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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

"Just give her space, she'll eventually calm down... hopefully" Rusar looked over at the pair as they talked and sighed softly. "Some people are not cut out for fighting... I have a feeling many of the people in the group didn't really part take in the same hobbies as you before the invasion." she spoke up with a shrug. You've only met half of them really... I have a feeling they haven't been grouped up for very long though. I only met them this morning while hunting. It seemed like a good idea at the time but I'm not too sure any more..." she admitted. having company was a nice change for complete isolation of the woods but the group seem to not fair to well when it came to safety. "They want head east... to try and reach Aliak"
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Desiree's outcry caused Rederik to jump to his feet unsettled. The breath in his lungs seized momentarily at his sudden movement, and he grunted, his body folding over somewhat to relieve the tension on his injury. As the pain subsided to a manageable dull, he straightened and walked toward the group gathered near Skyre. There was a rather imposing looking stranger socializing with another he hadn't fully had the chance to meet. Desiree appeared to be locked in a private looking conversation. His eyes caught the sight of Clara taking her leave, noting her limp and solemn expression.

Rederik scanned the village for Ethan. The man had looked exhausted before with performing his work as a medic, but it appeared as though his job was not complete. Ethan was placed with a rather tiresome and likely never-ending burden of keeping this growing group moving. Rederik had very basic knowledge in medicine, but only with the use of primitive methods.

Walking past the group in the street, Rederik continued towards Clara with Naraya close by his side. He didn't know her name. "Excuse me," he called out to her. Perhaps something had happened to the old man traveling with her.
Noting her advice to talk when she calmed, "Hmmm yeah seems it might work better. I guess some people need more than a stiff drink to calm them." he chuckled. It was good to have a chat with her after so long. Plus he wasn't getting hit, which was a bonus.

"Well I have nothing better to do. May as well help ye lot to fight the Shadow King. Be more fun dat way too! Being a loner is good for time for ya self, but gets reeeaaallll borin real quick." He simply stayed in the same position as he was.
Now more attentive, Skyre noticed an immediate change in Desiree. Where was that energy? That confidence? As she began to cry, Skyre's eyes widened a little in concerned surprise. She really was broken. Hearing her out, Skyre's pulse quickened. And although she made him anxious, he knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Desiree," his deep, smooth voice rung out, tinged with the utmost concern as he stared her dead on with wide, caring eyes, "listen to me. You didn't fail anything; I was stupid, reckless and stupid and put myself in danger for the sake of somebody else. But I'd rather do that than be an elevated leader, standing back and having others do my dirty work. That's why I detest the term - I'd rather be a servant than a leader, and it was my decision to put myself in danger. It might have been a hell-of-a idiotic decision, but think Des; there was nothing you could have done to avert what i did there anyway."

"Look, Desiree," he felt the words beginning to flow as his voice cracked momentarily, "even if your magic has broken and your staff is lost, I will still need you. We will still need you. Because I don't need a protector, somebody who'll just watch out for me. I need an ally, a friend, and so far you have prooved an amiable one. And even if you were useless, which you're most certainly not and will never be, by the way, then who would be here to support me? Where would we go? Especially after this battle, people would easily defer from the leadership that you gave me, and then we'd be lost. Your as important as everybody else in the group, perhaps even more so."

Skyre shifted a little nervously, hoping that he didn't inadvertantly say something that he wouldn't be able to take back. "Now, I think you need to slow down and think. What did you do before you knocked yourself out? Was it some crazy wind magic attack? Because then, you must remember that it takes a while for magic energy to return, and we were only out for ten, twenty minutes. The magic will return to you, think back to your lessons, think back to Professor Oldran's magic science lectures, if you had him, you know, the short, round one with the manic grin. Remember what he used to say?" Skyre cleared his throat, before putting on a pompous accent. "Magic energy is an entirely different state of marerial; indeed, once rapidly exirted from the human body it will indupidably return at a much slower pace." He smiled quietly, but remained focussed and concerned.

"And if it;s your staff you're worried about, then..." Skyre leant down to th forest floor and retrieved a large stick, which he handed to her. "but more importantly than all I've just said, please don't leave. You'd almost certainly be left for dead, and I don't want that. As much as you wish to protect me, I wish to protect you. So please don't selflessly leave for nothing."

I love you.

Skyre found himself shaking with emotion; talking to Desiree had really cleared out his emotions and made him a lot more focussed and alert. He would wait for her reply, then he would gather everybody together and heard them off quickly.
Helia hadn't told anyone, and she knew Ethan would stop her if she had, that she'd gone out to patrol.

As people started to wake up she had found herself increasingly uncomfortable in the midst of the camp. Of course, her solitude also allowed her to experiment with something else. It was the orb, or Helia thought it was the orb. There was something about it, about how imperative it seemed that her master gave it to her before leaving. Why?

And more than that, she had expended all her magic three times now, and all three times it took her only a few hours sleep to start functioning again. Magic wasn't supposed to work like that, and unless she was some sort of super powered freak the only explanation laid with the orb of swirling wind magic she had given to her.

