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Fantasy The Mythical Castle


Junior Member

The Mythical Castle

In a world where the kingdom is ruled my a demonic Queen and all the nobles in this kingdom are also demons. The peasants are human, but do they know about the demonic people living among them?
Queen Wynter woke up to the sound of chirping birds out side her window. She woke up stretching and looking around the room surprised to not to see her son already in there waking her up saying he wants to play some kind of game or he wants breakfast. She got up out of bed and started to get dressed. Once done she walked down to the kitchen to find her usual eggs and bacon on a plate with a side of toast. She sat there eating her breakfast watching as her servants came in and out of the kitchen and mad small talk with some of them. She got up and thanked the chief for the meal and then walked outside into the town and walked through all the shops and socialized with the common people.

She wandered through the town looking at everything tell she found her way to the magical garden and sat on a bench near one of the magnificent water fountains and looked at all the pretty flowers that surrounded her Roses had always been her favorite which is ironic because of her last name. She would always have fresh ones in a vase next to her bed everyday.
Shiro would Wake up and realize he woke up late. He'd first be upset cause He missed his momma. He'd get up and walk outside looking for Her. He'd go through the whole town looking for her. He'd arrive at the Magical Garden and see her inside. He'd run over bouncing up and down and Gets up on her lap. "Yay Momma!" He'd press his face into her chest..
Wynter could hear Shiro running in the garden to find her. Once he jumped on her lap she kissed his head and picked him up and sat him next to her on the bench. "How are you doing Shiro." She sat there look over Shiro. "Did you eat your breakfast because I know you woke up late."
"Um... I didn't eat my breakfast Momma..." He'd Honk her nose Cutely, He'd then put his head on her lap. "How are you momma?." He'd be rubbing his head against her lap.
"I am fine Shiro and you know how I feel about you skipping out on breakfast." she lifted his head up and held his chin. " You need to eat breakfast.
"I'm fine momma....." He'd hug her waist. "Momma What are we doing today?" His tails would move around happily. And His Ears would twitch with excitement..
"First you are going to go eat and I will not have another word about now lets go." she got up grabbing his hand and walking back to the castle and into the kitchen. "Go ahead an tell the chief what you want to eat."
He'd follow her into the castle then into the kitchen.. He'd walk up to the Chef and Become nervous... "Um... Can I get Steak?....." He'd still be nervous he'd hide behind His Momma..
Wynter pushed him out from behind her and sat down on a stool near where they where standing and waited for his food to be made.
"I have work to do and you need to go off and make some friends." she got up and brought him to his room where all his toys where. She shut the door knowing he would follow her, but it would give her a chance to get started on her daily duties as Queen and she knew she would need to find a king one day so that Shiro would have a father.
Shiro would walk around his room and try to figure out something to do... He'd get bored and instantly begin to follow The Queen. He'd be following her Stealthily
The queen walked into the hall where all the other rulers from surronding kingdoms where sitting at the table. She sat down at the end of the table and listened to what they all had to say
Shiro would hide behind The Queen's Throne. He'd watch what the Rulers from the other kingdom's were doing.. He'd stay behind the throne hoping His Mother didn't see him..
The queen sat at the table discussing all the problems along with those that deal with people in the kingdom trying to kill demons when they are asleep and theses people have magic weapons which allow them to kill the demons. This worried her she was concerned that theses demon would come to her kingdom and try killing the demons in her kingdom.
Shiro would jump and land on the Queens lap.. He'd curl into a ball and rub against her stomach.. "Momma... I love you" He'd sneeze in a very cute way...
"Shiro I am in a meeting this is not acceptable." She sighed and patted his head and continued the meeting and once done she picked him up and brought him to his room and sat him down on his bed. "Shiro you know you are not allowed to interrupt me during my meetings."
"You can't interupt Shiro or I will have to punish you." She sighed getting up off his bed.

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