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Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

"Killing him would be wrong, right? Perhaps just knocking him out, another arrow maybe... Damn it of all the people to survive this nightmare, of coarse it would be this stubborn fool." Rusar thought to herself as she glared at the hulking idiot, it was an hateful glare or even angry, just one our of pure irritation. Warren hasn't really changed much over the years a side from multiplying in size, though his brain didn't seem to follow. Once more he was still the antagonizing drunken man-child she remembered. Yes, there was truth to his statements but that didn't mean he was right for saying them so soon after a battle. the group didn't need someone poking at their short coming while still trying to get their barrings. Then again why did she really care? She had barely known these people for a day and had already almost got her killed because one girl couldn't sit still! So why was she defensive? Perhaps attempting to socialize with normal nice people was a very bad idea. Sure social isolation was difficult to deal with at time and down right maddening in other. But getting attached to people who may or may not die on any given day was much worse in Rusars mind. "Perhaps next time I'll use twice the fire power." she growled softly up at Warren before sighing. "Look, I know timing isn't quite something you have a grasp of. but right now is not the time to be pointing out the obvious. Many of them are survivors and were injured even before the battle began. Lay off for now. You can poke fun all you want when they are not just recovering from a battle." She scolded in a harsh but hushed toned not wanting to cause more problems than already existed.

Rusar looked over as Skyre started to gather everyone up to move. She looked back to Warren once his assistance was asked for and narrowed her eyes. "Not a word." She warned knowing he was about to mouth off once more.
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Desiree's consciousness slowly returned as her dream of Decker Hagen retreated to the place in her mind where best-forgotten memories lingered until more inopportune moments. Her entire body shook with the memory and the exhaustion she felt. Wearily, she opened her eyes and tried to sit up.

She made it as far up as leaning on her left elbow before she turned to that uplifted side and retched. Her vomiting came in dry-heaves as she had little to nothing in her stomach to purge. She wept and continued to uncontrollably shake as she tried with great effort to stay steady on her left elbow.

Decker had violated her and the memory of it threw her body into convulsions. She heaved again with the same non-results as before and choked on her sobs. She brought her leaden right arm across her eyes as she tried to wipe away the tears that flowed freely down her dirt-stained cheeks.

But there was something more, or rather something missing. Her eyes shot open in panic – her magic was gone.

That's not possible, Desiree thought frantically amidst the continued trembling. I can't have lost it! It was just there during the fight. I can't have lost it!

Devoid of her sense of the air around her, she plunged into a deep despair. Her talent with air magic was truly the only thing that she had left, and now it was gone!

"NOOOO!" she screamed from her prone and shaking position amidst the rubble of the destroyed building. Her scream was splitting, mournful and filled with utter and complete anguish.

At Skyre's touch, Desiree whipped her head around to face him. Tear-soaked hair plastered wildly across her delicate face and her blue eyes burned maniacally and without focus on him. She cringed away from his touch, and in the same animalistic tone as her scream, hissed at him, "Don't touch me ... don't you DARE touch me!"
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Warren simply did a gruff in agreement. He did always find it funny to annoy Ru, but right know he couldn't be bothered to deal with a angry woman.

He was about to help with carrying, when he heard the scream, he saw a panicked woman, screaming in an almost animal manner. What the hell was she? Traumatized? Well, he was told to go help, so help we shall.

He strolled over to where Desiree stood and picked her up with both hands from just below the shoulders on her arms and placed his face close to her, giving a stern look to shake sense into her. "Calm yourself woman! Or you'll make these lot piss'em selves! Now stop acting up will ya?!"

He let her back on the ground to a standing position and put his hands on his hips. "Honestly..."
Ari lifted her head to see what all the commotion was. She saw Desiree, anguished and shouting, uncalmable. What could have possibly happened to her in the short time she was out? Her usual lovely face was twisted by exhaustion and manic agony. Ari felt a strong desire to help her, as she was the one who'd expressed amiability towards Ari upon meeting her.

But now, Desiree looked nothing like the woman who had laughed lightly in camaraderie. She didn't seem like the same person who stood by Skyre at the fire earlier, not with the way she now hissed at his touch. But what could Ari do? She couldn't even help herself, much less someone as distressed as Desiree was.

