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Fandom The new avengers

The pocket watch fell next to Grimace, who was still looking at the ground without power. vines around and inside him, locking him to the ground till removed. The rusted dust on him was slowly falling off from the air that hit him.
The skeleton was smashed, the bones turned to dust.
The pocket watch was gold and blue, but old and needed to be fixed....only Grimace knew how to fix it but....
He is dead at the moment.

Gali monitored things from above not actually going in to fight as her attack drones and others devices were not yet made meaning she had to really on the power cosmic to do things and that contributed to her hunger. Still the situation became to big for her to think the team could manage the children were not ready for the human robot that a quick scan revealed to be an anti hulk unit, that meant this place still had working robots. Things were going belly up and fast, though there had to be more here than simply outdated robot. she scanned over where their simian companion had landed and found he was by a more advanced robot, but still it was nothing compared to others that had emerged. Still the others would not be able to take out a hulk bot they were made to fight someone who could break worlds even a super monkey would not compare. Te robot would not be that strong but it would be very strong and assuming humans could share, a long shot, then it could be at least as strong as a none super angry hulk.

" Team be aware the currently rampaging robot is an anti hulk unit, it seems to have damage to is FFID unit and is hostile avoid it" Gali spoke over her comms seemingly just here for info gathering.

Still this didn't answer her questions, there was only one way to know, and while Gali was not her father and thus not use to being all knowing she could sometimes shift through the deluge of information for what she wanted. Still they needed to know what they were even here for and her scanners it seemed were not powered enough to find it, which was the only thing next to the ultimate nullifer that she had failed to find. Well then she would find it the way she had that device, with power cosmic. Gali closed her eyes and focused and let herself become aware, information trickled in first the local, then the national, then the planetary , the the solar system, her awareness grew and grew until she was aware of all things and yet knew nothing. Being all knowing was easy the hard part was making use of that and filtering out the filler for the thing she sought. Gali shifted through all the information that came to her as she searched for the present and the past. Then she found it in a heart beat she found what they wanted a forgotten funeral and it might surprise others to know but to understand they wanted to desecrate a rest place would anger gali, but only because she actually did somewhat sympathize with the vision.

In an instant Gali was gone vanishing and then she was in front of the rampaging anti hulk unit "begone" She said annoyance in her voice and then the massive machine was gone, in an instant it was gone the power cosmic having destroyed it on an atomic level scattering to nothing, they didn't have time to play with toys and likely if the doom bots were smart they would avoid the being that just destroyed the thing that destroyed what was tossing them about in an instant. which was good as doing that was not healthy for Gali's appetite and drained quite a decent amount of power, she woudl need to find something to eat after this.

" Team, they are after the vision, he was buried here be alert for any digging or anything bearing a coffin " She reported of course she was currently mostly defenseless as she sent out this info assuming again the bots woudl leave her alone for the moment before attacking again.
Sampson looked into the communicator. "Found...metal...man" he said. He got down to all fours. His feet, and knuckles, and decided to tap the metal man. He sat down, and inspected it. Sampson didn't much know about creating new technology. That was Ellie's speciality not his, but from what he knew about robots they couldn't be killed just destroyed or broken. So either this robot needed to be fixed, or given a power source. Sampson knew science, and science might find this thing a power source. But what if this robot attacked him like that anti-hulk thing did. He grunted machines were confusing. Humans seemed to think they were smarter, or better than them, but they had no feelings, or morals. They were in a sense very dangerous metal animals, only they could speak, and look human. They were lucky in that matter. Sampson wanted to help outside but he had no weapon, and Sampson knew that he needed some kind of advantage over the doombot's guns. He knew that with enough firepower, of the right kind of weapon anything could die, even Arron. Probably even Gali no one was invincible. Sampson looked around.

