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“You’re the one I should be thanking. You saved my arse in that fight back there today,” whispered Sirius in response.
“Guess we’re even then, eh?” Sirius asked with a smirk. “Fine then, works for me,” he chuckled quietly.
Remus nodded. “You… you can go back to bed now. I’m sorry for keeping you up.”
“It’s okay, Remus,” said Sirius. He felt a bit awkward yet comforted that he was about to fall asleep next to Remus in his bed. It was like they were cuddling. Sirius often slept alone. Sometimes when he was a bit younger, he’d sneak into his younger brother Regulus’ room and sleep with him to comfort the young boy. This was different though.
Remus shifted to his side to look at Sirius. He remembered how sometimes he would sneak into bed with his mother. But that had been so long ago. Now she was dead and it was Remus’ fault. What if the same thing happened to Sirius?
Sirius shifted in the bed and began to close his eyes, lying on his back and looking at the ceiling. He wanted to hug Remus but knew that was out of place now. He wanted to hold that scarred body in his arms and tell him everything would be okay.
Remus found himself quickly falling asleep once he accepted that Sirius was staying. In his sleep, he drifted closer to Sirius, mostly spurred by the wolf recognizing Sirius’ scent as safe. He slotted against his side.
Sirius tried to fall asleep, though his thoughts troubled about what he’d seen on Remus and what the boy had said. Slowly his eyes closed once more, feeling a sense of warmth as Remus seemed to cozy up to him and lay closer.
Remus let out a soft sigh in his sleep, his hand reaching up to hold Sirius’ arm.
At some point Sirius felt something holding onto his arm. He smiled in his sleep, the touch from Remus comforting to him.
James woke up first the next morning, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He slipped out of bed, noticing Remus’ curtains were open. He walked over, seeing Sirius and Remus tangled together. Remus’ face was pressed into Sirius’ chest.
Sirius remained asleep, unaware of the fact that James was up, seeing them in this rather compromising position.
James just smirked to himself. His next goal? Get Sirius to realize liking a boy wasn’t wrong. Maybe get them together by Christmas. He walked into the bathroom to get ready.

Remus snuggled closer to Sirius.
Sirius stirred a bit in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. Their room was bright, the morning sun shining through. To his side he could hear quiet breathing and another heartbeat. It was Remus, cuddling up close to him. He realized how this might look to the others but didn’t want to leave. He was here for Remus. Luckily Peter was still snoring away and Sirius wasn’t sure where James was.
James came out of the bathroom right then. “Morning,” he said quietly, not wanting to wake the two sleeping beauties yet.
Sirius widened his eyes and looked at James as he said a quiet good morning. He blushed, knowing that James definitely saw the position he was in. “You better not tell a soul about this,” he hissed.
“Trust me, your secret is safe for me.” James lifted his hands and winked.
Sirius didn’t say anything but nodded. He trusted James not to go around and spread unwanted rumors.
“Don’t say that!” Sirius whispered back, going all red in the face. He was a mighty Gryffindor, not a sweet boy.
“Look, I’m not trying to make fun of you. But clearly, Remus… needed you last night. So, you’re a good friend.”
“He did,” whispered Sirius with a nod. “You’re right… thanks James,” he replied with a soft smile. Clearly James had no intentions of making fun of him. Plus, perhaps he was a good friend being there for Lupin.

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