Ari couldn't help thinking how much Desiree was like wind itself: one moment calm and soothing, the next spiraling into a tornado of howling violence. How her magical discipline suited her! But what was off now? What event had incited this jet stream of raw anguish? And what, if anything, could be done about it?
Some man, unknown to Desiree, strolled over and actually had the temerity to put his hands on her and lift her up! He drew close and shouted something at her, but in her state the words were foreign. All that she knew was that a man was touching her.

She hissed at the man and struck him across the face with her nails, as she sought to claw out the eyes that leered at her and mocked her past defilement. With a complete loss of control, she slashed at his face again and again and again ....
Rusar jump at the mournful scream of one of the women in the camp, even she could feel the woman anguish. She saw how hysterical the woman was and stayed rooted to where she was wanting no part of it. That was until the blunder that is Warren decided to try his own brand of helping. She gritted her teeth and went over before bashing the man across his back with her bow. "This is not helping, Move." She snapped before turning to the woman unsure but decided to treat her like she would a scared animal. "Un, Hey. Calm down everything going to be fine." She said keeping any harshness from her voice which was quite difficult with all the aggravation and chaos. She didn't the girl for fear of being lashed out at.

He simply stood there stunned. He had a high endurance and could tank a lot, but he wasn't often clawed at.

He wiped the blood of his face. He was ready to punch back, but decided not to. Since hitting back wouldn't get her better.

Gentle wasn't a word in his books, but he did what he thought would work. Clearly it didn't, so he took the attack like a man.

He simply stood there gruffly, like he was trying to help and got rejected. Then was again hit by a swift hit of Rusar's bow. He simply grumbled at the minor soreness of his knotted back.

People just aren't grateful these days He thought to himself. I try what I think helps and all I get is EVEN MORE scars across my body and a battering on me back.
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Wild, un-caged fury eyes darted about as the man that was holding her was removed and replaced with a more soothing voice. Desiree's eyes started to re-focus at the woman before her now. Was she familiar or still part of the dream that mocked her?

Realization began to assume control over her grief and she began to understand her surroundings. She concentrated hard to focus on the woman – she knew that she knew her – and tried to pull herself from the brink of insanity.

"Rusar?" she asked tentatively, as her body continued to shake in uncontrolled fits. Desiree's crazed eyes softened a bit more, but still held panic in them. With a few breaths that barely calmed her, Desiree gained a little more control.

"Yes, Rusar," she confirmed to herself. Then her legs defied her will and she slumped into the woman's arms. She looked up with deep sadness from eyes that typically radiated joy. "Help me," she pleaded.
Skyre staggered back in surprise. His heartbeat rose up, his dreams momentarily shattering before him, but then he quickly calmed himself. She's on another one of her mood swings, this time rather dramatically in the wrong direction. He knew now just to leave her; if she was going to shout at him then she'd likely shout at anyone, regardless of what they did, so he did just that. He was too tired, and deep in thought to try and persuade the others against approaching her, so he just walked past the pair. He was concerned for her, but knew that there was nothing he could do to help her in her current state.

Surprisingly out of character, Skyre's temper was beginning to rise. The worst thing to do in this situation was panic or go into a violent outburst, which multiple people had began to do. Didn't they know that it would only make things worse? Didn't they know that that would only drop morale lower than the almighty depth it had already reached? No. Skyre didn't want to be a part of this situation. He wanted everything to be calm and predictable, that we he could help to control things. So why had he had to fall for somebody so erratic? Turning back, he saw that she had now calmed down a little, and was lying in Rusar's arms, but he had no doubt about the mental effect her outburst would have on everybody else.

If something like that happens again, I'm going to blow.

Skyre walked vacantly to Ari's side. "Are you alright?" he asked. "We need to get out of here quickly before Marek and his other goons return."
Rusar kept her tone soft trying to reassure her thankfully it was working and stopped flailing wildly. She didn't expect to suddenly be leaned on but managed not to push her away which was her first instinct. She looked over to Skyre for some kind of hint as to what to do next but he seemed lost in his own world as he walked off. She tentatively put her arms around the frightened woman. "Help her? Help her how?" she thought, did she think they were still in battle? that someone was still trying to kill her? Rusar settled for just petting Desiree's head. "It's fine. The danger has passed." she reassured
The comfort that Rusar was giving worked and Desiree's shaking began to recede. She still found it difficult to catch her breath as her body was still wracked with sobs, but slowly Desiree was restoring control.