There was abandoned metal everywhere. A specifically sharp piece was nearby. Sampson tied a bit of cloth around a blunt handle to create a short blade for himself. There were other bits of broken metal that he fastened a makeshift armor on himself, a specifically large piece made a good shield. The last bit of his gorilla knight suit was a large metal pole that he planned to use as a jousting stick, or spear. If his ears didn't deceive him the doombot who'd smack him into the room was roving around outside. Sampson decided he'd deal with it for the team. He pulled it inside with one exceptionally strong hand, and cuffed it where its head would be with his shielded arm.
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Icarus - lets call her Ellie from here on out - kept her position still, only listening in to the others over comm for now. The sound of Sampson's roar in her ear made her ears ring slightly, but she was used to it by now with all their months of training. A wave of relief washed over her when Kari thanked him, glad she hadn't been caught on her own. Her priorities were always with the mission, but it never took from the fact she wanted everyone safe at the end of it. Slowly, she began to descend towards the ground. The closer she got, the clearer her infra-red sight became, and the first and second party in search of the "package" became more apparent.
When Aaron announced their window, Ellie grinned, and her suit began to whir in anticipation of hitting the ground. Unlike Tony, her suit wasn't made to fly on its own. Her tech wouldn't allow it. Her armour was extremely durable, but not heavy enough that she wouldn't be able to lift herself off of the ground. She owed its lightness to Wakandan tech. So, instead of utilising repulsers, her palm emitted two types of "blasts." The first brought her enemies to her, like a lasso, those caught in its field were thrown forward towards her. The second, threw people back from her with the same amount of force. Real damage was saved for the reactor in her chest.
"I'm coming in." She nose dived, flying past Gali, for the warehouse. Her interest peaked at Sam and Kari's voices. The young woman was right. "Keep an eye on it for me big guy. I'll be there any second now." She suddenly regretted flying so high.
Ellie was moments from the ground when Gali's announcement about the Vision caused her to gasp. "What?!" Tony had spoken to her plenty about The Vision before. She had idolised his abilities, and his morals - for the most part - and his brain especially. The information and omnipotence he possessed easily rivaled any technology of today. If their enemy got a hold of the artificial intelligence she had come to know so well, they would be doomed. "We cannot let them get to him. Prioritise the vision; if these ass-hats get him before we do we might as well call it quits now." Her tone wasn't exactly authoritative, it was more so pleading.
The warehouse below her came into view quickly, and thanks to Peggy, she went through the frail roof and landed with a great thud on the dirty ground behind Sampson. Immediately, her HUD changed to normal vision, with Peggy's added specs. Her large black wings folded behind her as she stood to her full height. "Is that him?" She would have signed to Sam as she turned, but it was a simple yes or no. Her metal feet ignored the sharp debris from her landing to join him at his side.
The sight of the robot before her made her smile. He was beautiful. Quite obviously a rare case. She had never seen anything like him. A sudden mall gold-ish glint on the ground beside her caused her to turn her head. She would have gone for what was lying there if it hadn't brought her attention to a lone doom bot advancing behind them. She reacted quickly by extending her right wing across Sampson's torso to deflect its heavy gunfire, and brought her left hand up to send it shooting back with a "psionic" blast and a clang of metal. It's inner workings became exposed around its chest area, but it wasn't yet defeated. Her wing came back down behind her with an annoyed grunt.

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The Doom Bots struggled fending off the superior intruders finding themselves severely outnumbered after the berserker robot had completely manhandled half of their team. Being thrown off balance and constantly suppressed caused them to make severe mistakes during the battle. Some allowed their human companions to be flanked by the enemy while the others stayed too close together making themselves a larger target. Their forcefields were wearing down. Some already had lost their shields and the number of scraps on their thick armor began to grow immensely. One even had some of his internal parts showing. Which to make matters worse they were fighting a blind battle against several of the intruders who hid behind a thick mist that appeared out of nowhere.
“Commander. Units 1, 4, 5, and 6 have been terminated by an anti hulk shield robot. While the machine has been dealt with by one of the intruders they are also overwhelming the gunmen and our shields won’t last much longer. What are your orders?

“Give me a rundown on our enemies. And quickly.“

“Along with the woman who possessed Chlorokinesis she seems to have an ally that can create a thick mist. Another woman seems to have the ability to manipulate ones atoms. Our scanners read her as a primary threat due to that power. With that there is a woman who possesses incredible technology who at the moment seems to be protecting their abilno gorrila and-

“Wait what? Are you making that up? Cause it sounds like you’re making that up.”

“Commander please do not ask this unit any questions. This unit is already confused as it is”

“.......Fall back with the others. Get everyone you can out to safety. Meet at the rendezvous point with the package and contact Echo team with air support. That package does NOT leave our grasp.”

“By your orders Commander”

Issuing the orders many of the leftover gunmen had stopped firing completely tending to their wounded instead. Picking up as many as possible from their unconscious slumber they started to seemingly retreat from the intruders. Prioritizing escape over combat. Despite having a couple of clear shots at the intruders they remained obedient and disengaged completely from their targets altogether suppling the rest of their energy into their forcefields to ensure the safety of their comrades.

