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Fandom The new avengers

Aaron Green
Aaron perched atop one of the many new york city skyscrapers waiting. Tony had given him the task if reconning the area in advance. An easy task considering he lived a mere three blocks away, but an important one nonetheless. He had just sent out the report. Two buidings in queens, guarded by doom lackeys and for whatever reason one if his well known scientists had been visiting the place for almost a week now. It didn't bode well, especially considering the buildings were old shield storage warehouses. "Eta Guys? Wait another van just showed up...who tha hell is that?" he said as another man walked into the building. This one not accompanied by gunmen, but by doombots. "Looks like we got a VIP." he said tapping the communicator in his ear once more "let me know when to move in."

Tony Stark

Tony paced back and forth in the base as he waited for a report. When aaron finally spoke up a grin spread across his face and he turned to the other avengers. "This should be an easy start for you guys. Find out why Doom is sending his men to the shield mechanical dump. And try and bring any useful tech back. The more resources we have the better our chances...Avengers Assemble."
a look of nostalgic joy crossed Tony's face as the waterfall part to let the heroes out. They had all spent the past 6 months working with tony, and each other to be a proper team. It was likely that they would be eager to get out. As was evidenced by the protests when only Aaron was selected for Field recon. But in his defense, Tony didnt really Like aaron all that much, the kid was creepy, and anything that could get him away from tony was good enough for him.
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Yahhah Yahhah
myst.erion myst.erion
Karcen Karcen
Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
Drook Drook

POWER - online

A.I. - nominal







The figure that resembled Albert sat in the back lot covered in moss, fungus, grass, and even bits of scrap. He was so well hidden that in fact there was an evil henchman sitting on him thinking it was just a pile of overgrown scraps. Little did he know...
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Sampson’s face lit up in a smile when Tony turned. “Meet...there” he moved, and swung out of an open window. Sampson moved with stunning agility for a creature of his size. He easily jumped from roof to roof until he found the old shield mechanical dump. He beat his chest, and sat down. Perfectly happy to wait for the others. Sampson looked around Arron was nowhere to be seen.
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Daniel Muso

It had been an eventful month Daniel regarding his dealings with the mischievous yet charming Loki. Mission after mission. Success after success. Not a single failure under his list of accomplishments. It had earned him a great deal of respect as well a great deal of money for mother dearest. Approaching the designated warehouse that his employer so dearly wanted him to arrive at he found this mission quite interesting. Recalling his brief correctly a immense amount of gunman had been stationed here until further word was given. Simple men with simple weaponry now accompanied by a number of powerful Doom Bots. And here he was in the center of it all. Acting as commander. Continuing his way through the warehouse he was greeted by a man of shorter then average height.

"Good evening commander. Package is all set and ready for extraction. All guards have checked in, nothing unusual has happened since we arrived, and our omega team are currently prepping the vehicles" he said speaking to Daniel in a polite and respectful manner.
"Perfect" he replied a warm smile coming over his face. "The less interferences we have the less I have to care" he said turning his head to his Doom Bot bodyguards as they snapped into attention from his sheer glance. "I will personally see to this extraction myself. While I understand your duties are to guard and accompany me on this mission. As the current acting commander of this operation I request that you stay here with these men to overlook their security analysis. Make sure no one gets to the package." As if almost in an instant the robots quickly left his side leaving Daniel alone for the time being. Turning his attention back to the man who seemed a bit uncomfortable as he waited patiently to be spoken to. Daniel gave him friendly pat on the shoulder and a small smiles before simply strolling past him. "Don't be so tense. Lighten up. Today is going to be beneficial for all of us. So long as all goes well" he said as the man accompanied him further into the warehouse.
Grimace was in the construction site, a person bought the land after the lab was abandoned. Grims eyes were black, showing his energy-less body.
A skeleton was under him, covered in dust. Around the skeleton was a pocket watch, but more...robotic. Inside was a very complex watch, along with two pictures. The watch could not be read by anyone other then Dr.Nay(the skeleton) and Grim.
Sense the lab had been abandoned sense Dr.Nays death(ten years ago) the place was covered in bugs and overgrown, experimental plants.
Grim was rusted,his white metal a dusty red. His fake hair was singed, but only of age. The wires inside him were stiff and the power core was a dark blue. He could not bend, he could not hear, he needed to be repaired. Unrusted and being able to move. He had no clothing, but he did not have anything to hide anyway.
Plant vines had covered him, tangling into his wires and such....
Many would say he is scrap.... but he is not.
The vines only surrounded the wires, not moving them. The rust can be taken away and over all his mother board is safe.

