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Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds


The Queen Of Games.
Just a simple little role play I thought of. Please read the rules first.

  1. Don't be overpowered >.<
  2. One character only. (Man or monster. If both you can have two.)
  3. Don't kill without permission from whom you are killing.
  4. Have fun on this new , first and random idea! ^.^

((Whole point is that two worlds are merging okie. It happens every year at any time any month any day. I will insert a piece of the story , I am accepting people ;) ))
The day was just ending when everyone panicked. The ground was trembling as clouds were started to swirl above in a strange way. Then everything got quiet. That's when they found out what happened. Their nightmares came true. Monsters were here and we're going to hunt them down.

Kane screamed as something happened then she fell off the edge of the cliff and into the water below.
Kane was underwater for no more than a couple minutes. Just as she died , someone lifted her out of the water. But who? The water was too deep for someone to swim to get her. Kane gasped and coughed up seawater. She looked around for who saved her but he was not there. Suddenly, her numb arm started to throb and then the pain became unbearable. She rolled up her soaked sleeve and saw a huge bite mark that has already healed. She gasped and passed out.
Blank looked at the human he saved from dying. *Am I going soft?* was his first thought. *Well , I bit her atleast , but barely. She might not be one after it takes place.* Blank look at Kane as she gasped and passed out. He shifted into his human form and walked over to her. He was lucky he was a Alpha or else when she woke up in front of a looming werewolf , she would've panicked and passed out again. He sat and waited.
Kane woke up in the face of a man. She jumped back in fright. " Who are you. Where did I get this scar? Did you do it?" Kane had so many questions but only few could be answered. She looked at Blank and waited for his response.
Blank sighed. "I am your savior." he said in a husky , raspy voice. " I am Blank.." -he hesitated- "Who may you be? Im kinda new here..."
"Im Kane." She hesitated , not trusting Blank. She narrowed her eyes at the 'newcomer' "Tell me. Do you know how I got this scar?"

She was thinking of the stories about monsters. Drowners , Sirens , Vampires , Wer- Wait. She clicked the bite with the description of Werewolves she knows. "Is this scar...from a Werewolf?"
Blank jumped back. "How do you know about us - I mean Werewolves?" -he realized his mistake , she realized he said us. He started to panic now thinking he has a witness to kill. *No. What if she becomes a Alpha like me? She could be our queen!* he was loving the thought but if she panics again , it'll speed up the process of the transformation , narrowing the chances of becoming a Alpha.
"Us?US!?" -she started to panic- "Y-Your one of them! Unbe-" she started to cough , she fell over. She felt as if her body was breaking into pieces. She heard bones snapping. She heard Blank gasp. She heard them come. She barely looked up and saw transformed Werewolves standing next to Blank , not able to shift like a Alpha. After a few minutes she felt no pain. She stood up , taller than the transformed Werewolves. *What happened to me...* she looked at her hands , which are now claws. She felt bloodlust but she beat it down because she isnt one of them. She cant be.
Blank shifted at the sight of her. Even transformed , she was taller than him. *Maybe..?* he thought. He shifted back to normal. "Shift!" he yelled at her. "If you want to live another day , SHIFT!" he yelled at her once more. He felt the bloodlust in her. *No , she wont let it consume her...I hope...*
She growled. She flinched barely. She didnt like it but it felt good. She fought the urge to howl to the moon or to bite Blanks head off. She focused on her human body. She felt her body breaking and reshaping. She was a Alpha. She opened her eyes. Something wasnt right. Blank seemed slightly scared. She looked in the water. Her eyes were still lupine and her teeth were still sharp and like a wolfs. She still had the blood lust. She wants to give in to it. She will , maybe , soon. She stared at Blank. "Happy , Blank?" Her voice was raspy but almost normal. She liked how it sounded.
Blank was shocked. *How...This has never happened...so why her..* "Kane." Blank started. But he felt the blood lust even stronger now. He started to get scared. "Kane , since you are the first woman to survive the process and be Alpha , you a-are our queen?" he said almost as a question. *I faltered. She knows Im terrified. I must stay calm or else...*
Kane grinned as she scented his fear. "Blank , you should know by now." She started " That I will happy to be your *Ahem* queen." She growled lightly but it was still terrifying. She wasnt being a pack of monsters queen. She will pick them off one.by.one. She hopes that the blood lust will help her now. She is making it her best friend from this point on.
Blank flinched and so did the other werewolves. *She said that almost to eagerly..somethings amiss..* He was going to say something but he felt the craving for blood consume her. She made it her life. *That will be bad...She wont be able to control it..* "*ahem* Kane. I have a 'trial' for you to do first." He said. *I must buy time...* "You must kill every human in that small town over there." He almost faltered *She cant do that to her kin. She loves her family , so she wont be able to so that means she wont be queen!* He thought. "It must be done before the moon reaches the other side." He thought for a second. " Start now."
"Ok." She dashed into the town and after about a hour she came back to Blank , soaked in blood. She reeked of blood and death. *I am death* she thought , but the thought was fueled by the never ending craving for flesh and blood. "You thought I wouldnt kill my family? I did." She laid down there dead corpses as proof. "Now you'll regret this so said trial." she bounded off to the next town to try and blend in to see her next victim.
Blank watched hopelessly as Kane bounded off to the next town. *Oh no. What have I done..?* He stared hopelessly after her. ---

