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Fantasy The Love Test♣No Longer Accepting

x XD i T T 0X x

Plot♡ In the region of Amare there lived five kingdoms. The five kings and queens of the kingdoms had had children around the same time, having it been a custom. They all sent their children to meet together in an abandoned castle a long time ago, when the children were about five years of age. They had never each other since then.

Now, the princes and princesses of the five kingdoms are to wed, including the siblings who had not met the others at the age of five. The children are to meet back together in the abandoned castle, which has been refurbished, and decide who they will wed. The project was known to the kingdoms as "The Love Test".
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Setting○ Date






Freezing||Cold||Hot||Warm||Snowing||Blizzard||Foggy||Sunny||Partly Cloudy||Raining||Windy


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☆ S e t t i n g ☆ November 21st: dawn; cold and snowing.
Aaliyah Scarlet Morgiana

A small giggle escaped the soft, red lips of Aaliyah. As the young girl turned under the covers of her royal, pearl-colored silk duvet, her eyes fluttered open softly. A small ray of sunlight had slipped in between the small crack of her crimson curtains, shining directly into the princess' lucid ruby orbs.

"Mmm... That was quite the wonderful dream..." Aaliyah murmured, her cheeks flushing red with happiness. Smiling, she recalled the dream realm she had been so happily immersed in while she slept. She had been wandering around the kingdom of Sweets, where everything possibly imagined could be eaten. The houses were built upon the finest cookies, the clothing weaved from the smoothest chocolate, and the clouds spun from the fluffiest cotton candy. Truly, it was heaven for Aaliyah.

Still, Aaliyah couldn't possibly remain in the fairytale realm of hers forever--that, she knew. Slipping out from underneath the warm duvet, Aaliyah's attendant--Bailey--arrived in the room, a silky vermillion robe in her arms.

"Good morning, Princess. Please, it is quite cold this morning, put this on," Bailey suggested politely, presenting the robe to Aaliyah. Graciously, Aaliyah accepted, wrapping the robe around her shoulders. It was thin, but surprisingly warm.

Heading for the bathroom, Aaliyah's soft footsteps against the cold, tiled floor could be heard across the hallway. Aaliyah dipped her foot in the bath water slowly, testing the warmth. Satisfied, she immersed himself into the warm water, surrounded by Antoine Revoir rose petals.

After a long, relaxing bath, Aaliyah headed back into her bedroom. Apparently today would be the 'big day'. Aaliyah still didn't really understand what was happening. All she knew was that they would be arriving at an abandoned castle later today, and meeting the royalties of other kingdoms. Being the second born, there were quite a lot of events she missed out on.
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Daniel spent most of the trip thinking about all the people he would be meeting today. Unlike his sister he had never had the chance to meet any of the fellow royal heirs. All these people just meeting up at once with knowing little to none about each other was okay with all the parents? It was at this point of realization that made Daniel grow a wide smile. He got bored of toying with his servants, knights, and citizens back at home. He had been around them for so long that it just became easier and easier as the days went by. Now he would get to see how the other kingdoms royalty would fair against him in his little games.

He tried wiping his little grin off as fast as he could. He already knew his sister could read him like a book knowing him how he was since the day he was born. However, he couldn't help but give a small chuckle. He knew how fun this trip was gonna be especially since the girl boy ratio was exactly even. Which meant everyone would have to find or partner they like or get stuck with someone they hate. Daniel didn't really care for all this, and he certainly didn't care about becoming a king. Daniel simply wanted to remain a spectator. Nothing more and nothing less. He looked to his sister on the opposite side he was on wanting so badly for her not to be here. Despite what people may think Daniel is very overprotective over his older sister. He even argued with his father for hours about her coming along, but in the end he lost and she still came along. However, maybe having someone with little information of the fellow heirs can help him.

"So tell me Sister" he said not being able to contain his crooked grin.

"Even though your information might be way outdated. Is there anything you can me about these fellow royal heirs?"



Suzaku felt his eyes slowly open as he slowly awoke from his nap. He began to strech his arms out hearing the little pops they made as he looked directly at his brother. He began scratching his head as he let out a loud yawn. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping nor did he know how long this trip was going to take. Suzaku has only left the castle grounds once, and that was back when he met the children of the other kingdoms. He didn't dislike any of them. He just didn't care. The kingdoms were just fine as they were, and in his opinion there was no need for them to marry two other princesses.