The two pictures inside the locket were of family. One of Dr.Nay with a woman and two children. The other, an old Nay with Grim, awake and charged up, in a blue hue, a white jump suit, and holding a weird looking bird that was....on fire?!?

The bird is dead, skeleton in cage on the other side of the room.
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Albert still sat unmoving. Being painted in a titanium oxide clear coat had it's advantage. For one it was the only reason he hadn't rusted at all for the past 25 years. Second it made him water resistant.






The henchman was long gone, having moved inside the warehouse. Albert was all alone once more...
Spider-Man of the Future
Ben smiled when Tony gave the word, saying, "I thought you'd never say that. Let's do this." He pulled his mask on, shooting a web out as he swung to the site. He took his sweet time, like he always did. No matter how many times he did it, swinging around gave him a thrill. It was amazing. The speed, the wind, everything. He eventually made it to the top of a building g near the site, saying, "I have visual on the building, Sir. Waiting for your go." He sat down, taking out a sandwich that he had webbed to his back. He did this quite often, since the bag around the sandwich would keep the web off. He ate it leisurely, his mask pulled just enough so he could eat. It was an amazing sight seeing Spider-Man eating a sandwich like he was at a summer picnic. He couldn't believe he was in the Avengers, or any team, for that matter. It felt good being in a team of fellow super heroes and fighting evil. He wondered what his parents would have thought. He hoped they would be proud. That's all he ever wanted.​
Kari Beck
The red headed woman heard the voice from her communicator, and rushed into action. By action, she shifted into a plant like form that was very hard to distinguish from the other plants around the scrap yard. Yes, Kari was the perfect spy when she had coverage. overhearing what the scientist was saying, she stealthily moved out of earshot and tapped her communicator. "I've overheard a bit of the conversation," she began, her feminine voice rang over the communicator, "it sounds like their picking up some kind of 'package.' I don't like the looks of this... What is this package? I'll page you if I hear anything else." After six months of training, Kari felt a little more secure about her powers. She felt like she could handle them better now. Also, she had wondered why fate had her teamed up with Aaron again. Heck they hadn't talked since that tragic event that had separated them. Their best friend was killed, and Kari had killed on accident while Aaron... Well, he became darker after that. Maybe this was nature's way of saying that she should reach out to her childhood friend and help him heal... But on the other hand, she felt that it was a feul to a noble cause for him.
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Gali didn't really believe in this whole new avengers thing, when she had gone to tony with her news that something big was coming she had not expected him to think that forming a super hero tea again was the best solution. Really Gali should have expected that from a hominid they rarely managed to learn anything, even the smartest of them fell back on old habits. Still given the record of it working in the past, it could be a viable solution to what Gali felt coming, still she wished to keep her options open as in truth Gali didn't care who ruled earth only that its biosphere was intact and free of alien influence. Thus in truth she considered contacting the human Doom as he held against loki and could be a reasonable authority figure. Still that was a plan on the back burner for now she woudl trust that humans could come up with their own ideas.

While Gali thought about this she floated over the factory that minions of Doom had been rooting around in, her cloaking hiding her from prying eyes and prying technology. Having her scanners sweep over the area she could identify the various life signs and generate map of the area, she could even mark them as friend or foe along with having a few projections of where they might go. the question was what they were after, thus she figured the best way was to figure out what the place had made before it had been left to rot. The first idea was tech, though why doom of all people would need anything from this pile of outdated just was beyond Gali as her records showed his doom bots were far more advanced than anything this factory had ever put out. Still given what history indicated of the dictator this was likely one of two things a distraction or part of something bigger. Still the scanners indicated that there were more than mechanical or latvarian life signs down below meaning they had extra company.

