~The Lords of the Magistone~

In terms of where this is going now, Veirrianna has something planned (though if she'd give us a little peace time first that'd be really appreciated), and I've given everybody a chance to have their characters relax and settle down a little, so you guys should converse and busy yourselves. Now is literally the perfect time for character development: perfect time for conversation, reminiscing on their narrow escape, having the landscape retrun happy memories, ect. Then Veirri will do her stuff, and after that's settled I'm planning a mini timeskip of a day or two to lead up to the next objective. I'm still a little unsure on what to do for it, since my initial plans involved Ein taking a seperate group off one way, and the others heading another, so I'll need to jolt things a little now that he's absent ( :( ). The next objective will bea more passive one like objective 2, and much more freeform (EG: no more awkward waiting for me to move thigns on constantly for a while), though something quite big will happen at the end.

Please, if you're signed up to this RP and are still around but haven't posted in ages, drop me a PM or ask on here and I can recap things for you. I'd love your company again and would like to boost the energy and posting a little seeing as it's been a little slow recently (and a lot of that is down to me, seeing as I've been very busy and often too tired to post well). Cheers!
MisfortunateDreams said:
I'd still like to be part of this but seems I keep getting lost or ignore >.<
hmm how so? if ur ever lost just tell us for an update but if ur needing help for developing we cwn help as well. remember no one should be ignoring yah directly but our characters may not agree with attitude or emotion so dont take it personal.

My words reach out with the power of Taptalk.
TheWizard said:
hmm how so? if ur ever lost just tell us for an update but if ur needing help for developing we cwn help as well. remember no one should be ignoring yah directly but our characters may not agree with attitude or emotion so dont take it personal.
My words reach out with the power of Taptalk.
It's never personal, or at least I don't think so. Just happens... I've been out of it for so long that seems my characters were forgotten :P no big deal though, I enough reading this RP when I get the chance ^.^

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MisfortunateDreams said:
It's never personal, or at least I don't think so. Just happens... I've been out of it for so long that seems my characters were forgotten :P no big deal though, I enough reading this RP when I get the chance ^.^
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
ah no that skye prevents he usually puts ppls who in the group in idle if they dont post but never abandon thems. sure once your caught up with us ull be fine lol. just tell me if yah need a quick summary or pm skye if ur concerned with ur development.

My words reach out with the power of Taptalk.
Apologies for the lack of posts: I was out all of yesterday and only now find myself with time to reply!

And @MisfortunateDreams , your characters weren't forgotten at all, only that the events you described (and we all enjoyed reading) weren't seen by our dudes because they were fighting a little further away, as such nobody could comment on what had happened. If you want a summary I can provide :D
Welcome back! I've had a busy time myself, which is why my posts are so sparing. Hopefully I will be able to contribute something of substance soon!

Also, I just wanted to express that this is, by far, the best RP I have ever participated in on this site (and possibly ever). This is real quality RP that has set my personal standards high in terms of what I want to be a part of.
Back from a holiday in Germany! Where there was no internet....

Now that we're somewhere passive hopefully I can overcome this writer block I've had with this RP. Warren isn't dead, but my creative juice has been.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
My apologies: I gave Veirri the go ahead for that. But yeah, if people want more downtime then if you wouldn't mind deleting the post for now @Veirrianna Valentine and when more socialising has happened I'll give the go ahead again. Sorry all!
Effervescent said:
Haha I was confused as well! Our poor characters just can't seem to get a break haha
Well, they're going to get a small one, so that's a plus. And then Helia comes back to say hi. Could always be worse though, cause she could be coming back intent on killing everyone, but isn't.

Instead she just wants to subjugate them to the Shadow King's power... and kill those who resist...

Okay, so they totes don't get a happy reunion, but... uh... ahm... They do get a break! So that's nice!

