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Realistic or Modern The Long War OOC

Rusty of Shackleford

Ten Thousand Club
Hello! This is the OOC for the alternate history WWII RP I'm doing! This is where we discuss plot points, ideas, etc. Hope yo app enjoy on the IC is up!
Pretty good. About to create another character sheet for a British soldier. Yourself?
'Eyy everyone, gonna be making a CS for a Gurkha, gonna be chopping people to pieces with a good ol' Kukri. (Not literally but Kukri's are fucking dangerous man)
Hey guys sorry for not saying anything and not posting yet, I promise I will post soon, also would you be ok with changing history slightly. It's not too big of a change comparatively.

So considering I am gonna be creating a Gurkha character, would it be ok if we allowed Gurkha's in Germany? As in considering the wall was built the British decide to send Gurkha's through France and into Germany to give the troops a boost? Also I see it as an opportunity to save your American character and interact with him considering you have him basically sitting around doing nothing.
Hey guys sorry for not saying anything and not posting yet, I promise I will post soon, also would you be ok with changing history slightly. It's not too big of a change comparatively.

So considering I am gonna be creating a Gurkha character, would it be ok if we allowed Gurkha's in Germany? As in considering the wall was built the British decide to send Gurkha's through France and into Germany to give the troops a boost? Also I see it as an opportunity to save your American character and interact with him considering you have him basically sitting around doing nothing.
At this point, I think its safe to say that you'll be fine, long as you're attached to a British unit. British forces have one of the best geographical advantage when it comes to incorporating a foreign characters in a fictional RP. Grab your kukri and prepare for battle! >:3
At this point, I think its safe to say that you'll be fine, long as you're attached to a British unit. British forces have one of the best geographical advantage when it comes to incorporating a foreign characters in a fictional RP. Grab your kukri and prepare for battle! >:3
True but I mean the Gurkhas were only historically sent to Italy in Europe, so meh, I guess I could change it up a bit.
True but I mean the Gurkhas were only historically sent to Italy in Europe, so meh, I guess I could change it up a bit.
Tbh we're technically rewriting history, with the need for numbers after the continuation of the war, we could technically see the Gurkhas take that position (:
Tbh we're technically rewriting history, with the need for numbers after the continuation of the war, we could technically see the Gurkhas take that position (:
True, also considering the Gurkhas are such badass troops (respect) the British would probably see a need to bring hardier troops to the front that could end the war.
True, also considering the Gurkhas are such badass troops (respect) the British would probably see a need to bring hardier troops to the front that could end the war.
I'm pretty pumped for your Gurkha character if I'm honest, super excited to see him! ^^
I'm pretty pumped for your Gurkha character if I'm honest, super excited to see him! ^^
I always gush with excitement when I get the chance to unveil a Gurkha character, because I honestly hold them with such respect and they are so badass, and I have so much fun terrorizing Germans or Japanese or Italians lol.

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