Then, as simple as her musings had been, Helia was ripped from them as a scream tore through the air.

Leaping from her tree top position, Helia gave a conservative microburst to make sure she landed on a roof before jogging along to find that Skyre's companion was having a breakdown of sorts. Pocketing her orb, Helia quickly looked around to make sure everyone was still here, and they were, including the obnoxiously loud man that she felt uncomfortable being near. Over by a broken wall was the fire mage, and it seemed Skyre had just finished talking to her, though her expression hadn't changed much.

Making sure Ethan wasn't in sight to chastise her for moving around so much, or to experiment on her since she had recovered so quickly, Helia leapt over by where the fire mage was sitting and plopped down next to her, her script in mind.

"Um, hi. My name's Helia Heartstone. I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday. Probably saved my life."

As she spoke she pulled out one of her water skeins and a bag of berries and offered some to the fire mage.
Desiree couldn't look at Skyre; she was too embarrassed, too humiliated – too broken. There was nothing in the world left for her anymore. She'd lost her family, her studies at the university, her innocence, her brother, her last remaining possessions and now her communion with the air.

She cast her eyes down at the ground while Skyre spoke. His voice was soft, gentle and soothing like someone who genuinely cared. Desiree shook her head at his words, but stayed silent to allow him to finish. That Skyre considered her a friend was something she hadn't considered. They had only met and yet here he was, trying his best to comfort her and give her solace. Like a friend, she thought. But friends didn't deserve friends who were defiled, cast out and broken.

He said that he didn't want to be a leader and Desiree almost pitied him for she felt responsible for placing that mantle upon him. It had been the logical choice at the time and it solved one of the myriad of puzzles that scrambled around in her mind.

She did recall her studies in first term with Professor Oldran, and she almost smiled at Skyre's horrible rendition of the small, round man. But this was different than theory – it felt different. She had surpassed her limit many times before. It was her common fallacy, but even when her energies were expired she could still feel, no taste, the air around her. This time ... nothing.

Desiree took the proffered stick which was hardly a replacement for the quarterstaff that she had lost. The quarterstaff had been a gift from her brother at the beginning of her third term. Stephen had brought it with him when he had arrived to start his first term in earth magic.

Earth magic. The memory stung again. Deckard and his filthy hands on her body. She cringed and wrapped her cloak about her against the chill as she shuddered.

Desiree looked up when Skyre said that he wanted to protect her. No one had ever told her that before and she looked in his eyes as she doubted his sincerity. His soft, emerald eyes looked almost longingly back at her and for a heartbeat, she was lost in them.

When he had finished, Desiree looked down at the wooden stick in her hand. Without fanfare, she unclasped her fingers and let it drop to the ground. Her heart panged that she was unable to call the air around to halt its descent and she watched as it bounced once and lay still.

She took a deep, mournful sigh. "I remember," she started in a frail voice. "Professor Oldran was quite clear on that point. But Skyre, this is different." Desiree met his eyes with blue ones that held no joy. "I can't taste your magic like I could before. It's truly gone."

Desiree gripped herself tighter, "For as long as I can remember I have been able to play with the air, move the wind and smell wondrous things that wafted through it. It was my only reason for going to the university – hells, it was my life. Skyre, can you understand that? Can you feel so strongly with your element that without it you would rather curl up and die?"

"It was the last thing I had, and now it's gone," she said and looked aside as a stray tear slowly worked its way undisturbed down her cheek. "I have nothing left, and nowhere to go."

Desiree dropped slowly to her knees with her arms still wrapped around her. She stared at the ground between them where the discarded limb rested. "How can I be any less important. I have nothing left to offer, Skyre."

"I am so terribly alone."
The wisp was still floating through the tree lines when its light had stopped upon a figure. Though Ethan would normally be in control of it with him asleep it had seemed to have a will of its own, perhaps his sub-conscience or an unknown force still it continued to due its command left by Ethan rather then dissipate. It's search for the elder and Lapis and return to the group was the drive of the light. The wisp floated slowly towards the figure who looked back to it. The figure spoke "I'd like to be taken back to my granddaughter." The wisp stood their a moment almost motionless but then with a light pulse floated towards the house where she resided. The ball of light stopped above the girl before resting near her shoulder. It sent off a light pulse and glowed bright before going back dim and motionless.


Ethan had taken a short nap, the fatigue and the heat of the sun on his skin made it easy to fall into the slumber. His mind wandered and unlike dreams it felt like he was floating in a sea but could not make out anything in the darkness. He could hear the waves crashing on a shore but couldn't see if it was sand or rocky. A sudden storm erupted and lightning crashed. The down pour beat from above while the salty water rushed him from above.

Through the flashes of the lightning he could make out black sharp rocks ahead. Struggling to swim away it was fruitless as the current pulled him with each rush of wave that landed. His body tossed in the water before finally being submerged. He struggled fearing he would lose breath but suddenly it was calm. Under the water there was no storm and the sea bed was welcoming. Opening his eyes he saw floor of the sea lay out before him. All manner of sea life swam pass him and Ethan felt confused but at peace. The water started to recede as if the sea was draining. The seabed sand slowly growing grass and trees, in almost an instant the scenery had changed and the once vast sea had become a lush garden of eden. Ethan could not speak or move his legs rooted to the ground. Literally he saw his feet become roots digging into the earth, a fear raged inside him as he struggled trying to break free but the roots dug deeper. Was then as he was about to give up a bright light broke through the trees.

