~The Lords of the Magistone~

Oh yeah, forgot in my tiredness my only other gripe about Ethan so far - he's seemed to have something at hand very conveniently for every situation; try to reduce this please.

On a more general note to the entire group, I feel like I must draw attention to some things. Whilst I'll stress numerous times how impressed I am with the RPing quality generally, things are starting to slip a bit from a few users. First off, a couple of people need to use a little more detail in their posts. You'll notice that I tend to give a like to all the massively long posts in the RP; think of that as a sign of my appreciation of the effort they put into it. However, as much as I don't want you all to feel like you need to write that much, some people are often writing posts without any detail at all bar dialogue, which goes against the detail rules I set. I don't expect a mini-flashback each post, but you leave very little to reply to like this and encourage similar lengthed responses, something I don't want. Also, taking more time on posts would perhaps slow things down marginally and stop the confusion that's ongoing in regards to characters.

My second gripe is grammar and typos, and comes in regards to more users; people are posting things with a lot of typos that often don't make sense. Please check through to stop this before posts, as it just makes things a little shoddy and emphasises the negatives above.

Thanks on the whole for the good standard, but please remember I am well within my rights to sanction for breaking these rules.

Also, regard AFK characters as if they are there and awake/doing whatever everybody else is, obviously without addressig them.
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My only comment in regards to the afk characters is they haven't posted anything on this 'day', Is it fair for us to assume what their characters are doing? I for one wouldn't want mine controlled by someone else.

I understand your rules and you wanting this Roleplay to go a particular way, but I think you need to be slightly more lenient. We as the role players do get control of what our characters say and do. You just set the tone.
@Ein That's not what I meant at all; merely the pair of you above here were joking about them being asleep for a long time; like I posted, by not addressing them you avoid assuming what they're doing at all, but presume they are doing what the majority are; they're not going to be still sleeping at camp when everybody is off journeying, for example.
Okay that makes sense, and the supplies is what I was referring to in my last post about being more lenient, that and Ethan's character. obviously it's understandable to not want a super healer, but at the same time it would be unfair to change his character completely.

But heck, if we're going to destroy the supplies, let's do it in style. Camp could be raided while you and Des are off, and we have to come after you guys and leave our stuff behind? 
Ohhhhh. And I may introduce a new characters before long, just to have them get killed a battle or two later. I mean heck, what's a survival RP without some deaths!
As cool of an idea as having camp raided is, this objective is largely peaceful so I forbid it; don't worry though, you'll get the chance for something similar in a few objective's time...

But anyway, go for it Ein with the second character, although I'd appreciate it if they had at least a little bit of personal importance besides just being cannon fodder :')
Well Duh! :P They will probably have some kind of importance, maybe a family friend of someone or something, They'll stick around long enough to have an emotional demise though.
Oh also @EinRaikou completely missed your second point above, but I think it's totally out of nowhere, truth be told. At no point have I restricted anybody's ability to control what their characters say and do; where you got this from I have absolutely no clue but it's made me a little peeved, tbh. I have stated several times that I will allow the freedom of subplots, and that if anybody has any ideas for these they can PM them. In terms of leniency I aim to cut a fine balance between my scripted plot and the freedom and ideas of everybody else.
That is rather exciting.... i wish I had the creativity to do that!

Im like, obsessed with RPG's. Otherwise, barely play any games. Lol

And i'm enjoying getting to do all these memories, I watch a lot of Tv shows that focus on flashbacks and flash forwards. "HIMYM was my favorite sitcom, and Revolution was good until it got canceled.
Long time D&Der who has been unsatisfied with the degree of RP at my gaming table. Ecstatic to be here with some really interesting talent and writing.
For me its hard to do flash back lore as with any game its usually set in the present time.

Thats why for me I find RP's like supernatural or fantasy more my flavor.

I have done sci-fi and even the current daily life but something about the unknown world of fantasy that just drives my wheels lol

Best of all I get paid for doing what I love and I even use some of the RP's as cleft notes lol 

Rukatin said:
Now for some catching up.
Welcome back! we where worried you stood watch for so long that you may have turned to stone lol

If you need a catch up let us know!
Fantasy is the best stuff IMO. I love lore, I love magic, Medieval styles.

Currenlty playing through Lord of The Rings, War in the North with a friend of mine, and we're loving all the backstory. Also playing Fire Emblem on my own, same kinda medieval knights and magicians thing
Hellos! Im back. I had forgotten I agreed to help out with the midnight release for Watchdogs at my local game store.

EinRaikou said:
So..... Let's get to know each other outside the game... eh?
I take it y'all are gamer in some way shape or form?
Grew up with Nintendo and PlayStation , Pc gamer now mostly save for my DS. Also been playing D&D for going on 6 years, mostly 3.5 but i recently joined pathfinder society as well.
I am aiming to join this game but just throwing some ideas at Sky first to make sure he's OK with them. Anyway, assuming I'll get to join I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Also, I quite like the quality of this RP. Haven't read all 30 pages but I am well underway.
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TheWizard said:
Welcome and if you do I'll be sure you'll enjoy it as well! Till then I hope you enjoy the story so far!
Thank you. Yes I am confident I'll enjoy myself in this game. It has all the right elements of a great game! The story is quite interesting though I stll need all the CS's open in another tab and check who is who. I am learning though. Also, I just read in OOC (this thread) that some characters are looking for their brother(s)? If anyone thinks having a younger brother (16, or lower if Sky will allow me) for their character would be cool, let me know! I am all for collaborating and making my character blend in with the plot.
Sup all, cheers once again Wiz for covering the overview for Ruk :') And cheers for the indirect compliments also xD

As a gamer, I started out on Playstation 1 platformers perhaps several years after their release, then after enjoy the GameCube so much at a family friend's house got one of them and have been a Nintendo kid ever since, though I do do a lot of minecraft too. I'm very excited for the new Mario Kart, perhaps too much for a 17 year old xD
eh dont fret over it to much lol I been a nintendo fan since day one, and in my day nintendo was new! lol my first christmas present that I loved was a nintendo with mario/duck hunt.

you want to talk about old I am 25 and still love going back to Super Mario and playing it, and thanks to the internet I can do that without the cartridge lol

ugh I been up all night and while I would love to stay online I'll catch some Zzz's before catching back up with you guys. Hopefully the two your searching for will pop up and we can start the gathering!
Old? Egad I'm afraid to say how old I am compared to some if you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Imagine that! 

Macaberz said:
...though I stll need all the CS's open in another tab and check who is who.
Yeah, I am still doing this, too! :)
I am mostly a PC gamer (master race xD ) though I don't play AAA titles much. I prefer the small indie games, mostly because I am studying Indie Game Design at the moment. Yes, that's a study :)

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