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Fantasy The Monster Within(IC)

Monday 7:50am

He lets go of her and lets out a laugh. "i'm sorry, but I haven't seen you at all this summer. I had to say hello before class starts..speaking of class, what's your schedule like this year?" Nick looks over to Raven and wasn't exactly sure what she meant when spoke about the alpha. Maybe it was just an inside joke between them. "You're no bother to me," he says with a big smile.

Code by apolla apolla

Interactions: NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999 Arcticwolfpaws Arcticwolfpaws
Abby:she pulls out her schedule to compare with his. "sneaking up on me isn't a good idea, anyone else would probably be on the floor right now" she mumbles.

Lucifer:"I don't like this" he mumbles. "Can we just go find my classes?"
Dellra: She wasn't too sure what Charna was asking but had a slight idea. "Well, I know he's a cool ass dragon and that's pretty dope." She looks Charna up and down. "Hey, I'm going to try and guess what you are since you told me you weren't human." She starts to analyze Charnette more and more. The dark close pale skin and gothic vibe kind of screams one thing. "You. Are. A... Vampire." She chuckles a little. "Tell me I'm right."
Ben: ummm r-right yeah just hand me your schedule and we'll get started." He stated " have you even picked it up yet?" His sister retorted

Raven ooo yeah i wanna see if we have any of the same classes this year" she chirpped

  • Location: Hallways

    He lets out another soft chuckle at Abby's comment though he knew she was right. "Yeah but you love me," he looks down at her schedule and frowns slightly before handing it over to Raven so they could compare schedules as well. "Besides public speaking and lunch, we don't have anything together this year. I mean, so with the rest of the seniors, but still," he pulls out a pocket watch and sees that it was ten till eight. "Hey, I gotta go, but I'll see you later, okay?" This time he pulls Abby into a hug from the front before leaving. He always liked to be early on class.

    Code by apolla apolla

Interactions: SRUNewman SRUNewman NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999 Arcticwolfpaws Arcticwolfpaws
Lucifer:"I need to get it still....." he mumbles. he looks at the ground "I don't wanna be here....." he mumbles.

Abby:she bites her lip to hold her tongue when he says she loves him before frowning when they don't have any classes together other then required ones. "Okay, see you later" she says as she leans into the hug
Raven:kill me now she grond handing abby her schedule back with a frown

Ben: well, he grabs both his twin and was first and drags them off to get Lucifer schedule

  • Location: College Writing II Classroom

    He walks into class and was about to take his usual seat in the front when something catches his attention. There was no one else here besides the teacher and someone else in the back. She had a laptop out, notebook, pens and was currently reading a book. He looks at the blonde beauty in the back before his eyes go wide slightly. "Candy, what are you doing here?" He asks in surprise and walks over to her desk, taking a seat down next to her.
    List of students in class:
    Dellra & Zen (SRUNewman); Cacey, Castiel, & Derek (NeonLiger9999); Rinnosuke (Sasunaru130); and Lucian (Mizetta)

    Code by apolla apolla

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Cacey:she walks into class following Derek and looks around she smiles when she sees Nick. "Well at least there's one face I can recognize here other then my cousin" when says. she walked over holding a hand out to the stranger by Nick "Hi, I'm Cacey" she says.

Castiel:he walks into class and sits down in the front eyeing the other classmates as he does. He pulls out his notebook ready for class to start.

Abby:she heads into class and sits in the front still alittle dazed from her conversation with Nick. she twirls a piece of hair around her finger as she smiles staring our the window.
Ben and Arctic show Lucifer around and got his schedule and were there for late for class

Felix have done all his exploring straight off the bat and it got into his class on time

Veronica was completely and utterly lost had no idea where she was going and is now wandering the halls trying to figure out which class is hers

The moment Raven heard the bell ring she straight to her class a bit bummed because she didn't have anything other than lunch with abby
Dellra: She chuckles at Charnette's response. "Honestly I pegged you for that before I knew you weren't human." She looks at the time. "Damn we are going to be late. I'll see you later." She heads to her writing class. She sees Nick and Someone she didn't know. "Hey Nick."