Ethan trying to focus kept his eye on the light. It took the form of a human but the light embodied it preventing him from seeing its face. The body of light reached its hand to Ethan who took it hoping to escape. The moment his hands met its fingers everything went white. Ethan was lost in vast world of light not knowing where the sky and ground met or if there was an ending to its far stretch. The bodied light stood before him, unable to see its face but he could tell it was looking at him. Mustering his courage he spoke out to it "What are you?" his voice was shaken and it felt like he was losing breath with his words. The figured tilted its head first right then slowly left. It came close to him putting its hands upon his face as it brought him closer.

His heart raced as the spirit put its head upon his. What happen he could not say but the experience was so intense it awoken Ethan from his rest. His heart still racing as Ethan regained his holding and recalled where he was. Taking a deep breath before attempting to recall his dream. The last moments unable to comprehend "...with you." he whispered...the words he felt echo in his head the moment that figure touched him. A nightmare, delusions, what could it mean? Ethan's head was filled with questions but looking around the corner he found Rederick and Ari where no longer there. Clearing his head and cleaning his face he put the dream off to focus on more primary concerns. As he met up with the group. Wondering if the group would move out or stay in their general location. Wanting to retrieve his bag from the river and wash his shirt Ethan felt lingering here would not be a wise decision but would they be able.
Once again, Skyre found his usually powerful words failing to do anything, and this made him disheartened. Normally he found his voice able to at least partially envigorate people and inadvertently this made people agree with him often; one of the many leadership traits that he was lately unaware of. However, he thought it would have had more of an effect on her than it had.

And thus Skyre found himself in a rare position where he hadn't a clue what to do. My words just fell on hollow ears for the most part, and she's in such a state that even if I were to piece together the worlds strongest argument she'd still find a way to break it down. Probably would've helped if I hadn't have gone into self-wallowing in the middle. Skyre cursed his narrowmindedness, and rued that despite his best affords at being selfless and loyal to the others, he was always going to retain some arrogance; arrogance to the extent of even going back to himself whilst trying to cheer up a close friend. He felt powerless; powerless to change himself, and powerless to help out the person that he currently cared the most about.

No, words won't be able to help me much here. I need... I need something more powerful than words. But he remembered how she had reacted even to a gentle nudge just a minutes before; he'd been screamed down. So surely, now that she was in an even worse state, making physical contact would be the worst decision to make?

Lord, how he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to whisk them both away to the river of his dreams, to a place where negative emotions didn't matter, a place of peace, a place where everything made sense. He wanted to hold her close and comfort her, forcing his words into her brain until she knew that she was deluded and wrong. But he couldn't, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Whilst Skyre could cope with personal change, he never wanted to get on the bad side of anyone, and that was why he didn't have the confidence for making physical contact; what if she didn't like it? What if she hated him for it? What if he made things even worse for her?

She needs... something raw, he determined, his face a picture of serious concentration this entire time. Something that will prove to her that she isn't useless, that she has something left to live for. Something that makes her feel wanted. Crumbs Desiree: why do you have to be so unpredictable? A million thoughts whizzed around his young head, and his emerald eyes seemed to shine in a thousand varying lights.

Ultimately, Skyre found himself with only one option. You're an idiot, you're a stupid, selfish, hopeful idiot. His mind screamed at him. But his heart remained calm. If this goes right, then you succeed in giving her hope back. If not, well, she would leave regardless anyway.

"Desiree," he chuckled painfully, his voice a low, weak whisper. "You are very important and you needn't feel alone."

Then, arms visibly shaking, he slowly leant forward and kissed her warmly.

Because he was very right; she was important, especially to him. She had given him confidence to lead the group. And through his kiss, passionate and extended to show its integrity, he showed just how important she was by coming completely out of his comfort zone for her; she would have noticed this before from his failure to reciprocate her soft arm touches and touches of his face. Through the act, he aimed to make her feel loved and important. No more hiding enigmatically in his own thoughts; this was the raw, instinctual Skyre. And he hoped highly to succeed.

When he eventually withdrew, a lone teardrop trickled from his wide emerald eyes, eyes that bore into her soul with intense care. He was breathing heavy and emotionally shaking, but inside his mind was already presuming the worst. She'll have loved that, not. And now you'll have made her departure worse for both of you. "I.... ah..." he began, but he was shaking too much and the words wouldn't flow back out. "I'm... so very, truly sorry." he managed eventually. His entire body convinced him that he had failed and willed him to turn away, but he kept his sad stare.
Rederik paused as Helia leaped into view. He was never one for interrupting others, and this particular moment caused him a bit of confusion as to what to do next. For a time he stood motionless just a couple paces behind Clara as if Ein had frozen him like the turkey.

