~The Lords of the Magistone~

Lol! Yeah we need a post from Veirrianna now to see if anything was successful and if Helia will be much easier to handle now. That's what I've been waiting on.
Right, I'm back.

First, I'm going to start with a massive apology. I, as many others, had begun to lose interest in this recent mess and as such had been losing the will to write and beginning to distance myself from this and the RPN. As I'd written before, I wanted the exchange done and dusted for last Saturday morning, but I'd forgotten that I had another university open day to attend, and thus I was out all day and unable to post at all. I was likewise busy on Sunday, and then after a tiring weekend and numerous late nights because I'm an idiot, I was 'simply too tired' to formulate a decent post for the last few days. But in all honesty, I could easily have at least checked on things in my tiredness but effectively abandoned you guys in such an important time. And for that, I feel extremely guilty and bad. Words can't really express it (and I have mentioned before that I overreact to internet happenings), but my heartbeat's been pretty rapid and I reason this has something to do with it. But I'm back now, and intend to stick around.

I notice, upon perhaps the third time of asking, that a conclusion has not been reached when I asked for it, and frankly this is ridiculous as there've been so many opportunities to quickly end things. Verrianna, we spoke originally, and I spoke with you via PM after this situation arose, saying that it should be quite a short exchange. Then I have repeated it several times on this thread, and others have also very clearly been trying to seek this fast goal. As the one effectively in control of the sub-plot, it was up to you to ensure that it ended quickly as I said, and my gosh have you had numerous opportunities. Yet here we are, still stuck, miles after asking.

I didn't want to come to this, but you'll remember after I warned you previously that if a similar instance arose I'd have to dismiss you from the RP. A similar instance has arose. And thus I am now going to write you out of the RP. If you want to talk about anything in regards to this, argue your case, ect. then please PM me, but I'd prefer if you didn't pot here again. And I realise a lot of this could have been averted if I had been less of a shoddy GM and put my foot down better to begin with, so I'm truly sorry that things have worked out the way they have. However, in countless posts you've shown a clear lack of understanding for the world I created, and a general lack of common sense in regards to these boundaries has been your downfall. Nevertheless, I wish you good luck out there; your level of detail and creativity were still superb, and I hope you still enjoyed the time you spent in this RP.

For everybody else, I'm going to do a timeskip of a couple of days. This was actually always planned, but works out even better now. It's likely to be quite a big post and probably won't be up for several hours, but I plan to work extra hard on it. Taking into account Kharmin's words, I now have a proper direction for the next objective. I'm going to move us on from here, hopefully in a suitable way, so please don't post until then. I hope you're still interested in participating with us, and I hope I can make you all enjoy this RP again. I'm effectively going to sacrifice this evening purely to this post, and going to jump around a fair bit, so hopefully you guys will like it.

Not really much else to say now, but sorry once more. You'll still have to wait a little while for progression, but know that you'll certainly have something to reply to tonight. This RP is not dead, and taking on the mafia game role of the doctor, I plan to saving it for the foreseeable future.
Well I think its getting close to a conclusion. Warren is mauling her down after all. So could always have her mauled to her death.

Apology accepted and would happily continue :)
No worries Sky life happens and we all fall into ruts where creative juices just aren't flowing. Honestly shes kind of knocked out for the moment. The group could just leave her behind since did attack them.

Might I suggest though that we try to use the OOC board or even a group PM to plan out and help each other for situations like this? Given that there isn't a massive amount of people left in the RP I might be a better idea to have a PM where we can talk out possible side stories and character developments. Or even just coordinate attacks in battle. It's worked well in a few RP's I've been in and its whats keeping them alive by this point because players get to talk and not rely on Notifs. Honestly i didn't know this post was even made if Pica hadn't told me 
My preference is one large group pms mostly because the notifs are more reliable. I could make one since vip can add more than 5 people just need a list of people who are still in the rp
bah hate when you dont get updates from your phone then check back on your day off to see it jump lol

well inc long post!
Yeah.... I have veen gettibg uodates either. Atleast ot jasnt gon several pages though. Ive had that happen lol
End of summer here. Trying to get in as much family time as we can before school starts up again. That, plus large home projects both in and out of the house have been dominating a lot of time. Still, I am trying to post when I can. :)
Seems things have slowed to a death crawl. Should we just move on from the spring, now? Or does anyone else want to add something here before we move forward?
Hm so much for social interaction seemed like the best time cause everyone is more or less relaxed. I'm just not 100% sure what to really put that one amount to like... 3 sentences.
Apologies all who are still hanging on. I suddenly came down ill on Monday evening and have been quite unwell over the last two days, hense my absense from the site. Wish I could have gotten the message up, but frankly when I switched off earlier I didn't think it was going to be as bad as it turned out :(

Anyhow, I'm back now, and am gonna read over the progress we've made in my absense before commenting here again. 
Ah, ok. First off, can I just ask where everybody went? @TheWizard @Cookie @Effervescent Because well, you guys just suddenly disappeared. Obviously that's ok, and I've always stressed RL>RP, but an explanation of absence or something would have been better than just leaving :(

Anyhow, for those still interested, I will post a little later moving us on from the spring. I had intended to do so before, but damned illness, ECT. I've still got a heck ton of posts to read through elsewhere too xD But we'll keep chugging on here, don't worry!
I'm still not at a hundred percent - my stomach still seems to be at war with all kinds of food, but I have the semi-energy and lack of headache to return, I thought xD
You have my sympathies for your condition. :( I hope that things continue to improve for you and at a more accelerated rate!
Yeeeaaaahhhh just a little bit. makes me hopeful that the Rp will survive and grow into something really great like Magi has

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