Given multiple groups held interest in this crumbling ruin filled with robotic refuse Gali could not hep but feel wither humans were regressing and losing technology like they had before or that the building held more than the scraps of inferior technology even for 20 years ago. Still she didn't feel any form of cosmic influences from the area meaning whatever it was, it was relegated to the pitiful technology earth did have now that most of it brightest minds were long dead.

Gali opened her communicator channels,which would be overheard and she knew it, but if she could get the two other groups to fight they could swoop in and take out the victor. " Team be advised i am picking up more than doombots, we have a second group of hostiles, scans indicate at least one non human target expect the other to be heavily armed" She said expecting the doombot to go after these intruders as well, given their advanced AI they could do more than just follow orders.

Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 DragonSnake DragonSnake Yahhah Yahhah
Sampson grunted in surprise when he received Gali’s broadcast. He rubbed his head. World’s smartest ape and still scared of a piece of tech. Of course something bigger than a robot was definitely a problem. He looked at a wrist communicator. Talking vocally was a bit harder than signing. English was not his first language after all. He brought the conmunicator to his mouth, and cleared his throat. “What...plan”? He asked.
Kari Beck
Kari feeling a few of the vines being trampled on by something large indicated that she had been found out. Stupid Kari! Of course they would pick up on the communicator! Why did she have to be so reckless. Sighing, she used the vines as a map of the location of her opponents as she tripped a few of the human forces. She summoned her enhanced ironwood shield, and managed to stop a few blasts from a doombot. She quickly made work of the human forces as they didn't expect the vines to trip them and use their weapons against them. This was a little trick Tony had come up with, picking up weapons from the ground with plants and using them. It was a bit tricky as she could not see everything she was aiming at, but it worked.

Now she was faced by a doom bot, and she quickly dodged a blast, and rolled out of the way. She reinforced the vines with ironwood, and began tangling the doombot in vines. The more she used this power, the more tired she became. She borrowed energy from the environment, but after she was done using the power, she had to give the energy back, so she was always tired after prolonged uses of power.​


Above it all, the winged hero known as Icarus, circled the warehouse. Her gold and platinum armor gleaming under the moonlight. She was silent, and were it not for the heavy cloud cover, she might have already been seen by those below. She kept her distance, from both the warehouse and Gali below her, still fearful her wings would create too much noise for a stealth mission like this one. Just like a young Tito, she needed a little more practice to remain soundless. Especially with the barely audible whirs of her mechanical suit. If she could go without it, she would, but her body would be unprotected, and she could never constantly have herself wrapped in her own wings.
Upon hearing her grandfather's call for the Avengers to Assemble, she moved away from a neighbouring flag pole to their target. The cold wind above the clouds didn't bother her, not even her exposed white wings minded. After having been cooped up in the lab all day, this fresh air and the rush of a brand new mission was exactly what she needed. The prospect of discovering new or old tech also excited her. She couldn't think of anyone who really knew what was in that warehouse. The possibilities were limitless. "Over the warehouse now gramps, waiting on your word~." Her slightly husky voice went over the comm's through her helmet, with a determined tone to it. Like the others, she wouldn't move in without the go. She didn't want to risk their target getting away. Icarus' brow furrowed when mention of a V.I.P met her ears. It had to mean whoever was collecting the "package" was certainly important to Doom. Best chances were, this person was an enhanced, maybe even a mutant.
Still making circles, she activated her comm again. "Well that's not good." "Peggy, bring up infra red." Till Gali's announcement, it hadn't occured to the iron angel to scan the area below. ~ Ms Galacta's readings are true. Should I prioritise the new hostiles?~ "No, not yet, we came here for those doombots." Peggy, her A.I, did as she was asked, and Icarus' screen flashed to its new state. "Surprise, surprise." Galacta was right, and as far as her helmet tech could tell her, she hadn't miscounted. "I second that Sam." They needed a plan fast, with more opponents on the playing field to eliminate, their initial plan might have just gone to the dogs.
Her sight went back towards the ground. Below her, Galacta hovered closer to the ground. Lucky for her, they had figured a way to allow Icarus' scanners to pick her up, unlike hostile ones. She was unbeknownst to Kari's situation till a sudden rush of heat brought her helmet's attention to a spot on the ground. "Who is that?" She stopped mid flight, her wings bringing her to a strong stop so she could hover gently. "Kari?" From what she could see, one of the heated signatures was a long mass. It was undoubtedly Kari. "Kari." She wasn't answering. "Anyone got eyes on Kari?"