With a bow of his head, he turned respectfully away from the introduction. It appeared to him as though a cheery conversation would likely do the brunette better than him asking how she and her older companion faired. Red eyes appraised the setting and the damage done to everyone in the vecinity. The brief battle was disheartening to him, for he never imagined he would have to go up against such a foe as those soldiers. He had encountered bandits and violent thieves in his travels, but this was very different.

He decided to backtrack to the home he entered to retrieve the bag he was using to gather supplies. Ethan had caught his attention, and changed his course to approach the bewildered looking medic before he traveled too far.

"How do you fair?" Rederik asked. Naraya lumbered ahead toward the sound of water. She was visibly tired, her head low and her mouth agape slightly. Red had stained her fur once again, but this time it appeared to only be that of her enemies.
The kiss surprised Desiree and her eyes flared open in shock. Her inner turmoil and every instinct in her screamed to tear this boy – no this man – away from her and destroy him for his insolence. But her body remained fixed where they knelt just beside the edge of the woods.

Skyre's kiss continued; it wasn't a light peck like a grandmother might give, nor was it a quick brush of lips against a cheek from a friend's greeting. It was ... compassionate. Desiree's eyes fluttered shut as her emotions reeled at the sensation.

His kiss wasn't like so many of those forced upon her by Decker through all of those years at the university in his bed. Those, she tolerated because she had to, otherwise her school career would have been ruined and she would have returned home as an abject failure. So, she allowed Decker his physical needs and oft pretended to enjoy them to remain on his good side.

No, Skyre's kiss had meaning and it was at that moment that she realized he needed her and that she was important to him.

She realized that he loved her.

It was enough. Enough to bring a spark of hope to life within Desiree's spirit. She knew as long as Skyre lived, even should they part ways tomorrow, a part of him belonged to her and that was something that the Shadow King and all of his power could never take away.

Time stood still in the kiss. A thousand, thousand emotions flooded Desiree and she nearly tumbled at the force of their impact. But, do I love him? she asked herself and in all of her honesty ... she didn't know. She knew that she didn't not love Skyre, but things had progressed too fast and she had been through so much that she wasn't certain she could trust her own feelings.

One thing was certain, however; Skyre had given her a reason to not give up. He had placed his full faith and trust in her with his kiss, knowing that she would either accept or reject him. He had laid it all on the line – for her. And Desiree swore that she wouldn't disappoint his trust in her.

He broke the kiss and leaned away. Desiree opened her blue eyes which showed a flicker of their typical, joyful self. With a quick motion, she reached over and embraced Skyre in a hug with such strength that he had to wonder how such a wiry girl could squeeze so terribly hard.

Desiree's emotions poured out in a river. She held fast to Skyre and cried. Between her tears, she whispered in his ear, "Thank you. Thank you for saving me. I will never disappoint you again."
Skyre suddenly found himself caught in a powerful embrace, an embrace that answered literally nothing but none the less showed that what he'd done had worked. He returned it warmly, but a pair of twin tears fell from his vacant face. He was emotionally drained; he'd shown more of a certain emotion explicitly than ever before, and was still reeling from the consequences. Of course, he wondered how she would react in the long term to his gesture, but for now at least he had helped out, and this warmed him slightly.

Hearing her whispered words, he smiled wryly past her, keeping their embrace. "My friend," he muttered, "you are yet to disappoint." After a reasonable pause in which Skyre's thoughts simply blanked out, Skyre reminded himself that he still had a group to lead, and he still had a collection of people to usher out of the village. Blinking a few times to hide the sparse teardrops, he squeezed her lightly.

"You can stop crushing my lungs now," he jested, a natural smile blooming onto his face.
Skyre's words during their embrace only fueled her emotions and she squeezed him even more. The world could end today, and Desiree would be content because she had an actual, true friend who would accept her and never judge her. She had someone who truly cared for her, unlike the ones who pretended to be her friends at the university so that they could be around her or Decker, two of the most popular third term students.

His words encouraged her and made her feel that, in some small sense, he was ok with her not having magic. She wasn't an aberration after all, at least not in Skyre's eyes or his heart. She was accepted, flaws and all.

"Oh, sorry," Desiree laughed through her tears as she released her near-death grip on her new friend and listfully punched him in the shoulder at his jest. She sat back on her heels, ran her hands through her hair and wiped her nose on her shirt sleeve. Blue eyes so recently sunk in irrecoverable despair danced amidst the tears that still welled in them. There was life in them yet; the spark had ignited and now the tender flame needed nurturing and patience for it to catch and take hold.

Desiree sniffled and again wiped her face with her grimy hands. "Hells, look at me," she said with some levity. "I look a mess."

Her meek laughter died and she offered Skyre a small, but sincere smile. She reached out and placed her hand on his. "Thank you," she said again.
Ethan stretched a moment as he put his hat on to hide from the sun now beating down upon him. He heard a familiar voice and turned to face Rederick. It was good to see him up and about. "Better then you I reckon..." as he walked to the man and put his hand on his shoulder. "Hows your breathing? Still heavy?" as Ethan gauged the pain the hunter was experiencing. He looked to Naraya who's fur was stained and left her looking almost striped in white and crimson. "Seems we both need a good bath when we can eh" as he smiled to the feline. His mind drifted back to the dream a bit before pushing it back from his thoughts.