"Danger?" Desiree asked and she looked around as if finally recognizing where they were. "Oh," she managed at last.

Desiree tried to pull her cloak about her, "I'm so cold," she said. "So cold and empty. Hells, Rusar, I had no idea it could feel like this." As she spoke, she tried to wrap her cloak even tighter and looked around the area.

Many of the party had been wounded, but appeared to have been patched up by the medically inclined in the group. She glowered at the man that dared to pick her up and realized she didn't know him.

"Who is that?" she asked Rusar as she nodded her head in Warren's general direction. "I don't remember him." A slight panic rose in Desriee's voice. If I can't remember him, then what else have I forgotten? Has my loss of magic damaged me more than I know?
Ari nodded slowly, but she was honestly not sure how she felt. She was still tired, sore, weak. But Desiree's display had helped her realize that it could be worse. Of course, Ari was a generally calm person. She was unlikely to lose it that badly. Or so she liked to think.

Regardless, Desiree was getting a handle on things now. She was calming down.

Ari turned her attention back to Skyre. She stood shakily. "I think I'm okay to move a bit." Her voice came out as a hoarse croak, providing every indication contrary to her words.
He stood up, towering over her. His face was starting to heal and he was littered with scars anyhow, so he didn't care much for the recent addition.

"I'd be worried if ya knew me lass because I don't!" He laughed. He may be blunt, but he didn't let sentimentality get to him. Maybe she was just shook up from fighting.

"I'm Warren Davis. Rusars friend. I like to drink and punch people who attack me, though for now you are an exception. As the shadow king put all taverns out of business, he's on my list of people to punch."

He raised his fist up to shoulder level for exaggeration of his point.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Rusar sighed when Desiree calmed down and came to her senses. She kept her arms around her just in case the fit started again, she made herself warmer using a bit of magic in an attempt to try and warm the girl up but wasn't sure how much it would help. She looked over at Warren at least he was doing better, but knew he wasn't about the help for trying to help. "...Sorry about him he's... well very tactless when it comes to interacting with people. We used to live in neighboring villages before all this happened." she explained.
Clara lifted her head at the sound of a desperate scream, her eyes locking onto the newly collapsed house. Desiree was the one screaming for reasons that Clara didn't quite understand. As far she knew Desiree had only just woken up and yet she was in such a panic that Clara thought, for a split second, that perhaps Skyre had actually died because of the risky move he had tried. Her stomach clenched at the thought but was quickly calmed when she noticed the red hair amongst the small crowd forming around the woman. She let out a shaky breathe, turning her eyes away in thought before she rested her chin on her arm and gazed blindly at the dead body in front of her.

She had clearly blocked out the world for a moment, at least until the yelling began to die down and the tension with it. Clara glanced up once more, her hearing tuning into the conversation a short distance away as she locked her eyes onto Desiree. The wind mage looked tired, weak, and many degrees less friendly then she had been before the battle. However when she made the comment about being cold Clara had to fight back the desire to offer a helping hand to the woman. Clara knew that Desiree probably didn't want her anywhere close to her right now, if she had made a pass at Skyre then there was no knowing what the temperamental mage would do to Clara if she dared to approach.

It's best to keep your distance from her for now. She told herself, Her and Skyre both. Don't want to rub salt onto the wound. So instead of offering to use a bit of fire magic to warm up the woman, Clara settled her eyes on a rock. She wondered vaguely if she should go hunt for her grandfather but with the level of fatigue she was still feeling it would be dangerous to wander much farther then she already had. Her wound had stopped bleeding to her knowledge but that didn't mean the loss of blood hadn't happened. She wasn't fit to travel without someone close by to help her if she needed it.

This worried her, with this many soldier missing the man from before would have to return. If they were here when the main group did appear, it would be another fight for sure. One that the group would not survive. They needed to move, to hide at the very least. Still, with some people still unconscious and Desiree at the point of exhaustion where she wasn't thinking clearly it didn't look like they could make it far without falling apart.
Still wrapped tight in her cloak as she leaned against Rusar, Desiree listened to the man introduce himself with braggadocio. She inclined her head toward Rusar and said, "Friend of yours, eh?"

She then grinned feebly and added to Warren, "That's a large boast from such a small man. You can try to punch me if you like, but I doubt many around here would give you more than your first chance."