Going from his simple speed walk into a dead sprint he gripped the fragment in his hand even tighter as the view of the mist and some of the intruders came into sight. His men were rapidly retreating just as ordered but it appeared they had left an abundant amount of men behind to his distaste. “Unit 2 I’ve got eyes on you. Focus your energy blast on me. Time to test out my little gift.” Daniel’s body began to grow into a silver like color as his body hardened to match the characteristics of the item he held. His body felt somewhat lighter rapidly increasing his movement speed immensely as he locked eyes with his Doom Bot. Sacrificing what little energy it had been using to keep its forcefield up it targeted Daniel hitting him with a powerful blast of energy before it’s shields had finally gave out. As the blast of energy nailed Daniel straight in the chest his body began to vibrate rapidly. A tickling sensation overcame his entire body as if he were a giant funny bone that had been slammed into a metal pole. His body’s temperature raised as the vibrations continued until he came to a complete stop practically sliding on his feet before coming to the mist. Spreading his hands as far away as possible before clapping them together as hard as he could a massive energy blast erupted from them sending the mist flying away as a powerful gust of violent wind followed blowing against whoever stood in the way. While the blast itself was large there was no guarantee he would have hit anybody due to not being able to see through it, but at least the wind would cause a little distress. While a neat item crafted by the Skrull empire, and being a neat gift given to him by his master Loki. It was a specially crafted mineral that allowed absorption of many different kinds of energy almost acting like a sponge. It would then increase the energies power output and size allowing the material to essentially work as a powerful weapon.
Kari Beck
Kari heard another conversation over the communicator about the Vision between Ellie and Galacta. "Oh my god..." The red head said in utter shock, "I've only heard stories about the Vision. Never have I ever dreamed that I'd actually be involved with such a hero." Kari then began using the vines all over the junkyard to feel for a coffin. Then she sensed the doom bots retreating. "Guys, their retreating, I sense that they are all gathering up at a certain point. Galacta, can you see if that's where the Vision is? I'm sending you coordinates." Kari then gathered up a mass of vines around the area that she felt was the rendevous point, since she knew that Galacta could see the mass, so it served as a marker. She had come up with this once she had learned of Galatca's ability to see everything. When the doom bots gathered there, she began using her vines too trip them, and entangle them.

She was about to send another signal when she suddenly felt a blast of energy. The plants around her informed her that a new person had showed up, and whoever it was seemed to be absorbing energy. "I think we've got a super villain on our hands Aaron," she said regaining her composure. She then attempted to knock the glowing silver being back with a massive tree root, hoping that it would work. She began to feel drained. "Careful guys, this guy absorbs energy," she said beginning to sound a little tired out.​
Sampson was suprised when the doombot turned tail, and ran away. Maybe robots did have one feeling. Fear. The gorilla was a bit disappointed he'd put together his battle armor for nothing. Than he heard a monstrous clap from far away. Deciding to give his voice a rest, he tapped Ellie's shoulder to gain her attention, and started to sign. What was that? It sounded like it came from that other building. Should we investigate? What are we going to do about him? I can't fight while carrying him, is it The Vision? Signed Sampson. Trying to crane his head to see what was actually going on.

Ellie was in the same state of confusion when the doom bot ran away from her advance on him. It didn't even bother looking back as it tried to make its way to safety. "Oh, I don't think so." She lifted herself off of the ground and right after the bot. Her right hand flew at her and the bot came hurtling towards her. With its head in her hands, she focused "away" and crushed the metal in her grasp. In the moments that passed she listened to Kari's warning about the bots. "One just tried to get away from us." With the tap on her shoulder from Sampson, she let the scrap heap drop at her feet. She kicked it away as she turned to face the gorilla, and immediately began interpreting his signs. When he was done, she bit her lip and let her helmet come up to reveal her face. "I don't know. It must be Kari~ Yea, we need to get to them Sam." She shook her head at the last part and looked back at the robot still idle against the wall. "No, he isn't. But we'll come back for him. Right now, we need to help out Kari. She doesn't sound too good." Ellie signed a couple words out of everything she spoke, a force of habit she couldn't seem to let go of when speaking to the ape. Her helmet reformed over her face. "Hang in there Kari, we're coming to you." The fact that someone could absorb energy did not sound good. She couldn't be sure whether her blasts would in their favour, or stay in her's. There was only one way to find out. "Peggy, soon as you get a look at this guy, i need info."
She gestured for Sampson to follow her and went into a run out of their part of the warehouse. When she came up towards the "arena", Kari's plants were reacting all over the ground at her feet. The smoke Aaron created had dissapated already - probably work of their enemy-, and across no mans land she could clearly see a silver figure, and Kari. "We've got your six Kari. Peggy, who is this guy?" "I'm sorry, but his face is indistinguishable at the moment ms Stark. Should i identify the mineral in his possession?" "Yes. Please. And scan for The Vision while you're at it." Her attention left her A.I now to focus on the threat standing in front of her. Hoping she could at least distract him, maybe let Kari move back, her helmet fell back to reveal her face again. "If it isn't the Silver Surfer. No-one told me you were in town again. Tell me, how's space?" She chuckled at her own joke, and smiled smugly at the mystery male.​
The ADD worker started walking around. Yayyyy!! No work for him!
He just whistled as he walked, watching some actions sometimes. He found a room, seems like no one was there.....Except the robot! "Cool!!!" He childeshly said as he ran over to Grim and dusted the bones aside so he could sit infront of it. "Guys!!" He called through his communicator to every human, "I just found a really cool robot!! It looks like a....a red skin human!! But it's covered in dust and rust..... I think it's dead" he said as he tilted his head at the robot, turning the communicator off.
"Ooooh what's this?"he said as he picked up the pocket watch. He opened it and saw the pictures and weird clock.
"....this is yours I'm guessing...."he said with a hum as he placed the pocket watch on Grim like a necklace. He looked around," ah well....I'm bored so I guess.....I'll just stay here and maybe look at ya" he said as he brushed off some of the rust dust.

(The ADD worker that I will make a page for soon -_-)


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