He sighed realizing that he was probably staring at his brother for several minutes. "So how long have I been out? Did they say how much longer it was going to be?" Suzaku honestly didn't care for the answers. He just didn't want to sit there for a long time saying absolutely nothing. He loved being with his little brother, however, he very much dislikes the fact that they tend to say very little to each other. Suzaku has always been busy with all his sports and training he does everyday. To Suzaku even this small amount of time alone feels relaxing, so he was determined to enjoy it as much as possible.


Ryan Alibaba

Setting: Day: November 21st || Weather: Cold, Snowing, Windy || Time: Dawn. Interacting with: @Korvac

Ryan nestled into her seat on the side of her carriage. Gosh. Today was the perfect day to make snowballs, drink hot chocolate and read a book. She hadn't seen these people in years. Though, she was the oldest, Daniel treated her like she was some delicate little thing and she wasn't! She was still trying to understand why her sibling had argue with their dad. That had been tense. She sighed. She did want to get married, but on her own time. Choose the right person be it male or female.

Ryan watched Daniel wipe the grin off his face.
'What was her little demon brother thinking?'

Outdaed information? It's been years, they've all changed. " Well there was the princess of Judah she was really pretty, her eyes remind of gems. The prince of Aladdin, he blushed a lot. The princess of Morgiana has pink hair! It was really bright and I wanted to eat it. We were the same age. Then the prince of Amon he has nice eyes too! " she giggled. Though, everything went by in a blur back then it was still a fun day. Awkward but, fun. "Wait! Why do you want to know?? Danny if bully any of them, I won't hesitate to hit you!!" She was standing, mitten covered hand in fist. She was serious. She looked directly into her brother's eyes. He wouldnt be intimidated but, the older sister card was always something she'd try to use. When the carriage hit a bump and she nearly fell. She sat back down. " Don't do anything mean! We're trying unite kingdoms not make it worse for mom and dad! " Daniel was going to be a handful. Who would marry him? The girl or guy he got was in trouble.

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Essadia Rose Judar

Essadia played with her bracelets as she stared out the carriage window, still trying to remember exactly what she and her elder brother were doing. The concept had been explained to her countless times, but the more it was explained, the less sense it made. She had to go to a castle, meet a bunch of other heirs to kingdoms she hadn't bothered to care about then somehow come out with a husband. It was fantastic.

Sadia's bright amber eyes flicked over to her sibling, looking over his dress. The fact that he looked more like a girl at the moment then she did was a tad embarresing. She wore pants, he wore a dress, it was a rather dysfunctional system really.

"Do you mind explaining to me why we have to do this... 1 more time...?" she quietly asked Jay, silently hoping he'd give her a different answer then everyone else gave her. Not the 'Secure your future and the kingdoms too speech', frankly she couldn't care less, "I mean, I'm the youngest one, I was two when I met them, I wasn't even potty trained. It's absurd." She concluded in a grumble, tilting her head to give an annoyed glare but only managing to bonk her head on the wall of the carriage.

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Cecilia Devone Morgiana

Cecilia's bright blue eyes looked through her closet, her hand touching each piece of fabric. She was trying to figure out what outfit she would be wearing for the special occasion she was attending. Nearly everything Cecilia went to was a "special occasion" but this one would determine who the eldest daughter would be marrying. She pursed her lips together and furrowed her brows as she flipped through each designer item. She let out a small huff when nothing suited her taste.

"Anna, please come in here." she called out to her personal maid who was sitting on the bed, ready to assist her when needed. Cecilia could hear Anna's light foot steps before she appeared beside her.

"Yes, princess?" Anna asked with a soft smile. Cecilia turned to her and pouted slightly, her plump bottom lip poking out slightly past her top lip.

"Please pick out an outfit for me that is both warm and nice. I'm having a bit of trouble picking one and I know you have wonderful taste." she said with a smile and stepped back, allowing Anna to get to work. While she was busy doing that, Cecilia went back over to her vanity mirror and began to apply a small amount of makeup. She didn't wear much and what she did wear, she wore very little of it. After she was done, she examined her appearance in the mirror and smiled. She looked nice. Her long light pink hair fell in loose waves that framed her face as well as looked like an organized mess.

