~The Lords of the Magistone~

Well your welcome to knock me out ^_^ but you may end up releasing something that is much worse lol.
Maybe instead of bunnying you suggest attempts. She attempts to knock him on his rump and TheWizard can choose to write out what happens to Ethan and how exactly it happens. It avoids any bunnying and gives you the opportunity to have Helia be a jerk.
This has ended up as a little bit of an awkward stalemate-y thing, so I'd suggest whatever you do you end up doing it quick. For those who haven't realised, Helia's became ultra powerful at this moment, much stronger than anybody else. However, this will not last, so for now just trust in whatever Veirianna ends up doing. Veirri, I would suggest you do as Effer says, though everybody should be aware that whatever she does will probably be successful.

Yeah, I mean, I personally accept that Helia is going to be super OP, and I'll write accordingly. It's kind of hard to dodge a gust of wind to begin with lol. I think I might write out Rederik's reaction now though.
I'm a bit curious as to what drove this aspect of the story, meaning Helia's sudden alliance with our enemies and her super OP coming back to smite us. As a writer on the other side of this impending smack-down, it is discouraging as it feels that I have no choice but to accept her assault. Helia has been made more powerful than anything we have thus far encountered as a group (as far as it sounds?) so it feels like a no-win scenario. We either join her (which I doubt anyone's character would truly do in this scene) or we die trying to defeat her (which right now seems the inevitable outcome).

In this situation, bunny-ing is really the only really option for Veir, since the rest of us don't appear to have any real choice in the matter. It certainly makes the RP less appealing and less fun.

If I didn't care about this RP, then I wouldn't be posting my concerns. I want to care, but scenes like this and the one with Gregor saving the day against virtually insurmountable odds makes it harder to accept. I have invested a good bit of time, energy and creativity into my character here, as have many of the others which is evidenced by the awesome quality of writing we've seen -- Hell, in no other RP have I posted over 140 posts! I would really hate to see the efforts of us all (including the RP's author) devolve into something much less than its potential.

So, back to the original question: what drove this aspect of the story?
This mini arc is the conclusion of a sub-plot Veirri wanted to introduce a while back (when I spoke of PMing for subplot ideas), and as such any drive and whatnot was down to her. Sadly, this has led to the situation you've described where we have little choice other than to be bunnied, which I take full responcibility for allowing to happen as I probably should have seen it coming and controlled things. However, I can assure you that this will not last long, and especially if Veirri sorts things out quickly as I have asked, things should be back to normal soon.

However, some parts of this RP (like the bit with Gregor) are purposefully designed to feel like a no-win scenerio as part of the survival nature of the piece. They allow perfect times for reflection on the fact that at the moment, in the grand scheme of things the characters are essentially powerless. It's all part of the emotional rollercoaster our guys are riding.

I understand though that some things, like Gregor's saving, may seem a bit cheap, but stick with them. As some of the overview and rules say/suggest, I initially intended this to be much more of a romp with several tongue in cheek elements (this is how the original scripts were), but we took it down a much more mature (and enjoyable) human/dark track. Thus some parts, like Gregor's rescue, were designed for this initial format and I was just too lazy of a GM to attempt to adapt them. Honestly, I'm not particularly pleased with my handling of this thing, especially in recent days, so really sorry if I'm letting anybody else down too.

I can assure you now however that everything is explained in this arc, everything makes logistical sense and that there is a good resolution to it. Heck, you've all seen how harsh I've been on making sure everything fits into my world and overall ideas. So please just trust me, everybody, that things aren't going out of hand. And hopefully Veirri will post soon and we can move on quickly.
Kharmin said:
Thanks for the explanations. :)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Imagine that!
I just got online, sorry xD

And I'll probably stick with attempt thing. Like "Helia ignored Ethan's remark as if it never happened, throwing a burst of wind his way, not really watching, nor caring, if it actually hit him"

And as for the subplot, I thought that, in time and through discussing with Sky later on, we could get into some of the intricacies of mind control and the creation of shadow beings. If that wasn't already planned and it was a cool plot point.

Oh, by the way, Sky, guess what I was totally going to ask about later on? ^^^

Also, as for Helia, I gave a couple clues in the posts involving her tiara that it is the main cause of her mind control, so you get that off and you've got the problem solved.

Not that it's going to be as easy as dogpiling her, obviously. That and I gave a second clue that it has it's own limits. Its like, Helia is a battery, and it is a power plant, but it can only supply power after it detects Helia is low on power. So Helia hits, say, 1/10th of her power before the tiara's dark magicks start filling her power back up again. That way, while OP, Helia can't just enable macroburst after macroburst seconds apart.

Also, feel free to kill off the two unnamed tree hounds.
OKAY I have a plan for the tiara thing that involves a good deal of teamwork and someone to point out the tiara mind control aspect.
Desiree has at least one hound.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Imagine that!

