~The Lords of the Magistone~

Quick, use your secret weapon! Throw my limp butt out there! I'll trash talk him, you guys sneak around and attack from behind!

But yeah, I wouldn't mind numbers, weapon detail(ranged, melee, that sort of thing). Weapon detail is actually important if we're going to run, as any bowmen would need to be put down lest they get lucky.

But geez, can you imagine going with that joke plan?

*Marek leans over the diminutive Helia*

"Who are you?"

"Who I am doesn't matter, but lean down just a wee bit more and I'll slap you so hard the Shadow King'll feel it!"

Pfft, yeah, no.
Perhaps around twenty soldiers, and pillars about the size of a human, enough so that two people have to carry one pillar, and weapons as simple swords. Sorry for the vagueness, was trying to do things from Skyre's position and am tired anyway. If possible could people refrain from attacking them until after my next post, cheers.
Quick question, where does the battle start? I'll go back and read the rest of the stuff after that but I feel like I should get some sort of post up before everything ends and I'm useless :/
Right, feel free to attack the stragglers of the soldiers now; they are the Shadowmen described in this objective post. Remember though that they are essentially other humans, so the guilt of perhaps attacking other like them should be present in the battle. I'm sorry that this bit has been so rigid; it really wasn't planend that well on my part and I hope I can give more freedom with these kind of events in the future, although the second plot-point of this objective is likely to be similar :/ The next objective will bea lot more relaxed in terms of who you can fight and when though, and I'm actually really looking forward to it - quite a lot goes down! :D
A couple of assumptions and questions if you please my dear ginger boy.

I assume these helmets are controlling the humans?

Is it possible that the Shadow King took hostages and what not in the raid I the castle, or soldiers in this case?

And if the above is all true, and I introduce spence as one said soldier, not necessarily part of this group, but another perhaps. Would it make sense that we could a) save them. And b) if I saved him that was was significantly fatigued to the point his magic was weakened, so while he is still knowledgable in the ways of earth and light magic, he isn't all powerful, or at least for now.

And then at a future point I would totally kill him off, perhaps after he handed on his experience and knowledge with light magic to Ari to create drama and sadness!

Also, perhaps you should introduce a rule that if someone is going to be away for a significant period of time to let you know. What's to say that Aldrain, Vaelem and Jarrick are still even rping. Could eventually give us an excuse to kill people off if they choose not to respond for much longer. Just an idea! :)
In response to Ein:

This perhaps would have worked better as a PM, but I'll keep the answer public.

1. Everything about the Shadowmen, including that detail, is found in their enemy description in the current objective section and has been dice the start of the objective :')


3. You could introduce Spence as a soldier, but none of that could happen due to the helmet; again the enemy form has everything you need.

But yeah, it would be very helpful if people could use this thread to tell me when/if they are going to be away for extended periods. I'm keeping the inactive three around for now, but if they haven't replied by the start of the next objective they'll be dropped, good suggestion Ein! :D

If you have any further questions regarding Spence and what could work with him then please PM me about it and I can go over stuff in a bit more detail :)
I think I will introduce spencer has a character. Not yet though too soon. If nothing else, just to give Ari the light teacher she was so hoping for. And for an eventual emotional death scene.

Ein will change his mind about surveying the capital due to seeing these other humans, in hopes that his bro survived. Maybe he'll find a clue to his survival or something. Lol
I'm going to wait until at least those in the town have posted their actions before posting again. I'm going to AFK for about 20-30 minutes
ugh go to work for awhile to enjoy some making $ and look what you come back to!

I'll be up and posting shortly just doing a catch up on the current situation.
For reference: What does the armor look like and what does it protect from? just physical attacks of magic ones as well?
On a side note, I've updated the rules in regards to the lock seeing as I was always putting 'semi-active', you should probably go check that out :)
cool and caught up on the story so I'll be posting soon.

since so much happened and Hetalia is wounded I'll just put myself with Ein as if I was collecting water and such for the group
As I previously stated, I have be off early today and so apologies that the lock is so early. I did make it so that you can pretty much continue without me and post a lot though, so it's effectively still just locking several goes later. I'm at a stage now where I trust you all not to do a anything majorly wrong in my absence, though if somebody does do that then please point it out to them in a friendly but nevertheless forceful manner.

Goodnight all! Also, curse you constant notifications! :')
Geez, Skyre and Desiree are down, Clara's about out from magical exhaustion, Rederick's been stabbed, and the constant running on fumes and previous wounds has caught up Helia. Good thing we didn't pick a fight with the entire force xD

We got messed the eff up.

We are going to owe the medic an arm and a leg by the end of this scene haha. (Coincidentally, we now have plenty of donors for arms and legs.)
Ari is also knocked out and Lapis is around there some where... I think the only ones not injured are Grampa, Ethan, Eri, Modrin, Rusar and now Waren.
I'll post my assessment of Skrye before I go afk. Lol

I don't want to post too much obviously, but it would be weird to not check his injuries. Lol
XP might want to cut it here, don't want to go too far past the battle. I'm just going to make my last post and have rusar go to see where she can help out.

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