~The Lords of the Magistone~

@Kharmin @SkyGinge @Macaberz

Hey, I got very little sleep last night so I'm going to be logging off for a short time to take a nap. I don't want my RP quality to go down because I can't think straight and since I've already made Skyre an online video-chat website I think it's time to get a few minutes shut eye! I give all of you permission to direct my characters as you please to get them back to the camp or what not, and I'll be back in 30 mins to 1hr.

Sleep is calling me!
MisfortunateDreams said:
@Kharmin @SkyGinge @Macaberz
Hey, I got very little sleep last night so I'm going to be logging off for a short time to take a nap. I don't want my RP quality to go down because I can't think straight and since I've already made Skyre an online video-chat website I think it's time to get a few minutes shut eye! I give all of you permission to direct my characters as you please to get them back to the camp or what not, and I'll be back in 30 mins to 1hr.

Sleep is calling me!
You sound like a busy person! Sweet dreams ;)
She's a Brit like me so the chances are she's gone to sleep for the night :')

In any case, I'm holding out for Misfortune's arrival before the lock; if she doesn't turn up soon though I'm gonna have to lock.
SkyGinge said:
She's a Brit like me so the chances are she's gone to sleep for the night :')
In any case, I'm holding out for Misfortune's arrival before the lock; if she doesn't turn up soon though I'm gonna have to lock.
I wouldn't hold out; I don't expect anything from her until tomorrow.
In other news I think I found a picture of Modrin, it's not exactly how I imagine him, but it comes pretty darn close. For those who are interested, here it is:

Bah fell asleep after resting a bit but least I was lucky nothing went to far!

See you guys tomorrow when it picks back up!
Sorry I planned on logging back on in an hour and it turned out I didn't really even get to sleep. I'm back in my home-town for summer vacation and my friends kidnapped me for the evening! I should be pretty active tomorrow though so I'll see you all then!
TheWizard said:
  • Currently Ari, Ethan, Jerrick (assumbly we'll say he's asleep after watching over the camp at night lol), Aladrien (currently hasn't posted but was brought with the group), and Lapis (now awoken from her river pull out)
  • Taking a relaxing stroll back to camp is Rederik and his companion beast Naraya (sorry think I spelled this wrong) while Ein is returning with the camp equipment of Lapis
  • Desiree and Skyre are traveling to get Clara and Magnus
  • Unkown: @TimeSplitter (Sabrina), @Windnotes (Vaelem), @Kattee1042 (Neljor)

Also we have a few new players coming in as well so they'll enter whenever but that's all I can figure for now so apologies if I miss anyone.
Hey, I'm totally in! So sorry I was gone for a little bit, I ended up being horribly ill. =(
TheWizard said:
Hey glad to see you back! and no worries RL > RP so just drop in when yah can, sure sky can't wait!
Sky's not the only one who can't wait. :)  

MisfortunateDreams said:
Sorry I planned on logging back on in an hour and it turned out I didn't really even get to sleep. I'm back in my home-town for summer vacation and my friends kidnapped me for the evening! I should be pretty active tomorrow though so I'll see you all then!
Kidnapped? How rude! :)
More kidnappings, hurrah!

Good to see you back Katt, and nice to hear you'll be active Mis! I'm going to be busy throughout most of the day here (which'll likely just be morning for the rest of you), but will be checking and replying in between my activities and work :')
well sadly I'll be out around 3 (CST) which I think is 9 your time. I'll have my phone so between breaks and such (shouldn't be more the a hour or two) I'll pop back.

Again as with anyone else here if you get to a point where you need us to move your free to do what you need to for me and my stuff!
@Kharmin and @Macaberz Seeing as we're literally only waiting for one post from Mis (something like they agree to the terms, and then we'd probably be on our way back), do you wanna timeskip to either the journey back or arriving back in camp again, and have Mis just recap their decision?
I guess that would be ok, so long as you aren't looking for any additional "bonding" between all parties on the return trip.
Are you all 'bonded out'? ;) Nah, I think after that tension the journey would probably be in near silence anyway; Skyre's annoyed, Desiree is weary, perhaps it would be only Magnus or Modrin who actually would want to start conversation. So the posts would probably end up more about self reflection than conversation, if that's what you would want. I also wouldn't want many return journey posts so that we can actually move on from meeting Clara and Magnus to some of the plotpoints in this objective. :')
You're driving this train, so I'll defer to you. :)

Want to get back to camp anyway as so much is happening there that we're missing. 
BTW, @Cookie and I are working on a sub-plot idea that I will summarize and PM to you (and her) later today for your acceptance. Just a little something to tie our characters together at some level.
So, yeah, I am purposefully having Desiree's moods swing as it is part of who she is (see CS). Just in case there is some confusion or some sense of inconsistency, I wanted to put this out here as my rationale.
That's good, and your writing style is really effective in showing it. I'm also trying to emulate Skyre's enigma through not showing as much detail into his thought processes in comparisons to some of you; he's quite a hard character to portray in some senses :')
Thanks for the compliment and the support. She's been fun to write so far! I encourage you to write more about his thought processes -- as long as they are internalized, there would be no way for us other characters to know but it might help flesh him out more?
Describing thought process is the only way i get my posts so long ^^" With out it they would be very short... but I think its like that for a few of us here
I'm the same way, I put thought into mine so that the length increases. Without it my characters would just be wandering in circles without much reason. Plus Magnus's character comes with thought, he's very calculating.

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