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James rolled his eyes. “Maybe you do if that’s what girls sound like! Then you sound more like a girl than my mom!” He crossed his arms at the most epic insult ever made. The insult to win all insults. That would teach Sirius to try and battle him.
“You’re really not good at this whole banter thing, are you James?” Sirius asked with a cheeky grin. “We’ve got seven years to work on that,” he added with a laugh.
James huffed. “Well I think it was pretty good!”

~~ After the Train Ride ~~​
James practically dragged Sirius off the train, grinning madly. “We’re here! We’re here!” It was storming hard, the rain falling on them in pelts. “It’s so much bigger than I thought! You could fit like… eight hundred houses in there.”

“First years! First years over here!” A booming voice echoed over the rain, calling the first years to the shore of a lake.

James jumped up and down. “That’s us! That’s us! Let’s go!”
The two boys talked and exchanged banter, already hitting it off so quickly. Sirius had never clicked with any boys back at home. They were all too snobby for him. James was down to Earth though, even if he was a pure blood. By the time they arrived at Hogwarts, it was pretty much raining cats and dogs. James didn’t give him a moment to collect his thoughts and was practically dragging him off of the train. “Okay okay hold on!” Sirius chuckled as his excited friend urged him on. He followed James out of the train and into the pouring rain. They’d leave their luggage on the train as it would be taken care of later. There he saw it, the magnificent Hogwarts castle in the background. It was huge. “I reckon eight hundred and one,” said Sirius. He then heard a booming voice directing first years and quickly followed along with James, nodding and sticking close by.
The shoreline was dotted with boats, each one able to sit four people. "Perfect! We can stick together and make new friends! I hope they're as cool as you." James walked towards one of the boats. "I have a good feeling about this one. It has... a friendship aura."

Meanwhile, another first-year was making his way off the train. His clothes were faded and too big for his frail-looking body. He had a scar across his nose and hair that almost hid his eyes. He felt utterly alone in this busy space, the noises too loud for his over-sensitive ears. A wolf inside of him paced and growled at all of the new smells and the unfamiliar territory.

His name was Remus Lupin and he was terrified.
“No one’s as cool as me James, I doubt it,” said Sirius with a grin. He was only half joking though- he wasn’t that full of himself. Full of himself, yes, but not overly so. Sirius nodded- he too felt the whole “friendship aura” that James was pointing out. There was something special about this relationship and their chemistry. Sirius stepped into the boat and waited for James. Right around then, a boy scurried over to them in a frenzy. “Oi lads! D- do you mind if I share a boat? I- I didn’t want to be late or anything and you lot look like you know what you’re doing,” said the stranger. Sirius looked up and blinked. The boy was twiddling with his fingers and he had light brown hair. “Err, sure, I don’t mind at all,” replied Sirius. The boy seemed to look relieved and he then looked over at James. The stranger seemed to pause and squint at James, as if he recognized him.
"Peter! I knew you were going to come!" James practically leaped up, running over and hugging the boy. "I knew you could make it. Of course, you join us. Peter, this is Sirius. Sirius, my neighbor Peter. He's cool, don't worry. A different kind of cool, but I'll think you like him." James got back into the boat. "See? I was right. Magic aura."

Remus made his way through the crowd, trying not to audibly hiss when someone brushed against an injury. He approached a boat that had three girls in it. "E-Excuse me--"

A fourth girl shoved past him, almost making him trip. "I'm here!" She got into the boat.

Remus tried not to react much, holding his battered briefcase as he looked around for another boat.
The boy blinked and smiled, delighted as James recognized him and gave him a hug. Sirius raised an eyebrow, confused. James already knew this boy? His name was Peter, apparently. As James introduced him to Peter, Sirius nodded and gave a small wave to him. “Sirius Black, pleased to meet you,” he said politely. “Peter Pettigrew!” replied the other boy. “Oh James! I’m so happy to see you! It was like destiny that brought us together, eh James? Right?” Peter asked, coming into the boat with the two of them. That left one more seat open in their boat.
"Yes! It was destiny. The magic of the friendship boat! Now I know the next one to come along will be the perfect company." James smiled proudly as they waited for another to approach.

That was when Remus spotted another boat with one empty seat. He made his way over, shivering at the cold. "Um... hi. Is this seat taken?"

James turned around and spotted the newcomer. It was a shorter boy, hunched over and shivering. His robes looked old, like the ones in his parents' attic old, and way too big. He leaned towards Sirius, whispering in his ear. "Do you think this one is friendship boat material?"
“Right!” Peter agreed. Sirius just shook his head and grinned. He found that to be rather cheesy but didn’t have the heart to tell James. Soon, a new boy approached them. Sirius looked at the shivering lad. He had mousy brown hair, a few scars on his face, and he looked meek and bookish. His robes looked old and battered, unlike Sirius’ pristine ones. James and Peter also wore nice robes- this new boy stood out like a sore thumb compared to the three of them. Sirius looked over to James as he whispered in his ear, nodding. “Come aboard lad! We’ve got one more seat left!” he said to the new boy.
Remus was a little surprised that he got a yes. He was half preparing to swim to Hogwarts at this point and drown. "Oh. Um. Thanks." He frowned. "Where is all of your luggage? Is there a compartment in the boat?" He slowly got in, making sure to give all of the boys plenty of room.

