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Fantasy The Monster Within(IC)

Location: Hallways

He had a big smile on his face, anticipating the meet-up with Candy later. He was walking around when a freshman was lost, Nick took the opportunity, and showed the freshman to his class before walking around some more. His smile falters when he sees Abby shove a kid against a locker. He wasn't happy at the scene that he just witnessed and walks over to the group. "What's going on here?" He asks softly, unsure how to feel about the scene. Of course he had just knocked books over people's heads, but no one could point that out as him, unlike in the hallway where Abby could get in serious trouble. As well as, he didn't know the context as why she pushed that kid. He didn't want to admit it, but he was also feeling guilty for what he had done earlier, with no way to apologize to the kids.

Code by apolla apolla

NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999 Arcticwolfpaws Arcticwolfpaws
Lucifer:"if he hasn't ditched you I'd probably have another broken bone" he mutters as he continues to cling to Ben. "Though Abby seems to have scared the kid half to death now" he mumbles.

Abby:her head snaps up when Nick walks up and she drops her arm from the kids neck as she steps away.... "He....he was threatening my baby brother who went through 3 middle schools before I finally home schooled him the rest of the year......Lucy come home with broken bones and bruises constantly and it wasn't until last year that I finally convinced our dad to let me homeschool him" she mumbles as she pulls Lucifer into a hug "I promised I'd never let anyone hurt him again when I enrolled him into school with us".
Arctic: I mean it's effective..." she mumbles towards Lucifer's comment as she eyes Abby despite her hatred towards Abby she would suck it up for her brother's sake " I could have handled that" mumbled Ben
Raven: she quickly runs over and raise her hand standing between Abby and Arctic For the Love of All Things feathered if you to start a fight on the first day I swear

  • Location: Hallways

    He listens to Abby's story and could see why she would pound on the kid. But it doesn't mean he deserved what he got. The kid looked frightened and honestly it looked like Abby would have killed him. "I understand where you're coming from, but starting a fight isn't the way. Especially not in the hallway, where somebody could see you," he says calmly and softly, it wouldn't be good for Abby to get into fights now, not when they were both graduating next semester. Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention and he looks over there, freezing in place. Could it really be--? "Excuse me, I have to go," his voice was barely above a whisper as he runs off, almost slamming into Nerrezza. He turns her around and hugs her tightly. "Where have you been?" He asks her, his voice almost breaking.

    Code by apolla apolla

Interactions: SRUNewman SRUNewman
Abby:she just looks down at her feet before walking off silently. she heads towards her next class she didn't feel guilty about what she did but was upset that Nick saw that side of her.

Lucifer:he watches as his sister walked off looking defeated. "What was that" he mumbles.
Raven crinkles her nose " luna don't bug pissy pants I'm going to make sure my bff is alright"

Arctic: that was strange even for crabby...." she freezes when she realizes what she said
Lunabella:she laughs "Did you just call the psycho bitch I call a sister Crabby?" she says with a snicker. "That's a new one, I like it" she says then smirks "you're cute".

Lucifer:"Luna back off before she kills you...." he says before looking to Ben. "Can we get to my class I don't want to run into anyone else" he mumbles.
Ben: yeah come on." He said it was a gentle tone towards Lucifer before returning to his sister with a grin." So you going to stay here or-" he was quickly cut off by a mildly annoyed Arctic " For the Love of everything fluffy if you leave me here alone with this gremlin I will make sure you are buried in cats" she hissed
Lunabella:"CATS!? I WANNA BE BURRIED IN CATS THEYRE SO CUTE AND FLUFFY!" she practically shreeks.

Lucifer:he cringes as the startled meow comes from his jacket and he sticks his hand in his pocket to calm Marie and Violet. "Lunabella be quiet" he says as he strokes Marie's head gently.
Arctic: she flinched "on second thought I might just dich for the rest of the day" she stated slowly stepping away from Luna." Or maybe just the rest of the year and a live in the treehouse" she mumbled

Ben: despite the fact that he felt muffins movement she didn't make a sound he looked over to a sister highly I'm used to see it never seen her react like this to anyone
Lunabella:"don't ditch the rest of the year then I can't see you're beautiful face every day" she says pushing Arctic up against the locker. "You're gorgeous you know" she says pecking Arctic's cheek before skipping off to her next class.

