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“I’d just be a burden on your mum. Plus, it’d be dangerous. For as much as my parents hate me they would never let me leave,” replied Sirius. “But it’s fine, they’re just arses, I can handle it,” he shrugged casually. He then turned to Remus and shook his head. “I wouldn’t say it’s a torture house just uhh, just not a fun house, at all,” said Sirius. “My mum and dad are pretty cold…” he muttered. “Aww well that’s no way for a mum and dad to treat their child!” Peter chimed in.
James nodded. “Yeah! That’s not cool! Besides, it’s like impossible to be a burden to my mom. She loves fussing over people. I bet if I prove to her that you’re really cool, she’d like officially adopt you or something!” James grinned, thinking about it. “Brothers to my best friend!”

Remus frowned. “I don’t know. It doesn’t seem very safe if they’re willing to hurt you to get you back.” Not even his dad would do that. If he ran away, his dad would probably celebrate. Not that Remus had anywhere to go. He was a monster. He couldn’t put that on anyone.
“It doesn’t matter,” muttered Sirius, wanting to change the subject. He didn’t want to be the center of attention if this was the topic. “I’ll be fine. I’ve been fine for eleven years,” he told them. “Oh look! We’re moving!” Peter pointed out as suddenly, the boats began to glide across the water.
James gasped, turning around. “Yes! We’re going to Hogwarts! And then we’re going to be sorted. This is the best day ever!”

Remus frowned. “Sorted?”

James cleared his throat. “As the resident expert, we have arrived at your first lesson. All of the first years sit under this hat that reads your mind and sorts you into a house based on your personality and stuff. The cool and brave kids get into the best house, Gryffindor! That’s where Sirius and I are headed for sure! But you two are cool, so I bet you will too.” He grinned.

Remus frowned. He wasn’t very brave. And if the hat read his mind, it would know he was a werewolf.

It would know he was a werewolf.

He tried his best not to visibly panic, but he gripped the side of the boat tight, his jaw clenching. “Is it… optional?”
At the mention of sorting, Sirius thought quietly to himself. He knew he was expected to be a Slytherin but honestly he wanted nothing more than to not be that. Anywhere else would do- that would really stick it to his parents. James luckily was there to explain about the sorting, being very confident that he and him were going to be Gryffindors. Sirius wouldn’t mind Gryffindor. It was the direct rival of Slytherin too. He then perked up at Remus’ next question. “No, it’s not optional. Every first year has to do it,” he replied.
“Is there another way to do it?” Remus couldn’t bear the thought. A hat declaring him to be a werewolf to every first year. It would spread like wildfire.

James shook his head. “Nope! But it’s fine. Every student and teacher there has done it. All of the first years will do it. You’ll be fine.”
“No, there isn’t,” replied Sirius with a little frown, as clearly Remus was nervous about the whole sorting thing. “It’s not that bad really. The hat will look into your soul and know just exactly where to put you,” he explained. “It doesn’t bite, don’t worry,” joked Sirius with a little laugh, trying to keep the mood light.
“But what if it doesn’t like my soul?” He whispered, eyes wide with fear.

James frowned. “I mean, it has to sort the really mean people too, and it doesn’t attack them. So I don’t see why it would attack you. You’re way nicer than most Slytherins for sure.”
“The hat doesn’t have opinions or anything like that,” Sirius added in explanation. “It sorts everyone, regardless of who you are or where you came from,” he told Remus. “I highly doubt it wouldn’t like you, Remus,” Sirius reassured him. From what Sirius had seen of Remus so far, what was there not to like?
Remus nodded. A non-sentient hat. That seemed safe. “What are the other houses?”

James grinned. “Well there’s four: Gryffindor, the best, Ravenclaw, the one for all the nerds, Hufflepuff, for all the shy softies, and Slytherin, where all the super rich, cold-blooded purebloods go.”

He definitely wasn’t going to get into Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw sounded nice. He loved reading. But, if they were smart enough they could find out he was a werewolf. He would be kicked out, killed even. So Hufflepuff seemed safest. Too timid for a confrontation and the least likely to talk to him.
Sirius nodded along as James explained the four Hogwarts houses to Remus. Clearly he was high on Gryffindor and confident he’d be sorted there. Slytherin seemed more suited for Sirius though, especially with James’ description. It made him nervous to think of James being sorted into Gryffindor and he in Slytherin. Would they still be friends after that? “I want to be a Gryffindor too with you James!” Peter piped up.
“All of us will be in Gryffindor! Sirius isn’t like those other pure bloods. He’s cool! And doesn’t eat spiders.” James grinned. “We need a name for our crew. The Lion Friends? No. The Mane Boys. Hmm, too cheap of a pun…” He stroked his chin as he stared off into the choppy lake.

