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Realistic or Modern The Long War OOC

I always gush with excitement when I get the chance to unveil a Gurkha character, because I honestly hold them with such respect and they are so badass, and I have so much fun terrorizing Germans or Japanese or Italians lol.
I have this urge to befriend the awesome Gurkha character, I also wanna see how he deals with the cold :p
I have this urge to befriend the awesome Gurkha character, I also wanna see how he deals with the cold :p
He would deal with the cold perfectly, Gurkhas are from Nepal, so they are used to the mountainous and cold terrain of the Himalayas. Which makes them have more red blood cells which makes them more physically fit, to adapt to the lack of oxygen there, which makes them perfect for all other climates as well.
The Gurkha has been unleashed unto the world, maybe you should make a character on the Western German front, to get close to him.
I might make Maggie see whether or not she can reach British lines. Could be interesting as to whether or not she gets ambushed or bumps into your Gurkha - or both *^*
It could be doubled as a messenger/postal run, since the Russians appear to have either shite radio or none at all
I might make Maggie see whether or not she can reach British lines. Could be interesting as to whether or not she gets ambushed or bumps into your Gurkha - or both *^*
It could be doubled as a messenger/postal run, since the Russians appear to have either shite radio or none at all
That would take so many days tho you would be doing practically nothing the entire RP aside from, random NPC Gestapo patrol appears! Maggie runs, hides with some collaborators, rinse and repeat.
hey y’all i wanna mark my interest, and i’ll have something up later this evening! but any particular spot you want filled?!
On the other hand, I might make a German/Jewish Rebel ;^) Fight the good fight comrades
Well, my American paratrooper just got captured, so maybe you could save him. He needs some help. Also, I'm working on a British airman that's with him in the transport.
My Gurkha was going to chop those German's too pieces first but we will see, lol. I guess that would create a good interaction on the western front... it's looking kinda quiet right now...


I will escort myself out for that.
Also does anyone mind giving me a recap?
Everything's quiet on the Eastern front and Western front, just idle conversation in the east for now, a German airman went down over Iran? I think and that American is being threatened with being captured, but the Gurkhas are about to save the day.

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