He walks into his writing class and looks around. "Annoying" He says under his breath. He sits down in his chair and waits for class to start. He always hated having to be around all these people. He cants wait to be done with high school.

  • Location: College Writing II Classroom

    He looks over when he hears familiar voices and smiles, glad to see that Derek, Dellra, and Cacey were both in his class together. Candy never got the chance to answer because the teacher walked over and glared at the students. "Miss Pompeii, are the students bothering you?" Her voice came out gruff and strict and it sort of scared Nick just a bit. But Candy defended them and said that they were no trouble. Nick frowns but knew that Candy would explain everything and they would have to catch up later. The teacher glared at Dellra, Derek and Cacey before walking back to the front of the class. She then shut the door and locked it, not allowing anyone to come back in. "Take your seats!" She snaps at the students, demanding their attention. Nick looks over to his friends apologetically, sorry that he couldn't say anything else to them. He then pays attention to the teacher.
    List of students in class:
    Dellra & Zen (SRUNewman); Cacey, Castiel, & Derek (NeonLiger9999); Rinnosuke (Sasunaru130); and Lucian (Mizetta)

    Code by apolla apolla

Interactions: NeonLiger9999 NeonLiger9999 SRUNewman SRUNewman

Mentions: Arcticwolfpaws Arcticwolfpaws
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Lucifer:He rushes into his first class late hoping he doesnt get in trouble. he quickly takes a seat in the front row and mumbles a quick appology to the teacher.

Lunabella:she strolls into her first class late as usual with a grin on her face as she shoots the teacher a look of "i dare you" to say something. she promptly sits in the back of the room where she props her feet up on the desk.

Cacey:she quickly sits down. appologizing to the teacher before pulling out her things to start class.

Derek:Unlike Cacey he didnt rush to sit down but he did pull his things out rather quickly not wanting to upset the teacher. He nods to cacey as if to say "dont worry youll be fine".
Raven: she walked in and wabed happily to the teacher planning on trying to be the teacher's pet as always

Veronica still wanders around absolutely lost

Arctic and Ben walked into class then quickly got to a seat letting a sister talk to the teacher Arctic simply glanced over shoulder and only stop for a brief moment to speak we were helping some little freshman who got lost don't yell at us we were being nice for once she stated coldly before walking over and taking her seat next to her brother
As class started up and the teacher yelled at Dellra to sit down she hurrys to her seat and tries to pay attention but its 8 in the morning and she spent most of the night practicing magic so she's fighting the urge to sleep at the moment. Zen was calm and listening to the teacher. Dellra was wonder who the girl Nick was talking to. She remembers she can talk to Erebus through a telepathic link. She hopes this works and Erebus isnt still weird around her. She tries to communicate to Erebus. "Hey Erebabe." She really tries to focus. "Can you hear me."

  • Location: College Writing II Classroom

    The teacher walked up to the front of the class and Nick could tell that she was going to be a strict teacher. So now it was just up to him to get on her good side. Hopefully he would be able to do that, because it would make his life a lot easier if he was able to do so. The teacher didn't wait a second, in fact, she began teaching before the bell rang. "Students! You are all seniors this year, and you are about to be adults. I expect you to act like it! I expect you to be here on early and when I begin class, no one will be let in or out until the bell rings. My name is Mrs. Crookshanks. For the first few weeks, I will be your teacher. After that, Miss Pompeii will teach you. She will be around for the semester and I expect everyone to treat her with respect like you would with me." She doesn't take a break with her words and continues to drone on. After her brief introduction, she went right into the lesson.
    List of students in class:
    Dellra & Zen (SRUNewman); Cacey, Castiel, & Derek (NeonLiger9999); Rinnosuke (Sasunaru130); and Lucian (Mizetta)

    Code by apolla apolla

She never got a response so she wasn't sure it was making to him. She uses as much power as she can to focus on telepathy. It hurt a little but not too bad so she can handle it. "Erebus, Can you hear me." She was really focusing on Erebus's face hoping it would work.
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Castiel:he takes notes through the class as he waits for it to be over. The teacher droned on and he wanted to roll his eyes he knows this class is going to drive him crazy.

