~The Lords of the Magistone~

Ah' Sure you can time skip, if we really want to we could PM the conversation and I'll edit my last post.

What do you think @PicaPirate
It's alright, there's no hurry as I'm unlikely to post the timeskip post for a couple of hours yet, but I guess for the sake of not surprising you guys, just be prepared for a sudden change and to either move to PMs like that or backtrack later :)
I assume the original plan still stands to find/form a sort of base?

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Yus! Apologies for not finding the time to make the big post, I'll make sure to make it top priority tomorrow morning :)

Oh, and good luck in the character battle Wiz, I voted for you already :')
yep been doing the same for you Sky ^_^

this guy I am facing now though is definably going to be trouble I feel its a one sided battle but I'll show even an alchemist can slay a dragon lol
Yeah, same, honestly don't expect I beat my current foe, but good luck and I hope you win, the guy you're facing's arrogance has annoyed me from the start and I hope your quality writing can put him in his place :)
Yeah I been reading his previous works and character sheet, he reminds me of some "Sue's and Sam's" but as with anything you dont have to beat your opponent just get more votes so I hope I can twist the battle in my favor.
If it's any consolation, my last round dood was a massive 9-foot Demi-god who could summon demons, massive lasers and ridiculous magic, but he had like no personality and the doods post length was like half a paragraph, so I managed to win. Your opponent looks a little better than that but don't give up hope; most people vote more on writing quality than battle strength anyway :)
yep I hope to lead them to a fun whimsical battle of magic and cunning.

since I have to limit my potions I decided as something unique and wouldn't be thought as useful in a battle of power here ^_^

I hope it gives a nice twist sorta like a move that at first is stupid and doesn't look to make sense then adds up for a never ending twist for a chance of victory! 
Speaking of for the others ^_^ do support your brothers in arms! <3


I think I almost retched reading that Giovanni CS. Especially the entirely unnecessary part about the sexual preference stuff. Or how they are an ultra genius along with all those dragon abilities.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
its okay everyone is entitled to their style but I am going to play against his style of OP with a strat I used once back in the day.
I suppose I just have an issue with the character having no visible faults/weaknesses.

Anyhow, off to sleep.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
We call these mary sues but yes it is apparently annoying lol still fun to knock off a peg or two lol.

night I am off as well.
Glad I'm not the only one who gets weirded out by all the unnecessary an often weird details some people put in xD
@TheWizard I can't tell you how much I was tickled that in your post you recognized Desiree's ... discomfort ... when Warren came around. That was simply awesome that you picked up on that. It made my night when I read it. :)
Aw, I had saved a draft of the start of this timeskip post, and now it's completely disappeared :( Ah well, back to the drawing board! I'm working on it now, and it should be up within the next hour :)
Yeah never trust a post to stay in drafts. I had a post for an RP which I had prewritten disappear that way -.-

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Right, plotting stuff:

  • The village used to be the home of a clan of powerful fire mages, back in the ancient days when magic was much less understood. They built the village from scratch themselves, chiselling out the mountain using old equipment and raging flames. They decided that they needed a place to practice their talents, and so they also created a tunnel and hollowed out much of the inside of the mountain, filling it with an ever-raging fire and effectively creating an artificial volcano that would still never erupt. Hense the warmth of the rocks, and also hense the hot-springs. They also pretty much created the area for the hot-springs, and used to use it themselves. Naturally this took them quite a long time to do, but they occupied themselves with it because back in the old days they would have been killed for using magic and being amongst the general public.
  • You guys can feel free to explore the tunnels and find the giant fire core to the mountain, and also in one of the houses are the dusty, faded remains of a journal detailing the exploits of the fire mages. Otherwise, we'll eat and then go to bed, ready for the second major event in this objective to occur in the morning :)
@SkyGinge With the group moving away from the hot springs and discovering the abandoned village in your latest update post, what kind of things can be found in the houses? Desiree would simply die for some new (to her) clothes, a comb or hair brush, and other such mundane things. 

PicaPirate said:
Yeah never trust a post to stay in drafts. I had a post for an RP which I had prewritten disappear that way -.-
Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
This is why my posts take time ... I pre-write them on my laptop and then copy/paste to the thread. I, too, have lost too many posts to the internet in the past. ;)
Other than the book I mentioned, not a lot else. The village has been abandoned for a couple hundred of years, and as such everything left is either rotting, or fading, hense why despite the wreck, it isn't quite as devastating as the main villages they've came across so far as there isn't a ton of freshly ruined materials and possessions. So yeah, it's possible you'd find rags and maybe a very old, semi-broken comb or similar, but nothing fresh, nothing new. Other than that, the houses would largely be empty. Hope that helps, and also gives you a little scope for what you might find :)
It gives me the scope, sure, but it doesn't help Desiree much. lol Thanks, though. I didn't want to make assumptions.

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