~The Lords of the Magistone~

Warren will surely be pleased to hear about more hot springs.

Plus potential char development for @Shura because its an ex fire mage village? Could expand her abilities from it.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Maybe, yeah. This entire fire village thing is actually a fairly fresh idea, and not something I can originally planned, but when I was thinking of reasons for there to be a hot-spring, I came up with it. It'll replace the event I had planned in the desert, because I realised that it wouldn't work out particularly brilliantly in RP structure. But we're still planning on heading across the desert, as this village is too ramshackle to actually be the safe-haven they desire, although I welcome people suggesting to Skyre that they should stay there :)
Soooo Am i waiting for Rusar to find Lapis and Cyril or is the finding and moving just assumed to have happened?
You can actually do whatever one you want, seeing as they were both close in their last post, and I haven't explicitly said that everybody got there or anything :)
@Cookie Feel free to have Skyre be wrong and have them discover the aforementioned books, or interesting rags, or something :) Also sorry for stealing the creative spotlight if you intended to describe the house or similar :')
Hope my latest post isn't too much to read through, but it was a heck of a lot of fun to write, and very helpful :D
Deary me, better not sneeze my brains out, or however the saying was back then.

Also I have no idea how to meet Mademoiselle Mallet, seeing as they're hiding in bushes and Warren ain't the most perceptive of bunch.
Yeah I'm kind of stuck on the same thing. Not sure weather to have them just continue to the ruined town or to find Mouse
I would have then discover Mouse if I were you, but if needs be I can deploy the Cyril to do something dumb and catch her attention :')
Ok, so it appears that I'm not getting any notifs again, so apologies for being AWOL. I will try to get something up later today if I can as I sort through all of the RPs that I've been missing.

no worries ^_^

As for me I am dealing with a child during the arena battle, he's upset about me posting support votes in the RP's I am in.

Well its okay I made a nice post for him to think about his actions and trying to turn me into a villain.

Now back to making my main post here...been stuck thinking up something for this.

Sky the thing in the mountain that caused the heat of the pools is it a ball of fire? or did the mages of the past just open a lava tunnel?

Trying to figure this out before I got venturing the town lol
Sorry to hear about that battle incident. A similar thing happened in the end for me which lead to my loss, and whilst it wasn't really the other guy's fault, it did affectively win him the match :/ Anyhow, it's literally a huge flame. They set up an eternal fire in the centre of the mountain. There's also a small pool of lava at the bottom of the cavern from where the rock has meted over time :)
Okay that works I'll figure the post then for it now.

as for that issue I understand it can seem unfair but its not like I am spamming SB to vote for me just asking for support from my fellow writers in the RP I am in only and I have only done it once when the arena battle is first open.

but oh well he can be upset all he wants I couldn't care about it just enjoying the game for as long as I can ^_^

now back to RPing!
@MrMouse Just for the future Pythe might be wise to heed warning cause Rusar would have shot as soon as she went to grab the water pouch XP
lol I am just laughing cause she thinks your working for Cyril I would have thought that was enough to cause you to shoot her ^_^
xD oh hell yeah. Honestly Rusar doesnt really care much for Cyril and would shoot but we kind of need him alive as well as our new friend LOL
xD I think Cyril's as amused by that as you, and if he were currently being less of a sourpuss he'd probably have relished that a little more. Fret not though, dear friends, for his highness has quite the dynamic plan! 
@Cookie @Kharmin I was waiting on a response from Ari before posting with Skyre again, hence the delay on that half of the action, but if there's nothing by the morning I'm just going to go ahead and have him reply :')

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