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James stepped up to the boys. “Tomorrow night, seven pm. I’m going to make you regret saying that to my friend. Let’s say we meet by the lake and we settle this with a proper tussle?”

“James!” Remus was down right horrified by this turn of events. “You can’t do that! Do you understand how much trouble you’d be in if you got caught?”

“Not as much trouble as I would be in if I don’t do this.” James crossed his arms.
“And count me in! I’ll take that one!” Sirius said, pointing a finger at Mulciber. Mulciber seemed unmoved. “You’re on, blood traitors,” said the bigger of the two, clearly not afraid to fight with a a couple of skinny boys. Sirius wasn’t afraid in the slightest. “We’ll make you pay for saying those awful things about our friend!” Sirius warned them. Peter just gulped nervously, writhing his hands anxiously, wondering how it had escalated so far. Sirius was going to help James- he wasn’t going to let his new best friend go and do this all alone. They were going to defend Remus.
Remus felt like he was about to die. “Well it’s settled then, so we’re going to go! Goodbye!” He grabbed both James and Sirius and dragged them away, getting a little more careless about how much strength he showed. He could blame adrenaline if they really asked. Mom had some fascinating books on it.

James groaned. “We’re just trying to help you, Remus! It’s not okay to talk to you like that. It’s not fair.”
Sirius felt Remus tug at him and he had to give into the boy’s surprisingly strong pull as he dragged him and James away. “Yea Remus! We’re only trying to help! No one is going to call our new friend a mudblood! James and I, we’ll make those sniveling idiots pay!” spat Sirius. He wasn’t going to forget this encounter so easily. “I think you can handle ‘em both!” Peter chimed in, trying to be encouraging. Whether or not he believed it though was a different story.
“What does that even mean? Why did it make you so mad?” Remus frowned. He wished his dad cared enough to teach him anything about Wizarding culture. His mom was the muggle, and she was gone. There was nothing stopping him except his hatred of Remus and the wolf he had become. Remus felt the familiar feeling of tears pricking his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

James sighed. “It’s… it’s a slur. A bad one for muggle-born.”
“You don’t want to know Remus, but just trust us. It’s bad. Real bad. A slur, like James said, and a nasty one at that,” said Sirius with a frown, sad that already they were being exposed to the awful pure blood supremacy that Sirius’ own parents helped to push and tried to instill on him. “We’ve got your back though, Remus, don’t you worry. James and I are gonna knock some sense into those arses. They’ll never bother you again when we’re finished with them,” he proclaimed confidently, looking over at James and nodding.
James nodded. “Right! We’re a team.”

Remus groaned. “You don’t even know me! We sat on a boat for fifteen minutes together. Sure, it was mean, but it’s not worth getting expelled over. Who knows what happens if they expel you?” He crossed his arms, frowning. “I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”
“Exactly,” said Sirius with a nod. Team was a nice word. He’d never really truly felt like he belonged anywhere but James, Remus, Peter, they made him feel like he did. He was going to protect and defend them at all costs. “I’m not going down without a fight. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. If we come to it,” said Sirius, pushing aside Remus’ admittedly valid worries. He didn’t want to be expelled- the wrath of his parents would be unbearable should that happen.
Remus sighed. “I guess I can’t stop you.” His heart sank in his chest. He could imagine how betrayed they would feel if they knew the nasty truth about him. How would they like it if they learned they were fighting for a werewolf? A dirty werewolf that let his mother die?

James rubbed his arm. “Jeez, Remus. For someone so tiny, you’re strong. Like ridiculously strong.”
“Yea, where’s this strength coming from?” Sirius asked with a chuckle, smiling. He’d deal with his and James’ fight with those boys later. Right now, he was focused on better things, like his new friends and getting sorted. “Come on! I want to get to the castle!” Peter urged them on excitedly, leading them ahead.
“I’ve never seen a castle before!” Remus easily changed the subject, jogging to catch up to Peter. The entrance to the castle was tall, making him feel even smaller in the face of it.