Just read Cookie's post. Will let others deal with hounds while Desiree will weather the storm from Helia. Won't be able to post until much later tonight though.
No worries based on what was all posted its time to see how well Helia does with a combined formulated plan.

Afterall if she has 5 mins to build a wall thats plenty for Ethan to have observed the reactions and fight to counter her quickly.

So Go Team!
I kind of realised that while I have a loose timeline plot for the subplot for Helia and her master, I didn't even do any extensive planning on her attacking, just that she'd have Sasha and she's mix some elements.

So that was my bad. I really just figured that it was time to scoot past this part, even though I'm not the GM. Granted since you were tolerating my silliness with my subplot, Sky, I figured that choosing to scoot past it with my latest post would be okay by having the joint attack go down, and then having Cyril wait to blind her until she hits the ground again.
Actually just edit it out: I want to give people the chance to act out this plan. If not too much is achieved very quickly though I'll give you permission to skip to the end so we can move on.
SkyGinge said:
Actually just edit it out: I want to give people the chance to act out this plan. If not too much is achieved very quickly though I'll give you permission to skip to the end so we can move on.
Okies, I'll go edit it away =) 
Yay, they can act out the plan, do you want me to still fight Desiree?
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Okies, I'll go edit it away =) 
Yay, they can act out the plan, do you want me to still fight Desiree?

I do! :)
I come back from a holiday in Scotland and madness reigns!

I have no idea what to write >.< on the other hand if you want to bunnyhop him to give that smackdown Helia will need later, he's sure a fine candidate having probably the most fighting experience.

Plus he can't be knocked back easily as he'd just with earth magic plant himself to the ground and tank it probably.

Besides, maybe he wants more scars to add ;)
Hmm, not entirely sure how I feel to the above post (which has now been deleted, meaning this post lacks a clear trigger, but hey ho) but either way, can everybody please now refrain from commenting on the state of the current events. It has been agreed that things have erupted a little messily, and no further comments, even if witty, should be needed since we're all in respectful agreement. Obvious everybody is free to have opinions on things and if you're extremely outraged/have any problems with anything/want clarifications on stuff my PM box is warm and ready. Honestly, the whole situation is frustrating to me for a number of different reasons, and I just feel things would be ether if we held our tongues on things and just worked maturely towards a quick solution as we are currently doing so. Cheers!
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Just a quick question before I actually do anything. How long is the encounter supposed to go on? I can have Rusar use her dark magic to bind Helias legs in place. would give her free motion with her whip but keep her in one place for everyone else to try and do their plan to remove the headband.

Or i can just have her continuing to use fire.
FYI - I am heading off on vacation (about damn time, too!) early Saturday morning for a week. I will have access while I'm gone, but my posting may be intermittent -- probably mostly in the morning (EDT). Just wanted to let everyone know.
Just to say, I'd like us to move quickly to the conclusion of this battle, I had expected it to end by now tbh and would like to continue with the main storyline and next objective. I think we can all agree things have been pretty chaotic recently, and I want to do something good and engaging to get people (including myself) back into the story and posting more frequently. However, like I've said before, the next objective is fairly uneventful until the very end. So I'm open to suggestions, in fact definitely want to hear from you guys on what you'd like to do as a mini-event thing to start this next section. I plan to take us for an event through the desert and potentially elsewhere, but any ideas for a small little fun thing would be good, perhaps a light-hearted bondingy thing, or really anything you guys want. Although I will say nothing involving fighting. Our characters are all faught out at the moment.

So yeah, if this fight hasn't ended by Saturday morning American time, chances are I'm going to just time-skip past this bit. Unless of course you guys are against that. Please, PM me on all of these things.

As a character, quite honestly, Desiree isn't looking for some touchy-feely happy time with the group. She just wants some rest. A lot of rest. And then.... more rest. If there were some kind of spa nearby, that would be nice.

Beyond that, she's antsy to get to some defensible location (the desert stronghold she thought she heard someone mention?) and start setting up shop and getting things organized.

As a "player" (or writer, I suppose?) this group needs to simply disappear for a while. The reason I suggested a base of operations is kinda akin to finding some "rebel base" like in Star Wars. A place to make reconnaissance, a place where other "rebels" can find shelter, a place from which hit-and-run tactics can be made, etc...

I don't know the plan or the overall story arc, so it's difficult for me to make suggestions. However, if the group could have a few small successes against adversity, it would do wonders for morale.

Getting our asses handed to us on a regular basis, and then having Helia show up as something virtually unbeatable makes for a deep sense of hopelessness.

But that's my two coppers, for whatever they're worth.
So unless someone says otherwise, Im gonna write Warren crashing into Helia from Ethans aid and laying the hurt on her. Probably just beating her around quite a bit to the ground after tackling her.

Just checking this is OK first though.

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