Stare was sitting on the roof of his house and saw a woman dashing toward the town. *Hmm? Another weak-minded person perhaps?* He smiled. Everyone here feared him. Now another one will too. He leaped down and waited for her arrival to scare her into his control.
She saw the man and stopped a few steps away to revert her eyes and teeth to normal. Only it couldnt last long. The lupine eyes and wolf like teeth were there to stay. She walked up to the man. "Who may you be? The welcoming party?"
"Ah , no. I am just a..um..traveler. I am Stare. Who may you be?" *Not yet. I must wait for the perfect time.* Stare was enjoying having a woman in his control that is from somewhere else.
"Hmm. I was known as Kane...but Im taking a new name now. So call me Night. Its only for a short while..But eh you can call me what ever you like." she shrugged. *My teeth and eyes cant stay humane for much longer...Now. Lets scare him then eat him..* She looked him in the eyes just as hers were reverting back.
*Now!* He stared into her eyes but it didnt work. *What? Impossible!* He tried again but this time it was him to be scared. It wasnt normal human eyes staring back , no , it was eyes of a werewolf. Stare gasped and backed up and fell backwards. "What are you!?" He kept crawling back but hit a tree that had fences around it. He was in the small garden. A fenced off one with only one exit that was now blocked by Kane.
Kane laughed. "What am I? Well , Im your nightmare!" She laughed more as she stepped toward him , shifting each step. She realized she only need ed the claws for the job so she sharpened them instead. "Stare wants to stare at me and try to scare me into submission? Never!" She took another step. "One question for you too before I kill you. What are you? You arent human either."
*Oh.no.* "I-I-Im half demon.." It clicked. He remembered he could fly so he stood up and flew into the air and toward the werewolves that would soon help him.
Her eyes followed his flight path. *Straight to the other wolves. The hate me and are scared of me. They might help him!* She shifted slightly and bounded off after him. *Not today Stare! I want your blood!* The thought made her excited so she decided to slaughter people instead. She turned around and went back to the town. To Stares family. She slowed. *No. Thats after. I'll kill his friends instead, I saw where they live. He met them everyday and I saw them walk to their different homes. He'll regret running away. * She dashed into his friends houses and killed them all.
Stare felt something rip away from his soul. *Oh-no , If I continue to use my powers like this I will become like..well..like her. I dont want to be a monster.* He landed outside the cave and went inside. Knowing well that he could find help here. Something growled in need of help from the shadows. The came out but the sun came up so they shifted back to human form. "Please..Help us..Kane is going to slaughter everything." They said. Stare looked around the cave.*hmmm, Thirty total. Great number.* "I'll help if you help me. Kane is after me. She will go after my family no doubt and maybe yours too if she isnt stopped." They looked at him and they nodded. "Good. Lets wait for the moon to rise." they waited and waited then finally the moon rose and they shifted. He couldnt out run them so he had to fly again. His heart started to ache. He faltered as new feelings entered his mind. He laughed and grinned at them. They will get what they want.
Kane grinned as she looked in the air and saw Stare laughing to himself. *Hes going to lose his mind and maybe just maybe , join my side in killing-* Her human thoughts came in and the thoughts of monsters killing humans made her blood lust die down. She blinked. *What am I doing! I must kill monsters not humans!* She looked around. She slaughtered five innocent people..maybe more. *Maybe he'll understand..* She saw him land in front of her with the wolves right behind. His head was barely twitching here and there , signs of him losing his mind.

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