Ethan knelled over one of the soldier corpses and examined them. "They where victims weren't they?" Ethan still unaware of the full event that had transpired. But looking over the corpse it was not a body meant for fighting, its strained legs and the callus from his fingers showed him as a man of the land. To think that such a person would raise their arms for the Shadow King didn't feel right to him, what was done to twist them to such a task. The helmet was still on and not wanting to see the face he stood up dusting off his hands. "Rederick..." Ethan's face calm and calculative "...we can't stay here." as he tied the skein bag to his belt and latched his satchel. The mess of soldiers and the risk of them returning was to great and something changed in Ethan, he wasn't timid and showing constraint, he was to close to losing this group and he wasn't about to let it happen again. As he walked to the house he spoke out "...if we survive this and somehow win what would you do Rederick?" as his feet stopped.

He turned and smiled "...its a funny question isn't it, to think such an outcome when everything around you here looks to prove it otherwise." as he kicked a stoned pebble. "Still I am a man of the west and miss the shore...would it be okay to hope to return to it again?" as Ethan looked towards the west horizon. His home was long off now but ashes and abandoned buildings, the town around him was silent and a part of him thought it was the same for his a mirror of the horror that transpired. Silent and dead, no rustle of people or scoffs of horses pulling their load. He picked up the pebbled letting its shape and trace around his fingers before he tossed it down the road "I doubt there is much hope left but seeing as we are alive lets make a deal to stay that way okay?" as Ethan extended his hand to the hunter "...I'll be sure to be there so this does not happen again." Ethan seemed stronger holding his will firm, he had a stroke of confidence that he did not have before. Perhaps it was denial or the shock of the group's state but Ethan stood taller then he did before and his steps where no longer heavy.

The wisp stayed quite above the girl before sparking and returning quickly to Ethan's shoulder. His face lit up a bit from its return as he turned to Skyre and the rest in their fallen home. This new found courage drove him to find a better way and until then he would push further to improve. Walking into the room he came into the sight of the others, unsure of Skyre and Desiree he smirk thinking the two had a fire lit between them and perhaps it had finally caught aflame. Still he looked carefully and serious to the remaining group "...if these soldiers had more it'll only take awhile before they come searching for them." being more serious "...if your are able now I suggest we move out to the hills at least till nightfall and avoid the roads till we know more about what happen here." Ethan looked over the group gauging their reaction.
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Rusar tilted her head back once more "You have a point..." she muttered half paying attention . The moment of calm was nice to have but the hunter started to get a bit anxious from sitting still. The corpses which littered the streets were a continuous erie reminder that there were more out there and there was a group with 10 or so more out there. "Were sitting too long..." she muttered softly an she got up and dusted the dirt off. She looked out in the direction the platoon had marched off in. No sign of a return but that didn't mean there wouldn't be one.
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"...I might hafta join ye with leaving. Bleh."

He walked away, deciding to hit trees or something to pass the time.

He thought to himself while punching a tree, nearly knocking all the leaves off it, how he could never do that kind of approach. Pfff like he knew. All he did was fight at bars and drink and train. What was love to him?

When he was bored of that he decided to sit on a rock and wait to see if anyone talks to him.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Unsure what else to say, Skyre simply placed his other hand on top of hers, noting how soft her flesh was. Now that things had calmed down a little, he had the time to appreciate her affections a little more, though part of him couldn't help being a little doubtful. What if this was just one of her positive mood swings? What if she went back on everything next time she was angry? No. Skyre had taken an emotion risk in hope of optimism, and he would stick to that.

Focussing a little bit more, he decided to return to the task at present and was about to tell Desiree about the group moving off, when Ethan appeared and voiced his opinions, opinion that completely matched Skyre's. Reluctantly, and not shamefully, withdrawing from her easy, he rose to full height as she spoke too.

"Those were both exact echoes of my thoughts, you pair of mind readers," he grinned, relaxed. "We can hold a quick meeting when we're a little away from the village; for now we should just focus on leaving. I've already rounded up most of the others so on my word we will all leave." With this, and a fleeting glance to Desiree, he walked off through the trees.

Skyre had changed; the small experience had evidently matured him. The emotion crucible that had been willing himself to kiss her had melted away some of the shame of his affections. He had shown her that he needed her, so why he guilty about it? The confidence boost of this added a likeable swing in his step as he approached the mix-match selection of other warriors.

"Alright, we're heading out!" He called, his voice travelling far and strong. "Gather up all the weak and carry ten. We're making a half-hour journey east to avoid potential other figures, then we can rest a little safer. Help the weak if you're able, let's move!"



(RPers have one more post today!)
Rederik was used to stares, but lingering gazes always tended to make him feel as though he should retreat. His right arm was draped and held stiffly over his torso so as to not disturb the bandaged injury. Breathing normally caused pain with every inhale, so he kept his breaths only slightly more shallow in compensation.