Desiree nodded toward Rusar, "Help me stand, please. I think I can manage it now." With Rusar's assistance, she found her balance on her own two feet. "Thanks for the warmth," she said, "but the cold runs much deeper than that."

She cast her eyes around for her quarterstaff, so that she might use it to help her walk. She discovered it among the rubble where she had battered down the soldier before passing out. It was splintered into two pieces.

Desiree snorted at her continued ill fortune. She had the clothes that she wore and nothing else. The pain of the loss of her magic stabbed deeply and she reached for Rusar's arm to steady herself as the moment passed. She nodded thanks to the woman.

"I need to talk to Skyre," she said to Rusar. "Would you be so kind and help me walk to him?"
"Good enough for me, we won't have to travel long, just enough to be rid of this village," Skyre grunted, and walked past her. Now there was onlt one person left to heard, and perhaps the person who would be the most difficult. She blames herself for the battle and all that went on in it, apparently. But she shouldn't, she can't. We all make mistakes, and if she's wallowing around I have to help her up before we all get caught.

It didn't take long for him to locate Clara; he found her leaning against a broken wall, eyes wide in horror. the very sight of her state set ripples of angst through his body; she really was in a state. Then it struck him. I wonder if she feels guilty about what happened to me and Desiree?

"Hey," he said, trying to put on a warm smile as he knelt near her, "you don't need to worry about us, you know. It was a natural mistake to make, and we all make them, and we're all alive so nothing majorly horrific came from it. Now, are you physically alright?" He noticed the wound on her arm, but like many things he noticed, he simply didn't address them - he figured that Ethan had already done something to it, and didn't want to be overly sympathetic. "We need to move out of here, are you ok to walk?"
He grinned stupidly at her statement and crossed his arms, his large biceps showing.

He then made after a handsign rocks cover his one arm and fist, to stress his next point. He said in a teasing tone: "Then I'll just tank their first hit and hit them or punch so hard with the first hit they can't move!". Warren then shook off the rocks on his arm with his magic and sat down next to the girl he saved earlier, who was being counselled by Skyre.

He didn't say anything, just sat there watching people. He would go to help people if he was called over though. He wondered to himself what he should do next. The best choice seemed to follow this posse, with nothing better to do, but he wasn't sure if these people even wanted him with them.
Rusar wasn't quite sure why she questioned if Warren was a friend, was it so odd to have one? Then again she wasn't quite sure what Warren was, they had been friends at one point but that seemed so long ago. She let her heat fade after helping Desiree up allowing her to shuffle around on her own. Rusar picked up her bow and slipped it on so the the bow rested diagonally across her torso leaving her hands free. When Desiree leaned on her once more she wrapped an arm around waist to keep her stead. She looked over to where the other laid spotting the red head near one of the girls and helped Desiree over to the small group.
Clara's eyes didn't move from the rock, not when she heard the crunch of approaching feet scuffling through the dirt and not when she felt Skyre squat beside her. Her heart inadvertently quickened as she spied his heavy gaze at the corner of her own, trying to hold her body still enough so that her shaking hands weren't apparent. When he spoke she had to swallow down the lump getting caught there before she could reply.

"I'm fine." She stated, though she wasn't quite sure if it was her pride that was talking or her fear of him being so close. Somehow it felt as though something would happen if she was close to him, like she was a walking sign for danger and chaos. Skyre was easily one of the most important people in the caravan of people she had joined. Clara was not; in the pecking order she had to be close to, if not, the bottom person. Chaos and leadership had never gone well together and for that reason she wanted to keep a wide birth from both Skyre and Desiree, both being pillars of the group in her mind.

"I can walk." Clara tried for a smile but it faltered slightly when she saw Desiree approaching with the help of one of the others. She scrambled to her feet, though the action made pain shoot through her aching body, and cleared her throat. "I... I think I see my grandfather." She said lamely despite the fact that Magnus had clearly not made it back to the town yet. With a nervous glance toward Skyre and the man who had saved her during battle she gave an awkward little nod of her head and staggered off.
Desiree thanked Rusar as the shuffled toward Skyre and Clara. She ignored Warren's continued boasting as they passed. "I, for one," she muttered to Rusar with a hint of disgust, "will not hold you responsible for him. But if he doesn't get with the program, I'll be the first one to favor his expulsion from this group. We have enough loose arrows in the quiver now without adding another."