DragonSnake DragonSnake Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Yahhah Yahhah Karcen Karcen Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
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One of the henchmen accidentally press the manual activation button on the side of Albert's head.



The pile of scrap begins to shake and out of the pile rises a massive android. It seems to not know how it got where it was, and begins to walk around the warehouse. It spots a doombot which begins to open fire on Albert. Albert picks up the doombot and easily rips it in half. It then begins to walk towards the warehouse that the other villains entered previously.
Daniel Muso/Doom Bots

“Sir. We are just a bit further from the package. We haven’t received any information regarding intruders but transportation team Delta sho-“ and as if in an instant the communicator located in Daniel’s left ear began to ring. Gunfire could faintly be heard along with several energy blast fired from his faithful Doom Bots. Slowly raising a brow to the man who had just announced he had received no warning of intruders he delivered a soft sigh in annoyance.

“Your men suck at doing their jobs” he said as hen quickly slid his fingers to the communicator to accept the incoming transmission. Speaking in a stern manner already expecting the worse the sounds of conflict in the background made it incredibly difficult to understand anything his Doom Bot has been saying. “Slow down unit 2. Status report. Now”

Speaking clearly but seeeming a bit distracted the robot quickly spoke attempting to keep its eyes on the hostile woman. “Commander Muso. A hostile has made herself known to us. She possesses gifted Chlorokinesis and-“

“Possesses what?”

“The power to manipulate plants commander.”

“Ah I see. Continue.”

As the Doom Bot continued to explain the situation Daniel began to rub his eyes with his index finger and thumb in. With one of their units trapped and enemy communications being picked up by their scanners it was obvious multiple hostiles would soon be upon them. “Fantastic” Daniel groaned to himself aggravated at the sudden inconvenience at a seemingly easy mission. “Gather whatever men are left and secure unit six from her grasps. Fall back and move into defensive position Alpha. Do not move in. I repeat fall back and hold the line until I get there” he said before switching his communicator off turning his attention back to the man who had been accompanying him. Speaking in a serious manner he ordered the man that had been accompanying him to secure the package at all cost and to bring the vehicle towards his location once everything had been set. Failure was not an option. Failure was not on his mind when he was enjoying his favorite mocha cappuccino this morning and it certainly wasn’t on his mind now. Making his way to his units in somewhat of a speed walk he pulled out a tiny fragment that he firmly gripped in his hand. “Well at least I’ll be able to use this now” he said attempting to calm himself down before meeting whoever was causing such ruckus.

“Commander has requested we retreat. Defense position Alpha. Protect the rest of the humans while they open fire” Unit Two said before lauchning a blast towards the female. Barely scrapping his fellow Doom Bot but managing to blast off a couple of the vines that were holding him down. Still finding it far too difficult to pull away from the woman’s clutches the Doom Bot activated its thrusters in an attempt to power through her vines. Which had deemed successful when the sounds of vines snapping as he pulled away from her clutches. Whatever men that were still left fell behind the Robots as they began covering them with their weapons. There was a total of eight of Doom Bots. Seven falling back to guard the entrance while their previously incapacitated friends was still making his way back towards his allies. “Shields up!” One ordered as the Bots in perfect sync genrated massive force fields that protected their human allies. Being able to shoot out of the force fields provided an excellent tactical factor that they took advantage up. “Unit Six hurry and get to our location. There’s no telling when the others will arrive.”