"Here you are, princess." Anna said, pulling Cecilia from her thoughts. Anna laid down a long black Armani jacket with a dress Cecilia got as a present from her aunt. The dress was a cream colored dress with black lace on the bottom edge and mid section that came up to the middle of her thigh and in the center of her chest there was an opening shaped like a raindrop. Anna had also matched it with light gray knee socks and Cecilia's tall brown boots. Cecilia looked at the outfit and smiled.

"It's wonderful, Anna. Thank you. Please take my bags to the carriage while I get dressed and I will be down shortly." she said and Anna nodded. Cecilia stripped of her robe and put the outfit on, nodding in approval of everything. She grabbed a soft scarf that reminded her of fallen snow that was perfectly perched on the top of a park bench and wrapped it around her neck. She then walked out from her room, turning the light off and closing the door behind her.

"Aaliyah, we better get going if we don't want to be the last ones there. Mother and father may be away on business but they would be upset if we were to get there late." Cecilia said and knocked on her sister's bedroom door. Her parents were out on business to another land so it was up to Cecilia to make sure the girls left on time and arrived safely. Being the first born, there were a lot of things that Cecilia had to make sure of. She had to learn and understand how to take care of a kingdom, how to make deals and trades ect ect. Being the oldest, she also had to take classes on how to be a proper princess and was kept inside the castle gates her whole life. It wasn't often that she got to go out so when the times came, she was always ready and prepared for it.

Cecilia could hear the sound of claws on the cold tile floor and looked to see her dog, Morti, running to her. His tail was wagging and his tongue flopping about. Cecilia smiled and bent down to look at him. When he approached her, she petted his head and kissed his forehead, receiving a kiss back. "Good morning, sweetie! Are you ready to go meet new friends today?" she asked him and he replied with a happy bark. Cecilia giggled softly and stood back up, waiting for her little sister.

"It's going to be fun." she mumbled to herself, trying to convince herself to stay calm and that she would have a good time. This was something she had to say to herself before going to any event no matter how much she didn't want to go. She had to uphold the Morgiana name and not let her parents down.


Reeve Amon

Reeve was looking outside as the snow fell around them, his mind wandering as music filled his ears. Reeve didn't understand what on earth was going on or where he was going. His parents explained it to him over and over again but he didn't get it. Why did he have to meet a bunch of strangers and pick one to marry? How idiotic did that sound? It was just as if he closed his eyes and picked someone at random. The whole idea was ludicrous if you asked him, but as always no one did and he wasn't one for talking so he kept it to himself. At the sound of joint popping, Reeve removed a headphone and looked over at his older brother. He saw that he was looking at him and raised a brow.

After moments of silence and his brother still looking at him, he was about to put his headphone back it but his brother stopped him.

"Huh? I don't know. I wasn't keeping track. They didn't mom and dad said it was going to be awhile. I don't know how long that'll be though. Why don't you ask them since you love to socialize." he said, his grey eyes looking from his brother to the wall that seperated them from the driver. It may not look like it but Reeve enjoyed the company of his older brother. He looked up to him quite a lot because he was everything Reeve wasn't. He was athletic, sociable, and much smarter than he was. Reeve wasn't that much of a talker around others but with his brother he talked more to. It was quiet at times between them but they still talked and Reeve knew he could trust his older brother.

"Do we really have to go to this place, brother? I mean isn't it idiotic to be meeting these other royals whom we don't even know? I mean you met them when you were five but everyone has grown up and changed. Can't we just go off somewhere else and not tell mom and dad? That would be much easier and it'd be fun." he said with a sly grin, one he only got when he wanted to go through with a plan. He knew they couldn't do that and their father would have their heads if he found Reeve talking like that but Reeve didn't care. He never really cared about being a royal. It was just something he was bron into. If you asked in, being a royal was annoying because everyone was always concerned about what exactly your doing and you are destined to be a king. No one asked if he wanted to be king and matter-o-fact, he didn't. Reeve wanted to be a music producer or even a writer. Not a king. If he had it his way, he would never be a royal and he wouldn't be going to pick out his bride like some fish at a market. But again, he had no choice.


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