Derek:while Cacey pays attention Derek eyes Candy a few times. he finds her gorgeous.
Ben and Arctic take notes silently in class not wanting to get bad grades

Veronica walks into her class almost half an hour late

Felix watches the teacher silently though not caring much about notes simply curious to see what the woman's movements are

Raven she sits quietly taking notes and answering questions when they're asked

  • Location: College Writing II Classroom

    His tries his best to listen to the teacher talk but she was sort of hard to follow since she talked so much without barely a break. He could also hear some students whispering in the back. He focuses on what they were saying and they were whispering on how hot the student teacher was. Nick boiled over, they were disgusting animals. They were talking about what they would do to her, and he couldn't take it. They weren't going to get away with this. Nick slowly turns around and looks over at them. Perfect, there was a bookshelf above them. Nick turns back, glad the teacher didn't notice him. For how strict she was, she also didn't notice the guys talking in the back, she was too into the talking. Nick could feel the books and focuses on them. He then drops the books on top of the guy's heads with his mind only, the books dropping with a loud thuds. Just then, the bell rang.
    List of students in class:
    Dellra & Zen (SRUNewman); Cacey, Castiel, & Derek (NeonLiger9999); Rinnosuke (Sasunaru130); and Lucian (Mizetta)

    Code by apolla apolla

SRUNewman SRUNewman
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Cacey:she caught the books falling out of the corner of her eye she also noticed the focused look on Nick's face. she's curious now wanting to find out what he is.
Ben when he heard the bell ring he grabed his things and rushed off to meet lucy and walk him to his next class but ended up diching his twin
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  • Location: Hallways

    The teacher unlocked the classroom door and went over to yell at the students for knocking over the books. They seemed confused but none of them were badly injured. He smirked and turned around, coming face to face with Candy. Candy had a knowing look on her face but said nothing of the sort. "I'll come over the house later today and we can talk more then," she says softly to Nick. He nods his head, understanding that she was technically at work and he didn't want to get her in trouble. Nick exits the classroom after that and starts walking around the hallways.

    Code by apolla apolla

Interactions: SRUNewman SRUNewman
Lucifer:he keeps looking around wearily he's seen kids from the 3 middle schools he went to and it scares him. he practically hides behind Ben as he sees his biggest tormentor.

Kid:"Well well well look who's back in school" he says with a smirk as he eyes Lucifer. This causes Lucifer to let out a shreek and clutch the back of Ben's shirt as he hides "Aww got a little protector now do you? that's pathetic"

Abby:she heard the kid tormenting her brother as she walked out of class and she shoves him against a locker. "Listen here you little piece of shit, you even THINK of touching my baby brother and I will personally kick your ass" she growls her eyes turning red as she uses her alpha voice on the little punk. The kid shudders and nods whimpering lightly as he mutters a very quiet 'yes Alpha'.

Lunabella:"Abby, I know he fucked up but you need to calm down before you make a scene" she says to her sister. Her Beta tone is obvious as she tries to keep her sister from going apeshit.
Arctic: Benjamin Alexander hunter! So God help me the next time you want her off without me you are getting bit" arctic growles ignoring abby and luna as she storms up to her brother she takes note of lucifer and patts his head simler to what she'd do to one of her strays if she was in a rush. " this is the second time today you've ditched me." She huffs
Raven: the commotion in the hall between Abby and Arctic are attention her media thought was that the two it started fighting again

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