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Realistic or Modern The Long War OOC

The only one who could passably get away with it is Henrik because the Dutch accent and Dutch sounds more similar to German than the others.
You know what I just realized I should've mentioned in my Gurkhas CS? The fact that they tend to have a morbid dark sense of humor as well. Easy fix soon enough.

Also Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford plssss get to meh at some point ik you may be strapped for time on other RP's but you may have the time to do it now considering you were just chatting it up with us on OOC so when you get the chance I would appreciate if you would get to me I am sorry if I seem impatient, I simply want to get my Gurkha character up and running doing stuff since there is not a lot of room for interaction there right now.
You know what I just realized I should've mentioned in my Gurkhas CS? The fact that they tend to have a morbid dark sense of humor as well. Easy fix soon enough.

Also Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford plssss get to meh at some point ik you may be strapped for time on other RP's but you may have the time to do it now considering you were just chatting it up with us on OOC so when you get the chance I would appreciate if you would get to me I am sorry if I seem impatient, I simply want to get my Gurkha character up and running doing stuff since there is not a lot of room for interaction there right now.
Alright. I'm really sorry! I'll get right on it!
i’m like really hoping maggie and henrick can be a thing eventually but i’m not gonna force anything:csmile::D
I've been watching Black Book on Netflix and I gotta make a character based off of the protagonist mANG
Hey guys sorry for not saying anything recently, I am about to finish my Gurkha's post, Kvetoslav is gonna post again next.

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