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Realistic or Modern The Lost


Role Play Rating:

  • M - Mature (17+)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

This roleplay will contain content some roleplayers may not find suitable. I'm trying to make this roleplay as realistic as possible. Cannibalism may occur.

You've been warned.

A group of friends decides to go camping together. However, in your arrogance you forgot to bring a map. This leads you to getting lost. The plot is to survive with the little amount of resources you have.

But this forest is special. The souls of those who have killed themselves here linger here, haunting those who stay longer than 24 hours.

You set up a small camp near a stream, and hope for the best. But will it be enough or will you all die a horrible, painful death? And why did you chose this forest? Is their a higher calling to you being here?

Some random-ass forest.

1) You are NOT a forest survivor. You're a city kid. Act like it. You don't know jack-diddly-squat about the forest.

2) You may bring a gun, but ONLY a handgun.

2) This is a realism roleplay. Cannibalism, may occur. Your character may die. Just make another character sheet.

3) Remember.. you may watch your friends die, and be forced to do questionable actions. Insanity is a real thing, and I want it to play a part in this roleplay.

4) If at any time you feel uncomfortable with the route the roleplay is going, you can give us a heads up and leave. We will control your character until you decide to come back.

5) If you read all of these, please put "realism" in the character sheet.

Aden silently woke up. He knew the trip was today, but his parents had no idea. He needed to sneak out. Aden grabbed his pre-made backpack, quietly walked downstairs, and outside. Starting up his car, he drove down the street, hoping everything was going to be OK. He made sure he brought his phone, and some of his medication, but other than that he didn't bring much. A book, a tent (obviously) his revolver he stole from his grandpa, extra clothes, and some food. That was about it. No map. 'Who needs MAPS,' he thought to himself. 'I mean.. hell.. it's a national park. How could we get lost?'
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Maya rubs her eyes and gets into the shower. Her little trip to the forest was today, and she needed to be smelling fresh. Her dad was very reluctant on saying yes, but she convinced him with a couple of white lies. Maya didn't know anyone else who was going on the trip well, her dad thinks that all of her friends were going to be there. She sighs. Maya never liked lying to her dad, but she wanted to go out...live a little and make new friends. She couldn't really make new friends in self defense class where everyone was on edge.

Maya finished her shower and started to dry off. Her backpack and duffle bag laid on her bed, open and ready to be filled. She quickly changes to some outdoor clothes and began to pack her bags.

Taser....pepper spray.... as Maya packs her things she rolls her eyes. Defensive weapons were the only weapons in the house....except for some kitchen knives of course.

  • Pepper Spray


    Granola Bars

    Canned Beans

    Beef Jerky

    Dried Fruit


    Reading Glasses

With everything packed, she leaves her bedroom and enters her dad's. He was still sleeping because Maya got up early to get ready. She kisses him on the forehead and quietly sneaks out the room. Maya grabs her phone and bus ticket on the kitchen counter. She was probably the only one who was going to take the bus, but she didn't care. Maya never liked driving anyways.

Maya waits patiently at the bus stop before she begins a new adventure.
Fuyuki was training, practicing was one of his many hobbies. He held his wooden Kendo sword and continued to train against the experts his father hired to train him, all he could think about during the training was the trip. He knocked out the trainers and returned to his home to take a shower.

When Fuyuki finished his shower he got changed and checked for everything, his Phone & Mask, he had no idea who else was going, he had no friends at school and he can't even speak to girls. Fuyuki sighed 'This should be enjoyable, better then school' He thought as he packed his bag with only book on programming, his sleeping bag and his clothes for the trip. Fuyuki told hi parents he was leaving, he walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come by and pick him up.
Jasmine was rummaging about in her mothers room, searching for something, and frustration could clearly be seen on her face as she forcefully shut a dresser drawer. "Where is it" she muttered, glancing around the room. Her gaze eventually landed on the bed, and a thought crossed her mind. Walking over to it, she lifted the mattress and found what she was looking for. Releasing small huff, she reached down and grabbed the handgun that had been hidden there. "What a weird place to hide it" she sighed, walking back to her room and tossing the gun into her open duffelbag, carefully covering it her clothes. "Well, I'm all packed, I hope this trip will be fun" she mused, shouldering her duffel, and retrieving her backpack that sat by the door. She made a quick stop in the kitchen where she scribble a hasty note about going camping with some friends before leaving the house and hopping on her red and white moped. "Let's get this show on the road!" she yelled as she started it up and sped off.
Isabel's eyes flew open. Morning, she thought to herself. She smiled, remembering what day it was. "Camping day!" She shrieked. She flew up from her bed, her hair a horrid mess. Grinning from ear to ear, she slipped on her clothes. She was wearing a black shirt with a gray sweatshirt -that was two sizes too big- over it with the words 'BATMAN' across it. She was a fan of Batman. She slipped on skinny jeans that were a navy blue color. She pulled on her wool socks on, and then her brown hiking boots. "All ready!" She yelled, as she dashed out her bedroom door. She flew down her stairs, not missing one step on the stairs for she had flown down her stairs many times before.