James gasped, staring at it wide-eyed. “Wow! It’s even better than all the books and paintings. It’s so big.”
The first years were soon let in and guided through the castle doors. Sirius looked around, taking in all the scenes. This castle was rather impressive. “Woah,” he whispered, seeing the many moving portraits on the walls. At least these ones didn’t yell at you for being useless and a disgrace to your family like the ones at his home did.
Remus jumped slightly when the portrait moved. One of them waved to him and Remus waved back, awestruck. “Wow. I… that’s incredible.”

Someone cleared their throat up ahead, drawing both Remus and James’ attention. It was a stern looking woman, her hair tied up into a bun. “Good evening, first years. I am Professor McGonagall, professor of transfiguration. Welcome to Hogwarts.” A frenzy of cheers answered her.
Soon, a woman up in front cleared her throat and began to address all the first years, welcoming them to Hogwarts. She was a stern yet kind looking witch and she introduced herself as Professor McGonogall. Sirius felt excitement bubbling inside of his stomach as some of the first years cheered for her. They were so close to being sorted- he was nervous but also excited to see what house he’d end up in.
“You will go inside and be sorted in alphabetical order,” she stated, unphased by the cheering.

James groaned. “I’m dead last. The suspense. All of you better save me a seat.”

“If we’re sorted into the same house,” Remus quietly added. He felt that fear come back again. His soul being read. All of the first years seeing it.
Professor McGonogall informed them all that they’d be sorted in alphabetical order. That meant that Sirius was going to be one of the first ones up in the entire school, and the first one of this group of four. “Oh shush up, you’re being dramatic James,” retorted Sirius as the messy haired boy said he was going to be dead last. Sirius certainly hoped they were all sorted into the same house. “James’ confident we will be Remus. I’d like to believe him,” he said with a small smile.
James gasped. “Sirius, you’re going first. You can save all four of us a seat. It’s going to be amazing.” He grinned. “I’m sorry it’ll take a while for Remus to join you. From B to L. Yikes.”

Remus sighed. Why was he becoming friends with the most stubborn people ever? If they found out he was a werewolf, he wouldn’t be able to convince them to spare him. If he even had the mind to do that anyway.
“Fine, I’ll save you lot some seats,” he chuckled, being given that responsibility now. Professor McGonogall then led all of the first years to a large set of doors, which opened to reveal a massive room. Sirius’ eyes widened. It was bigger than any room he had ever seen, even during the countless balls he’d be forced to attend by his parents. There were four long tables filled to the brim with students. There was no ceiling but hundreds of little candles lit the hall. In the back was a table with adults sitting at it, presumably the professors. Each of the four tables with students had a large banner, one for Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.
Remus froze in fear, almost tripping the person behind him. “We’re getting sorted… in front of the whole school?”

“Yeah! What did you think?” James frowned. “Everyone needs to know what house you’re in.”
Sirius nodded. He knew that the whole school would have eyes on you when you got sorted. “See that little stool up there? That’s where you’re gonna be sorted,” he said, leaning in towards Remus and pointing at it in the front of the hall.
Remus shook as he started walking again. “I… I think I’m going to be sick.”

James frowned. “Really? I think there should be a bathroom nearby. I’m sure if we left, someone would find us and help.”
“It’s not all that bad Remus. It’ll be over before you know it,” said Sirius softly, trying to hopefully encourage his new friend and ease some of his fears. “All it does is look into your mind and soul and bam- sorts ya right where you belong!”
“Does it… say what it finds out loud?” Remus frowned. “Because that sounds—“ Deadly? Dangerous? “—mortifying.”
“Well, it talks sometimes yea, but I’m not sure it reveals the deepest darkest secrets,” said Sirius with a shrug. “That’s a lot of eyes going to be on me when I’m up there,” said Peter nervously.
James sighed. "Well, you know how we handle the mean ones. Soon enough, everyone here will know to be super nice to you. So don't worry, it's going to be great!"

Remus sighed. "That's not as reassuring as you think it is."

"I bet it's more reassuring and you're just keeping me modest." James crossed his arms in pride at his own coolness and comforting ability.

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