I'll be back online sometime tomorrow. Laters mates!
Just a heads up. I'm super behind due to stuff that recently happened in real life and my phone app wasn't showing that I had any updates, so I'm gonna read through what I've missed and hopefully post something during my break at work!
@Icefox11 A recap for you then, since the events of the village fight where not a lot went right:

  • The group travelled through a narrow valley, in which Skyre and Ari were approached by a weird man called Pashan who claimed to be one of the Shadow King's council members. Despite having a large number of Shadow Warriors at his disposal, he left them be.
  • The group introduced themselves and their abilities and weaknesses at the campfire that night. Unless she was being awkwardly secrative, Lapis would have been involved in this exchange.
  • In the early hours of the morning, Pashan ambushed the group and kidnapped Ari and Lapis, keeping them unconcious with mystic magic as he set a small number of Shadow Warriors out on camp as a diversion. Although few in number, they provided a tough challenge that pushed Skyre, Warren and Ethan to their limits.
  • The group set about tracking down Pashan and discovered a mysterious walled village, which they scoured for signs of the kidnapped girls.
  • Ari found herself about to be 'petrified': a process of freezing a person in suspended animation, but managed to blag a lot of information from Pashan.
  • Skyre, Desiree and Ethan happened across Cyril, the prince (who would probably get on with Lapis, maybe), and his butler Gregor, who were hiding in the village. Ethan and Cyril immediately clashed, and the resulting conflict caught the attention of a large number of Shadow Warriors.
  • The group were caught in a manic battle in which a number of things happened: The girls were rescued (Lapis was kept unconcious the entire time), Cyril explained a way to defeat the Shadow Warriors, half of the group found a large chamber full of petrified girls. In the end, they made it to the surface but found themselves outnumbered, and so Gregor suddenly revealed himself as an earth mage and sacrificed himself to allow the others to escape.
  • Everybody is now taking a bit of a breather for lunch atop a beautiful valley hill.

Then, on a more personal note:

  • Desiree regained her wind abilities, albeit they feel different to her now. Tormented by nightmares about an old earth mage, she is worried about what damage she may cause.
  • Skyre and Desiree's relationship has progressed a lot now: everything is effectively out in the open, although Desiree wants to remain friends in fear of harming him.
  • Helia went off on a jolly and has been taken over by the Shadow King. She is currently absent from the group.
  • Ethan is having troubles acclimatising to his position as healer being threatoned (Cyril is a powerful light magician).

Hope this is helpful! In addition to this, I would suggest you read over the last three pages or so properly :) Have fun, and welcome back once more! :D
Effervescent said:
I feel like I need to have some character development or something lol you guys have such dynamic characters.
Also, not related to the group, Helia disappeared shortly after the kidnapping, met her old magic teacher, gained four leapers(now officially Tree Hounds, one is named Sasha), got new gear, gained a massive boost in her magic, rooted about in the tunnels, escaped as well, is now searching for the group.

Oh, and she's not necessarily friendly anymore... But she will be again.
I'm wondering if we should start to cull out the characters from those who haven't posted in like ... forever and tighten things down so that we can have a more intimate group?

Just wondering. I don't know how these things go having been around here for such a short time.
Hey, sorry for the lack of posting: once again the beginning of the week has been crazy busy and I'm absolutely shattered now too, so I won't be posting until tonorrow where I will move things forward a bit! Cheers!
So.... will there be an uninterrupted night's sleep or are we doomed to the SPOILER that we know is coming?
Just as a heads up I'm going to be offline from Thursday to Sunday, I'll check in every so often but I'm going to be working a convention so probably wont post until Monday, maybe Sunday night
Hmm, trying to figure out how to work interactions with other characters just for this bit that don't involve direct/indirect bunnying xD

It's like, I would love for Helia to just knock Ethan on his rump with a burst of wind and laugh off his words, cause that would be the 'power-bloated ego' thing to do. But since I'm working with other peoples I can't just have her totally be a jerk xD

Anyway, I figured we should discuss this bit just because it seems like it would make things work out better.

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