"Bel!" That was Isabel's mom. "Don't run down the stairs!"

"Okay mom." Isabel smiled.

"I mean it. I know you're excited but you need to be safe still."

"Okay, I've learned my lesson." Isabel grabbed her backpack and sleeping bag. "I'm going to go now Mom." Isabel hugged her Mom, as her brothers and her sister. Her youngest brother looked at Isabel. "Where are you going? When will you be back? Who will tuck me in?"

"Well, I'm going camping, about a week or two, and Mom." Isabel replied. "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. Anyway, bye you guys!"

Isabel waved good-bye and went into the garage.
Camping here I come. She turned on the engine and opened the garage door.

Rick reached for his towel and grabbed it. He dried his hair as he stepped out of the shower. He turned off the radio, and yes, he listened to the radio while in the shower. It helped clear his head. He folded his towel and then grabbed his clothes. Today he was wearing dark colored jeans and a white sweater with 'Nike' slapped across the front. He quickly brushed his teeth and put on deodorant. He slipped on his Nike socks and his basketball shoes. He glanced at the time.
6:30 it read. "Time to go." he mumbled. Rick wasn't sure if he wanted to go, but his Mom wanted him to go.

He walked into his living room, his bedroom being on the bottom floor. Grabbing everything he needed, he went outside. He slipped on his big jacket that looked like the one that the famous character 'Sherlock' would wear. Then he pulled on his backpack. He kicked off the kickstand and put on his helmet.
"Bye Mom." He whispered, and let go of the clutch. Rick sped off, as he headed to the National Park.
Aden pulled up to the spot they were supposed to meet. Supposed to. It seemed as if no one were here. He sat in his car, pulled out his phone and turned on some music. Checking to see if the gun was loaded or not, he leaned back in the car seat. Aden started to doze off, and in a dreamlike state, he suffered from sleep paralysis. After the event was over, he got out of his car, and sat next to a bench on the ground. After several minutes, Aden got tired of waiting and looked at his phone. 'Where the fuck are they?' he asked himself.

Ryan flicked open his eyes in realization that today was the day. It was camping day. He ambled out of bed silently, and jumped in to a quick shower. Drying off, he got on some comfortable clothes of just a tee-shirt, jeans, and hiking boots. Picking up his pre-packed backpack filled with a sleeping bag, clothes, sanitary things, non perishable food, water bottles, and his swiss army knife. Leaving a note for his Aunt who was off at work that he was going out for a few days, he skateboarded his way down to the national park a couple of miles away.

Noticing a familiar car, he jumped off his long board and jogged his way over to a bench where he noticed Aden was sitting next to. "Hey dude, sorry I took so long. Chrissy's got my car. Her's broke down." he said, referring to his aunt, Chrissy. "So where is everyone?" Ryan asked as he sat on the bench. He was anxious to get in to the park.

Aden looked up at Ryan. "Damn, people finally get here, eh? As for your question. I have no idea." Aden turned around, hoping to spot someone. Nope. Just Ryan. Great. "I've been here for about 30 minutes." he laughed. "Maybe they got lost" and he smiled at his comment. The idea of them getting lost was so outrageous it really was laughable. (You'll notice I keep making fun of the word lost. Pay attention to that. It will play a huge role).

Aden sat back down and put his head back.
About half an hour later, Jasmine drove up to the meeting place and shut off her moped. Taking off her helmet, she waved curtly to the two people who had already arrived. "Hey you two, am I early? Where is everyone" she questioned, glancing around as if the other members of their little trip were going to jump out of the bushes.
"Seems irrational," Ryan laughed. "I mean, it's a national park." Ryan scoured the area, looking for maybe some sort of life. He saw a familiar figure on a moped, and smiled when he realised it was Jasmine. "Hey, Jasmine." He always liked her pink hair. It was unique. "It's just us. Turns out everyone's late. Including us. Poor Aden's been here for a half hour." Ryan laughed. "But glad you're here." Ryan looked up at the sky. God dammit. People need to get their scrawny asses out here. Ryan thought with a grin.

