bonus. The one Ring system doesn't have extra attacks or feats or anything like that similar to d&d.
Ok I have weapons. Whats next?
Will check when I get back from work, but one thing I noticed, there's no Alignments in this game. You can keep it as a guide to how you play her, but it's not part of the game.

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