James blinked. "On the train...? Where the house elves will bring it in?"
Sirius simply nodded and offered a friendly smile to the new boy. Peter looked at him curiously but said nothing. He was just happy to be reunited with James. The stranger then asked what they had done with their luggage. Sirius nodded along with James. The house elves would take care of it, just like they did everything at Grimmauld Place. He looked over at the other boy’s luggage. It was a beaten up briefcase in a sorry state. “Yea, the house elves’ll take care of it. I’m sure if you leave it on the platform the little buggers will come and pick it up,” said Sirius.
"What's a house elf?" Remus frowned. "Are they like the elves in Lord of the Rings?" He frowned. Those elves didn't seem willing to do anything, let alone pick up luggage. He held on tighter to his bag. It held his only belongings. He didn't have much, so the idea of losing them to carelessness made him scared.

"What's Lord of the Rings?" James frowned. Why was this boy speaking in tongues?
“Huh?” Sirius asked, caught off guard by the question. He looked to James and Peter, who looked clueless as he blinked at Sirius. How did this boy not know what house elves were? And what the hell was Lord of the Rings? “They’re little servants, you know, with the big floppy ears?” Sirius asked the boy whose name he didn’t yet know. “They carry out day to day tasks, hard working bunch.”
"Oh. That doesn't sound like any elves I know..." Remus had disgusted them. They were disgusted and now they were going to kick him off the boat and turn on him and he would never make it Hogwarts.

James gasped. "Oooh. You must be muggle-born! This is all new to you, huh?"

Remus nodded. "Yeah. I don't... know anything. Sorry. I know that's annoying."
Then it dawned on him, and before he could fully come to the realization, James had said it aloud. This boy was muggle born- he just had to be. Or at least maybe a half blood. Sirius’ parents had taught him to hate the muggle born and half bloods, but he didn’t believe in all of that rubbish. “It’s alright mate, doesn’t matter to us!” said Sirius. “Say, what’s your name?” he asked the stranger. Peter seemed to peer curiously over at the mousy brown haired shy boy.
“Remus. Remus Lupin.” Remus was relieved that the boys weren’t mad at him for not understanding what they meant. His dad never taught him anything. All he had were his mom’s muggle books.

“James Potter!” James smiled. “Good to meet you.” Remus was a little odd, but James didn’t think it was bad. The boy must’ve had no idea what was going on.
Remus Lupin- why did that name sound so good? Something about it- it had a little ring to it. It was an amazing name. “Well nice to meet ya there, Remus!” Sirius replied. Remus didn’t really look comfortable but Sirius chocked that up to the fact that he was a muggle boy. “And I’m Peter Pettigrew!” chimed in Peter, sending a friendly wave over at Remus. “Come aboard mate,” invited Sirius to Remus with a big smile.
Remus joined the boys, holding his robes as the wet seat just made him colder. “Thank you. Really. I’ve never seen this many people before and it’s a little scary…” He clamped his mouth shut. “Sorry, that’s weird, I know.”

James smiled softly, finding it hard not to almost pity the poor boy. He sort of looked like a cat that got caught in a rainstorm and needed a dry place to stay. “It’s okay! I’m practically a Hogwarts expert! If we’re in the same house, I’ll teach you everything I know! And Sirius can help too. He’s cool like that.”
“Nah not at all lad. I feel ya- lots of people can be overwhelming,” said Sirius sweetly. “Especially if they’re anything like James,” laughed Sirius with a playful smirk as he pointed towards the Potter boy. To this, Peter giggled. “Don’t worry! James knows a lot about this place!” Peter told Remus, choosing to believe him on the fact that he was an expert on Hogwarts in an attempt to hopefully calm to poor meek boy’s fears.
“Thanks. I can… teach you about muggle stuff, I guess. My mom had tons of it. Music, books. I don’t know if that’s stuff interesting to you. But, it’s all I know.” Remus scuffed his shoes against the boat as it slowly pushed itself into the lake.
“Yea! That would be cool! I’ve always been interested in muggles,” said Sirius. Most of his interest in muggles was derived from a rebellious spirit he had inside of him to get into something his parents so vehemently despised. The Blacks hated muggles, but not Sirius. He would learn about them and now, was befriending one. Take that, Walburga and Orion.
James nodded. “I love learning new stuff! My mom says I should focus more on academic stuff, but it tends to be sooo boring. But your stuff sounds cools. Like what do muggles think elves are?”

Remus felt a little warm at the positive attention. His dad never asked me to share his interests before, so doing so was exciting but also worrying. What if he did something wrong? Or said something weird? Or only asked to be nice? “Well, elves are these tall, elegant people with pointy ears. They’re really good at magic and archery. They can be pretty arrogant, though.”
Sirius laughed at Remus’ description of what muggles thought elves were. “Ha! Elegant? Kreacher’s anything but elegant- the old prat,” he scoffed. Don’t think I’ve ever seen him use magic either. He’s just a grumpy git who does my mum and dad’s bidding,” he went on. “You’ve got a house elf?” Peter asked curiously as he looked at Sirius. Sirius nodded in response, “Yep, but it’s not as great as you would think it is. He’s really mean.”
James frowned. “Why is everything in your life mean? That sounds horrible! You should run away and live with me. I think Mom would love that! She loves helping people and helping you escape the evil Black torture house would be the best helping!”

Remus turned pale. “You live in a torture house? Is that… normal for wizards?” The idea of someone else living a life similar to him made him upset. Which was odd, since he was rarely upset when it happened to him. But he was a werewolf, inhuman. Sirius wasn’t. He didn’t deserve that treatment.

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