Aden looked up. He hated being pitied. Aden knew Ryan was kidding, but for some reason it struck him the wrong way. "I don't need your pity," he said to Ryan, very coldly. "I'm more than willing to stay here for the entire day." he spit venomously. Aden stood up and pulled out his phone and turned on a different soundtrack, and turned the volume on his music up.
"Okay, sorry man." Ryan said with nonchalance. It wasn't unusual for Aden to be a bit sharp-tounged, but this time it seemed almost too harsh. At least from Ryan's perspective. Ryan knew Aden couldn't hear him well at this point, so he didn't bother saying anything else. He looked over to Jasmine and recalled her cat like features and attitude. "So you excited for this? I've been looking forward to it forever." Ryan said truthfully. He always loved a little adventure around the city, but never had taken it as far as camping. He loved it.

"Wha-a-at? And here I came late on purpose so that I wouldn't get stuck waiting for others, this bites" Jasmine huffed, pouting a bit as she brushed imaginary dust off her denim white washed shorts and fluttery orange tank top. She lifted an eyebrow when Aden snapped at Ryan, but didn't pay it to much attention, partially used to such responses from him. "I swear Aden, sometimes I think your PMSing with how moody you can be" she teased, not really bothered over whether he heard her over his music or not. Pushing an annoying lock of hair out of her face, she returned her attention to Ryan. "Anyway," she continued, , "I'm excited over anything that doesn't involve school, but I've never been camping before, s-o-o yeah, I guess I'm a little more excited then usual" she said with a grin.
"Yeah, tell me about it." Ryan said, rolling his eyes when Jasmine had mentioned school. He had a burning hatred for that place, and had no desire to return to it. "It's my first time camping too. Unless making a fort on a fire escape and taking a nap in it counts as camping," Ryan said with a grin. He pulled around his backpack and took out his army knife. "And, Im prepared. Got a spoon if we get in to a sticky situation." He said with raised eyebrows for emphasis.
Maya steps off the sweaty and humid bus. Finally, she was here! She saw a group of three huddling around a bench. With her backpack slung over her shoulder and a duffle bag in one hand, she starts walking to the group. She recognized everyone, but some were missing.

Maya smiles at them and waves. "Hey guys! Maya here. Is this all?" she sets her duffle bag on the ground. She looks up at the group. "Sorry I'm late," Maya blushes and looks down, "The bus apparently added a few extra stops." Maya was starting to get excited for the trip. Finally, she could hang out with people who weren't paranoid on getting attacked in broad daylight.

Maya sees something at the corner of her eye.
"Is that a gun?" she whispers to Aden.
Aden looked up to Maya. "Yea, so what?" he wondered why everyone was opposed to it. Some of his best friends had told him not to bring it, but he didn't listen to them. Aden got up, and walked over to Maya. "How are you?" he asked her, genuinely wondered. It seemed people these days were never honestly into how people felt.
Jasmine laughed, "Yeah, If we get into trouble, I'm sure your spoon will solve everything" she joked crossing her legs. Absently, she watched as a bus pulled up and deposited the next member of their party. Her face brightening, she waved enthusiastically at the new arrival. "Maya! I didn't know you were coming, how fun" she grinned, taking a seat on the bench.
Stupid red lights. Isabel thought as she was waiting for the green light. She'd been stopped by then at least 5 times and was about to just ditch the road and sprint there. But that would be stupid. Isabel smacked her forehead against the wheel in frustration, and then her car honked loudly. "Oh shit!" She screamed, her head jolting up. She blushed as she saw drivers of other cars starring at her.

Green light.

"Finally." She whispered, as she sped forward. It took her 8 minutes to finally arrive at the camp. She parked horribly because she was so excited. Flinging open her car door, she jumped out, grabbed her stuff and slammed her door, and then jogged to the site. "Hey guys!" She waved to them as she huffed herself over to them. "Sorry I'm so late, stupid red lights." She huffed. "It was like a race against time for me." She saw Jasmine and Maya, and smiled at them. "Hey guys." She ran her fingers through her hair, her heart racing because of her stress to get her. She stripped off all her backs and sat on the grass.