"How's your breathing?" Ethan asked him as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "Still heavy?" Ethan's bright blue eyes searched Rederik objectively, and the pale man shifted his weight from his left foot to his right.

"It is manageable," Rederik responded truthfully. He knew it was unwise to lie about the status of an injury. Many let their pride dictate their words so as to not come across as weak, but too often their stupidity leads to further unsavory situations. They were all very lucky to have someone as capable as Ethan with them.

As Naraya made her way further to the river, Ethan appeared to have drifted away with his thoughts. Rederik's brow furrowed, but before he could inquire into his well-being, the man had moved on to inspect a soldier. The sight of human bodies made the pale man's heart feel as though it were momentarily crushed with an overwhelming sadness.

"Rederik," Ethan said, "we can't stay here."

"Aye," Rederik agreed, but he had a task. As Ethan made his way to one of the houses, Rederik moved to the shed next to it. His goal was to hopefully find a shovel. There had only been once where he did not have access to such a tool and he was forced to dig with his hands. Luckily for him, the former owner of the home had been an avid gardener with an arsenal of useful tools for his task.

"If we survive this and somehow win, what would you do, Rederik?" Ethan asked. Rederik considered the question as he took a shovel in hand and made his way back to the road. As he searched for a proper location to bury the dead, Ethan told him of his hope to return to his home in the west. "I doubt there is much hope left, but seeing as we are alive, let's make a deal to stay that way, okay? I'll be sure to be there so this does not happen again."

Ethan extended his hand to Rederik, and he approached to accept it. He grunted somewhat as the motion caused a sudden, but brief pain. "I do not think you should lose hope," he said as he gathered the shovel in both his hands and began to dig a hole in a grassy area on the side of the road. He quickly avoided using his right arm as pain shot through him and pushed the shovel into the dirt with his foot. Those soldiers were human and it was his duty as the living to put their souls to rest. They deserved a proper burial, and he would see to every one of them even if it meant he was left behind for a time.

"Hope is our only light in the Shadow King's darkness," Rederik continued quietly. "If we lose that light we will be consumed."


After quickly herding everybody together, Skyre ushered everybody into the eastern forest. Rederik had decided to stay behind to bury the dead, and knowing his abilities to scout and catch up, Skyre allowed him. It was very respectful after all; the men had had no choice in their evil deeds. The half hour journey was slow and lilted, with frequent breaks having to be made for the wounded, but eventually they made it a safe distance away.

About half way through their journey, the landscape changed dramatically. The group found themselves traversing two narrow mountains which were very nearly connected, thus creating a bizarre landform where there were almost two layers to the valley; a dark, twisting under path, and a large flat path just above on the mountain cliffs. Now the group were stationed on this upper layer, stopped for a rest. Skyre simply sat upon a rock, deep in thought.
Skyre had re-assembled the group and suggested that they all move on a bit before fully resting as he didn't want the troops to turn back and discover them. It was a sound decision and one with which everyone found agreement.

Desiree found the broken halves of her quarterstaff, handed them to Ethan and suggested that he might be able to use them to make a splint if necessary.

Those who were able, helped those less so. Desiree was still fatigued from her ordeal, but was able to manage on her own. Her thoughts were still jumbled and as they walked she began the arduous process of sorting them.

She held little hope that Skyre's and Professor Oldran's theory class were right and that her magic would eventually return. She had to cling to that hope as it was the only one she had; without her magic, she felt ... incomplete.

Broken, she reminded herself. It was a harsh word, but it perfectly described how she felt about herself. And yet, despite her flaw, Skyre loved her. It was something she hadn't fully comprehended and worried that perhaps his love for her was misplaced in the heat of the moment with her being so vulnerable.

Despite her reservations, Desiree could not deny the kiss. He had taken a chance and thrown all caution to the wind. That had to account for something and her heart lifted a bit at the thought. Other than her family, Desiree had never felt that anyone loved her. Oh, sure, there were many suitors both before and during her terms at the university, but their professions of love for her were shallow and hid their true intentions.

Skyre hadn't hidden anything from her in that kiss. His defenses were down and his true self was unmasked, just for her. It was the most incredible gift anyone had ever given her.

She walked apace from Skyre as he discussed things with some of the others while they continued on. His barriers were back and shielded him from the rest wherein he found his comfort zone, but Desiree knew that there was a deeper person within – one who had trusted her with his ultimate secret: his true self.

She caught his glance of concern for her as he casually listened to the conversation around him. She returned a tired, half-hearted smile. Her eyes locked with his and for a moment, she was diving past and below the walls around him. Within his deep, emerald eyes the love he had for her was still there and just as strong and just as real.

Desiree winked and nodded for him to pay closer attention to what the others were saying to him while they walked. Stop worrying about me, she thought with mild annoyance as he returned his attention to the others.

The jumbled thoughts in her mind began to sort themselves into a more discernible mess. Desiree recalled how the last fight had started and winced at the memory of the air she had summoned around her. She remembered crushing the one soldier with ease – actually, easier than she had thought. Perhaps she had used her talent too strongly and now was paying the price for her failed stewardship of responsibility.

