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Realistic or Modern The Long War OOC

Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford ReverseTex ReverseTex
Should the Russians jump in at any point? :^) I gotta have Maggie meet Henrick and you're half way over to their lines ^u^
Plus our Brits can meet up and exchange the latest news from back home ♡
Hoo boy that was quite the introduction, btw I totally left out the grisly details of those German's soldiers death's on purpose to let your imaginations go wild on that example as to how they died. Have fun imagining the grisly ways those men could've died to a Kukri!

Oh and for those that don't know what a Kukri looks like...


Oh and they can cut pretty much through some bone, definitely decapitate you, etc.
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Just to clarify some things, the guy that's with Henry isn't James. He's an American spy I'm about to post on the CS. I accidentally called him James.
Just to clarify some things, the guy that's with Henry isn't James. He's an American spy I'm about to post on the CS. I accidentally called him James.
Blep, sorry to bother you, but did you look over my request? :p
Oh, no. Sorry! That sounds fine! Like I said, I have so many notifications that some get lost.
Btw in case the notification got lost, I posted a post intended for James and saving him from the German's in quite the horror movie like direction I would say myself lol. But in case it got lost I just wanted to let you know about my post!
Sorry. Gurkas, I mean. The Gurkas are really cool. If Call of Duty WWII lets you play as a Gueka, I'm completely sold.
Ik! It's highly unlikely though, I honestly was one of those people that suggested it for CoD WWII and Battlefield One when that came out. You have to remember though historically the Gurkha's were only present on the Burma, North African, and Italian fronts and other assorted areas and regions so that's also going to limit it.
Ik! It's highly unlikely though, I honestly was one of those people that suggested it for CoD WWII and Battlefield One when that came out. You have to remember though historically the Gurkha's were only present on the Burma, North African, and Italian fronts and other assorted areas and regions so that's also going to limit it.
I know. But imagine charging the Italians with kukris as you screamed and then cutting them to pieces. That would be amazing.
I know. But imagine charging the Italians with kukris as you screamed and then cutting them to pieces. That would be amazing.
Exactly! I would absolutely be in love with it! The Gurkha's really deserve more credit and awareness! And respect! Those men are so loyal and disciplined and have done so much shit for Britain. They do deserve more attention than they get.
Exactly! I would absolutely be in love with it! The Gurkha's really deserve more credit and awareness! And respect! Those men are so loyal and disciplined and have done so much shit for Britain. They do deserve more attention than they get.
They really do. I would also want something with the French Foreign Legion. Their awesome too.
They really do. I would also want something with the French Foreign Legion. Their awesome too.
Ik but I think we know who was superior...

> cue the Deadliest Warrior French Foreign Legion vs Gurkhas episode. Which was actually the last episode of the show aside from the Vampire's vs Zombies episode
I know! That's how I found out about both of them! That was awesome!
That was the same for me too! I actually did know a bit about the FFL before then but not a lot, and I had never in my life heard of the Gurkha's before then, but after that I couldn't help but learn more about them, and then I just learned so much about how tough they actually are and the stories during WWII of how men fought to the last breath even with serious wounds against waves and just cut down or shot more on. And even today the quality of the Gurkha's hasn't changed, you know recently a Gurkha who actually had to be taken out of selection because of an injury got moved to train for his selection with the Coldstream Guards (who are also an elite unit) and HE STILL MANAGED TO PASS WITH FLYING COLORS IN FIRST PLACE IN THE SELECTION. And that's only an example of today's Gurkha's in training!
That was the same for me too! I actually did know a bit about the FFL before then but not a lot, and I had never in my life heard of the Gurkha's before then, but after that I couldn't help but learn more about them, and then I just learned so much about how tough they actually are and the stories during WWII of how men fought to the last breath even with serious wounds against waves and just cut down or shot more on. And even today the quality of the Gurkha's hasn't changed, you know recently a Gurkha who actually had to be taken out of selection because of an injury got moved to train for his selection with the Coldstream Guards (who are also an elite unit) and HE STILL MANAGED TO PASS WITH FLYING COLORS IN FIRST PLACE IN THE SELECTION. And that's only an example of today's Gurkha's in training!
The Gurkas are basically born soldiers. They naturally have more red blood cells, so physical endurance is no problem, and they come from a rough region, so they are natural fighters. I love them so much.
The Gurkas are basically born soldiers. They naturally have more red blood cells, so physical endurance is no problem, and they come from a rough region, so they are natural fighters. I love them so much.
Ik they literally as apart of their training have to run a 5 mile run uphill while carrying 55 lbs in a basket on their back only being held by a headstrap... It's ridiculous. Also there is an annual race across the South Downs called the Trailwalker 100km, and the quickest a British team can hope to complete it in is around 12 or 13 hours. Gurkhas, who win it every year, can do it in 8 and a half.
Ik they literally as apart of their training have to run a 5 mile run uphill while carrying 55 lbs in a basket on their back only being held by a headstrap... It's ridiculous. Also there is an annual race across the South Downs called the Trailwalker 100km, and the quickest a British team can hope to complete it in is around 12 or 13 hours. Gurkhas, who win it every year, can do it in 8 and a half.
Really? Wow. That's worse than what the SAS have to do. They're basically superhuman.

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