~The Lords of the Magistone~

Yeah I like to reveal less backstory and thoughts in my post and have that sort of thing revealed through character interactions. Sometimes the flow works in revealing a bit without, though.
Cool cool! though it seems the camp has grown significant. So did... Modrin? come back with the rest of you guys?

Any chance we can get a list of who is at camp right meow?
At camp:


Skyre, Clara, Magnus, Desiree, Ethan, Ari, Lapis, Rusar, Modrin


Vaelem, Jerrick, Aladrien
I am deviating a bit from my CS too. After having caught up on the posts it struck me that there was a majority of passive characters around that would sooner reply to someone rather than start a conversation themselves. I originally planned something similar, but I changed my mind in favor of something more sassy.

Now everyone can hate on my character :P that ought to unite them xD
@EinRaikou @Effervescent If Veirianna doesn't post within the next hour then you have my permission to timeskip to after you've befriended her and have the group head back to camp, going over what happened in backtracking when she does reply. I just wanna get things to a position where we can leave camp first thing after the lock tomorrow morning :)
That's what I was thinking. Haha. I was about to ask. Lol. Contemplating it to just have a timeskip back to camp. I will be in class for about another hour. So effer I give you permission to write about our walk back. Lol. Do what ever you want for Ein.

Wednesdays are my busiest day, work 10-5 and then class 7-9.30 my time. So I haven't had much opportunity to post, so I don't hate the fact were waiting for Valentine. lol
All of the akwardness! Either way I'm gonna head out for a while. I'll be on my phone but not really able to post cause anything more than a sentence or two and the text box decides to have a seizure
Like I've said, I use my phone for pretty much all my posts; doesn't work too bad for me but is a little slow :') Good old apple!
Just to note, characters aren't forced to agree with Skyre here; if you want your characters to head off and do something else that's fine as long as they stay in the general vicinity until the end if the objective. :')

Good night everyone!
About the middle of the southern valleys :)

Also as a note, splitting up into groups is a good, practical idea for the characters but as an RPer I'm cautious against doing it as literally every RP I've ever done has died out once people have split into groups, no matter how active it was before. Hense why Skyre says to stay together only for that day at least; stuff happens at the end of this objective which means there won't be as much straight journeying next objective, but people will have the chance to split up for objective four, I promise. 
Bi-ig post with a mini timeskip for you guys this time! In your posts you should backtrack a little to state any reactions to Skyre's newer speech again, and what your character decided to next. Then timeskip to the present and perhaps backtrack the feelings felt on the journey a little before ending in the present. You can then either choose to head to the village, to the river with Ein, or have had your character leave the group after lunch and head somewhere on their own, provided it's still in the vicinity of the others.

Cheers! I noticed that my plot-points probably wouldn't work too well with larger groups but obviously still want to new people together, hense the mini-split - a similar thing will happen at tis objective's second plot point.
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Just a suggestion cause I noticed there are a lot of us in the RP. Perhaps tag those who you've interacted with in your posts so they know for sure who your talking to. Also because sometimes the notifs clump up if they are from the same RP, at least that's what happens to me.
You wait for us, although you might end up hearing something from the village that'll catch your attention...

I'm leaving it a little longer to allow people to decide where they've made their character's go off to, then I'm gonna make quite a big post!
Ok, Sky, I'm guessing Clara won't be talking to me anytime soon. Use your judgement on when you want to drop that long post. Thanks for waiting.
@SkyGinge , The black-clad militia that showed up in your long post (#413) with Marek ... how many of them can we see? "Several" is a vague number. Also, roughly how big is this dark pillar they are transporting?
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I'm sorry it's taken me so long to log on today! I need to catch up on reading then you can probably expect a very long post in both my characters point of views..

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