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Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

"Well , Well." Stare said calmly. "If it isnt my favorite serial killer." Stare looked at Kane. "Terrified? Youre werewolf friends have turned against you." Stare chuckled. ~ Stare was seeing things unfold as he was trying to say other things. * The demon is trying to take over * Stare thought. *I'll keep fighting him. No matter what happens , Im still me.* The demon heard Stares thoughts and silenced him~~ "Kane , Kane , Kane. Go die already." He yelled as he unleashed the werewolves on her.
Kane shifted and roared. Striking fear in the wolves but they kept advancing , well aware that they would die. "You'll regret this Stare!" She roared. She sliced and slashed every wolf down to pieces. No more stood in her way of Stare. *I shouldnt kill him. No. I'll kill the monsters and free my world from their 'plague.' * She thought as she looked at Stare shifting back into human form. "Stare , I wont kill you. Not yet. Only when you let that demon take over is when I will hunt you down and kill you myself." She said as she turned around and went to look for contracts on the monsters from another world.
Stare looked after her , amazed and terrified at all the wolves she slaughtered in a matter of minutes. *Thanks Kane...* Stare thought as the demon stood helpless to her threat she made. " She wont do it. She doesnt have the guts to." The demon laughed. "That might be your only freedom Stare. Is her killing me." The demon mumbled. Stare walked after Kane. --- Blank raced after Kane , having seen the slaughter. *She killed them. I dont blame her. Stare took them and used them in his own game. They deserved it.* Blank raced after Kane trying to catch up.
-- Kiki sat on the ground in front of the man handing out a contract to anyone willing. *Psh. No one in there right mind will take a monster contract.* Just at that moment , Kiki saw Kane run in. *I felt like I seen her before , eh I just wont move and see where she goes.* -- Kane ran into the town and saw a man handing out a contract. As she was walking toward him , she noticed Kiki sitting on the ground. *Have I met her before? She seems familiar...* Kane stopped and realized who it is.
Blank dashed into the town , shoving people aside. He was not going to let some girl kill off his pack even though they deserved it. He stopped walking as he saw Kane looking at the girl sitting down. *They have similar scents. Maybe they are related? If so..I know a friend that will make them enemies..* Blank smirked as he sat on a bench and looked up at the sky , which was darkening. *Ahhh. Another merge but this early? Its only been a couple of weeks. Interesting..* Blank looked back at Kane and Kiki.
Kiki looked at Kane. *Do I know her? Hmm. I had a sister but she fell off the cliff..What if thats her?* Kiki stood up and looked at Kanes lupine eyes. "K-Kane?" She said half sadly. "I thought you died..."--- Kane looked at Kiki. "I havent. A Werewolf saved me. Obvious because of my eyes..." She sighed. "Kiki we'll meet here tonight , alright? Another merge is happening soon so be safe." Kane looked back at the man with a contract. She took it and read it over. *Vampires with Wolves? Thats new...* Kane told the man she would take it and she set off to the house thats a good distance between the town.
Blank watched as Kane went to the outskirts of town and beyond that. *Heres my chance. Kane will take her time so now I will rush this. Its time for a wolf to fight a bat in the future to come.* Blank got up and went to Kiki. "Come with me please. I will make it worth your while."
"A-Alright." Kiki went with Blank to the same house where the Vampire and Werewolves were fighting. They made it there before Kane.
Blank knocked on the door. One of the higher vampires answered. Blank made a few signs and he nodded. The vampires took Kiki inside to mark her one of their own.
Kiki screamed as they took her from Blank. *Is this when I die?* She started to cry. *Kane! Save me!* Her screams were muffled as one of the vampires took a rag and covered her mouth with it. Then Kiki felt a sharp pain on her neck. She thrashed against them. Eventually , Kiki blacked out. -- Kane stopped. *That was Kikis voice.* She started to run to the house that had Kiki. Each step she shifted , expecting a slaughter. -- Kiki nodded in and out of consciousness. She felt the vampires grabbed her and hide her in a secret compartment. She could barely see what was happening , then she blacked out again.
Blank looked out the window. "Kane's coming. Time for her to die." Blank smirked. "Vampires we share a common enemy. Kane is seeking to kill all of us. Will we team up this once and kill her? Or let her destroy us all?" The Vampires cheered and so did the wolves. They waited for Kane to bust down the door.
Kane busted down the door and slashed threw the startled vampires and wolves. She saw two humans that were recently marked. She slashed their throats. She wasnt taking a risk. She looked at Blank , who just shifted. Blank roared and lunged at her but she dodged and ripped her claws across his back. He stood up and started to roar but Kane ripped his neck wide open. Blank fell to the floor , lifeless. Kane scented for Kiki but Kikis scent was overpowered by the vampires. Kane shifted back into human form and looked around. She smiled when she saw a silver sword hanging on the wall , protected by a glass case. She smashed the case and took the pure silver sword and headed back to town. *Kiki wasnt there...Maybe I was hearing things.* Kane sighed and continued to walk.
Siren sat in the corner of the room , hidden. She looked in amazement as Kane ripped everyone to shreds. *Whoa. I shouldnt mess with her. Ever.* Her eyes darted to the compartment Kiki was hidden in. *Shes still there. Good.* KAne eventually went out with the silver sword so Siren got up and went over to the compartment. *Now. Lets see if shes accepted or rejected.* She smiled , hoping she was accepted. She looked at Kikis neck , the bite mark was healed. *Kane , you will have a new enemy when I mind-wipe Kiki!* She laughed as she picked up Kiki , sat her down , and began to do the ritual to erase her memories , making her a emotionless monster.
The clouds started to swirl overhead. Kane sighed. *Another merge and this early too...* She walked into town , still covered in blood , and went straight to the man. "Payment." The man was terrified of Kane and gave her the money. "Thank you. If any more monsters come up , find me." She said as she started to walk to the outskirts again.
Siren sighed as she started getting close to the end of the ritual. "Now Kiki. Leave all memories and abandon emotion. Accept you fate and become a vampire of immunity. Sunlight shall not hurt you , my child." Siren said loudly. "Now , rise and answer to me and me only. Kill anyone in your way. Kill Kane , Avenge your fallen brothers and sisters." Siren ended the ritual and the magic of the ritual went into Kiki. She smirked as Kiki stood up.
Kiki stood up. Her icy gaze looked at Siren. "I will avenge my brothers and sisters. I will set out at once to kill Kane." Her eyes darted to a case that had a rack inside that held ancient black armor. She smashed the case and took it. She put it on , a perfect fit. She saw the second silver sword and grabbed that and laced it with Wolfsbane. "I will make her regret the day she killed them." She whipped around and went outside just as the clouds departed , showing that more monsters have invaded the world.
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