She smirked as she recalled all of the different professors and assistant teachers at the university who constantly and repeatedly hounded her about being responsible – not only with her talent, but in her life as well. Desiree had always been as care-free and whimsical as the wind which made her not only the perfect, most naturally talented wind mage in years, but also made her a real threat as she rarely considered the consequences of her actions. Actions which inevitably led to her leaving the university.

And now I suffer for that lack of responsibility, Desiree thought. If it is ever possible for me to work the air again, I swear I will be more accountable.

But the promise rang hollow. Deep inside, Desiree knew that she was who she was because of the wind and her communion with it. She could no more be responsible with it as the wind itself could be responsible for tornadoes, hurricanes or wind shears. Those things never concerned themselves with the repercussions of their actions; they simply ... were. And Desiree could not be anything else but what she was.

She chuckled lightly at the folly of her internal strife, for it was all a moot point. Her magic was gone and she would now have to live a new life without it. Desiree had hoped that her confession to Skyre would be met with understanding but it was abundantly clear to her that he truly did not know what it was like to be so close to his element that without it he would rather die.

But he had given her a spark of hope, a reason to continue living even if it meant devoid of her magic. Maybe, in time, that space inside could be filled with something else – love, perhaps? -- but for now the hollowness was too painful and raw.
Warren sat on a rock relaxing. He had been with ease carrying people who struggled or were unable to walk. He hadn't talked much, mostly keeping to himself. It was closer to his usual demeanour when it was a standard boring day.

He only usually got more excitable like before when there was fighting that day. It got his blood pumping and made him raucous and driven. On days of calm though he was quieter, occasionally saying gruff comments, but otherwise not starting conversation.

He hadn't thought much actually on the way. The most that went through his simple head is when to pester Rusar again as he always did and what way to train his body. These were typically things like punching rocks or body exercises like numerous push-ups. He did these sometimes when bored when they were having a pit-stop, though they were mostly travelling so there wasn't much time permitted to engage in such activities.

At this time though, Warren got bored of sitting and decided to do 100 push ups to keep him occupied.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Each body was given their own grave, and each grave was marked with stones around the perimeters. The task was arduous, especially with Rederik's injury causing him to take frequent breaks. The graves had to be a certain deepness so that time and weather would not uncover their bodies, and while the task of digging was strenuous labor, bringing the bodies to their resting place was a bit more difficult.

Dead weight is difficult to move regardless of personal standing. In his condition, Rederik found himself dragging most of them by their collars, stopping every few feet as he avoided heavy exertion. Heaving caused his chest to burn and breathing to become more difficult. During his momentary breaks he would look up at the sky, sweat collecting on his skin.

Not many people chose to consider the afterlife in any deep sense. Focus was more readily given to the present in the studies of magic and its science. There were times where Rederik found himself wondering if the afterlife really mattered in the grand scheme of things. None the less, he had vowed to uphold his parents' beliefs and traditions. The methodical process of prayer gave him peace in his life, and he felt it was only right to respect those passed by giving them proper burial.

The charred remains of several of the soldiers still sizzled and smoked from the fight. Rederik had caught a glimpse of the fire mage he had yet to meet as she wielded her abilities. Fire is a difficult element to manage without magic, its properties being more destructive in nature. The horrors of her power only became evident to him as he had to figure out a way to move the burned bodies from the wall to the burial site down the road. They were the last of the soldiers to tend to.

Their armor still held a bit of heat to it, the Spring sun unwilling to allow it to cool. It was difficult for Rederik to find a piece of their shirts or pants to pull them by without it ripping from being previously damaged by fire. Their skin was not an option, and occasionally he had the displeasure of brushing up against it in his trials. He had dealt with burned remains before, but never to this magnitude.

Rederik fashioned a stretcher by interlocking thick, sturdy sticks with strips of vine. As he wove the vine around each piece securely, Naraya emerged from the direction of the river. She was white once again, her fur partially damp from her swim. He welcomed her presence and the opportunity to rest within the shade with a smile.

Once deemed sturdy, Rederik went back to the task, carefully maneuvering each body onto the stretcher and dragging them to the burial site. After filling each grave with the dirt he had dug, he placed the gathered stones around the perimeters and recited the prayer. "May your soul find peace. May your transgressions be forgiven divinely and earthly. Blood of my blood. May you sleep among the stars for eternity."

He had said it so many times the words passed through his lips without fully being aware. The afterlife was such a tricky thing, and one he would never fully understand, but he liked to believe what his parents believed. Everything is connected, and one day his soul would be released to exist among the stars and continue on. Whether the belief is true could be debatable, but in this day and age no one really bothered.

