~The Lords of the Magistone~

Apologies for you getting left behind bud :( You'll just have to keep on checking this thread if your notifications aren't working properly. There's no need to restart - we've said that your character just joined up with the rest of us since the battle and journeyed to the new clearing where we've set up camp. Just write a quick paragraph summing up what your character did to finish the battle, what he though on the journey perhaps and now at the present, where everybody has just reached the new camp :)  
Apologies to anybody who's felt a little left behind today - I've purposely rushed through things a little with the intention of completing the first objective tonight. The next objective will be slower paced and more relaxed, so hopefully this won't happen again; things will certainly progress at a natural pace from now on. My last post tonight will be putting Skyre to sleep; all yours should be too, though if any of you are mid-conversation/action as it locks, I grant you permission to complete them before your characters go to sleep with an extra post or two if necessary. Then I'll update with the next objective tomorrow.

Once again I must stress how much I'm enjoying writing with you guys and how I am impressed with the quality / keep up the good work! :D
I am cautiously optimistic about this RP. Being new here and only involved in a few (didn't want to over-reach my commitments), this is by far the most active one in which I am participating. Thanks, everyone, for contributing!!
Hopefully we didn't post too much after the lock! I've got another workday Sunday that has me working 5 to 10 pm EST so I'll miss some prime time again, but I don't think I'll have Rederik running off again.


The pair of you are yet to join in - just posting to remind you to do so :') 
For those who haven't already twigged from OOC in the RP, I'm extending free post a little to allow people working on posts to get something in before the lock, it'll probably lock at around quarter-to :)
A lot of people talk about their lost brothers. Lol Mine died, Kharmin and Ice Fox are looking for theirs. Even Effer mentioned a brotehr at one point.
So if everybody could end their last posts with considering either to join Skyre or do something else then that would be fine; I plan to begin with a mini time-skip to the journey west for the morning's first post, hence why I gave Cookie and Ice freedom to finish their scene. Also I extended the lock to have two posts seeing as I trust you guys to not be dumb and also you're posting pretty fast atm. Cheers!
I think im making ein come off too serious. Lol. He was supposed to be sarcastic and cynical, like me. He'll open up to people eventually. Lol
Can we have a fireside moment or something where the characters just ask random questions to each other and they can be really funny or revealing or just stupid things that have nothing to do with the plot at large?
Yeah, like actually becoming allies and friends as opposed to just war buddies.

That;s deff something that makes sense though. it's been a long time for any of us to have been in the presence of other people, having a moment to forget whats going on, and have fun....
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Cookie said:
Can we have a fireside moment or something where the characters just ask random questions to each other and they can be really funny or revealing or just stupid things that have nothing to do with the plot at large?
Ahahahah, fireside truth or dare anyone?

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@Cookie Yeah, that seems like a good idea to me too, and it probably would have happened the previous night had I not rushed things through :/ But yeah, I'll make sure to make that happen at the end of this in-game day as I won't be in a rush to move on :)

Also well handled everybody in regards to the lock! Sadly I'm not going to be able to keep it open free for that long very often, as I'm now shattered as a result of staying up so late for you all xD Tis fun though, tis vehr fun.
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:C I'll be posting less today and tomorrow due to my terrible work schedule having me work from 1 to 10 pm EST. I'll definitely be able to post during my lunch breaks though. I've been making Rederik more quiet just in case, but that doesn't mean people can't interact with him. Everyone should know it may be some time until I respond, though, and that could mess with the flow of things.
Similarly, I'm going to be gone for a while in two hours time, going to see a play for my mum's birthday and so won't be posting for three hours whilst that's on; feel free to post on without me, but I'm kinda hoping Dreams can get on before so that we can get meeting Clara done beforehand. If Dreams comes on whilst I'm away then feel free to have Des reply to her instead of Skyre, Kharmin :)
I have to log off in about an hour to pick my parents up from the airport & I won't be back for around 2 hrs. So if I do log off feel free to direct my characters as you please and I'll summarize everything after. I'll try to get back quickly.
@TheWizard You missed that Vaelem is in camp too like Jerrick, but otherwise nice work xD

Anyhow, I'm back from my play, was largely good, and much fun was had. Apologies to Kharmin and Misfortune for being unable to post in the interval, and I am working on a post now!
So Jealous.... In NL we've had like... 10 degree weather max, except for one day last week that was 18....

Hell, we had snow like two weeks ago. O.o
Wizard, I'm not entirely sure of your actual question; you begin with asking what the limits are and then launch into something about times and what not - a little clarification please xD In regards to everybody getting back up to strength, I'm not wanting or expecting everybody to be fully healed for the journey ahead.

I'm not sure if you've been getting the notifications (or indeed if I've been getting ones back if you have replied), but I've posted a fair few times in the OOC of your posts in regards to toning down Ethan's healing stuff a little - you may want to go back and check over that now. We'll be getting somebody with proper light magic healing next objective, but due to the events if the objective they're not going to be ending up doing much healing; the level of healing at the moment is just a little OP IMO, so please check back for further comments.
Oh, apologies for the miscommunication - it should take however long it would normally take in real life. Similarly though, you can't just blame the others as you probably quite easily could have had Ethan say something along the lines of how much it would heal them, ECT.

But anyhow, I forget that your character is essentially a healer; I don't want to change that necessarily though so keep doing what'cha doing. My problem was essentially it being a near insta-heal given that it kinda negates any injury without any drawbacks to anyone, but like you say that's not necessarily your fault. So yeah, just make sure you personally specify the effects a potion will have and you're fine otherwise. And if you have any queries in relation to any specific potion then just PM on the topic :)

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