As they progressed toward where Skyre was talking with Clara, Desiree's strength continued to return. She was still weakened from the over-use of her now missing magic and the subsequent shock to her system – not to mention the inner turmoils brought about by all of that and the dream of Decker.

When they arrived, Desiree was fairly comfortable standing on her own, but hovered near to Rusar just in case. She held out her hand, palm extended, toward Skyre both to allay his apprehension, but also to maintain her distance from the boy. With all that had happened, she wasn't ready to be close to any men right now.

"Skyre, we need to talk," she said. Her typically radiant eyes were dulled as if they had lost all hope and life.

She looked toward Rusar and added, "Please stay."
Skyre watched, concerned, as she trundled away into the forest. Clara was clearly not alright, and unless she was seeing things would not have spotted Magnus amongst the trees. So my words did absolutely nothing to her then. I guess somebody else will have to try to stop that guilt.

Turning back, Skyre found himself greeted by the sight of both Warren and Desiree, and wondered, a little impatiently, what they wanted. "Go on then," he nodded to Desiree, walking them privately to just inside the forest, waiting for her to address him.
Rusar sighed as she sat next to Warren watching as Skyre and Desiree walked off to have there chat. She took particular notice of the shift in the red heads personality and wanted no part of it. She looked over to Warren staring at him a moment. She rested her head back against the house and closed her eyes focusing on her breathing a moment to recenter her self. Things settled in to a quiet chaos with everyone in an unbalanced state. -That just meant she had to try harder to keep her cool and be rational. If anything or anyone happened upon their ragtag group her and Warren were the only once able to fight without the restrictions of exhaustion or injury. Rusar looked over to Warren staring at him a moment. "Sorry for hitting you..." She apologized sincerely, her voice still calm "Just a for warning grabbing a screaming woman is never a good idea though. Though you should know that with how many times I beat your back black and blue" she smirked slightly.

Desiree follow Skyre several steps from Rusar, but kept a wary eye on the distance between them. Desiree was ... apprehensive ... and her posture was one who looked ready to run at an instant.

She looked around nervously as if she were trying to find just the right words. When she spoke, it was almost as if she were embarrassed; her shoulders had drooped and she wouldn't look Skrye in the eye.

"Look, it's like this," she finally started as she hurried through what little courage she was able to muster. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you better. It was my job and I failed. I would ask for another chance to be your protector but ..."

Desiree paused, looked skyward as tears formed and began to slowly creep down her cheeks. "Hells," she said as she painfully choked back her sobs. She took a deep breath and wiped her face with her hands which spread yet more grime on her face.

She finally looked into Skyre's eyes with complete despair, "I've lost it Skyre. I have no magic anymore."

She turned her face away from him so that she wouldn't see his disgust and disapproval in her for her failure and now for her incompleteness. Decker's violation plunged her further into humiliation. She was worthless.

Desiree fought back more tears, and tried a weak smile and laugh, neither of which held their customary charm, "I'm broken, fly-boy. I am no longer of any use to you or this group. I cannot help them and I cannot protect you. Hells, I don't even have my staff anymore!"

She looked away again, and wiped her face with her sleeve. "I refuse to be a burden to you or this band. I'll leave another direction once you all get together and head out."
"Heh, I guess I never to learn." He grinned. "Also don't worry Ru, you've hit me enough times for me not to give two when you do." he chuckled to himself. He didn't bother look at Ru, seeing as she seemed fine before. He was happy she apologised though.

She always pushed herself more than necessary, so for a long time he hoped his brash approach would force her out of her personal introverted seclusion. She was usually angry about it, but that anger was her true personality, which is what he was looking for, not the mask she wears.

He looked over hearing the sobbing Desiree. "That woman has real lost it. I wish there was something I could do. Much as I look, I dun like seein women in pain." He breathed a big sigh, though that might just be his large lungs, "But it aint like there is summat I can do. Last time I tried she clawed my face like a cat!" He laughed. He liked her fierceness among other things, similar to what Rusar had."

He leant back, resting his hands behind his head where he leant on the house. "Aaaaah its a crazy group ye managed to find here. I like it. Life was gettin real borin since all this madness had gone down a month back."

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