Skyre had said they would journey half an hour eastward, and Rederik's task had taken well over that amount of time. He finally rose, his bones aching with the after effects of his labor. It was time to follow the path Skyre set, and with such a large group moving as one, the path would be easy for him to track.
Rusar wasn't quite comfortable leaving the wounded Rederik behind but he seemed adamant on completing his task of burring the dead soldiers. She could respect him for wanting to bury the dead but couldn't linger around the corpses any longer. They drew up too many thoughts which chipped away at the wall she had build to block off emotions which would just hinder her from moving forward. Rusar fell back into her self appointed role as the quiet scout, moving along with the group but this time not straying too far from them. She chose to scout ahead to make sure there weren't any surprises but this time didn't partake in any side hunting trips, she still had her catches from before to end to in her bag. Even when the group rested she kept watch not trusting the horizon after the platoon of soldiers they came across. With the group in such a state advance warning would make the difference between everyone being able to hide and being caught off guard again like they were in the village.

When the group stopped for another rest Rusar found an elevated point where she could once more watch out for any threats. She hadn't really conversed much with anyone even at resting points. at some point she had taken to carving out new arrow heads to replace the ones used during the battle. The ones use in hunting were often times retrievable but using her magic always incinerated them on contact. Irritated especially when resources were scarce. As she watched the horizon Rusar wondered how far they would get in their little quest. It was rumored that thing were worse near their destination but it was still known as to how bad it really was. In the back of her mind she knew she was going back to where this whole mess started for her and dreaded returning to Aliak.
Skyre had allowed the group to rest for a fair while; they were all tired and were unlikely to want to travel too far, especially as the landscape was beginning to become more treacherous the further east they went. The mood was quiet and that of sheer exhaustion; bar the occasional hushed conversation, the group sat in silence. Only the sound of birdsong and occasional mountain beasts filled the air, and the rustle of nearby leaves being moved in the trees.

The break gave Skyre another opportunity to backtrack recent events with Desiree. How had she really reacted to his kiss? What did she really feel in return? She was constantly amazing him with her unpredicatbility, and this extended to even that event. The fact that she had responded at least a little positively showed that he hadn't done any damage, which laid his worries to rest. But had she even realised the significance of his action yet? Skyre had the sneaking suspician that as he recapped his thoughts in the silence, she too would be collecting hers, formulating some kind of true reaction to his affections.

But for now, he was happy to at least be on her good sides. She had hugged him before, gifted him several words of loyalty and respect, and given him a reassuring wink on the way to their current location. He smiled wildly to himself as he rethought these events. Whatever the case was, things were out in the open to an extent now. He was fairly aware that he normally made any romantic interest rather blatent, and so expected the others to have at least a sneaking suspician of his interests. But how would he have to change to remind her of his interests.

Rising to his feet, Skyre stood and looked back over where they had been. Their current location was hardly a great position to set up camp - he planned to lead them further through the mountains when Rederik returned. So, waiting for the albino man, Skyre though back to the conversation they had overheard back in the village. A living underling for the Shadow King. I wonder what he was supposed to be doing. He shook off the thought; these were all questions which he knew he would not be able to find an answer for. So, waiting for somebody to break the silence, and Rederik's arrival, Skyre stared vacantly back across the valley.
The journey East proved simple for Rederik to track. Harsh footprints in the more impressionable dirt were left behind by someone particularly heavy, likely the newest edition to the caravan. He didn't rely fully on his footprints, though they appeared to stay with the other indications. When the trail became more narrow and overgrown, he took note of broken or turned brush and used undisturbed spiderwebs as the occasional reference point.

The narrow mountains jutted upward like webbed fingers reaching for the skyline. Skyre's trail led him upward, and though it was relieving to see the better path taken, it was a strain on Rederik's injury. During the upward climb, he found himself taking frequent breaks as heaving wheezes escaped his tiring form. Eventually, he found the right pace to continue upward without the need to stop, though it was a rather slow pace usually intended for a casual stroll to enjoy the view.

And he did enjoy the view. The angle of the slope caused a lot of the trees to warp in their initial growth, likely caused by mudslides that have long since dissipated. Several trunks had grown outward almost horizontally before continuing upward in a twist. Large boulders sat in their own clearing, often appearing precariously set and ready to tumble further down the mountain.

Rederik had not expected to catch up to the group in such a quiet state. It wasn't the best locations to have settled, but he was grateful that they had stopped to rest. Everyone looked to have been in need of such a lull in the journey. Naraya yawned in a near roar and stretched before finding a nice spot in the shade to lay for the moment. The pain of his injury pierced through his chest uncomfortably with each breath he took, but the only indication of the annoyance would be the deep furrow of his brow and his expression of concentration to push the pain away.

"How is everyone?" Rederik asked Skyre as he approached their appointed leader, and scanned the horizon with him thoughtfully.
Leaping from her perch on a nearby outcropping Helia regarded Rederick lightly.

"Tired, mentally and physically. No one here seemed to expect that they would at some point fight humans. Reluctance, lack of teamwork and poorly executed planning seems to have taken a heavy toll on them."

Eyeing Rederick head to toe twice, Helia reached into her pack and pulled a skein of water, offering it to the man. Idly she couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that she seemed to quickly turn herself into the teams water girl. Someone had to do it though, right? And it wasn't like she drank that much.

"How are you holding up?"

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