Lucifer:"Annnnnd I was worried about that" he says. he keeps stroking Marie's head still.
Arctic: w-what the fuck just happened......" she stated baffled to no end she quickly looked to Lucifer and then for both help and an explanation. The Ben was too busy trying not to roll on the floor laughing
Lucifer:"you just got hit on by a Gremlin as you call her" he says with a snicker. "That's great" he says as he holds up the phone he videoed it on. "And we can relive this moment forever" he laughs.
Arctic: she still looked baffled. " yeah I'm going to meet you two at the tree house later my head hurts." She mumbled before she walked off disappearing down the hall

Ben: I think your sister broke mine" he stated in between laughs
She was startled by Erebus and soon worried by his angry tone. She almost tries to hide somehow. "Umm... what do you mean. I realized I could talk to you through telepathy. Sorry if I angered you, sir." She says sir accidentally without thinking almost like a response forced on her by magic.

Location: Hallways

He takes a deep breath and sighs, realizing he probably overreacted. He also hates it that Dellra called him sir, it made him uncomfortable. "A bit of a warning next time? It really freaked me out hearing a strange voice in my head," he says a bit more calmly and lets go of her, realizing he was still holding onto her. "I prefer if you didn't call me sir," he says softly. He was hoping to word it in a way that wasn't a command, just a personal request. He wished he had never gotten her necklace.

Code by apolla apolla

SRUNewman SRUNewman
Arctic she snuck into an empty classroom went over to the window unlocked it and snuck out she made a quick check to make sure no one is around before turning into werewolf form and trading straight for the forest
She wasn't expecting him to get angry. "Sorry for freaking you out. I didn't really think about it." She was glad he had asked her to not call him sir since she had to unless he said so.
Lucifer:he nods " yeah that sounds about right.....we should get to class though" he says as he starts walking. he leans against Ben as they walk

Abby:she sits in the back of the class being the first one to show us. she has her head down as she twiddles with some of her hair.
Time Skip!: Monday, 1st day of school at 11:00am

  • Location: Lunchroom

    Normally Nick would have stayed later in class, talking to the teacher, but not today. He bolted out of the room, he even sat in the back which he never did, so he could leave earlier in class. He makes it to the cafeteria before the lunch rush comes in. Almost no one else was there but he saw one lonely girl in the corner of the cafeteria and he takes a seat next to her. He waits patiently for her to notice him there. Not everything got explained in those ten minute breaks.

    Code by apolla apolla

Abby:she walks into the lunch room and upon seeing where Nick is with Nerrezza she wants to punch herself for being so stupid. of course he's not interested in her she thinks he never was. after grabbing a water from the vending machine she heads to the corner farthest from Nick and Nerrezza and sits down there. she doesn't really pay attention to the bustle of the lunchroom she just stars down at the table blankly.
Dellra was really hungry. One thing she didn't expect was how hungry the use of her powers would make her she got to lunch as soon as she can and paid for two lunches. She saw Erebus but he was with Nick and Nerrezza. She sits by herself and begins to eat her food.
Cacey walks into the lunch room after her morning classes exhausted her she goes straight for more coffee before looking around for a spot to sit. she doesn't see anyone she knows so she sits kinda in the middle of the room at an empty table.

Derek he walks out of the line with food in hand got both him and Cacey before joining her at her table and handing her a tray. "more coffee I see" he says to which she nods.

"Can we just ditch the rest of the day I think I've lost more braincells listening to monotone teachers in one morning then I have in my entire life!" she groans as she throws back the rest of her coffee.

Derek chuckles "you're over exaggerating, you spent all last year slacking off and partying I'm sure you killed more braincells with all that drinking then you did in one morning of boring teachers" he argues. after Cacey rolls her eyes and starts eating he picks at his food

  • Location: Lunchroom

    She looked at Nick's face, trying to gauge his reaction, but he was surprisingly more calm than she ever thought he would be. Suddenly she was pulled into another hug and she smiles, laughing a bit, she had missed him. She hugs him back but lets go of him when Erebus sits down. Nerrezza snatches the lunchbox off of him, she could smell what he had, and she wanted it desperately. There was a plastic bottle with black sludge inside of it. Nerrezza downs the bottle within a few seconds, noticing the startled look on Erebus's face and she turns to look at Nick. "You're taking this really calmly," she comments and feels a lot better within moments.

    Code by apolla apolla

SRUNewman SRUNewman NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999
Cacey looks up to the guy she saw at the hair salon before "Are you stalking me or something?" she questions as she picks at her food. she's not really hungry after eating half of it she just wants more coffee. she looks over to Derek and hands him her cup with puppy dog eyes to which he sighs and goes to get her more coffee.

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