DragonSnake DragonSnake
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,.....meh, while i wait for someone to fix up ol' grimmy i guess i could play as a background character~))

One of the men watched, talk about ADD, his head was at a tilt and he seemed to be...'out of this world', his mind not paying attention to the job at hand as he and some comrades were getting protected by a force field. "dude....what if the doombots just decided that....like, one day, just decide to kill us henchmen?" he asked out loud.
Albert burst through the wall and grabbed a flying doombot by the foot. He swung it around and through a wall where it exploded. Three doombots stood in his way. Albert grabbed one and easily threw it into the other two which were sent flying into a pile of old shield vehicles and exploded violently. Albert turned around.
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"DUDE!!! did you SEE that!! so cool!!" the man said, jumping up. "shut up!! get the job done" a man said. the ADD man seemed to not hear as he continued to watch out the window to see the action. the others left him with a groan, ditching him.
Sampson watched the mayhem. He received Ellie’s signal. “Plant...outnumbered...should...help” said Sampson on the communicator. He began descending from the building. Throwing a piece of rubble from the top of the building to divert attention from his beleaguered teammate.
Kari Beck
Kari could feel from the vines that the doombot she was currently fighting was getting back up. She watched as the humans fell back, and she soon saw a blast from one of the other doombot. "Crap, their regrouping!" Kari said as the doombot broke from her grasp. As the doombots activated their force fields, she lashed out at them, but to no avail, "of course, force fields, how typical..." She stated over the communicator. But, that wasn't all she could do. But the heat of battle seemed to take control of her, she felt herself giving into her mutant powers. She almost panicked before regaining control of herself.

She heard the rubble fall, and assumed it was Sampson, and taking advantage of the diversion, she focused, and upraised the ground underneath the doombots with massive tree roots, causing them to tumble backwards into their allies. "Thanks, I needed that," she said into the communicator. She was grateful too Sampson, no doubt about it. She did see him more on an equal level rather than just seeing him as just another animal like most humans would. Heck she treated him like she would just about anybody else. She was a bit fiesty and a bit of a smartalic to all the other avengers at first, but that had decreased over time during training. She then felt something approaching, something human sized. She dissapeared from sight by merging with the tree roots.​
Aaron Green

Aaron sucked his teeth in frustration. It looked like the situation was rapidly deteriorating. "Crap...Im going in" he said as he shed his physical form turning into a mist cloud and squeezing through the window cracks and reforming beside Kari as she shifted the ground beneath the enemies who had seemed to gather on the other side of the building. As soon as he reformed he tossed out several smoke pellets quickly filling the room with thick clouds that obscured but did little to obsucre his keen sense of smell. "Alright guys we got a window lets hit em hard." he drew his pistol and immedieatly sprung back into the rafters to lay down suppressing fire. Sure it wouldnt harm the doombots, but it would get their attention. Not to mention the handful of normal humans who backed up further behind the doombots leaving a gap to be optimized...​
Kari Beck
Just as soon as she was about to merge with the tree roots she noticed Aaron. "Nice for you to drop in," she said and took advantage of the gap. She was able to sneak into the warehouse, and she looked for anything that might be of importance while she made the gap grow by shifting the ground further. "Hey Ellie, I'm not exactly sure what might be of importance in this warehouse, but I think you might," she said over the communicator, "you're the tech expert." Hoping that Stark jr. would come and help her find whatever this package was, they could get a head start onto what Doom was planning.

She then helped keep the window open for the other avengers by helping Aaron keep the Doombots distracted.​
Sampson hit the ground. He raised up beat his chest, and roared. Tearing up a bit of a fence he hefted it like a club smacking human henchman out of the way, whenever they came too close. A doom bot targeted the club cracking it in two. Sampson roared, and tossed the pieces of the club like a pair of spears at the doom bot before rolling behind cover. He jumped out of hiding. And charged forward, and was smacked through a wall. The gorilla got up, and bones slipped off of him. He’d landed, on a skeleton. A metal being lay powerless nearby. Sampson spoke into the communicator. “Found...something”.
Kari Beck
Kari heard Sampson's voice through the communicator, "what did you find?" She asked through the communicator, "and if it's anything to do with tech, I think it'd be best if Ellie picked it up." She then shifted the ground again, causing a doom bot to land on top of another doom bot. She knew she'd be extremely tired after this, she just hoped this wouldn't go on for too much longer, but she'd endure even if it meant ending up sleeping for a week.​

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