Remus swallowed nervously, fidgeting with a fraying edge of his briefcase. “Isn’t it too early to decide that? What if one of us doesn’t get in?”
Sirius chuckled lightly at James’ antics. Perhaps though he was right- Sirius wasn’t one of those typical pure bloods. He was different, different in a good way, separate from the bigots. “All of those names suck, Potter,” chirped Sirius, rolling his eyes. Remus had a good point about them potentially not being all sorted into the same house. That, Sirius didn’t want to think about. He already liked these three boys so much. “It’s a good point Remus…” said Peter quietly in anxious agreement.
“Getting on this boat was a sign of destiny! The hat was to be smart enough to recognize. If not, we’ll make an official appeal to Dumbledore himself. He’ll understand the gravity of the situation!” James dipped his hand in the lake. “Oh, that’s cold!” He waved the water off. “But the point is, we’ll make it work!”

Remus seriously doubted that, but it seemed like arguing with James was about as useful as telling a book to change its ending. He held his briefcase tighter. “If you say so.”
“I wouldn’t do that James. No telling what lurks beneath these depths,” said Sirius with an amused grin. Peter gulped nervously at that. The boats continued to glide across the lake until finally, they slowly began arriving at the docks closer to the castle.
James practically leapt out of the boat. “It’s so much bigger than I thought! We could do so much exploring. I bet there’s secret passage ways. We could pull so many pranks.” He was giddy, eyes full of mirth as he followed the wave of first years.

Remus followed behind the group, hunching in on himself. Someone stepped hard on his foot and he yelped, pulling away. The boy who did it turned around snickered. “What was that?” He turned back to his friend. “What a weirdo.” Remus’ face burned with shame.
Sirius hopped out of the boat following James as Peter carefully got out too. He could now see the grand scale of the Hogwarts castle. It was certainly a sight to behold. Sirius chuckled at the idea of pranks as the four boys fell into line and followed the group of first years. As they walked, Sirius suddenly heard a cry of pain from Remus. He quickly turned around to check on the shy boy. “Remus? Are you alright?” he asked.
Remus nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine." He hoped Sirius hadn't hurt the comment and didn't start something on his behalf. A monster didn't deserve that. "Just surprised, mostly."

James frowned. "Who was that? Who said something about my friend?"

And of course that hope was immediately dashed. "James, it's fine. Please don't make a big deal out of it."
Sirius didn’t believe Remus as he told him that he was alright. “No seriously Remus, what happened?” he asked softly. Had someone already been picking on him? If so, he’d put an end to that fast.
Remus didn’t have a chance to respond before another first year approached James, stopping the line. His hair was black, long, and greasy. He smeered at James and Sirius. “Is this your pet who yelps like a dog?”

Remus took a step back. “I-I don’t want any trouble.”

“I-I,” the boy mocked before bursting into laughter. “Pathetic!”
Sirius turned around to see an awkward looking boy with a long crooked nose and greasy black hair. Sirius instantly furrowed his brow at this fellow, hearing his rude comment. He wasn’t going to sit and let this kid insult his new friend Remus. “Piss off grease ball,” snipped Sirius, “Trust me, you don’t want any trouble…” he warned.
The boy laughed. “Wow. You boys don’t know how to pick a fight.”

Remus waved his hands. “Please guys—“

“Shut up! You’re probably a mudblood too.” The boy rolled his eyes. “What do you think, Mulciber? Filthy garbage?”

James was bright red. “Take that right back or I’ll knock your teeth out.”
The greasy hair boy’s response only made the rage grow within Sirius. He gritted his teeth angrily and balled up his fists, glaring with a furrowed brow directly at the rude lad. The term “mudblood” made his skin crawl. He knew that Remus probably wouldn’t know it but that was the worst term of all one could use to describe someone in the wizarding world. “You take that back now you slimy git,” hissed Sirius. Peter just was wide eyed and not looking to get into any sort of confrontation, deciding not to join James and Sirius in this.
Remus grabbed Sirius’ hands. “Let’s just go. It’s not worth it. Please.” He started pulling Sirius away from the fight. He was stronger than he looked, the werewolf in him granting him more strength than his human body should allow. And right now, he was using some of it to get Sirius away before he hurt himself.

“Coward! Can’t fight your own battles?” The boy sneered. “Just as pathetic as you sound!”
The nasty boy only made Sirius angrier. There was no way he was backing down from this, even if Remus begged on his knees. He ignored Remus’ protests and pulls and took a step further towards the two boys. They were both sneering and it made Sirius’ blood boil. Though, Remus’ pull was surprisingly strong, so he couldn’t really get too close. “That’s right, hold back your pet dog,” cackled the boy whose name was Mulciber. “I think you’re quite right, Snape. Filthy garbage indeed,” he added. Sirius couldn’t just let his new friend be ganged up on like this! He had to do something.

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