Rick let go of his clutch.
Almost there he thought as he sped down the road. He loved his motorcycle. It was jet black with silver and it was bad ass. I'm late. But whatever. Rick thought to himself. He was okay with being fashionably late. Rick could see the forest from where he was. He increased his mph. Within a matter of seconds, Rick had arrived. He pushed his kickstand down and parked his motorcycle away from all the vehicles. He slid off his helmet and grabbed his backpack and sleeping bag.

He walked up to everyone quietly. He glanced at everyone, but didn't say hi. He put down his backpack and grabbed his sleeping bag. He undid the sleeping bag and rolled it out. He flapped it around and then flattened it out on the ground. Then he grabbed his sleeping back and rested his head on it.
"Can't wait for the stars to come out." Rick finally spoke. He turned his head sideways. "So, is anyone missing or am I the last one?" He grinned crookedly.
Maya blushes again as a result of Aden's response. "Well, at least there's someone who's going to protect us," Maya rolls her eyes and giggles quietly. She cocks her head as Aden moved towards her and asks a question. He seemed truly interested, which made Maya suspicious. "I'm excited, to be honest. How are you?" Maya turns to Jasmine, "I know right! My dad finally let me go out for a change!"

She sits next to Jasmine and looks around her surroundings. Trees, trees everywhere. There was a path leading into more trees on her left. She supposed that's where they were going, but she didn't know. She wasn't a key contributor on helping plan this trip. She was just invited. Maya now regretted that she didn't help with anything for this trip. Oh, well. Too late now.

Maya looks up to see Isabel walking towards them. "Hey girl! I see you drove here.... How old are you again? 15?" Maya laughs and watches Isabel. "You're lucky you can get the car when you're not even legal."

Maya sees movement out of the corner of her eye and sees Rick. He looked very dapper, but Rick always does. "Hi to you too Rick," She watched him set up his sleeping bag, which made her confused. "Are we camping right here tonight?" Maya asked. She turns to Aden who probably knew the answer. "Ummm. I don't know if there are more people. Ask Aden?" Maya automatically turned back to Aden. He seemed to be the leader of this expedition. Maya smiles at him and turns her head, waiting for an answer.
Jasmine laughed at Maya's response, and bounced up off the bench when Isabel showed up. "Awesome, Isabel's here, now it's a party" she chirped, smushing the younger girl against her *cough*generously endowed*cough* chest in a nearly smothering hug. "I swear you two just get more adorable every time I see you, just makes me want to pinch your cheek like some pervy old grandma" she cooed, referring to Maya as well. She released her hold on Isabel just as Rick rode up and joined them. "Hey Rick, broken anymore rules lately?
Aden turned his music off. "We're still waiting for some people, I assume?" he saw Rick. Aden always looked up to Rick for some reason. He was always trying to act cool in front of him. Aden walked up to him and awkwardly asked for a cigarette. He hadn't smoked in a long time, but he knew Rick did and he wanted to impress him.
Maya watches Aden make an awkward exchange with Rick. His whole demeanor seems to change when Rick was around. She gives a smile towards Jasmine and a funny look. She looks at Isabel and rolls her eyes. Aden was so weird.

Maya walks up to the two boys and snaps her fingers in front Aden. "Hello? Can you answer my question? Where the hell are we going?" Maya gives an interrogative look. "Smoking is bad for you anyways," Maya says sarcastically and sits back down on the bench.
Aden looked at Maya. He gave her that 'really' look. He stood next to Aden, waiting still, halfway ignoring Maya. "We're going somewhere in the woods, I don't know. Or care for that matter." He tried his best to look cool around Rick. He stood nervously next to him, awaiting his answer.
Ryan just sat on then bench as the rest of the gang moved in. No, he didn't say hello to them, as he wanted everyone else to finish introductions and questions first. He didn't know the group as well as they knew each other. Ryan had only met them at school not too long ago, where as he guessed the had known each other for a while. "Well, I say we go really far in to the woods. It'll be more fun, right?" Ryan laughed.

As yet another bus rolled to a stop, a skinny kid with a ginormous backpack that looked like it would crush him any moment, stepped off. Swiping slightly unkempt hair out of his eyes, Milo pushed up his glasses and waved to the gathered group of teens. "Hello, hey everyone! Sorry I'm a bit tardy, I overslept after staying up half night researching basic camping protocols" he explained with a nervous smile. Pushing up his glasses again, he glanced at everyone currently present. "Is this all of us?" he asked no one in particular.

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